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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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So, remember that Zac said that season 2 of Space Dandy wasn't as good as the first? Well, it gets better when he specifically complains about how cheap the animation was in the musical episode of Space Dandy and how obviously hampered they were by having no budget.

This raises an interesting question: is Zac blind? We're talking about an episode that featured the talents of animators Gosei Oda, Yutaka Nakamura, Ayako Hata, Kenji Hachizaki, Takashi Mukoda, Hironori Tanaka, Chikashi Kubota, Hiroshi Shimizu, Takaaki Wada and Hiroyuki Aoyama.

I do think the choreography in the dance numbers was a bit lacking.


So, remember that Zac said that season 2 of Space Dandy wasn't as good as the first? Well, it gets better when he specifically complains about how cheap the animation was in the musical episode of Space Dandy and how obviously hampered they were by having no budget.

This raises an interesting question: is Zac blind? We're talking about an episode that featured the talents of animators Gosei Oda, Yutaka Nakamura, Ayako Hata, Kenji Hachizaki, Takashi Mukoda, Hironori Tanaka, Chikashi Kubota, Hiroshi Shimizu, Takaaki Wada and Hiroyuki Aoyama.

Last known photo of Zac:



So, I was thinking yesterday that these threads could really do with putting some useful content into the OP's besides content that solely relates to this seasons shows. What I mean is, links to other useful resources. It could appear in a separate post below the OT. It would save a lot of time for people with generic questions e.g. what anime should I check out.
Oddly enough I was wondering about something similar the other day. That and wondering if another kind of "best of" list/vote type thing would be appropriate or whether the older ones would suffice.

I'll admit the one aspect I always feel completely lost on is staff titles and what they actually mean they get involved with in the production of a title.
Whenever someone posts a staff list of a new series, beyond director and studio, I'm never entirely sure whether the others names are causes for joy or not.

Fantasy or sci-fi anime can take more work, but mainly in the pre-production department; once you get to actual production, it's not really any harder than a "realistic" anime, which is the big difference from live-action.
Even there though there's still an element of stagnation.

Fantasy worlds remain gripped in either medieval or feudal japan era with various preset ideas that persist in a similar way to their gaming counterparts like elves being lithe and beautiful and generally either master swordsmen or archers.

Sci-fi is even more limited at times. Dystopian futuristic worlds a plenty.

Then there's the merging of the fantasy and sci-fi worlds into a everyday situations such as suddenly having modern style idols appearing for reasons or main characters being described as NEETs despite the term being a modern turn of phrase.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What we need... is a Neverwhere anime. To inject some creativity into the medium and show them what's possible.


Guess I should start watching Space Dandy. Was holding off for a glorious Blu-Ray release (same as Steins;Gate).

Speaking of the Steins;Gate Blu-ray release, it's only $31 on Amazon right now, so anyone that wants it should totally consider grabbing it while it's cheap. That box set includes all 24 episodes as well as the OVA, so that's pretty nice.

Also, first time posting in AnimeGAF, hey dudes. I'm currently watching through Future Diary, it's pretty alright so far. Not a huge fan of the protagonist, in fact, I can't really say I like any of the characters thus far, but at least they keep it somewhat interesting with the suspense.
(Although the cliffhangers at the end of almost EVERY episode is getting kind of annoying)


I don't think Oshii was necessarily just talking about fantasy or sci-fi settings.

It is more than just coming up with exotic scenery. The people populating and interacting with their environment and each other, as well as the way the mood and themes of a work being interwoven into its fabric are equally vital elements of world creation.

I think that when Oshii talks about world creation, what he implies is actually universe creation. Examples of this being Gundam or, regarding Oshii himself, Patlabor.


Subete no aware
The Congress.

Thanks for the recommendation from the other day, unknown GAF-user. I liked the film, pretty good. Though my favorite parts where the live-action ones :p.

Somehow it all makes a bit more sense at the end in the credits. I just said "ahh! that explains it" when I read it was based on a Stanisław Lem story.
Yep, it's that type of story, that seems to have been written in the age of LSD-fueled scifi writers, and that in fact because mind-altering drugs were a new technology when it was written, sometimes the drugs themselves appeared as an important part in the plot, or the idea that future society would be regulated or controlled with hallucinogens, allowing the typical from utopia to dystopia.
Yeah, although it's source material in the same way that Kaze Tachinu, the story about the girl being sick, inspired Miyzaki's film version of Kaze Tachinu... inasmuch as it only provides a base. But there is a psychedelic look at the future, for sure.

The end also lets you with the typical question of.. was that real or a dream? I'm talking of the real life part at the end. It's very coincidental that in the future they use a frigging giant red comet to lift up to the zeppelins, just like the red comet of the son that appears lots of times in all the movie.
I think this is the part of the film that's supposed to remind us that we're watching a film. At that point, maybe nothing is real and there's no point in existence (in the context of the film or in the context of the person watching the film) at all.

Firehawk annihilated
This is what happens when one doesn't have an avatar then.


To illustrate what I was talking about earlier, here's a draft of the kind of post I'm putting together. What I'd really like is links to any great reviews or comments about shows from Gaffers, or any threads of resources that I've missed. Call out great reviews and comments written by Gaffers that I've forgotten about, lets try and showcase some of the best from the thread (e.g. someone get me the history of AnimeGAF posts please!)

Online Resources

GAF's very own anime recommendation threads!

So you're probably wondering: what anime should I watch? We aim to point you in the right direction with these general threads but if you ever want specific recommendations tailored to your personal prefereneces just ask away in the thread.

NeoGAF Top Anime List --RESULTS--
- While this poll is from 2007 this is still a damn fine list, especially the top 20.

The retro, classic, nostalgic, unmissable anime list thread - A great resource for those looking for classic anime. Titles covered here range from the 60's to the early 90's.

Lesser known Anime from the 2000's: Because they still make great anime
- For those who haven't watched that much anime you may wish to start you journey elsewhere as this thread largely covers titles non-mainstream titles that haven't received enough attention.

The Metalist - A giant and unwieldy list of lists. I can't vouch that all, or any, of the threads listed here contain any useful information whatsoever!

NeoGAF Anime of the Year Lists - Because popularity matters

While popularity isn't a guarantor of quality, it's certainly a useful indicator. These threads aren't worth reading simply to see what anime ranked where, but to read the thoughtful reviews written by Gaffers.


Sakuga - Resources that focus on the art of animation (sakuga)

List of Sakuga Anime - Self explanatory. Remember, the focus here is on the quality of the animation, not necessarily the story.

Sakuga: The Animation of Anime Panel - A 16 part series of videos that serves as an introduction to the concept of Sakuga. This involves a general overview of the subject, an overview of different styles a detailed look at specific animators. A must watch for anyone interested in animation.

Reviews of anime from Gaffers

Patlabor by Jexhius

Giant Robo - by Jexhius

Anime Blogs

There's a million and one anime blogs on the internet, but most of them aren't worth your time. Here's a snapshot of blogs that you should check out.

Anipages - Easily the best blog for those looking for discussion about the actual art of animation. The author of this blog, Ben Ettinger, has a such a comprehensive knowledge of the field that can generally recognise who animated a scene simply by watching it.

anime year by year - A rather ambition project by ex-gaffer Tamerlane. To use his own words: "This blog is a history of anime, year by year, combining historical background and aesthetic interpretation. There will be a post for each year discussing the merits of specific anime as well as general trends of the industry in depth. This is a constant work in progress, meaning old posts will still be updated as I watch new shows, learn new pieces of contextual info, and change my mind on shows I’ve already seen."

Golden Ani-Versary 1963-2012 - Another year by year history of anime, except that in this case each year is written up by a different writer. As you'd imagine, this means that the quality of the content here is fairly uneven. It's still useful in so much as it gives a general introduction to what came out in a given year and why it mattered.

The Business of Making Anime

Posts and features which focus on how anime is made.

The anime production line
- A really great post by Ben Ettinger which gives an overview of how an anime is actually produced.

The Anime Economy
- A series of ANN features about the business reality of producing and distributing an anime.

Anime Sales - What sales numbers for DVD/BD's actually mean in terms of whether a show has succeeded or failed.

Generic Anime Resources

Anichart - See when the next episode of a show will air in Japan.

Catsuka - A French language animation resource.

ANN - The most well known English language anime resource. While their coverage is truly extensive the quality of their reviews is questionable and their encyclopaedia is not always accurate.

Anime List/User Review Sites




Bravo Whiskey Cast - Featuring AnimeGAF's own firehawk12!

Anime World Order - While this isn't updated particularly regular it has a great back catalogue of shows, especially for older anime.

Aya Suzuki Interview - The Pegbar and Grill podcast (a podcast that focuses on interviewing people who work in animation) where they talk to Aya Suzuki, a English/Japanese animator who worked on The Illusionist, Wolf's Children, The Dream Machine and The Wind Rises, among other things. This is probably one of the more informative interviews I've had on what it's like to work in the anime industry as it covers stuff like working hours, pay, working conditions, work flow, staffing, skill expectations etc etc.


General anime textbooks

The Anime Encyclopaedia (2001) by Helen McCarthy and Jonathan Clements.

One of the most comprehensive and well researched English language sources for the medium of anime. As the title suggests, this isn't a specific resources for any one but it's great in terms of the sheer depth of content present within.

Anime A History (2013) by Jonathan Clements

Easily the most impressive English language book on anime that I have ever read. This is an extremely well researched treatise on the history of the medium not just in terms of what shows came out but what went on in terms of the business of making anime. It's certainly academic in nature and therefore probably not interest to the casual fan but for those who really want to learn more how anime came to be this is the book too read.

Schoolgirl Milky Crisis (2009) by Jonathan Clements

This is essentially of collection of writings by Jonathan Clements. If you like Clements' writing this is probably for you.

Anime from Akira to Howl's Moving Castle: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation (2005) by Susan J. Napier

A slightly controversial book that attempts to subject various titles to the same kind of theoretical dissection that you can see in literary and film criticism. How successful the text is an open question but it's an interesting endeavour nevertheless.

Director Specific Texts

Starting Point 1979-1996 (1996) by Hayo Miyazaki

A series of essays written by the greatest anime director of all time. For those looking to understand this legendary figure where better to turn than his own words?

Hayo Miyazaki Master of Japanese Animation (2002) by Helen McCarthy

Still, if you actually want to read a book about Miyazaki's films this is the one to get. Unfortunately it only goes up too Princess Mononoke but it's still a good read.

Stray Dog of Anime The Films of Mamoru Oshii (2004) by Brian Ruh

An in-depth study of one of amine's most famous directors. It does what it says on the tin and so I recommend that only Oshii fan give this book a whirl.
The idea of a resource compiling lists and things of the sort is nice and all, but most folks who want to watch an anime and don't know what to watch would probably rather come to the thread and ask directly "if I like X what anime should I watch". Personalized answers is the reason to ask AnimeGAF vs simply going to a site like MAL and choosing top anime. As to literature and the art of animation and all of that, unless it's a member of the community I don't think most will be interested. Regardless, good job putting that together.


Locodol 09

Perhaps, a coincidence described as fate. That backstory was touching, and I like how both halves of the TBS animation block are train focused today. By being unassuming, this show's presented a look at idol culture that's different from the norm, but also feels like it has some things to say. It's not a glamorous job, there will be screwups, but it's not all bad, either. Plus the yuri levels with Nanyako and Yukarin went through the roof.
The Business of Making Anime

Posts and features which focus on how anime is made.

The anime production line
- A really great post by Ben Ettinger which gives an overview of how an anime is actually produced.

The Anime Economy
- A series of ANN features about the business reality of producing and distributing an anime.

Anime Sales - What sales numbers for DVD/BD's actually mean in terms of whether a show has succeeded or failed.
I'd replace the last site with something's "Sales FAQ" instead. The older article is somewhat outdated and really gives a misinterpretation regarding disc sales that the FAQ addresses.

While it may be North American-centric, I would also recommend adding the two ANNCasts involving Chad Kime (from Geneon/Pioneer) and Robert Napton (from Bandai Entertainment) to provide a perspective of how the NA market used to be from the 1980s (Napton) until the crash where Geneon went out and then when Bandai left the market in 2012. They're good resources to see the past of the NA anime market.

Otherwise it looks like a great resource IMO.


Last few episodes of Naruto have been on point. Its starting to feel like the first series in terms of pacing, intensity, and even the music is on point. I'm starting to like it a whole lot more.


Subete no aware
I don't know what he'd think, at this point I think he'd enjoy the show more if characters were getting tortured.
If only the female characters were just deleted!

To illustrate what I was talking about earlier, here's a draft of the kind of post I'm putting together. What I'd really like is links to any great reviews or comments about shows from Gaffers, or any threads of resources that I've missed. Call out great reviews and comments written by Gaffers that I've forgotten about, lets try and showcase some of the best from the thread (e.g. someone get me the history of AnimeGAF posts please!)
This is the kind of post that should be stickied, if we were in another forum or some such. It'd be really easy for it to just be lost after a day of posting.

Also, thanks for the podcast mention. lol


Sakuga - Resources that focus on the art of animation (sakuga)

List of Sakuga Anime - Self explanatory. Remember, the focus here is on the quality of the animation, not necessarily the story.

Sakuga: The Animation of Anime Panel - A 16 part series of videos that serves as an introduction to the concept of Sakuga. This involves a general overview of the subject, an overview of different styles a detailed look at specific animators. A must watch for anyone interested in animation.

For the Sakuga part, I would suggest a link to Blue Sakuga's channel who has a number of great animator MAD's. And also to Sakugabooru, I only found about it a while ago when someone name dropped it here and it's an easily missed, great resource if one wants to track great scenes from specific shows or animators.

Texhnolyze 18

Were going to the surface baby ! At least I hope so, I want to know what the hell happened to this world to make it like this.

Kano's grandmothers sure should have invested money into some protection. -_- That's what you get for incest.

Tokyo Ghoul 09
Decent fallout and set up episode. That grandma ghoul was hilarious. Censorship stroke again unfortunately, I don't remember AoT being butchered like this. :(

I hope I didn't just witness the start of Touka x Kaneki. Please for the love of God don't ruin this with romantic angle.


Haruhi Episode 11:

Alright finally an episode that isn't as crazy as everything that just happened in the previous episode, but I feel like we shot forward in time again by how Kyon is narrating everything. Was fun to see them play some computer game against the computer club in what seemed like a Battleship RTS game, and of course Yugi just decimates anyone in her path in the game <3. I don't know how much ahead this takes place from the previous episode, but it was interesting to see that Yugi really kept to Kyon's comment about looking better without the glasses since she didn't have them at all this episode. Maybe she didn't in a few previous episodes either now that I think about it, I may just have never noticed. Also Kyon is actually been a very good lead character so far, usually his role is filled by characters I never like, but he has always had his funny, sarcastic and smart moments. Plus I like how he always narrates everything, and sometimes I get confused as to what he tells himself and what he's actually saying outloud to others.


I'd replace the last site with something's "Sales FAQ" instead. The older article is somewhat outdated and really gives a misinterpretation regarding disc sales that the FAQ addresses.

While it may be North American-centric, I would also recommend adding the two ANNCasts involving Chad Kime (from Geneon/Pioneer) and Robert Napton (from Bandai Entertainment) to provide a perspective of how the NA market used to be from the 1980s (Napton) until the crash where Geneon went out and then when Bandai left the market in 2012. They're good resources to see the past of the NA anime market.

Otherwise it looks like a great resource IMO.
Thanks. I'll include these and update the post accordingly.
For the Sakuga part, I would suggest a link to Blue Sakuga's channel who has a number of great animator MAD's. And also to Sakugabooru, I only found about it a while ago when someone name dropped it here and it's an easily missed, great resource if one wants to track great scenes from specific shows or animators..
Good suggestion. Will do.
This is the kind of post that should be stickied, if we were in another forum or some such. It'd be really easy for it to just be lost after a day of posting.
Ideally this could be posted as part of the OP, perhaps in a separate post below the seasonal anime content.


Heh. And its another one of those stories where the MC is allergic to cats. Though in this case its probably not as amusing as it is in Nyan Koi.

Nyan Koi was alright. I liked it decently enough. Maybe I would like this one.

See, I'm at this point now where I'd say "Mars of Destruction isn't even so bad it's good. It's just a sorta shitty single episode that happens to not make sense." But you never know with people. All it takes is someone saying "I DON'T LIKE THING" and someone else will say "Better check that out, then!"

It's like AnimeGAF's mummy's curse or something. Bad anime is like a tomb we all want to raid in the hopes of finding a Tut's trove of hilarity, regardless of the risk of having our organs snatched or having four sequels nobody wants to see.

I haven't seen Gosick beyond the humorous dinosaur inserts. But while I have your attention on bad shows I'd like you to know I mean really are bad and you really are better off not watching:

-Eureka Seven Astral Ocean
-Eureka Seven Pocket Full of Rainbows
-Persona: Trinity Soul
-Clannad and After Story

I like to think we are watching terrible stuff in hopes of finding another gem in the very rough for the List but failing to realize that the list shows are special because they arent really common.

No, he's the guy who people think is impenetrable because of The Sky Crawlers and Angel's Egg.
Although he's probably more known as Ghost in the Shell guy.

Yura was saying how as a Japanese person raised in Australia, he's able to see the problems with the Japanese industry from an "objective" point of view. Zac's wet dream.

Oshii is overrated a hell of a lot though. What was his most recent contribution of note?

Justin Sevakis is probably the only NA anime BD author/encoder who could release a tolerable 1080i release now (AoA contracts w/JP authoring studios using the same masters as JP BDs, so they don't count here). Sentai's interlacing on those two releases was incredibly bad because they barely altered the masters due to rushing things out ASAP, but Viz's release of Lagrange also had the same problems. 1080i isn't bad when it's properly authored, but seriously do not trust anyone else in NA to author that at this point.

The Kids on the Slope release had that problem, the first batch of Tari Tari DVDs had subtitles off by a line mid-way through an episode (on a sub-only release), the Horizon S1 and Colorful BDs had video quality drop to YouTube 360p quality at points, and let's not forget the translation/subtitle inaccuracies/grammar mistakes.

Sentai has gotten better, but I do know for a fact that they rush releases out crazy fast. This doesn't fix the latter problem though, so I tend to view their TLs cautiously. (See CR's scripts for Kyoukai/Chu2koi Ren/Haikyuu for best examples).

In regards to ANN, I've viewed them as a tabloid site wanting clickbait articles since December 2011 when they took a throwaway line literally at the end of an article in a JP tabloid as an news article about Kadokawa having no plans for Haruhi S3. I'd talk about the editorial side, but some may see me as continually attacking a certain person (not Zac).

You seem to know quite a lot about anime companies. Did this sort of thing used to happen often? I dont remember it occurring a lot despite owning thousands of DVDs. There were some issues with playback and audio but I dont remember it being so frequent.


The idea of a resource compiling lists and things of the sort is nice and all, but most folks who want to watch an anime and don't know what to watch would probably rather come to the thread and ask directly "if I like X what anime should I watch". Personalized answers is the reason to ask AnimeGAF vs simply going to a site like MAL and choosing top anime. As to literature and the art of animation and all of that, unless it's a member of the community I don't think most will be interested. Regardless, good job putting that together.

- I agree that many people are probably coming in here to see what anime they should watch, which is why I've put the recommended anime lists at the top of the page.

- Beyond creating a general resource for anime fans to use, I think that we should also do a better job of cataloguing and showcasing informative, well written and useful reviews, comments and thoughts about anime that people have written in AnimeGAF. Rather than letting their hard work simply slip away into the night, I think good work should be highlighted and used to sign post people towards which shows to watch.

- While we can certainly give tailored opinions I don't see why we shouldn't also offer up good resources which list numerous shows worth watching. I mean, it can only help, right?

- I won't suppose to know what people are looking for from the thread, which is why I'm also including ancillary information about sakuga, blogs, books etc. It can't hurt to provide more information, as long as it's displayed clearly.
Does anyone have issues with the Crunchyroll Android app and bad artifacting on older shows? I finally got around to restarting Haruhi and it struck me that the show had very bad artifacting problems on my tablet. Neither the SD or 480p streams on CR have this problem, but its happening on both my tablet and phone.

Fortunately I also have a Windows tablet as well, so I might just watch it on that instead, though it doesn't get nearly as good battery when watching videos and the speaker kind of sucks.
You seem to know quite a lot about anime companies. Did this sort of thing used to happen often? I dont remember it occurring a lot despite owning thousands of DVDs. There were some issues with playback and audio but I dont remember it being so frequent.

Sentai's encoding/authoring came from ADV staff, and they used to have similar issues on their previous releases, though it wasn't as bad as they've gotten now due to licensing more shows and releasing cour sets.

Probably the worst offender had to be Bandai's use of poor replicators/authors time and time again. Between discs just not working on many series, audio being essentially mono (playing same audio on both channels), or using lossy audio on BDs, they ran into so much bad luck on their releases.

Also noting that Funi used to use alternative angles for Eng/JP credits on shows, which lowered bitrates a lot and there were a lot of complaints regarding the visual quality of their DVDs during that phase.


Speaking of the Steins;Gate Blu-ray release, it's only $31 on Amazon right now, so anyone that wants it should totally consider grabbing it while it's cheap. That box set includes all 24 episodes as well as the OVA, so that's pretty nice.

Also, first time posting in AnimeGAF, hey dudes. I'm currently watching through Future Diary, it's pretty alright so far. Not a huge fan of the protagonist, in fact, I can't really say I like any of the characters thus far, but at least they keep it somewhat interesting with the suspense.
(Although the cliffhangers at the end of almost EVERY episode is getting kind of annoying)

Hello and welcome! Feel free to ask any questions you may have about anime in here and we'll try our best to answer them.



This looks rather interesting. It does have the look of a short run length series. 5 minutes maybe.

Are people going to start watching Un-Go next? =/

I think people are only watching whats going off-stream.
If Un-go does then maybe they will watch it too.

So, I was thinking yesterday that these threads could really do with putting some useful content into the OP's besides content that solely relates to this seasons shows. What I mean is, links to other useful resources. It could appear in a separate post below the OT. It would save a lot of time for people with generic questions e.g. what anime should I check out.

For example, a section on Sakuga that links to that youtube panel, posts about how much an anime costs to make, links to stories about how anime are made, useful blogs, books to check out, podcasts, academic material, reviews (from gaffers) to read, previous Anime of the Year threads, Gaffers recommended titles, etc etc.

I'll start putting together a list of such material but if you have any specific material to include just shoot me a PM. I'm aiming for something fairly comprehensive.

Please put something like this together. If you need some help I can contribute some ideas maybe. Id like to see the OP being like that so people dont have to ask if its ok to post about non-seasonal things and to generally have a better feel for what goes on in here.

Studio Pablo can put the same effort into a classroom as a fantastical setting so why not have something more interesting?

I want to see more crazy things like the Madoka Magica witch worlds or the Penguindrum transformation sequence. Anime is so good at this.
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