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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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B) Could be fixed by simply deciding on a canon route but studios are creating these shows to appeal to the fans and so they end up pandering to as many people as possible.

Fate Stay Night is even more problematic there since the different routes, although alternate events, were also clearly meant to be read one after another. Reading Fate by itself would leave out a lot of character development for Shirou and Archer, and many revelations about the story. Meanwhile, skipping to Heaven's Feel would result in many of the twists, which were done based on the viewer's established perception of the characters from the other routes, losing all of their impact.

That's one of the reasons I think Ufotable's Fate will be another original mix of the routes, rather than any single route from the game.
Fate Stay Night is even more problematic there since the different routes, although alternate events, were also clearly meant to be read one after another. Reading Fate by itself would leave out a lot of character development for Shirou and Archer, and many revelations about the story. Meanwhile, skipping to Heaven's Feel would result in many of the twists, which were done based on the viewer's established perception of the characters from the other routes, losing all of their impact.

That's one of the reasons I think Ufotable's Fate will be another original mix of the routes, rather than any single route from the game.
Yea I cannot imagine watching the FSN remake without
Unlimited Blade Works and Dark Sakura,
because those routes explain so much vital information about many different characters.

animegaf, what is your profession/training anyhow
Well i got a diploma on electronics ( making things electronics and stuff ) and then i went on the industrial side of programming within electronics.
Then i went and got 2 other diplomas , one on networks ( management and stuff that i upgraded recently ( CISCO stuff)) and another on programming ( mainly web based but i know several other languages that are more common ).

After several jobs , from electronics repairs to networking management at a internet provider to more structural network stuff , i currently work at a high school where i try to manage their big network ( 4 buildings, 5 networks , +300 computers ) while helping all those students to get their exams the best i can. Only 2 days before the holidays for me ..

Almost forgot, some minor AX14 stuff:

-So I got to try out the Occulus Rift with Asuna/SAO. They had four demos running, two SAO related and the other two Miku related. It was luck of the draw which one you actually got to use so I was happy that the SAO one after waiting in line for 20 minutes. Anyway the first one opened up with the Blue Eyed Demon battle and you watch Asuna fight for a little bit. The visuals weren't really that impressive and I was left underwhelmed for the most part. The second one blew my mind. It was really simple, mainly Asuna sleeping under a tree. The thing is though is that when you look around, it's almost like you're in Aincrad. There's just open skies and roads around you. I would be willing to kill for a high production MMO like that. Just exploring wherever I want. The OR visuals as a whole leave a bit to be desired, mainly in that the resolution is still too low. The head tracking was good though and I couldn't detect any latency.

In short, give me a high production SAO MMO and it will destroy any semblance of a life I have.

-I never saw all of the Trigger staff together at once. Even at the KLK panel, Tattun and Wakabayashi weren't on stage. Sort of weird.

-The KLK panel was straight questions from the audience, which I appreciated. I hated some of the other panels such as the Space Dandy one because a bunch of questions were already prepared and just useless filler interview shit. The best panels had a lot of fan interaction.

-My favorite panels were the KLK and Titmouse one. The Titmouse one just because they spoke English and so there wasn't a language barrier between them and the audience. It allowed for people to yell out and the guys upfront to know exactly what they meant. Not having the barrier of a translator really allows a fluidity that was missing from many of the other panels. Also the guys from Titmouse were pretty funny as a bunch. The KLK panel was great for the reason explained above. I also really loved the Trigger panel just due to all the new stuff they showed off. I didn't have a chance to go to as many panels as I wanted to but the good ones were really good.

-The Eir Aoi concert was better than I expected. I really don't most of her OPs but she did a fine job in a live setting.

-Lines were absolutely insane especially for anything noteworthy on the schedule. Thank you god that I had the foresight last year to buy a Premium Pass.

-AX as a whole was really mismanaged this year. I don't blame the volunteers but the higher-ups as basic shit that should have gone smoothly, didn't. Everything seemed to run late and/or be a complete mess.

-Biggest fuckup of the con is a tie between AX staff for autographs on Day 2 and Funimation for the Terror in Resonance premiere. How the fuck do you not check the video file before demonstrating it to a live audience of roughly 500 people?

-Did I mention that Trigger is really popular? Guys all over the place in KLK cosplay. :(

Thank for those impressions , now i wish i could try it too . Glad to see positive impressions.
Did the occulus rift focus was only on visual or did they try to sell their "demo" with sounds to get more people immersed ?


Lol that wasn't it. Trust me not even close. It was during an argument where a guy said that because I haven't played the game for a 100+ hours that my opinion didn't matter.

fuck i hate that arguement

playtime doesnt mean shit, i shit on kids with 5-10x more hours put into dota 2 than myself


Yea I cannot imagine watching the FSN remake without
Unlimited Blade Works and Dark Sakura,
because those routes explain so much vital information about many different characters.


Ok NOW Im ready for anime. Got some fried chicken and green tea and its yummy chicken anime fun time.

Hanayamata 1
I might like this. I just have to get over those eyes...

Those eyes are just WOW. But that one girl is super cute.


Ok NOW Im ready for anime. Got some fried chicken and green tea and its yummy chicken anime fun time.

Those eyes are just WOW. But that one girl is super cute.

It's been Anime fun time most of the day for me so far. Only 2 more episodes of the first season of F/Z left!
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin - 02

Pretty good second episode , featuring new characters and A TRAP ? wait ;..this episode had multiples TRAPS , Some in the simple sense and some in teh figurative anime sense.
I don't know witch is worse but i do know that several more characters were introduced and that i'm still enjoying this :

Can you really hate a ghost that plays virtua fighter and phantasy star online ? i simply can't.
Clannad 13

Ah, so she does know how to play the violin. I wonder if her putting too much pressure on the strings nowadays has something to do with her painful memories.

Well, that explains her reaction to the bear costume.

Wait a minute, is that an apple pie on the coffee table? Nice callback to two episodes ago.

Holy wow at all this dedication Okazaki's putting in!

Kyou complaining about reckless bikers? What world are we living in?

Not really much to say about this episode.

Always fun to read this. Don't worry if I don't chime in much. I usually have a lot more to say at the end of arcs when all is said and done.


Do we have any idea who's writing Terror in Resonance? I realized I jotted down the name of the guy credited for, I think, the screenplay (I have a really poor memory) for episode one. Shoten Yano. A quick google search didn't yield any results, so maybe I misspelled it or something. Staff junkies have any idea? Or maybe we already know? A newcomer?

Infinite kayos.
Oh no... close the loop before it's too late!
Despite my qualms, I did like episode 11 of Fate/Zero and found it to be one of the more interesting episodes. For an episode centered on a conversation it was surprisingly well executed. I didn't comment on episode 10 but I did like that one too, even if the story being constrained to a single episode hampered it. It was nice to see an episode focused on a single character, even if it was a side character and there was some intent for fanservice (not the sexual kind mind you).
Also it had been bugging me that the consequences of all the child kidnappings hadn't been addressed.
I went over all of your points of concern about a TV show and tried to explain they're very far fetched at best, that's what I said nothing more.


If that's how you judge people I definitely don't want to see eye-to-eye.
I'm sorry, that post was on the rude side. But I do feel like arguing with you would be fruitless.
Anyway, if you can't get past your perceived sexism from this show at this point and see what it's really saying, I suggest you stop watching right now because second half may look way way worse to you.
This line felt overly dismissive of my perspective.


Do we have any idea who's writing Terror in Resonance? I realized I jotted down the name of the guy credited for, I think, the screenplay (I have a really poor memory) for episode one. Shoten Yano. A quick google search didn't yield any results, so maybe I misspelled it or something. Staff junkies have any idea? Or maybe we already know? A newcomer?

No, we don't know who is writing it. Shoten Yano is almost definitely a pen name or some sort of collective name for the people working on the show. When it's a name no one has every heard of writing for a high profile show with a renowned director, and the name can form a word pun, I generally find it hard to believe that it's coincidentally some newcomer. "Ya no Shoten" would be "the arrow's focus", so yeah, smells like a pen name pun to me, just like E7AO (uh oh?).
Do we have any idea who's writing Terror in Resonance? I realized I jotted down the name of the guy credited for, I think, the screenplay (I have a really poor memory) for episode one. Shoten Yano. A quick google search didn't yield any results, so maybe I misspelled it or something. Staff junkies have any idea? Or maybe we already know? A newcomer?

No one is credited for series composition on the official site. "Shoten Yano" sounds like a pen name: shoten is Japanese for "bookstore", while it isn't a name, at least not one listed in my dictionary.


No, we don't know who is writing it. Shoten Yano is almost definitely a pen name or some sort of collective name for the people working on the show. When it's a name no one has every heard of writing for a high profile show with a renowned director, and the name can form a word pun, I generally find it hard to believe that it's coincidentally some newcomer. "Ya no Shoten" would be "the arrow's focus", so yeah, smells like a pen name pun to me, just like E7AO (uh oh?).
Ahh, so sort of the same deal as Hajime Yatate or Headgear then?


All You Need is Kill

This was extremely different from the LN(all it really shares is the main premise and the characters' names), but it was still a pretty good movie. I thought it was funny how much they dumbed down the explanation for the Mimics. They really chickened out on the ending, though. And maybe I missed it but the credits didn't seem to even acknowledge the existence of the source novel, really shameful. Still, the movie had a nice, black comedy tone, and good chemistry between the leads. It's worth watching, but if you have the chance, you should also check out the novel, since it's a completely different story.
Infinite kayos.

Why did i laugh at this ?

Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin - 03

This episode was actually very good , it reminded me of phi brain with puzzle solving shit with high stakes. Very entertaining.

That wizartd can felt like a cheat code but nanana said it's not so i'm intrested to see why.

Be carefull of the nasty effects it could have on your career !

The character building was actually nice and i'm still wondering what the hell is going on.

I can't help but think that the pay-off is not gonna be pretty.


No one is credited for series composition on the official site. "Shoten Yano" sounds like a pen name: shoten is Japanese for "bookstore", while it isn't a name, at least not one listed in my dictionary.

It's 矢野焦点. not 矢野商店. :)

Either way, yeah, it's very likely not a name because even the Japanese fans who were at screenings were pretty confused. It could very well just be Watanabe and Tachikawa writing the scripts together or something. Who knows.
I often feel that the best way to receive the information that the show is trying to convey is buy reading it as a book.
:p What I was getting at is that reading engages the brain differently, for me anyway. I feel it puts me in a more critical mode and introduces more mental fatigue. Normally that isn't so much of an issue for works with lighter dialogue.
I would say, specifically in episode 11, that it's not only a clash of ideologies but cultures as well. I always thought Rider and Archer were very sexist but that's because their personality and actions are formed by the culture they grew up in. Rider and Archer both grew up in a very patriarchal and male-dominant society. As a result it's no wonder that they act the way they do. The idea of knighthood is associated with males. Even in Game of Thrones. Even Lancer is shocked to find out that a female can go toe-to-toe with him. I believe the sexism in the show is inherent because of the nature of the premise.
The show definitely acknowledges sexism to an extent but the way it goes about it troubles me. When it makes it obvious to the audience it is usually the low hanging fruits, rather than making the audience aware of the more complex forces at work. Which makes me question whether the creative team are even aware or wish to talk about it.

We can certainly deduce that Archer and Rider are products of their cultures (and Saber too) but does the show encourage the audience to do that?


Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin - 02

Pretty good second episode , featuring new characters and A TRAP ? wait ;..this episode had multiples TRAPS , Some in the simple sense and some in teh figurative anime sense.
I don't know witch is worse but i do know that several more characters were introduced and that i'm still enjoying this :

Can you really hate a ghost that plays virtua fighter and phantasy star online ? i simply can't.

If you are using that word the way I think you are, I ask politely that you please stop.



I like the idea of the setup to provide somewhere for a sports v science v humanities fight. Episode one though was pretty lacking.


:p What I was getting as is that reading engages the brain differently, for me anyway. I feel it puts me in a more critical mode and introduces more mental fatigue. Normally that isn't so much of an issue for works with lighter dialogue.

The show definitely acknowledges sexism to an extent but the way it goes about it troubles me. When it makes it obvious to the audience it is usually the low hanging fruits, rather than making the audience aware of the more complex forces at work. Which makes me question whether the creative team are even aware.

I think you also need to consider Fate/Zero in the context of its franchise, LOL. It could be a lot worse(and will be, this Fall).
Baccano! - OVA

So yeah, I just marathoned through all three of these. My thoughts:

Crazy mechanic wrench guy is cool.

Dominos are cool.

So the cops finally got Ladd Russo, dude's not so tough when he's been snagged by the law. It's so weird seeing that calm side of him.

Oh damn, that scene with Nice Holystone in 1926. ;_;

Claire, you are one weird dude. Of course the kid's gonna react like that to you after, i don't know, torturing him on the train while covered in blood! And then the dude just chills at a restaurant with Rachel like nothing happened. Well, at least they don't glorify this monster, unlike in a certain OTHER anime I've watched.

WELL SHIT. THE BARREL IS EMPTY. You can't stop shitting on Dallas, can't you show? Out of all the stories in this show, the one revolving around Dallas has to be my favourite. Because the show constantly keeps making the viewer ask "WHAT HAPPENED TO DALLAS?" while they spoil it in the opening so cleverly that you never figure it out. Then they finally answer that question in episode 13, just so they can show that the barrel is empty in the OVA and that he's nowhere to be found! Oh man, that's some funny trolling right there. If I had to guess where this guy was now, I'd say he and his chums are on an island somewhere. But who am I to come to that conclusion, because as the show itself has stated, this story has no ending.

Well, at least they end this little OVA with classic Isaac and Miria shenanigans. All in all, it was okay. I don't know how to describe it other than well, as you put it Woofington, ending DLC. That's pretty much what all it is. Not that that's a bad thing. It's like a small dessert after a really good meal.

All right, now that Baccano!'s out of the way, I'll wait a bit before starting GTO.


The show definitely acknowledges sexism to an extent but the way it goes about it troubles me. When it makes it obvious to the audience it is usually the low hanging fruits, rather than making the audience aware of the more complex forces at work. Which makes me question whether the creative team are even aware.

I think that working in certain entertainment industries automatically make it such that even if people working on something are aware of the more complex problems in a subject they are dealing with, the easier choice is always to not directly address it and offer low hanging fruits or some sort of subversion instead. In the end, all entertainment is pandering of some sort, and exclusion of audiences has a financial cost, even if those audiences are undesirable.

This is not a defense of anything, but stating how things generally are. I think many of us wish it were different, but it takes truly brave people to take a step to confront an undesirable audience and risk turning them away while trying to send a positive message. I feel this problem is pretty common in comics, manga, anime, mainstream blockbusters, etc. In some cultures things progress faster than others, so when there is a progression slant in general, it makes it easier for entertainment to tag the message along and go with the flow. In Japan I think the social culture is still pretty behind with trends.


Gundam Build Fighters 01-04

Mecha and magical girl, two genres I would love to watch more of. But when it comes to robots, I've always preferred super to real, so the war stories of Gundam were never that appealing to me. But couching it in this context? I can give it a shot. I remember the original promotional materials were giving off similar vibes to Gyrozetter, and I enjoyed that series. That and Rinko. So, though I lack the knowledge of anything Gundam, I dove in.

Though the battles are as small scale as one can get, being toys, there's still a lot of emotional investment because of the way the characters are written. Kirara's methods were underhanded, but her desire to be a great idol isn't a bad thing in itself. Like Sei, she's trying to find the best way to do what she wants to do. Maybe if she had a partner like Reiji who saw her as an equal instead of her fanboys. All the other battles have also been interesting, with Yuuki clearly playing the "rival" role. China's pretty cute - she has the best parts of Rinne and Satori from Gyrozetter. There's a real warmth to the show. Sei's passion, China's growing passion. Everyone's passionate, really. And Rinko delivers just as promised. One of the greatest anime moms I've seen in a while.

Like the OP and ED. And while I'm okay with CGI, having all the fights be hand drawn gives the show a good consistency of visuals. For my first entry into Gundam, this is a good place to begin, and I like what I see so far. I'm aware that Angelic Layer is similar, so I want to see that one just as much, if not more.

Word of mouth and the knowledge of a second season are pretty great motivators.
If you are using that word the way I think you are, I ask politely that you please stop.

lol , all the cast is chasing treasures hidden at various places in a gigantic island and all those treasures are protected by traps.

It's not obvious since i use the japanese naming , but the title is " Nanana Hidden treasure "

So i ask , what were you thinking , tenumi ?
Could it be ?

I was vague on purpose :p
lol , all the cast is chasing treasures hidden at various places in a gigantic island and all those treasures are protected by traps.

It's not obvious since i use the japanese naming , but the title is " Nanana Hidden treasure "

So i ask , what were you thinking , tenumi ?
Could it be ?

I was vague on purpose :p
He obviously thought you were talking about a reference to ackbar. That fucking reference is so old you bastard.


You can't really even call them traps; they knew that they would have to face some sort of obstacle to get the treasures.
I mean the exact functions of the rooms were unknown, but they knew there'd be something.
You can't really even call them traps; they knew that they would have to face some sort of obstacle to get the treasures.
I mean the exact functions of the rooms were unknown, but they knew there'd be something.

I'm on episode 3 , but so far , all the treasure were protected by something
Police ( ep 1)
Crazy classroom with pitfall and sudden anime jumps ( ep 2 )
Giant spider ( ep 3 )

Heck even the prologue that had nanana alive had her running in some ruins that was collapsing.
They know it's dangerous and the only name i know for what i've seen is "TRAP".

bear in mind i'm still on ep 3 and i haven't seen the rest yet.
So this is what happens when something yet again goes out of control ? Summer i guess .


Hunter x Hunter - 137

This episode .... THIS EPISODE

So good.
About the OP:
So they used a 5th variation of that song ? How many variation of this song can they do ?
Animation is otherwise well done and managed to get me hyped.
About the ED:
Very cool but could have been better.

About the episode :

I wanted to see this tension , this part was awesome and they nailed it.

All those zodiacks are awesome and this arc had several familliar faces..so nostalgic.
Hisoka and illumi are BACK!! Been so long .Hisoka being out of the loop and still "checking the goods" was cool , but hey no wonder you're bored.You're chasing target that you can't find across every corner.


Oh that was low... i guess even hits under the belt are allowed

Ging proves yet again that he is a master hunter of epic proportions. SASUGA GING-SAN. That planning , (
2 days before ?
) , master piece.

This arc is going to deliver so hard. can't wait for more episodes.
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