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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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That's how they get you.

You're right, and I have this snip from an MAL review to thank.

Random MAL Reviewer said:
But what is likely to disappoint is the lack of any development of the enemy. None of the important events of the first series were carried over and the Neuroi returned to being a faceless and unthinking enemy.

Literally answered every question I had. -_-


The oddest thing about this whole plotline is that they easily could have added this event to season 1. They had already filled most of the first half of the show with side-stories written after the fact. So, they easily could have developed this into something bigger that could take one episode of the original anime and it wouldn't be very different from many of the other side stories we saw there.

And yet, they didn't deal with this event at all, letting the problem of the original LNs remain there, in spite of clearly wanting to expand the SAO part of the story since they recognized that it was the most popular part of season 1. It's just odd.

Well isn't par for the course in terms of wanting a adaptation thats as true as possible that Japan goes for. At least in terms of events. Well their order...the whole meat of this episode is another example of how material is treated poorly to turn it into anime.
Quick question. What should I watch first, Noein or Gundam Wing? I could go for either or right now, just can't decide which should be watched first.


Akame ga Kill! Episode 10:

Ah, I was wondering when the shitty writing was going to come to the fore and watching the Tatsumi-Esdeath "love" bullshit was some truly painful wish fulfillment. Look a character like Esdeath can actually work when written competently but this show one the one hand wants to push her as the bloodthirsty and genocidal general and also a potential shipping love interest. I also don't buy for a moment that Esdeath is in actual love with Tatsumi for any real reason other then because the plot said so. Also, love or no love, I flat out refuse to believe that Esdeath would hold off having sex with Tatsumi. Can't really do the dominatrix gimmick and the submissive waifu character in the same archetype. Yea, if anything is going to make me turn on Akame Ga Kill it is the quite distasteful instance that I look for General Oppression to find love and happiness.


I just looked this one up. The plot seems interesting.

How good is it?

It's slower to develop and you need to pay attention, but I enjoyed it when I watched it. (assuming I am remembering the right show, which with shows I watched like 8 years ago sometimes I am not >< but I am pretty sure I am remembering correctly.)


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Nozaki-kun Episode 2
Alright this show really proves itself by the second episode, loved it.
I love the main girl's voice. It's super cute.


The only thing I remember about Gundam Wing is that I found it kinda off even as a teenager who ate up anything remotely anime. Also that Relena is terrible, but that's more of an obvious fact than anything.


Black Lagoon + Second Barrage
A pretty average series overall. Some cool, but completely nonsense action, parts of it were kinda funny.
I think I enjoyed a large portion of it, it was the fun kind of stupid. Until the second barrage happened and tried to make things serious.
The last long arc they did in Japan was too stupid for words. Such a terrible idea. Had they not tried to pull these dumb episodes, I might be able to recommend this in the future as a decent dumb action show now I am unsure I'd do that though. (gah the twins episode too so bad)
Revy's midriff though.


Somehow there are three non-otome VN anime airing next season (Grisaia, Daito, Waremete), four if you count FSN even though it's a remake/alternate route. Don't think that's ever happened before.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Black Lagoon + Second Barrage

A pretty average series overall. Some cool, but completely nonsense action, parts of it were kinda funny.
Roberta's Blood Trail is mildly more interesting than anything in Second Barrage. Might as well tack it on if you haven't already watched it.


The only thing I remember about Gundam Wing is that I found it kinda off even as a teenager who ate up anything remotely anime. Also that Relena is terrible, but that's more of an obvious fact than anything.

Relena was that chick with the Mugi/Chaika eyebrow thing going on right?

Why is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood the top anime series on MAL?

Also, is Haganai any good?

Yes Haganai is excellent. currently working my way through Haganai Next.
You would probably love Rikka. She is amazing. a brunette megane nerdy scientist type with a perverted streak and speaks in third person. OH MY GOD.


Yes Haganai is excellent. currently working my way through Haganai Next.
You would probably love Rikka. She is amazing. a brunette megane nerdy scientist type with a perverted streak and speaks in third person. OH MY GOD.

Everyone keeps shitting on Gundam Wing, it was like my first anime and holds a special place in my heart. YTV before bed time.

Haganai has been on my list forever, im almost through all of K-On this week.

Honobu Yonezawa needs to write more Hyouka, Kadokawa needs to not suck and get it licensed to stream somewhere. Please, im having withdrawls after finishing it last week.


Clannad 16


These are character from the same show.

You can really tell when KyoAni did an original design for a character. For one thing, it actually looks good, but the problem is it doesn't match the bug-eyed, spike-haired monstrosities that make up the main cast.

This was an okay Clannad episode. There was some dumb stuff hinting at future romantic battles in the middle, and the concept behind the basketball match didn't really make any sense. But we did get some decent basketball sakuga out of it, at least.


The only thing I remember about Gundam Wing is that I found it kinda off even as a teenager who ate up anything remotely anime. Also that Relena is terrible, but that's more of an obvious fact than anything.

Man I loved Wing as a kid. Could not get enough of the action. I'll grant Relena is fairly bland, but now that I've been exposed to the rest of the franchise I'm willing to put down that she's nowhere near the worst woman in Gundam.


Clannad 16

You can really tell when KyoAni did an original design for a character. For one thing, it actually looks good, but the problem is it doesn't match the bug-eyed, spike-haired monstrosities that make up the main cast.

This was an okay Clannad episode. There was some dumb stuff hinting at future romantic battles in the middle, and the concept behind the basketball match didn't really make any sense. But we did get some decent basketball sakuga out of it, at least.

This is funnier coming off Hanamonogatari's "amazing" basketball scenes.

Everyone keeps shitting on Gundam Wing, it was like my first anime and holds a special place in my heart. YTV before bed time.

I think overall the show is okay but there are a few things working against it

-Being part of an established franchise with much much more highly revered entries.
-Still having all the same problems every other true Gundam series has that turns some people off Gundam in the first place.
-Being an easy target having aired on Toonami and being the only real exposure to Gundam many more casual watchers had (and still have). Combined with the first point this results in a bigger backlash
-As Corvo implied, many women in Gundam are terrible characters and Relena is no different.


I liked hanamonogatari's basketball scene.

I loved the scenes thematically and Shaft did some neat visual things with the basketball motif but it's still Shaft attempting to animate humans playing basketball and the results are exactly what you'd expect from them.


Subete no aware
I loved the scenes thematically and Shaft did some neat visual things with the basketball motif but it's still Shaft attempting to animate humans playing basketball and the results are exactly what you'd expect from them.
Well, you're lucky because neither of them are human!


the holder of the trombone
Yeah, actually I guess the characters animating isn't what I most remember that scene for. :p

1 on 1 basket ball is truly the best sportsball metaphor for two people's opposing views coming into collision with each other.

I think 1 on 1 cricket holds way more potential in exploring that theme.


Subete no aware
Why is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood the top anime series on MAL?

While arguably undeserving of the title 'best anime ever', it's a very good series and there are far worst shows that could get the #1 spot. There are some sites that take shonen a bit more seriously than MAL and have shit like Bleach and Naruto up in the top 5.

I can't get too mad with MAL though since they're the reason I checked out Gintama, considering how high the series is ranked there.


While arguably undeserving of the title 'best anime ever', it's a very good series and there are far worst shows that could get the #1 spot. There are some sites that take shonen a bit more seriously than MAL and have shit like Bleach and Naruto up in the top 5.

I can't get too mad with MAL though since they're the reason I checked out Gintama, considering how high the series is ranked there.

I was deciding between Gintama and FMA, and might just go with Gintama because its shorter.


Everyone keeps shitting on Gundam Wing, it was like my first anime and holds a special place in my heart. YTV before bed time.

Here's the thing about Wing:

-Best fucking mecha designs in the entire franchise. Like seriously. Holy God yes. Wing Zero? Heavy Arms? Tallgeese? Epyon? God Tier. Shush, Ezalc. Shush.
-Some really memorable characters like Treize, Hiro and Zechs.

But at the same time it has a few really bad characters, and the plot is essentially a recap of the entire Universal Century from MSG to CCA.

Wing is by no means a bad show. Not when shit like AGE exists.
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