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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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I don't think it works like that. Sword Art Online sold over 2 million copies in 2013 and only has disc sales of around 35,000 units. Kagerou Days has half as many novel sales; yes, 10k is still an underachievement by the standards of the manga sales, but not by a huge amount.

Because they could be, and they did make money? Probably not BIG money (no-one really makes big money in anime), but certainly a decent amount.

True, great manga sales does not necessarily make an anime adaptation popular.

Mekakucity Actors was 97% hype, 3% substance.

100% Ene
I heard the new Sailor Moon is amazing because it follows the manga. Finally those crazy anime directors and writers will be shown what true art is.
Eh. It's okay. The art is certainly not to die for

Barakamon 6
More guys including Sensei's rival. The paper airplane scene was really nice. The post credit scene was funny with fujoshi in denial reacting to the new guys


I heard the new Sailor Moon is amazing because it follows the manga. Finally those crazy anime directors and writers will be shown what true art is.

it's ok...
the transformation scene feels awkward... and it would be at least twice as good if Mitsuishi, Kotono wasn't involved as her voice acting for sailor moon is just horrible and nearly unbearable to listen to :/

sailor moon sounds like a 40 year old trying to sound like a cartoony 6 year old... it's just horrible @_@

Hey this is a really good one by Miku. It's the Tokyo Ghoul Opening. It got that dub step.


eh... it doesn't sound that much worse then the original song... but I don't really like the original song either :/

Andrew J.

You guys are sorely tempting me to write another post about why FMA is superior to Brotherhood but I feel like I don't have anything more to say on the subject.

For me, Fullmetal Alchemist is a TV series that is based on a manga.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brothehood is merely a manga adaptation.

The distinction may appear slight but it makes a world of difference.

There is only one difference that matters; One has Olivier Armstrong, and one does not.


it's ok...
the transformation scene feels awkward... and it would be at least twice as good if Mitsuishi, Kotono wasn't involved as her voice acting for sailor moon is just horrible and nearly unbearable to listen to :/

sailor moon sounds like a 40 year old trying to sound like a cartoony 6 year old... it's just horrible @_@

eh... it doesn't sound that much worse then the original song... but I don't really like the original song either :/

Well thats because..


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Eh. It's okay. The art is certainly not to die for

it's ok.../

Orenchi no Furo Jijō (The Circumstances in My Home's Bathtub)

Terrible casting for Dr. Octopus. That guy is so bad in Free.


After the way FMA ended compared to Brotherhood? No, I'll never get over that.

Its just like a Gymnastics competition: If you can't stick the landing almost nothing else that happened matters.

I don't think comparison really holds any weight.

Firstly, on it's simplest level, if you can't perform throughout your entire routine but you end all right then that doesn't qualify as success. But lets leave analogies behind for now.

The biggest problem I have with this line of thinking is that it's exclusive focused on one thing that people don't like, namely the ending and it ignores all the areas where the original is better. I think you need to tackle each show as a whole piece.

Just on the subject of endings, throughout all kinds of different stories I do tend to find that one of the things I personally tend to find unsatisfying are endings and that's because they're not that easy to pull off. Completely satisfying, powerful endings are somewhat of a rarity. This isn't meant to excuse any problems you may personally have with the ending, but it's merely bringing it in line with how we react to media in general.

Moreover, there are other elements of a show besides it's ending. Many, actually. To ignore the importance of strong characters, superb art, strong pacing and great music just feels weird. Why is it acceptable for FMA: Brotherhood to have such a poor opening arc compared to FMA? How about the character of Hughes? Why should it get a free pass on these issues? What about the characterisation overall? Or the tone? Or the pacing? Are these all as good as or better than the original? I think not.


Tokyo ESP - 05

Soooooooooo many cuts


You cut basicly all the stuff that make us know some characters and you think 2 or 3 lines of dialog is enough to make up for it ?
What the heck is this ?
>I'm sacred<
They are going to mess up with all the good things in this show because of the stupid pacing and the cuts.
Let's ignore the whole black fist sub plot. Let's ignore why the police managed to track down the white girl.Let's ignore the pacing . Let's go to the tanker incident !Heck let's start the anime by the end !

WHO THE HECK IS IN CHARGE OF TOKYO ESP adaptation ? please fire those guys !
Now we'll have
no prison , no school incident , and probably no desert island.

The adaption sounds pretty bad with the way you make it.I guess I should be reading the manga then?
You guys are sorely tempting me to write another post about why FMA is superior to Brotherhood but I feel like I don't have anything more to say on the subject.

For me, Fullmetal Alchemist is a TV series that is based on a manga.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brothehood is merely a manga adaptation.

The distinction may appear slight but it makes a world of difference.
Original FMA is the Dane Cook of anime adaptations.

The one thing I give them a lot of credit for, outside of doing the opening better, is how they made one of the homunculi a really personal one.
Space dandy S2 - 06
Things to NOTE :
-Everyone is looking for love
-Some people are also looking for other things
-Even gentlemen can be pissed off

Space dandy S2 is pretty Awesome

Wait? "Atmos" and "Sphere" , really ? ..nevermind.


Moreover, there are other elements of a show besides it's ending. Many, actually. To ignore the importance of strong characters, superb art, strong pacing and great music just feels weird. Why is it acceptable for FMA: Brotherhood to have such a poor opening arc compared to FMA? Why should it get a free pass on this issue? What about the characterisation overall? Or the tone? Or the pacing? Are these all as good as or better than the original? I think not.

, as if somehow the weak characterisation, subpar art, poor beginning, and a never-ending slog of the final battle can all be ignored because you don't like the original shows ending.

I agree that the original series has a better opening, but alas I give brotherhood mostly a pass because it was covering the same content for the most part and they just wanted to get through it to new content... not the best for a standalone series, but it was fine for a redoing of one of the most popular anime out there.

but despite the original having better pacing there... brotherhood overall has better pacing to me.... god damn does emo al go on forever in the original @_@.

Here's the kicker though, while I feel that brotherhood is the better series (just better pacing after the first arc, design choices (aka less stupid plot choices), animation (I mean at least they managed to get ed's arm and legs correct through out the series unlike the original :p), characters after the initial stuff) I actually prefer the ending to the original series. I felt the
actions to save al in the original series carried a lot more weight and felt more satisfying.
plus I am hard pressed to think of another time when I had such a painful week wait as the
moment in FMA. Overall brotherhood had a lot more painful... why isn't the next episode out for me, but man that
zeppelin ending episode
was the hardest week I recall.

my final thought at this time here is there is one thing the original series did way better with it's pacing at the start... and that is Huges.... if I had just seen brotherhood I doubt I would have cared much when he
the original did a lot better job building up his character there.


Hanayamata 06

The trials of the Yosakoi Club definitely bring up some K-ON! vibes, even the same exam plotline resurfaces, though the results aren't exactly the same. This show is the best of Monday's offerings, and may end up my favorite of the season that's also a new IP. (PriPara is in an odd place as far as rankings go. Plus it's barely scratched the surface of itself.) That ending. Poor Yaya. I knew in the back of my head that she was going to have to be "borrowed" from her band - and she really cared about that band - in order to become a yosakoi dancer, but I didn't think it'd be this painful.
I agree that the original series has a better opening, but alas I give brotherhood mostly a pass because it was covering the same content for the most part and they just wanted to get through it to new content... not the best for a standalone series, but it was fine for a redoing of one of the most popular anime out there.

but despite the original having better pacing there... brotherhood overall has better pacing to me.... god damn does emo al go on forever in the original @_@.

Here's the kicker though, while I feel that brotherhood is the better series (just better pacing after the first arc, design choices (aka less stupid plot choices), animation (I mean at least they managed to get ed's arm and legs correct through out the series unlike the original :p), characters after the initial stuff) I actually prefer the ending to the original series. I felt the
actions to save al in the original series carried a lot more weight and felt more satisfying.
plus I am hard pressed to think of another time when I had such a painful week wait as the
moment in FMA. Overall brotherhood had a lot more painful... why isn't the next episode out for me, but man that
zeppelin ending episode
was the hardest week I recall.

my final thought at this time here is there is one thing the original series did way better with it's pacing at the start... and that is Huges.... if I had just seen brotherhood I doubt I would have cared much when he
the original did a lot better job building up his character there.

As someone who has only watched Brotherhood, I actually found its pacing to be a strength, especially compared to other works in the genre.

Date A Live website's been updated with some details about Encore 3 and the
Kurumi Star Festival OVA coming out in December.

Also there's a DAL event going on in Divine Gate, which is some mobile game from the P&D team.

The adaption sounds pretty bad with the way you make it.I guess I should be reading the manga then?

The anime started by the final event of the arc it's adapting. not only they did that but they also added a bunch of things as fillers that don't make much sense in-universe.
Then at episode 2 they started the adaptation regulary but with a pacing that went quicker than anyone would have excepted , concluding by this episode where they just cut a chunk of the manga ( if they had to cut things , why start with that first episode ? ) Given the number of episode planned , it's impossible to reach the same point of the first episode ( end of the arc) without CUTTING arcs or with an extreme pacing.
In short it's garanteed now that the anime is going to be a mess when compared to the manga.
Heck Episode 5 showed multiple signs of "not so great faces" for multiples characters

The final result is that the character develloppement for everyone except 4 characters will probably be in jeopardy.

You guys are sorely tempting me to write another post about why FMA is superior to Brotherhood but I feel like I don't have anything more to say on the subject.

For me, Fullmetal Alchemist is a TV series that is based on a manga.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brothehood is merely a manga adaptation.

The distinction may appear slight but it makes a world of difference.

That explain the origin of the differences, but don't really say which one is better (and that's the important thing) or why. I'm saying the important thing is to judge the quality of a work, not the faithfulness.

For reference, I think the first anime did a great job, both adapting the first part of the manga and inventing its own style and final part. And I never was convinced by the original end in the manga so it isn't that much of a difference between both.

But it could have gone either way, it's not a stretch to imagine a series where the loose adaptation happens to be bad (because the director and writers aren't very good, the animators do a poor job, the pace is bad, new scenes that contradict the character's personalities, whatever) and the more faithful adaptation of the story happens to be the good one.


As for FMA, I love the original manga. One of my favorites. While I like the original story, I definitely appreciate the first FMA series, even if the ending isn't how I'd want the series to go (especially the movie). But comparing the beginning material that both series covered, original TV FMA was superior by far.

Brotherhood/manga definitely gave a safe ending that most people wanted. TV ending of the first series definitely gave a great bittersweet ending along with more tense moments though.


As someone who has only watched Brotherhood, I actually found its pacing to be a strength, especially compared to other works in the genre.

overall brotherhood has great pacing. The starting pacing is just to fast though. I have lost track of how many people I talked to that had problems following the start of the show because they zoomed through details.

In the original series you learn a lot more about Yoki. We see the entire events that went down and know fully why he hates the brothers to start with. In brotherhood that is covered merely with a poster that is shown on screen for a few seconds.

In the original series Huges is built up a lot better and actually works to get you to care about him... he just doesn't have enough time in brotherhood to make a strong impact.

heck we even get to learn more about berry the chopper in the orginal, but alas the original's slower pacing starts getting to slow around the emo al stuff and stays that way for a long time. Hands down emo al is my least favorite part of fma...
not so much the idea of him questioning if he is real, but how he gets to that point... from basically a stranger not even remotely making a compelling argument how he could be fake... plus with al's knowledge of alchemy he should know that it would be pretty much impossible to fabricate a personality like that... thus while I could understand some doubt in his mind... he should have never reached full blown emo from it :/


That explain the origin of the differences, but don't really say which one is better (and that's the important thing) or why. I'm saying the important thing is to judge the quality of a work, not the faithfulness.

For reference, I think the first anime did a great job, both adapting the first part of the manga and inventing its own style and final part. And I never was convinced by the original end in the manga so it isn't that much of a difference between both.

But it could have gone either way, it's not a stretch to imagine a series where the loose adaptation happens to be bad (because the director and writers aren't very good, the animators do a poor job, the pace is bad, new scenes that contradict the character's personalities, whatever) and the more faithful adaptation of the story happens to be the good one.
I don't disagree with anything you've said, I was just illustrating the basic difference between the two works.

In addition, I think on a fundamental level that's simply aiming to ape a manga is far less creatively interesting than a series that seeks to carve it's own path.


The anime started by the final event of the arc it's adapting. not only they did that but they also added a bunch of things as fillers that don't make much sense in-universe.
Then at episode 2 they started the adaptation regulary but with a pacing that went quicker than anyone would have excepted , concluding by this episode where they just cut a chunk of the manga ( if they had to cut things , why start with that first episode ? ) Given the number of episode planned , it's impossible to reach the same point of the first episode ( end of the arc) without CUTTING arcs or with an extreme pacing.
In short it's garanteed now that the anime is going to be a mess when compared to the manga.
Heck Episode 5 showed multiple signs of "not so great faces" for multiples characters

The final result is that the character develloppement for everyone except 4 characters will probably be in jeopardy.
Sounds like something along the lines of Brynhildr. That blows because this episode got me interested in it. Guess I'll start today or tomorrow. I have to get another 100 chapters of One Piece done.

PK Gaming

You guys are sorely tempting me to write another post about why FMA is superior to Brotherhood but I feel like I don't have anything more to say on the subject.

For me, Fullmetal Alchemist is a TV series that is based on a manga.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brothehood is merely a manga adaptation.

The distinction may appear slight but it makes a world of difference.

Do you have a link to your original post?


In addition, I think on a fundamental level that's simply aiming to ape a manga is far less creatively interesting than a series that seeks to carve it's own path.

I suppose that is true, but at the same time history has shown us time and time again that when they do that it usually comes out vastly inferior to the original source. FMA managed to still create something that was well done and enjoyable, a lot of the time when they try that though they just end up with a bunch of cliches and plots full of holes, likely because of how tight of a deadline tv anime are on.

Plus as someone who (up until a few months ago) doesn't read a lot of manga, it's always nice to see the original story animated.


Blue Spring Ride 06

Futaba's finally being honest with herself at the worst possible time. It all depends on what she tells Yuri, and how Yuri takes it. Maybe it's the Maaya factor, but I'm enjoying this more than I was expecting to. The atmosphere is really pleasant, the music is nice, and at least as of now, the drama is present, but not super heavy. Slightly melancholic, partially wistful, almost entirely Maaya.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Posted before I think.

Still cool.

I can't be certain but that looks like CG.


Huge Nickleback Fan
FMA original is definitely far more depressing than the brotherhood.
Some part of it just make me goes 'holy shit!'
Lot of suffering on that one. Many major character just drop dead.

I don't have problem with the ending, though if there's one thing that annoy me is the automail potrayal. I think somewhere along the way Ed somehow manage to fix it by itself without Winry help and equip it with gun using his alchemy, while in brotherhood and manga, Ed can only modify the exterior.


now now...
let it all out

while the original had some solid background music, brotherhood's openings and endings stomp all over the original.... and I like most of the original's openings and endings... I just love most of brotherhoods lol.

but BGM's set the mood, create atmosphere and can make specific scenes very memorable to create lasting effect.

OP's and ED's serve a different purpose


but BGM's set the mood, create atmosphere and can make specific scenes very memorable to create lasting effect.

OP's and ED's serve a different purpose

never said that they don't (though in general I rarely go oh hey that was a decent background song). I also never said brotherhood had bad background music either. In general I don't listen to music that doesn't have lyrics though, so my personal listening purposes openings and endings are way more important for my listening pleasure at a later time.

Ready Steady Go > all

that is indeed at the top of the fma openings for me... it's with a few others but it's for sure up there.
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