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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Let me guess.

I can't ask you to watch the first season if you're not going to watch the second where it becomes the best anime.
[quote="Narag, post: 127685484"]Miiiyaaafuuujiii[/QUOTE]


Huge Nickleback Fan
At least recognizing its my birthday now. Just a bit of acknowledgement makes me happy
Forgot to mention it in my previous post
Happy birthday !
*digital handshake*

So according to someone on twitter Im not supporting anime because I dont buy all japanese original releases.
this reeks of elitist bullshit to me really.
Yup, elitist bullshit.
Purchasing any merchandise, giving review is supporting the industry.
I feel stupid. A quick search on Google for "anime djinn" would have led to Uta Kata. Didn't think the Golden Sun hint would have been that obvious. Alas, my tendency to overthink was my downfall.


Ryuusei Sentai Musumet

I know because it's on my backlog and I already have it penciled in. It aired alongside Nanoha, also in the fall of 2004.

ohhhh my god how did I miss this?
Added to my list!!

Uta Kata?

Great show





Congratulations on getting the right answer! I am indeed watching Uta Kata.

You now have the honour of making me watch any 12-episode show that I haven't seen of your choosing!

Squeeeeeee I love Uta Kata! I bought the show because the art style is like Kiddy Grade but it turned out to be pretty interesting!


Just finished Pupipo. That was a really nice little series; I was surprised it was able to tell such a good story in a series of four minute episodes. I even got a little misty eyed during the last episode! Really good, refreshing stuff.


Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 30
People are going all nihilist and getting sick on us, you say? Fuck you, it's Dumbo time!

The last bit startled me. It was gearing for a typical ending shot, with the slow pan and the music ending, and suddenly a weird tentacle comes out of the ground. It was pretty nice lol
Squeeeeeee I love Uta Kata! I bought the show because the art style is like Kiddy Grade but it turned out to be pretty interesting!
I watched the show because the art reminded me of kiddy grade and it was barely ok.
Not everything was bad , i don't think i would have finished it otherwise but i guess i expected something of this anime that i shouldn't have ?


I watched the show because the art reminded me of kiddy grade and it was barely ok.
Not everything was bad , i don't think i would have finished it otherwise but i guess i expected something of this anime that i shouldn't have ?

I wasnt expecting a lot with such a short series but it was sufficiently fun for me.
Stardust Crusaders 22

Being Polenarff is being suffering dude just takes L's from everyone lol at least he doesn't take the
though ;)


It hasn't. My Japanese is good enough that I think I can watch it without needing subtitles, but having some would be good. (The Ebiten OVA and the second Mokke OVA could also use some.)
Today has been such a bad news day to me, I just can't.

Will try to watch something to get better, but doubt it will happen.

I almost posted the SAO gif, but since here is the anime OT I think people would call it a spoiler.


Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 31

Cool voltmeter. First thing I wondered was why it didn't explode, but then the rest of the episode happened.
omg they brought back the good ED
Based show, although I wonder now why the fuck we needed the change in the first place.
Fairy Tail Series 2 Episode 22 – Life Time

This and episode 21 were the best so far mainly because
the Gray cliffhanger, though I read the manga, the way they did it seemed so shocking and just plain sad.
Im glad they did it good.



Mobile Fighter G Gundam

Ladies and Gentlemen of the AnimeGAF, I present to you the face of God. The slightly bored, probably not prepared to take a picture that day, face of the God of Super Robot anime. Yasuhiro Imagawa is a name I'm sure anybody familiar with the genre has heard me bring up at least once, and it's hard not to. The man has an impressive library of works. How many other people can say they directed a Mazinger, Getter Robo and Gundam series? Of course, it isn't the quantity nor the nomenclature of his library that sets him upon the black leather office chair of Heaven, but of course the superb quality to it.

Imagawa is a man who really gets the soul of Super Robot anime. A lot of what he does is evocative of the olden days of the genre. The age when giant robots were new, and full of wonder. Of a time when there was an innocent curiosity coupled with a childlike awe imbued within the works. A time when there was more to it than some fujoshi bait hastily strewn o'er top of an overdesigned computer image that would hopelessly flail its way through a season on two clip episodes and a handful of Gainaxing sequences. He actually loves the stuff he works on, and that love is transformed into an infectious feeling of excitement experienced when watching his works.

Part of that love is made all the more amazing by the fact that he is so resourceful. Imagawa has a knack for taking numerous, seemingly disparate concepts and combining and connecting them in new, unexpected ways. This traces back to his work on Giant Robo where he was forbidden from using essentially the entire cast of the manga for his anime adaptation. Instead, he pulled a cast together from all of author Mitsuteru Yokoyama's other works and forged an iteration perhaps far better known than its inspiration. This talent persists in other works of his, most notably Shin Mazinger Z, wherein he sews together a new take on mecha anime's oldest tale using inspirations from other works by Go Nagai. I put it to you that this skill is also on display in Mobile Fighter G Gundam.

You hear the phrase a lot in connection with G Gundam, "it's not very Gundam," but I think that's a sort of oversimplified version of the way things truly are. There's a lot about G Gundam that is very Gundam. There's that age old conflict between the colonies and the Earth. There's the concern of major characters for the Earth's environment. The story of a young man piloting his father's mech, a woman whose special powers are being abused by a terrifying machine, and so on. But there is a lot about all of that in G Gundam which is presented in a new and unique way. The young man in his father's Gundam is Kyoji, the colonies are the aggressors instead of the Earth, and the women make it out alive.

Beyond this talent, though, I believe one of Imagawa's greatest strengths is his ability to properly pace things so that there is almost always an increase in excitement over the course of a work. Things increase incrementally in G Gundam, so that the end of the introduction is topped by the end of Shinjiku, which is topped by the end of Guyana, which is topped by the end of the Gundam Finals and so on. It's often the case over the course of a 50 episode series that things are going to feel a bit slow toward the middle, but I think Imagawa does an astounding job of averting this. In G Gundam, the show's midpoint is marked by an earth-shattering clash between Domon and Master, by Domon and Rain's relationship beginning to flourish, and by events setting up the second half.

Moving past this, though, the true beauty of G Gundam is that it is actually an incredibly subtle love story, where Imagawa uses high-octane, loud action sequences to distract the viewer as he slowly plants and cultivates the romance story beneath the surface. Tales of deceit and deception are woven within as well, so that in the end much of what was believed in the beginning has been challenged. In some ways, I would go so far as to say that G Gundam challenges one or two fundamental Gundam and Super Robot concepts in the process.

G Gundam is many things, and not the least of these is a tale of two people coming together. The show is as much about Rain as it is about Domon. Although initially Domon’s quest and Domon’s fights drive the show, Rain’s relationships, thoughts, feelings and struggles slowly flourish into their own matter of importance. It is, in fact, Rain’s feelings which drive the end of the series, and not Domon’s. Rather than viewing the finale as simply the man saving the woman from the dragon, it is better to view it as the culmination of both of their character’s developments, but I’ll get more into that later on.

First, let’s establish what I said above, how Imagawa manages to misdirect the viewer while beginning the tale of Domon and Rain. The first seven episodes of the series are fairly introductory. They deal with who Domon and Rain are, who the rest of the future Shuffle Alliance are, and what the nature of Domon’s quest is. In these episodes, Domon is established as a fairly gruff guy, though his defense of children in episode 1 indicates he’s not all hard. Episode 8 is a battle between Argo Gulski and Canada’s Andrew Graham. The episode begins with Domon and Rain parting ways after a fight, their partnership ended. Graham kidnaps Rain, and hides her in his Gundam's cockpit during his fight with Domon and Argo. The battle leads to a cliff, which shatters, sending the Shining Gundam falling and the Grizzly, its cockpit shattered, hanging by a finger.

Argo approaches the cliff, as if to strike at Graham, who had intended to slay him, and this is the look on Domon's face:

Domon proceeds to offer Argo his Gundam's head, which in the show would mean disqualification from the tournament, the loss of an opportunity to find his brother and the stolen Devil Gundam, avenge his mother, and free his father from cryostasis. Now, earlier in this episode, Domon and Rain had been quits. He'd told her to buzz off and leave and not come back. It says quite a bit about how Domon really feels that he'd willingly forfeit so many important things if it meant saving Rain.

The subtlety of this comes in, though, because all of this transpires in the span of ten seconds in a scene and episode focused upon other characters. Ostensibly, the episode is about whether or not Argo is a killer, and whether or not he can bring himself to kill Graham. The episode carries with it the theme of a man willing to kill for the woman he loves. And in the middle of this sort of wordless debate over what men do for the ones they love, Domon is prepared to lay down everything for Rain.

This isn't the only time that events transpire in this fashion, however. Less than ten episodes later, Domon and Rain arrive in Turkey, where they meet Saette, Turkey's champion and Rain's ex. Rain spends much of the episode pondering how different her life might have been had she stayed with Saette (the day they were going to begin dating, Rain had to return to her home colony in the aftermath of the Devil Gundam's escape). And Domon, for his part, behaves with extreme jealousy. However, all of this lies beneath the surface of the episode's plot: the introduction of DG Cells.


and Saette was no slouch in the looks department, either!

Time and again, Domon and Rain dance around the issue of their feelings for each other behind the veneer of a story about a giant robot fighting competition. The Guyana Highlands arc is as much about the two of them realizing, but not admitting, these feelings as it is about Domon training to defeat the Devil Gundam. Shinjuku is as much about Master Asia's betrayal as it is about Rain feeling jealous and left out of Domon's interactions with Master Asia.


and I mean, nobody is actually sexier than Master.

All of this, some of which I discussed earlier in the thread, comes to head in what I believe is actually--and take notes GundamGAF, as I'm only saying this once--one of the most brilliant characters in the entire show. A character I actually love, because of how she so perfectly illustrates Imagawa's flawless mastery and command of this technique. I am, of course, referring to Allenby Beardsley.


Can you guess why she's so popular?

The thing about Allenby is that she's an instant hit, both with fans and with Domon. She's every bit the Gundam fighter that he and the Shuffle Alliance are, a quick study, and much, much easier for Domon to relate to than Rain. A big thing in G Gundam is communication through the martial arts, so it makes sense that Allenby and Domon seem naturally drawn to each other, because she 'gets' him. Since Domon and Rain's relationship has been boiling beneath a surface heaped with spectacular events and the mountains that are Master Asia, Kyoji, and the Devil Gundam, it makes sense that people would initially assume that Domon had way more in common with Allenby and that their relationship was far better.

But the point I want to stress is that every last thing about Allenby is a feint. The viewers are meant to latch on to her, meant to enjoy her relationship with Domon, meant to cheer as Domon does everything in his power to save her from the Berserk Nobel Gundam, and meant to love the God and Nobel's recreation of the God and Shining's Bridal pose. And all the while that viewers latch on to Allenby and everything about her, Imagawa teases them lovingly with the character of Wong Yun Fat.


Because nobody, and I mean nobody, is a bigger Allenby fanboy than this guy.

The point of all of this is first, to show viewers and Domon what a real relationship could be like, rather than the unresolved tension he has with Rain, second, to set up the much larger instance of Rain inside the Devil Gundam and Rain's emotions running amok because of it, and third, to drive a wedge between Domon and Rain. Each of these goes off without a hitch, and it isn't long before the show's grand finale is underway. Allenby loses to Rain, though, because for all that she was, Domon's decision had been made as far back as episode 8, if not further.

The show's finale, then, is the culmination and combination of all of these ideas. The grandiose battle between the Gundam Federation and the Devil Colony Gundam is nothing more than the vehicle through which to tell the story of Domon and Rain, and, I argue, to sort of shake a central notion of both Gundam and Super Robot anime to its core.

Domon Kasshu is the King of Hearts and a NewType. He's piloting what is essentially the God of Gundams, and was just declared the mightiest man in the world. This guy defeated the Devil Gundam, Schwarz, Master Asia, and even the Grand Master Gundam. But when Domon realizes that his final opponent is Rain, he also admits he can't win. The theme of G Gundam is communication through combat, through the "soul of the fist." It's also a variation on the idea that New Types can communicate to one another and reach a perfect understanding in combat. But Domon cannot do that. At the very last, Domon Kasshu, a New Type and Gundam pilot, cannot claim what is rightfully his as such. No New Type magic is going to give Rain to him. No magical ability is going to grant a connection between the two of them.

Likewise, Domon Kasshu, the quintessential shonen protagonist, cannot overcome this obstacle by sheer force of will or physical strength. In that sense, Imagawa's making a fairly bold statement, I think, on an operative concept behind Super Robot and Gundam protagonists in a single, already moving, scene. None of the standard tricks and tips of either side of G Gundam's pedigree is ultimately what brings the series to its ending, but rather, as Allenby points out, the thing everyone needs most for the show to end, for the Devil Gundam to be defeated, for the fans to get their closure and for the story to come full circle, is something surprisingly simple:

That's right, in order to overcome his most dangerous ordeal, save the love of his life, and end the show, all Domon Kasshu has to do is what any man ever has had to do to make his feelings known to the one he loves: tell them to her. That's it! No magic required! No ten years training in the wildlands! No super robot! No psychic powers! All Domon has to do to win is tell her how he feels.

And does he ever!

What follows is the grand finale of the entire show, in which it is made abundantly clear that love, not newtype magic or shonen heart, is the only power which can overthrow this great evil. The love which has been carefully built over the course of a series, efficiently and artfully employing the story of a tournament of giant robots as a vehicle through which the story may be told. The God and Devil of Mazinger Z are here exposed as nothing more than the extremely human feelings of love and pain.

I put it to you, then, that G Gundam is an absolute masterpiece of the genre, a timeless classic of mecha anime more than worthy of the attention of any and all fans of mecha. And if these paltry and ill-expressed words have moved one or two of you to visit the series and enjoy it for yourself, or have rekindled in one or two of you a love for this seminal work, allow me to part with this final statement to you all:




Fairy Tail 197

The OP was foreshadowing it for what feels like forever now, but good for you
Ultear. This is the kind of show that would let you live even after an act like that. Or just by rewriting time again.
It makes sense, and does imbue some sort of stakes by showing that had that not changed, everybody would be dead. Enjoyable episode.

Link Man

Cardcaptor Sakura 6

So today's episode seems to feature...the Mirror of Erised?

A bunny girl outfit?

Well, this might just be a bigger coincidence than Aldnoah.Zero.

And now Yukito is watching her sleep. And stroking her hair. This guy is just a tad creepy.

Did I just read the words "sister complex" in this show?

Two magical girl outfits in one episode? This is a rare treat!

And she falls for the same trick twice. Sakura's...special.

...did she just eat a whole roll in one bite?
In hindsight, finishing Gundam 00 before G Gundam was probably not the smartest idea I've had in this thread.

One of these days I'll get around to finishing that supposed Super Robot great. One of these days.
It's okay. We've all been there. It's okay.

Why don't you watch the better version of 00, though?

I could try and get back into FMP I suppose. It's just that my anime watching schedule is such a mess right now. Zach won my little contest, meaning I have to watch Strike Witches. I'm watching Doremi every other day because I promised Hitokage that I would as part of a watchbet I made with him. Not to mention I'd like to get into Fate/Zero at some point.

I'm not exactly good at balancing out all the shows I'm watching, haha.


Tokyo Ghoul 9
this episode wasn't actually too bad, also the censorship didn't disappoint. I love dem black screens
*manga* - I like how the people handling the translation just translated the last chapters while the ones before them (I'd say 10-15 chapters) are still not available in english. *smh*

JoJo SC 22
liked this episode overall, I enjoyed the humor and
Avdol's fake death
was more believable here. the next 2 episodes should be interesting to see.

Mushishi 11+12
it delivers as usual. I really liked the story of Kumado and how it develops, also more Tanyu is always good. I'd write a longer post in the OT but it's 4 am so fuck that.

Mobile Fighter G Gundam

Your love of the show makes me want to revisit it so badly. Your confirmation of that boyish wonder still being there makes me realize that it aired at the perfect time in my childhood. You're making it awfully hard for me to decide on whether I want to start Build Fighters, Turn A, or G first.
Wow. I finally caught up. After months of catching up on Fairy Tail (because of my schedule) I finally watched all 199 episodes and caught up to the one that came out today.

I love Natsu. lol.

So this gives me time to finally watch other stuff and previous watch commitments.


Pri Para 09

Is it really sabotage if it's for a good cause? In this latest breaking report from independent city-state of idols, the shadowy cabal operating in the presence of the queen bee is not protecting her because she's more than human, they're protecting her because she's frailly human.
An indoor girl with a weak constitution
who made her way in through cameos/connections, she's both more and less blessed than Lala, who made it there mostly on dumb luck.

The quiz show was fun, but I think someone may have rigged the silhouette quiz so Sofie had an unfair advantage. (I personally, would've gone with "Jigglypuff, as seen from above.") But Lala has won Sofie's trust, ensuring the cast grows closer together. Mirei is also totally cool knowing her secret. I chose Sofie as my avatar not because she's my favorite girl - that goes to Mirei - but because her design is unique, when she's in full Fancy (slacker) Mode, and the contrast that brings. Mirei's personality shifts are more intriguing, but brown-haired, glasses-wearing disciplinary committee member looks too generic to make an impression at avatar size. (See Hanayamata's Machi, cast from the same mold.)


And none of this matters because there's a real shadowy cabal in the background. Jiminy Christmas, who's been doing human cloning? That's an entire army of Meganees. It may be a Nurse Joy situation, but if not, just what's going on in this universe? Maybe "Prism Parallel" really is the correct name.

This show endlessly fascinates me.


Tamayura More Aggressive 4
The best episode yet of this season. I think the atmosphere of the show has finally started to resonate with me. There was something very serene and moving in the scenes when Potte was walking around the cherry blossoms field searching for the tree her dad planted and eventually the ending part where she found it. Need more episode like this in the future.


Your love of the show makes me want to revisit it so badly. Your confirmation of that boyish wonder still being there makes me realize that it aired at the perfect time in my childhood. You're making it awfully hard for me to decide on whether I want to start Build Fighters, Turn A, or G first.

Definitely do G, then A, then Build. Mostly because you want as big a repertoire of Gundam shows before you hit Build Fighters. Gotta recognize those cameos.


I could try and get back into FMP I suppose. It's just that my anime watching schedule is such a mess right now. Zach won my little contest, meaning I have to watch Strike Witches. I'm watching Doremi every other day because I promised Hitokage that I would as part of a watchbet I made with him. Not to mention I'd like to get into Fate/Zero at some point.

I'm not exactly good at balancing out all the shows I'm watching, haha.

FMP is greatness. Very very enjoyable.
Strike Witches is an jnteresting experience. Prepare for cute tails ears and butts.
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