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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Definitely do G, then A, then Build. Mostly because you want as big a repertoire of Gundam shows before you hit Build Fighters. Gotta recognize those cameos.

My big predicament at the moment is wanting to watch Build as soon as possible. Both for end of the year lists and to join in once Try begins airing. Otherwise, that order is what I had in mind as well.


Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 32
Last Nagamine episode and it was as good as I could have hoped. The dude really understands how to make humour from anything, and the rhythm of his episodes is great; I cracked up a ton here, be it from a line, a situation or just some weird reaction shot inserted with split-second perfect timing. He also managed to do more deliberate stuff pretty well for a total rookie, like the second half of Motto 40 and this very episode. Kids in 'rebellious phases' are generally obnoxious as hell, but it works when it's brought up and tied up in a single episode, since otherwise Hana is just a genki girl. She's become Doremi 2.0 lately, befriending people like nobody's business lol.

Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 33
Whoa great Onpu episode. It goes well as a companion piece to Naisho 4, although it obviously doesn't quite reach that level. I wonder if this was the definitive Onpu ep in this season. I want to say no since there's still a while, but on the other hand it fits nicely as a final closing point to her general character arc and if they're gonna dedicate episodes to every girl it'd be better to spread them out. Having watched her Naisho episode prior to this might be skewing my perception of her characterization up until this point though...


Your love of the show makes me want to revisit it so badly. Your confirmation of that boyish wonder still being there makes me realize that it aired at the perfect time in my childhood. You're making it awfully hard for me to decide on whether I want to start Build Fighters, Turn A, or G first.

If you're strapped for time before S2 of GBF premieres, at least hit up G first. Because G is referenced a fair number of times in GBF in a number of ways.

The boyish wonder is definitely still there, though. Especially for the city of Hong Kong, where every single aspect of that arc it's like Imagawa is just geeking out about how crazy cool a place Hong Kong is. The entirety of that arc is almost like an old Hong Kong Kung Fu movie. I've even heard rumors originally he wanted Prime Minister Wong Yun Fat to just straight up be Chow Yun Fat.

I could try and get back into FMP I suppose. It's just that my anime watching schedule is such a mess right now. Zach won my little contest, meaning I have to watch Strike Witches. I'm watching Doremi every other day because I promised Hitokage that I would as part of a watchbet I made with him. Not to mention I'd like to get into Fate/Zero at some point.

I'm not exactly good at balancing out all the shows I'm watching, haha.

All I'm sayin' is if you want to see how 00 could've been, check out the FMP series. (It's worth it!)


Aria: The Origination 7

Nice story about Grandma meeting President Aria and founding the company with him. Just how old is Aria though?

Weird to see old Aria like that though, sitting in that one spot staring at the horizon, seemingly waiting for something that wasn't coming. Now he's all out on the town with Akari, riding in gondolas, pretending to be a superhero, etc. I guess that dialogue at the beginning was a contrast to the ways Grandma and Aria were living their lives before meeting each other, the former spending all day, every day with her Undine appointments, not being able to sit down and enjoy life, and the latter spending all his time just staring out to see. And yet the result was thw same: time flying by the both of them before they could even notice. Grandma credits Aria with saving her, but it seems she did the same for him.


I really need to start giving yen press more of my money... I'm behind on a number of them but I will have to get the devil is a part timer and no game no life books.

Just finished reading the 12th Spice & Wolf LN. Only 5 more volumes to go!

Going to definitely pick up NGNL, and look into Log Horizon as I have yet to watch the anime.


Just finished reading the 12th Spice & Wolf LN. Only 5 more volumes to go!

Going to definitely pick up NGNL, and look into Log Horizon as I have yet to watch the anime.

ill be watching log horizon in a few months so that might get added to my list to buy as well. Spice and wolf is for sure on there too.

I am more excited for the devil is a part timer than I am NGNL since NGNL will likely get another anime season to cover the next 3 volumes (and perhaps more later) devil seems dead so having an option to continue the story would be great as I enjoyed it.

Spice and wolf I am still holding out the dream that there will be more anime, as it's just to good of a series to not animate, but I will have to accept that is dead soon as well :/


Not exactly anime news, but Yen Press/Yen On added LNs for No Game No Life, The Devil Is a Part-Timer! (Hataraku Maou-sama), and Log Horizon. http://mangacomicsmanga.com/yen-press-bets-big-light-novels-4-new-titles-2015/

Still waiting for Monogatari-series!

Too bad they are so bloody slow. Reminds me of their Index announcement. Though at least these are fairly new series so it won't be up to my kids to complete the run unlike Index.

That said I do wish they'd pick up Maoyū Maō Yūsha. Especially now they have Log horizon.


Too bad they are so bloody slow. Reminds me of their Index announcement. Though at least these are fairly new series so it won't be up to my kids to complete the run unlike Index.

I would imagine they at least have better translations then the last two twelve kingdoms books that were released by tokyo pop... it was clear they weren't putting much effort in it as they were riddled with typos and just bad wording @_@
Too bad they are so bloody slow. Reminds me of their Index announcement. Though at least these are fairly new series so it won't be up to my kids to complete the run unlike Index.

That said I do wish they'd pick up Maoyū Maō Yūsha. Especially now they have Log horizon.

I don't mind the slower pace. A new LN every 4 months or so for an individual series is fine by me. Still don't know how volume 11 of Spice & Wolf had three black-and-white illustration pages messed up, especially when the characters depicted in two of the wrongly placed illustrations clearly didn't appear in that chapter.


I don't mind the slower pace. A new LN every 4 months or so for an individual series is fine by me. Still don't know how volume 11 of Spice & Wolf had three black-and-white illustration pages messed up, especially when the characters depicted in two of the wrongly placed illustrations clearly didn't appear in that chapter.

I guess its mostly just an issue for all the folks who have been reading the fan translations. I mean Index is 35 volumes plus. Does anyone really believe Yen will publish the whole set?

Me...I'd like them to be as close to Japanese releases as possible.


I guess its mostly just an issue for all the folks who have been reading the fan translations. I mean Index is 35 volumes plus. Does anyone really believe Yen will publish the whole set?

Me...I'd like them to be as close to Japanese releases as possible.

I didn't realize that index had so many books... either way I am reading yen only obtained rights to the first 22 of them.
If they sell well enough I imagine they will eventually come out, but as for them being slow well... it's not like japanese light novels are big sellers. We are lucky in general that we are getting them officially translated in english. It's going to take a while to translate them as bringing in more people to do it faster would cost more money and likely would cause them to lose money on the releases and they need to make money.

I can understand wanting them closer to release, but unless a series takes off like attack on titan did I can't see a company like yen justifying speeding up releases.

it looks like release 1 will be nov 18th, release 2 will be feb 25th, so that will be about 4 books a year or take a little over 5 years to release the first series which is a little faster than the original releases >.>;


I didn't realize that index had so many books... either way I am reading yen only obtained rights to the first 22 of them.
If they sell well enough I imagine they will eventually come out, but as for them being slow well... it's not like japanese light novels are big sellers. We are lucky in general that we are getting them officially translated in english. It's going to take a while to translate them as bringing in more people to do it faster would cost more money and likely would cause them to lose money on the releases and they need to make money.

I can understand wanting them closer to release, but unless a series takes off like attack on titan did I can't see a company like yen justifying speeding up releases.

it looks like release 1 will be nov 18th, release 2 will be feb 25th, so that will be about 4 books a year or take a little over 5 years to release the first series which is a little faster than the original releases >.>;

I guess we need Crunchyroll to start doing LNs.


I guess we need Crunchyroll to start doing LNs.

I wouldn't be surprised if crunchyroll had a lot more finical freedom then yen for something like LN releases. They wouldn't do it for a while though as they still need to get their manga stuff farther along.

edit: hmmm looking up crunchyroll's worth I didn't realize they were worth well over 100 million as a company o_O;
I guess its mostly just an issue for all the folks who have been reading the fan translations. I mean Index is 35 volumes plus. Does anyone really believe Yen will publish the whole set?

Me...I'd like them to be as close to Japanese releases as possible.

There is certainly a lot of volumes of Index released in Japan, but I think Yen Press probably only got the first 22. I certainly would like all the LNs in the Index franchise to be translated, so I am going to wait and see what Yen Press will do. After the original 22 volumes, there are the two SP novels, multiple SS series, the Endymion novel (exclusive to movie goers for a limited time), and finally the continuing New Testament sequel.

Yen Press has done well with the Spice & Wolf LNs and is up to volume 12 of 17, so I do not see why Index (at least the original 22 volumes) would not be fully released.


I wouldn't be surprised if crunchyroll had a lot more finical freedom then yen for something like LN releases. They wouldn't do it for a while though as they still need to get their manga stuff farther along.

Certainly they don't need to deal with print. In a way I don't really know why they bother there for a niche product like that for an audience who is probably really used to reading ebooks rather than print.


Certainly they don't need to deal with print. In a way I don't really know why they bother there for a niche product like that for an audience who probably really used to reading ebooks rather than print.

While actually printing out the books take some time, it's not like yen press doesn't do stuff like kindle releases nor is it like the printing adds months onto the release time.

either way I am happy they do physical releases.
number of manga or light novels I own digitally = less than 5 (all of which I got for free one way or another)
number of manga or light novels I own physically = well over 200 hundred.

both my wife and myself vastly prefer owning stuff physically (though that is not to say i haven't been partaking in stuff like storybundle/humble bundle book bundles for other works as in that case they are way cheaper)
Chobits Ep. 22

The stuff with the landlord is getting really, really stupid. I originally hoped Chi's defense mechanism was to protect her from rape, but it's now more clear that it is just a glorified chastity belt.


While actually printing out the books take some time, it's not like yen press doesn't do stuff like kindle releases nor is it like the printing adds months onto the release time.

If you are in the US. Internationally they seem pretty crappy in terms of ebooks. I still can't get Spice and Wolf here in Australia in an ebook format as far as I know.
Madan no Ou to Vanadis have a good story,but too bad the girls "armor" always feels out of place

But what can i say,the illustrator don't even follow what author wrote(the armor part),and it's publish by MFJ after all lol(though no school setting this time)

Well,at least anime design is better than LN design,and i have faith to Tatsuo Sato+Satelight(=Moretsu Pirates team)
Madan no Ou to Vanadis have a good story,but too bad the girls "armor" always feels out of place

But what can i say,the illustrator don't even follow what author wrote(the armor part),and it's publish by MFJ after all lol(though no school setting this time)

Well,at least anime design is better than LN design,and i have faith to Tatsuo Sato+Satelight(=Moretsu Pirates team)

yeah the armor is just fan service now.
I just read it for the battles, shit ain't easy with amount of mens, supplies, height advantages......


Chobits Ep. 23

Just three more episodes to tolerate.

AnimeGAF in a single post right here, folks.

The Violinist of Hamelin 1

Something I suppose I forgot to tell everyone is that I'm of the opinion that Imagawa's works have an excellent knack for music. And I don't just mean Shin Mazinger Z's Project JAM opening. Rather, I wish to refer you to such notable instances as Giant Robo's Dies Irae and G Gundam's Asian Tourism, both of which perfectly suit the situations they seek to create (in Giant Robo's case the revelation that the mad doctor is quite alive and currently destroying Paris, and in G Gundam's case Domon's and Rain's more light-hearted trips through Hong Kong proper.

The Violinist of Hamelin's first episode is pretty true to both Imagawa's show's excellent use of music and the show's name. There's a lot of violin music going on. Like, enough to probably get Yoko Shimomura's skirt in a twist. The first episode, interestingly enough, reminded me of Melody of Oblivion.



By that I mean, of course, that The Violinist of Hamelin struck me as everything that Melody of Oblivion couldn't ever possibly hope to be. Our hero finds himself thrust into a world of monsters, and learns that music is his best defense. Of course, since music is his defense, he uses an actual musical instrument, instead of a bow. Now, the show is called the Violinist of Hamelin, and the instrument is, to some extent, played like a violin and sounds like a violin, but, well, check it out:

It's gotta be a Cello or a Bass. Which would be significant, since the villain is Lord Bass. Actually pretty much every single character in the show has a musical name. The High Priest is Clari(net), the princess is Flute, random villager 93 is Adagio, and the Raven is Oboe. Did I forget to mention that this show has a Raven? Cuz he's awesome.

The scenery in the show is pretty damn good. Which I feel is to be expected from an anime from the 90s. I think that was a good era for scenery in anime. Which sounds weird, but I dunno. I just think that.

The episode ends with Mozart's Requiem performed almost entirely by a single violin. It's a great start to the show and I could not be more excited for this series.
You know, now that I think about it, I have no idea. I guess I thought it was just going to be some really stupid show where I could just turn my brain off.

Turns out I'm not good at turning my brain off.

Er... It was actually a question for Femmeworth, not even seen High School DxD ;)
Hm... What made you start watching it in the first place?
I glanced over a review that made me interested but it must have been for the manga. After Angelic Layer and this, I see why Nanase Ohkawa has been heavily involved with every CLAMP adaptation since.

Edit: AniDB and ANN are both down. Wonder what happened.

Wait, ANN is back up already.

Looks like Ohkawa wasn't involved in the adaptation of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, except for two OVAs.


That's how I felt when I made the mistake of watching High School DxD.

Heh. I genuinely liked that, in spite of the dumbness. Well more the light novels than the anime, which is better than it has any right to be. Way more decent world building here than you should do for a story of this kind. Plus you have a mc who isn't a dopey oblivious blockhead. Pretty rare in this kind of story.


Rurouni Kenshin - Kyoto Inferno (Non-animu)

This was pretty damn entertaining. I enjoyed the first film despite feeling somewhat mixed about how draggy the pacing felt and how contrived some of the conspiracy plotting was, but this blows it completely out of the water. I guess that was expected though, since the Kyoto Arc is basically the best thing about Kenshin ever. Saito is so fucking good in live action. They really nailed the character. Lots of fun action, long ass runtime, but this time the content actually validates the length. The way they handled Aoshi was kinda odd though. He comes off really deranged and kinda dumb because of the rearrangement of the material. Still, it sets stuff up really well for the next film to have some great climatic stuff. The score by Naoki Sato is fantastic stuff. I really wish he would compose for more anime stuff again. T_T
I glanced over a review that made me interested but it must have been for the manga. After Angelic Layer and this, I see why Nanase Ohkawa has been heavily involved with every CLAMP adaptation since.

Hm... The manga isn't that much different IMO. The anime does make some episodes from just short scenes in the manga though, and the ending is slightly different since the anime was made before they had finished the manga or something. Not sure you'd like the manga either.


Well more or less I'm familiar with the whole of it.

Should be fine. I don't even think it references anything that was specifically different from the anime/manga in the first film. It starts with Saito leading a bunch of cops in an operation to kill Shishio, and they all get stealth-killed until Shishio makes a grand entrance to try and recruit Saito before being rejected. Really cool scene. Then after that there are a few scenes of happy-fun-times with Kenshin and gang before he gets summoned by the government to help with the Shishio problem. Everything moves forward from there really quickly.
If you are in the US. Internationally they seem pretty crappy in terms of ebooks. I still can't get Spice and Wolf here in Australia in an ebook format as far as I know.

Guess who else can't get Spice and Wolf e-books in English? Everywhere else because they don't have the rights to them. For whatever reason, Ascii Media Works novels won't have digital rights. It could be that AMW is asking too much money at this time or just doesn't want them published digitally (manga does have digital rights, so the former is more likely).

In regards to your earlier post about light novel speed, it does take 1-2 months per novel to translate the text because these translators take their time to better localize than a fan-translation (guess which one of us has actually translated a novel before). There's utterly no way that any publisher would say "I'm going to have our translators work on this latest volume 34 books ahead and ignore the previous volumes!" because you'd alienate potential customers who haven't read the earlier novels. You have to start at volume 1 and work up there. Yen heard the complaints that novels were coming out slow and so they increased their pace (even moreso for Index) and yet people still go "It's not up-to-date, so I'm not buying." It's incredibly self-defeating as a fanbase to think that way because you're just dooming the franchise to failure and you'll never get what you want.
Gosick 6-7
A new mystery in a whackjob backwards village. First was pretty easy to see that Cordellia wasn't the killer without having to look far. Also think I have an idea of who the killer actually is. Her singing was kind of funny
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