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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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one dimensional characters...? What?

They are, doesn't change the fact that most people who love eva tend to try to dig really really deep to find more.
shinji = whiny bitch
asuka = bitch
rei = 0 (yes it makes sense that she is that way, and her story has more to it but the character itself really doesn't)
shinji's dad = dick
drunk girl who owns a penguin that starts with an m ... yeah she is pretty standard drunk girl

they try in the second half to make them a bit more (
asuka becames a broken loser the rest stay about the same
) but in general they are horribly done and poorly developed.

PS: no need to try justifying that they have more depth then I give them... I have had people try I just don't see it and I don't care enough about the series to bother trying to see it anymore. If you find they are well developed characters, that's fine, I am glad you enjoy them, to me they are text book examples of how to make boring unlikable characters.


Ojamajo Doremi 2-8
I really had to cruise through the first couple of episodes because it's like choosing between watching anime for ants or awful upscales. From 7 onwards it's a fair bit better in terms of resolution.

So yeah, it's still really fun. There's plenty of praises to sing about its efficient storytelling, snappy dialogue and dynamic character interactions, but I'll just talk about the more common topic because it's easier and more my thing.

The show is, likewise, really efficient in its drawings. It has few of them at its disposal, and the screen isn't necessarily filled with movement at every turn, but it still vibrates with charm thanks to how well they place and use them. Of course you gotta thank Umakoshi for this, because the designs he crafted are pitch-perfect for the kind of cartoony expressiveness the show aims for. The default state of the characters is neutral and simple enough that the animators can do any kind of thing without it feeling out of place. Characters make weird expressions, they flap their arms and legs, adapt cumbersome poses. The forms and sizes of the drawings change constantly, building that momentum that keeps the show going visually even when nothing is otherwise going on.

Of note is that delightful Umakoshi line-art that gives some of these reaction shots so much character.
These designs are also extremely forgiving for anyone who goes off-model, an often overlooked detail which goes a long way towards making these designs successful in a long-running show made on the cheap. A good effect of this is that the 'funny faces' aren't just limited to punchlines and reaction shots, they constitute the fabric of the character acting on the show.

I picked just one example, but there's been plenty so far. These 7 poses appear within the span of about 2 seconds, while Doremi tries to clumsily correct herself. It's so fun to see acting like this done well!

It's not just that the funny faces are funny themselves, the visual design is an integral part of the appeal of the show and it really does wonders for the cast. It definitely makes a difference when your characters emote and act with so much dynamism and energy, and you have to give props to the people drawing all these fun, creative drawings.
interesting idea
poorly executed with terrible one dimension characters that they later try to add a second dimension to but more just feels like they broke and become different characters. pacing isn't great, and the ending is a train wreck due to them running out of budget. replacing the last two episodes with the movie instead helps but I don't think I would ever rate eva above a 7/10 even when I first watched it a decade ago. I probably consider it a 6/10 at this point which is just pretty average.

my general thoughts are about 15% of the story told is actually really solid story telling while the rest is just poorly done or pointless just there to fill out time. aka an above average setting with a below average cast and implementation of the setting resulting in an overall anime that really isn't anything special to watch.

note: I do still have to watch the new movies (I am waiting for them all to come out lol), and I have heard they do a lot better job with the characters where they actually feel like real characters instead of robots programmed to act a single way with an if command that if triggered they act a different way instead.

I know what you are getting at, it's a common complaint that the characters could be more fleshed out instead of being punching bags with emotional problems.

But really everything else? Poorly executed? It has some of the best scenes I can think of. Bad pacing? For what is at its core a monster of a week, it does good with variety and in the later half, getting to the good stuff. Ending is a trainwreck? Well, that's a pretty common opinion too but I don't really agree with that, that's another argument entirely though.

15% of the story being told is completely on purpose. You're never told what's on the Dead Sea Scrolls, what the Second Impact even actually was caused by or what it looks like, most of the backstory with the ancient race and the Seeds is short, but it can all be filled in with fan theories which I like and prefer.

And no Rebuild doesn't do a better job at characters, Mari is a perfect example of that. Removing her from the movies would cause little collateral damage.


He/she is not wrong. There is a pretty boy pilot and... that's it. For the life of me I can't remember what else he is/did. It is about fifteen years ago last time I watched it though.


I really don't get the idea an character must've "likeable" so they can called as "good" character, that's such a lame way of thinking.


I know what you are getting at, it's a common complaint that the characters could be more fleshed out instead of being punching bags with emotional problems.

But really everything else? Poorly executed? It has some of the best scenes I can think of. Bad pacing? For what is at its core a monster of a week, it does good with variety and in the later half, getting to the good stuff. Ending is a trainwreck? Well, that's a pretty common opinion too but I don't really agree with that, that's another argument entirely though.

15% of the story being told is completely on purpose. You're never told what's on the Dead Sea Scrolls, what the Second Impact even actually was caused by or what it looks like, most of the backstory with the ancient race and the Seeds is short, but it can all be filled in with fan theories which I like and prefer.

And no Rebuild doesn't do a better job at characters, Mari is a perfect example of that. Removing her from the movies would cause little collateral damage.

I wasn't saying 15% of the story was told, but that only 15% of the overall story was told well. it's much like my thoughts on final fantasy 10... overall there is about 2 hours of good story telling there, but it's surrounded by 30 hours of garbage which over all makes it one of my least favorite FF stories out there.

To be fair I am not a huge fan of Lain either... it's not so much that I dislike mind screw anime as it is a... huh that wasn't clear? I thought it was obvious thus the whole build up to it was really boring type of thing for me. but at least with EVA it takes a while for it to get going... when it finally starts going the writing is just terrible with the characters... and then you actually reach the end where they run out of budget (I actually rather enjoy the end of eva movie... i'd give that an 8/10 or so despite the masturbation scene) and the tv ending is just horrible... I can only think of one ending that I felt was worse... and that was kare kano... because it was the same damn ending just making even less sense with that anime @_@

I really don't get the idea an character must've "likeable" so they can called as "good" character, that's such a lame way of thinking.

they do have to be likeable in some sort of way though, but not in a hey that guy is cool way. for a villian they need to be written in a way where the conflict they bring is well fleshed out and overall you like to hate them. for a hero you need to have a reason to root for them otherwise you likely won't care. without any real depth to make them likeable in some way you end up with a shallow one dimensional character which can hardly be called a good character to me. If a character just fills you with rage any time they are on screen just because they are on screen, they aren't exactly good characters then. of course as always people's opinions of good can differ quite a bit, but in general, if there is a character you find to be good... there will be something you like about them... whether it is their actions or their personality ect.


sealed with a kiss
He/she is not wrong. There is a pretty boy pilot and... that's it. For the life of me I can't remember what else he is/did. It is about fifteen years ago last time I watched it though.

so you say he's right because you watched it so long ago you can't remember anything about it? great argument right there

people who don't like the TV ending to EVA are the worst btw
I wasn't saying 15% of the story was told, but that only 15% of the overall story was told well. it's much like my thoughts on final fantasy 10... overall there is about 2 hours of good story telling there, but it's surrounded by 30 hours of garbage which over all makes it one of my least favorite FF stories out there.

To be fair I am not a huge fan of Lain either... it's not so much that I dislike mind screw anime as it is a... huh that wasn't clear? I thought it was obvious thus the whole build up to it was really boring type of thing for me. but at least with EVA it takes a while for it to get going... when it finally starts going the writing is just terrible with the characters... and then you actually reach the end where they run out of budget (I actually rather enjoy the end of eva movie... i'd give that an 8/10 or so despite the masturbation scene) and the tv ending is just horrible... I can only think of one ending that I felt was worse... and that was kare kano... because it was the same damn ending just making even less sense with that anime @_@

I disagree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!


Eva can be very polarizing. Someone I know gave it a 1 for everything and really feels that way. lol

Yes indeed, though it is the rare breed to call it nothing special, a sentiment I can't agree with since 20 years later and we are still dealing with Rei clones just to name one example.


I disagree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!

and I too would defend your right to disagree with me. My favorite thing about mankind is that we can look at the same thing and feel vastly different things.

Yes indeed, though it is the rare breed to call it nothing special, a sentiment I can't agree with since 20 years later and we are still dealing with Rei clones just to name one example.

to be fair... I am usually some sort of odd duck :p
If you want to know a series I feel has good characters though. that would be Nana.


Don't remind me. :| Everything is probably already remastered and they are sitting on it.
Of course, and since 2003 too! As I mentioned before, during the RENEWAL OF EVANGELION project there was done a "HD24P" (that if not specified a number, most probably makes reference to a 1080p resolution) transfer after that new 'Telecine' process for the 35mm film negative. An original press release made mention of that (http://www.tokyo3cn.com/bbs/thread-200-1-1.html), although I can't find anymore another source of it I had saved.

As a bonus, here you have photographies of Mr. Anno having fun during the dubbing of new dialogue for the mix of the new '5.1' track, present on the DVDs that came from that project.


so you say he's right because you watched it so long ago you can't remember anything about it? great argument right there

Time has little to do with it. If a character is forgettable, he/she is badly written or a minor character. Can't really say he's minor when he's an Eva pilot.

If you want to know a series I feel has good characters though. that would be Nana.

Of course, and since 2003 too! As I mentioned before, during the RENEWAL OF EVANGELION project there was done a "HD24P" (that if not specified a number, most probably makes reference to a 1080p resolution) transfer after that new 'Telecine' process for the 35mm film negative. An original press release made mention of that (http://www.tokyo3cn.com/bbs/thread-200-1-1.html), although I can't find anymore another source of it I had saved.

As a bonus, here you have photographies of Mr. Anno having fun during the dubbing of new dialogue for the mix of the new '5.1' track, present on the DVDs that came from that project.
BRB breaking into Gainax.


Of course, and since 2003 too! As I mentioned before, during the RENEWAL OF EVANGELION project there was done a "HD24P" (that if not specified a number, most probably makes reference to a 1080p resolution) transfer after that new 'Telecine' process for the 35mm film negative. An original press release made mention of that (http://www.tokyo3cn.com/bbs/thread-200-1-1.html), although I can't find anymore another source of it I had saved.

As a bonus, here you have photographies of Mr. Anno having fun during the dubbing of new dialogue for the mix of the new '5.1' track, present on the DVDs that came from that project.

So it really is already done? That makes it even more frustrating. Hurry up and put this out, Anno!

Also, I'm kind of surprised Eva was done on 35mm. For some reason I thought it was done on 16mm, like Nadia.


I actually don't think Shinji is whiny. I remember looking for that during my last watch through.

my daddy is so mean
I don't want to be a pilot
asuka is mean
why does this happen to me
should I reset the world or leave it as it is.
whine whine whine...


They are, doesn't change the fact that most people who love eva tend to try to dig really really deep to find more.
shinji = whiny bitch
asuka = bitch
rei = 0 (yes it makes sense that she is that way, and her story has more to it but the character itself really doesn't)
shinji's dad = dick
drunk girl who owns a penguin that starts with an m ... yeah she is pretty standard drunk girl

they try in the second half to make them a bit more (
asuka becames a broken loser the rest stay about the same
) but in general they are horribly done and poorly developed.

PS: no need to try justifying that they have more depth then I give them... I have had people try I just don't see it and I don't care enough about the series to bother trying to see it anymore. If you find they are well developed characters, that's fine, I am glad you enjoy them, to me they are text book examples of how to make boring unlikable characters.

Well I'm sure if you like to summarise characters with one or two word they probably would seem one dimensional.

I could do the same thing with Monster:

Dr. Tenma: Depressed Loner
Johan: Psycho Killer
Inspector Lunge: Paranoid Detective
Grimmer: Kind-hearted Journalist

What a bunch of one dimensional characters.
I actually don't think Shinji is whiny. I remember looking for that during my last watch through.

my daddy is so mean
I don't want to be a pilot
asuka is mean
why does this happen to me
should I reset the world or leave it as it is.
whine whine whine...

He complains a lot, but piloting Evangelions is a shitty business. It hurts you, is bad for your mental state, is prone to going nuts and just eating shit,
has your mothers soul in it and have their own will
. Pretty bad stuff. Evangelions are probably at the bottom of the list of mechs I would actually want to pilot.
Not to mention he has to pilot them full knowing that the weight of the world is on his shoulders, should he fail...something bad will happen. He doesn't even know what he's fighting in the first place.

Nobody ever really tries to help him either. Except Kaji.


Also, I'm kind of surprised Eva was done on 35mm. For some reason I thought it was done on 16mm, like Nadia.
Wait, weren't you referring to the feature films on your conversation? Those were the ones printed on 35mm film, but the series was (as you say) on 16mm one, except for the OP and ED.


Wait, weren't you referring to the feature films in your conversation? Those were the ones printed on 35mm film, but the series was (as you say) on 16mm.

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood your post! I was referring to both the original series and the movies (Death and Rebirth, EoE) in the conversation.

So the original movies have an HD transfer available. Does the original series have one as well, or do we not know yet?


Well I'm sure if you like to summarise characters with one or two word they probably would seem one dimensional.

I could do the same thing with Monster:

Dr. Tenma: Depressed Loner
Johan: Psycho Killer
Inspector Lunge: Paranoid Detective
Grimmer: Kind-hearted Journalist

What a bunch of one dimensional characters.

I suppose, but with eva I really don't feel like I have much else to add to them as those pretty much sum up my entire thoughts on their character... meanwhile, while I have only seen the first 15 eps or so of monster, I feel like I could add quite a bit more to those characters.

People who think Eva would be better with a macho douchebag protagonist are the worst.

who ever said that in this thread?
such a character wouldn't remotely fit in shinji's shoes, and in general he is one of the better characters in EVA. Just because I call him a whiny bitch that is one dimensional doesn't mean I think he is a bad character that needs to be replaced (he isn't a good character either... I find his personality traits fitting with what has gone on in his life, just wish it felt more like he was trying at all to change his life for the better instead of whining about it the whole time and that he was better written in general.)
Tokyo Ghoul Episode 5

I enjoy this adaption but it could of been so much better. Though since it's from Studio Pierrot it should be given that it wouldn't be great. If MadHouse had done the adaption, it would probably be great and much better. The things that I'm pretty much looking forward to is the battles, opening, and Kaneki's transformation.

Anyways this episode had a flashback of Nishio's past and Toka's beautiful Kagune which were nice. In the end the manga is the way to go.


Oh, sorry, I misunderstood your post! I was referring to both the original series and the movies (Death and Rebirth, EoE) in the conversation.

So the original movies have an HD transfer available. Does the original series have one as well, or do we not know yet?
No, I don't remember a mention of a transfer of such quality for the series itself... and after all the problems they had to affront (including deteriorated or missing material) to make an acceptable quality final product for the DVDs alone I don't think they bothered that much for making it that way.


No-one cares but it's been confirmed that all major VAs from Grisaia no Kajitsu will be reprising their roles for the upcoming anime version in the fall autumn.
Kaori Mizushima and Ai Shimizu for all but you'll also have to put up with Tomoe Tamiyasu grating on your ears as well.

Still curious about how they're going to deal with this even if it is largely unforgettable product overall. Presumably a mix of the light hearted, lewd conversational banter before going into the boring serious stuff but then what about the choice of the individual stories from each of the female cast? Mix them all up?

It would be hilarious if they copied Yosuga no Sora and adapted all of them.* The black bag ending will be sure to bring some laughs.

*They'd need to eviscerate Amane's route though. So much boring text.

The curse evidently carries over what with me wasting all these words on something bad.

I have more relevant stuff to reply to from the previous thread but I have 106 pages to skim through.


No, I don't remember a mention of a transfer of such quality for the series itself... and after all the problems they had to affront (including deteriorated or missing material) to make an acceptable quality final product for the DVDs alone I don't think they bothered that much for making it that way.

Ah, that's disappointing. Hopefully they'll manage to create one somehow. Nadia's HD transfer turned out mostly fine, after all (mostly, since Gainax seems to be the master of losing materials).

I'm still pretty content knowing that EoE has an HD quality transfer ready and waiting. The sooner I can get my hands on that the better.


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if that's the case. Want to know what's worse though?

After it eventually comes out in Japan, it'll still be a while before it officially releases in the West. For reference, look at how long it's taking Funimation to even release 3.33 here.

I still havent seen it. Its been preordered for ages.

How should Neon Genesis Evangelion be watched? Through the TV series or the Movies. I've been wanting to watch it but I don't know which version to see first.

Track down the Platinum dvds.
Best copy of the series so far.


I explained like, maybe ten pages ago about how the show was a brilliant subversion of the genre, so I'm just going to recite that as my standing on the topic and call it good.

Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness

Meanwhile there's -this-. I really do not know what to say about this movie. The success of the television series was that it was a versatile work capable of juggling comedy with severity (and without doing it in a heavy handed way like certain third rate hentai reject haremshit shows I could name!) but this film is just so damn serious. It wants so bad to be cool that it forgets that things in Nadesico were cool without having to try to be cool. I mean sure, the Black Serena is a kick ass mech and Akito looks as cool in shades and a black cloak as any anime protagonist, but come on. Yurika Misumaru is barely in this thing, Akito spends the whole film brooding over how to rescue her, and when he does he disappears without any explanation. I get that this film was both a sequel to a video game and the prequel to movies that never came, but the whole film is so disjointed, and the ending is so rushed. Akito's brawl with Hokushin lasts so little time and then we never even get to see how they freed Yurika from the Relic.

Part of me likes this film because it is cool, because it's much better animated than the television series, and it has a lot of nifty ideas, but the other part of me hates how piecemeal the whole thing is and how at odds with the original Nadesico it stands. Ruri hardly wisecracks, and regulars from the show, like Megumi, are shunted to the side.

It's just a really disappointing work.


I suppose, but with eva I really don't feel like I have much else to add to them as those pretty much sum up my entire thoughts on their character... meanwhile, while I have only seen the first 15 eps or so of monster, I feel like I could add quite a bit more to those characters.

We not gonna seeing many interpretation to Eva's character if they're "one-dimensional"
You don't see that kind of discussion in backpages for One Piece character for example. They have too many subplot behind them to being called that, if they not interest you that's fine.. but they definitely written in more layer to know if one seeking to.
not really sure how you get to them being vampires
they don't drink blood
they don't mind the sun
they don't have just two fangs o_O
you don't need a wooden stake to the heart, nor decapitation to kill them
they are ghouls.... as they say in the title of the show o_O

honestly I would have went with intelligent zombies that aren't dead... before vampires o_O;

It's an over simplification, but they feed on people and are intelligent. To me that says Vampire.


It's an over simplification, but they feed on people and are intelligent. To me that says Vampire.

depending on the lore vampires actually don't have a need to feed on people o_O They prefer the taste of human blood but then can survive on blood from other creatures. As far as we can tell in tokyo ghoul they have to feed on human flesh. plus vampires are considered undead, the ghouls are not undead they are in fact living o.o; even by the most basic definition of vampire I know (forgotten realms D&D) they would be undead creatures that require feeding which ghouls are not :p
Tried watching the first 5 episodes of Marvel's Disk Wars: Avengers. Wish I was younger to enjoy the show more. Vastly better than the serious attempts at Marvel's universe by Japan a few years ago but man... they could have tried a bit harder with the attacks. "Loki uses Cane Blast~o!" ...really?

Guess the Digimon team was pretty bored though.

Even worse is I think this is the best show airing right now... Sword art online 2 put me to sleep in the first 3 episodes. Figured it would get interesting... kinda did... then threw it right out the damn window as expected. Too let down to watch anything else this season lol.

When's Build Fighters coming back?!~
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