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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Are we really giving them brownie points just because they made something up? Wouldn't that apply to a plethora of anime with Gecko endings or tons of original content. It should only matter if the original material is equal or superior to the source material. I think in the case of FMA vs Brotherhood it is superior is some respects but worse in more.

I feel like I addressed most of your points here.

In general though, there's nothing particularly exciting about straight forward manga adaptations. There's a certain level of enjoyment to be found in seeing your favourite scenes 'brought to life' but far too often it feels, fundamentally, that it's just an exercise to raise some awareness about the manga. Purely original works, or adaptations with significant difference are far more creatively rich and interesting.

Which isn't so say that straight forward adaptations are bad or that no skill is involved in creating them. On the contrary, the best of them are clearly dedicated labours of love.


In general though, there's nothing particularly exciting about straight forward manga adaptations. There's a certain level of enjoyment to be found in seeing your favourite scenes 'brought to life' but far too often it feels, fundamentally, that it's just an exercise to raise some awareness about the manga. Purely original works, or adaptations with significant difference are far more creatively rich and interesting.

Which isn't so say that straight forward adaptations are bad or that no skill is involved in creating them. On the contrary, the best of them are clearly dedicated labours of love.

As with everything, it just depends on execution. How skilled is the director and scriptwriter? I would much rather have a slavish adaptation if the source writing is good.

Soul Eater for example I would have be fine with if they had just waited till it was complete instead of Brave Punchie.


I still am. Yeah it's brainless fun but it's still fun.

I mean, it could be worse. It could be comically boring like Aldnoah Zero.

If Aldnoah is Boring, Captain Earth is something unexplainable by word unamusing

The space portion in this show is more dull than watching bare night sky in Shanghai, alias fucking nothing.


Finally got my CCS BDs in the mail!

... and I literally can't get the first two discs out! Is there some sort of trick?

Its tricky. Even my normal methods dont work on that weird shaped case.
Basically I have to hold the disc on the ends, and pry the center part off the spindle tooth by tooth until it lets go. Its terrible.
I still am. Yeah it's brainless fun but it's still fun.

I mean, it could be worse. It could be comically boring like Aldnoah Zero.

Say what you want about Aldnoah.Zero but it's a much better show than Captain Earth. I'll take dandere protagonist (since Slaine is another protagonist) over annoying 'magical' girl, moeblob, 'why do I have to do this' guy and 'my life is so dark' other dude.


I feel like I addressed most of your points here.

In general though, there's nothing particularly exciting about straight forward manga adaptations. There's a certain level of enjoyment to be found in seeing your favourite scenes 'brought to life' but far too often it feels, fundamentally, that it's just an exercise to raise some awareness about the manga. Purely original works, or adaptations with significant difference are far more creatively rich and interesting.

Which isn't so say that straight forward adaptations are bad or that no skill is involved in creating them. On the contrary, the best of them are clearly dedicated labours of love.

If you haven't read the source materials it's quite exciting seeing the new shows. Yes it comes off as a way to raise awareness about the manga (it's how I find most of my manga) but that isn't a bad thing.

I can appreciate wanting unique stories that take advantage of the anime medium. But that is best left for original anime stories instead of trying to take a manga idea and drastically changing it usually for the worse. If in general authors had the time to work closely with the anime company and help adapt the story to anime I'd be more for it. but in general the authors don't have time for that and the companies don't want to deal with that and thus get a bunch of b-rate authors that couldn't hack it on their own to try to alter the stories for anime and typically come up with terrible ideas because they aren't great writers.

Again, it's not always the case, but man tv anime writers tend to suck, especially when you look at shounen filler.


If Aldnoah is Boring, Captain Earth is something unexplainable by word unamusing

The space portion in this show is more dull than watching bare night sky in Shanghai, alias fucking nothing.

I'm finding Aldnoah to be magnitudes more enjoyable than Captain Earth lol.

I don't/can't even hate that show, it miraculously fails to make me feel anything at all.


Has it though? How often has an anime set forth to do something different to the original source material and I don't mean filler arcs because you've run out of material, or brand new endings, or weird pacing. I mean actually tell it's own story in it's own way. Plenty of shows created by less than talented staff turn out badly but I don't think that means anything for the very idea of making something different from the magna.

The original Fullmetal Alchemist isn't just a straight adaptation with a different final act, it's re-writes on the story throughout, inserts brand new material, expands upon existing material and completely re-arranges the way revelations are delivered to the audience. In the original manga, there's no explanation of the boys origin until Volume 5, that's after Nina, after Scar, after Hughes. The original anime series moves that right to the start of the show to create a core emotional and thematic base of the series and it's a great decision that completely changes how you view the series right from the beginning.

There are other examples too, think of K-On! which started out as a simple 4-koma gag strip. By the the time KyoAni have made the second season the show was completely different to the manga. Or think about how they decided to change the chronology of the storytelling when they made Haruhi.

When creators think about the unique position they're in when it comes to adapting a work into a completely different medium and understand the mediums strengths and weaknesses they can produce great, new works, not simple re-hashes of stories that already exist in a different form.

While I've only seen Brotherhood, I have to agree with your points. It's great when anime can make a new story from preexisting material (when it's done well, at least).

It reminds me of the Hunter x Hunter chimera ant arc (that we already talked about here before). It's great in a way that it's sticking so closely to the manga, but it could have been a much stronger work had it been edited and changed in places. The arc has a great core to it, but is bogged down by a lot of unnecessary elements. It could have been much more than it is, but since the anime was more interested in being faithful to the source material, it's not.


If Aldnoah is Boring, Captain Earth is something unexplainable by word unamusing

The space portion in this show is more dull than watching bare night sky in Shanghai, alias fucking nothing.

What sets Captain Earth aside from Aldnoah Zero is there there is more personality in Akari's belly button than the entire case of Zero.

I think they're both weak shows (although Zero has a chance to prove itself) but at least CE is entertaining.


I feel like I addressed most of your points here.

In general though, there's nothing particularly exciting about straight forward manga adaptations. There's a certain level of enjoyment to be found in seeing your favourite scenes 'brought to life' but far too often it feels, fundamentally, that it's just an exercise to raise some awareness about the manga. Purely original works, or adaptations with significant difference are far more creatively rich and interesting.

Which isn't so say that straight forward adaptations are bad or that no skill is involved in creating them. On the contrary, the best of them are clearly dedicated labours of love.

I certainly agree that works can be improved by taking some liberties from the manga. Manga and Anime are different media and what works well in one may not work well in another. I have no intrinsic problem with those doing adaptations excising their creative freedom and license in modifying the original source material as long as it results, IMO of course, in actual improvement. I've never read the FMA manga. Brotherhood gets no points from me for sticking closer to the manga. I just felt that, overall, the characterization and narrative was stronger in the version of the show that happened to more closely follow than the one that didn't.


It reminds me of the Hunter x Hunter chimera ant arc (that we already talked about here before). It's great in a way that it's sticking so closely to the manga, but it could have been a much stronger work had it been edited and changed in places. The arc has a great core to it, but is bogged down by a lot of unnecessary elements. It could have been much more than it is, but since the anime was more interested in being faithful to the source material, it's not.

I find this amusing since as far as I know they did a lot of reworking of the order of events in the ant arc.

either way a lot of the flaws were in the original writing... TO MUCH NARRATOR DAMN IT... characters having inner thoughts are fine, you don't have to cut to a narrator telling you what they are thinking.

when all was said and done i didn't mind the arc, but it was way to long in general.

I mean perhaps they could have fixed it in the anime, but they were also stalling for time trying to let the creator make more manga to adapt.


Maturity, bitches.
Why is everyone citing K-On as an example of a story without a complicated plot? I know most of you didn't go to an all girls school so you can't appreciate some of its more subtle plot elements, but even so, the overall package is very thought provoking. Also I hope you're not judging the manga when you've only seen the anime. It's well know that KyoAnus dumbed it down completely to make a quick buck.


I'm finding Aldnoah to be magnitudes more enjoyable than Captain Earth lol.

I don't/can't even hate that show, it miraculously fails to make me feel anything at all.

I really want to defend Captain Earth, its 2D BONES mecha show afterall.

But shit you can't deny its a fucking production failure in grand design, these space mech is so inefficiently designed that you can see they have difficulty for animating them in exciting manner, its pretty hilarious to see the more "lesser" version of the mecha is more exciting to watch because the animator can actually make them move.
I feel like I need to finish Brotherhood before I properly join this debate (and I'm positive it will come up again someday), but I will say that for all the shit Brotherhood gets about its rushed beginning, FMA03 is not much better since it adds bad filler. The zombie girl episode, the thief with a transmutation circle on her boobs, the other brothers Elric, the episode where kids steal Ed's limbs and hijack Al's armor, the lame Ed/Scar buddy cop episode...additional content can be good, but this is not.


Why is everyone citing K-On as an example of a story without a complicated plot? I know most of you didn't go to an all girls school so you can't appreciate some of its more subtle plot elements, but even so, the overall package is very thought provoking. Also I hope you're not judging the manga when you've only seen the anime. It's well know that KyoAnus dumbed it down completely to make a quick buck.

because k-on is about eating cake and falling over o.o;
at least the anime is :p

plus this is an anime thread, so it's safe to assume most people's reactions to a series would be based off the anime version not the manga version.


What sets Captain Earth aside from Aldnoah Zero is there there is more personality in Akari's belly button than the entire case of Zero.

I think they're both weak shows (although Zero has a chance to prove itself) but at least CE is entertaining.

I wish

But there's reason why I only watching the show only to find screenshot to irk femmeworth.

These thing actually can be considered offensive. All the female in the show basically already showing their beautiful things at this point.


Aldnoah, sans the stu MC, has been pretty solid so far.

Captain Earth was Hyouka tier of boring. Dropped it around episode 10 or so. Enokido what happeend to you? :(
In general though, there's nothing particularly exciting about straight forward manga adaptations. There's a certain level of enjoyment to be found in seeing your favourite scenes 'brought to life' but far too often it feels, fundamentally, that it's just an exercise to raise some awareness about the manga. Purely original works, or adaptations with significant difference are far more creatively rich and interesting.

All of that may be true to some degree but doesn't matter whatsoever for those who aren't reading manga. This audience won't really care if it's a straight forward adaption or there's a bunch of changes, as long as it's actually good. I don't give the slightest fuck about the FMA manga and would've been quite happy with a good (ed: original) continuation of the anime after the split. However, I really couldn't stand FMA towards the end. The story just became such a mess, and so did some of the characters (Wrath in particular, oh boy).
FMA:B has its own fair share of issues, but at least we got a somewhat cohesive story and characterization.

I'm just not sure how much I really value significant differences to the source manga material. I also think there's still so much to gain by even a straight forward adaption. After all, anime adds so many elements, such as soundtrack, voice acting, colorization, animation (so, so much superior to still images as far as action is concerned (if done well)) and whatever else I may be missing.

Jarmel already said it, execution plays a huge role. And I'll definitely appreciate a well executed straight forward adaption if there aren't glaring issues within the source material.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Two or three titles doesn't make for a good comparison.

Compare 100 popular shonen vs 100 popular seinen, and you will see a trend.

Good point.

while i can't say for sure, considering the big 3 and dragonball is still the most popular franchise, i guess that story with simpler story is much more popular in shonen magazine, considering their demographic. I notice manga like Astro boy and Ashita no Joe is probably going to be put in seinen magazine if it published in current time considering the trend


All of that may be true to some degree but doesn't matter whatsoever for those who aren't reading manga. This audience won't really care if it's a straight forward adaption or there's a bunch of changes, as long as it's actually good. I don't give the slightest fuck about the FMA manga and would've been quite happy with a good continuation of the anime after the split. However, I really couldn't stand FMA towards the end. The story just became such a mess, and so did some of the characters (Wrath in particular, oh boy).
FMA:B has its own fair share of issues, but at least we got a somewhat cohesive story and characterization.

I'm just not sure how much I really value significant differences to the source manga material. I also think there's still so much to gain by even a straight forward adaption. After all, anime adds so many elements, such as soundtrack, voice acting, colorization, animation (so, so much superior to still images as far as action is concerned (if done well).

Jarmel already said it, execution plays a huge role. And I'll definitely appreciate a well executed straight forward adaption if there aren't glaring issues within the source material.

yup... I mean I really like the show Nana, but I am not sure how far into the manga I would have gotten without the anime... the main reason I fell in love with nana was the sound track.... you have any idea how much easier it is to get into a drama when you hear this to start things off :p


I feel like I addressed most of your points here.

In general though, there's nothing particularly exciting about straight forward manga adaptations. There's a certain level of enjoyment to be found in seeing your favourite scenes 'brought to life' but far too often it feels, fundamentally, that it's just an exercise to raise some awareness about the manga. Purely original works, or adaptations with significant difference are far more creatively rich and interesting.

Which isn't so say that straight forward adaptations are bad or that no skill is involved in creating them. On the contrary, the best of them are clearly dedicated labours of love.


In the end it depends on the creative heads and the studio of course. For example I thought SHAFT's execution of Nisekoi was better than its source material with its editing, voice acting, SHAFT-isms, etc, even though it followed the manga pretty damn closely. I enjoyed it much more in anime form.

But on the other hand I absolutely loved Monster when I read it, and I couldn't get interested in the shot-for-shot, scene-by-scene way that the anime was recreating the manga.

Nothin gets me more excited than an original anime production though. Whether it's amazing or shit, everyone gets to experience it with the same perspective :U


Dude half of anime is offensive. The stuff in Captain Earth is not a big deal or even close to being one.

Fair point, but I certainly sure at this point the staff have more interest drawing cleavage and butts than the rest of it. Which is I not gonna blame, the show is fucking direction-less.



But Western Comics finally embracing moe.


Gotham Academy's art that gonna launch in October. Future is bright..



But Western Comics finally embracing moe.


Gotham Academy's art that gonna launch in October. Future is bright..

Ok that looks cool as hell!

The only reason I'm not a fan of comics though is most of the time in western comics they cover half of the cool art up with huge amounts of text ;;
The best opening in FMA Brotherhood. Never skipped this one <3


Yup, so darn good. Although there's this one oddly funny moment when when Ed's and Al's bodies get ripped apart by the alchemy and Winry just...kinda wiggles backwards :D

And to be frank it spoils WAY too much of the show. Which is why I'm kinda glad I skipped it or only listened to the music on my FMA:B walkthrough, even though I already watched FMA at that point.


The best FMA OP is Rain although my personal favorite is Hologram.

Also the best ED is hands-down the first ED in Brotherhood. You have awful taste if you disagree. The 2nd ED was perfect though for that scene but the actual animation in the ED isn't that impressive.

It's actually quite impressive how bad you guys' music tastes are. The song is what contributes to, like, half of the OP/ED. I just watched all the Brotherhood OPs and EDs and the songs are all unanimously below average to awful. Some even dared to use rap verses! Listen to Crystal Kay's Motherland. Now that's a proper vocalist.

At least they're pretty to look at.
FMA B had better openings overall though FMA had the best opening of the series with Rewrite.

Holy fuck I loved that song. And today I learned that band also made my favorite Naruto one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ6A6GC_ki4

But man they have no sense of rock n roll style baby. They look like a couple of guys that came out of math class to play music. You don't need to dress up as as ridiculously stupid idol but at least wear some leather jackets or something.
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