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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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'Sup bitches?


Ah, I'm so jealous.


Blue Spring Ride 05

Cute episode, lots of good moments for Futaba and everyone else. That ending, though. Love triangle incoming.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Hot damn if Vagabond and GTO are in the same vicinity I'mma start today yo.

Also i need to actually read vagabond I stopped for no reason.

Yes, welcome to the club!

But don't read it at work though
1. It's lewd.
2. You'll be laughing out loud.

Oh yeah, it's been a while since i read vagabond. I used to buy the manga regularly, but now, i kinda stop since it's on hiatus...


Can we also take a moment to talk about how bad some of the lighting and colouring looks in this show? There's a lot of shots with practically no sense of depth or space because the lighting is complete even with no visible shadows. This creates images that look flat and cheap, almost like a bad visual novel. The extremely uniform and washed out colours really don't help either:


Terror in Resonance 1:
This was a very interesting first episode with quite a bit of different stuff going on. The opening scene solidly sets up the idea of the series, and it does so with some very nice moments (I particularly liked the transition from the shaking grenade to shaking a can of spray paint, which then winds up joining the two different scenes together). Interestingly, after setting up this terror based opening, the show then jumps to a high school setting, and drops our two main characters into it. This works primarily because of how much the characters seem to clash with the setting. People joke about how any sort of concept in anime can be amended with 'while in high school', but this stretches the idea in a knowing way, with the whole point of the first half of the episode being about how these characters don't really belong in the setting. Nine adopts the role of the aloof cool guy (the Rukawa archetype, essentially), but has no real interest in the role whatsoever, while Twelve similarly acts in a more happy go lucky role, but this is hiding his own darkness, made explicit later in the episode, but already highlighted to a certain extent when he's going on about various different students and their names. Nine tells him that he doesn't need to memorize the names of people outside of his class. In other words, Twelve doesn't actually understand the rules of the system he's been dropped into, and his act is a way of fitting in, but it still exposes him as an outsider. These transfer students aren't just two kids transferring into a high school, they're invaders from another genre entirely dropping into a high school anime (although not one with all of the trappings of 'school anime' in general, but something which feels more along the lines of a work like Flowers of Evil in its portrayal of bullying and ostracizing within school).

The idea of the facade hiding the darker parts becomes most explicit in the later parts of the episode, where the cutesy mascot stuffed animals are used to disguise bombs. As symbols go, this is pretty straightforward, but there's a certain elegance to it at the same time, because it isn't really trying to be subtle, but rather to make explicit what was already being done implicitly earlier in the episode. This also creates a grammar for Twelve's interactions with Lisa, and the eventual way that the two of them convince Lisa to join them. The scene between Twelve and Lisa on the stairwell is the heart of the episode, and it understands it. The music is the best of the whole episode, and the shifting of Twelve's eyes say everything which needs to be said about his character at this point.

I haven't really talked much about the portrayal of bullying at the school, but it hit fairly close to home with me. The bit with Lisa taking her lunch into the bathroom with her actually resonated quite a bit with me, because I can remember a time in high school when I did that, because I was too afraid to sit with anyone at lunch. It felt like a pretty genuine scene to me.

I feel like there's a lot more going on in this episode, so I still have only really scratched the surface of exactly what is going on. As far as first episodes go, this is a huge success, promising all sorts of possibilities for where the show could go from here.


Can we also take a moment to talk about how bad some of the lighting and colouring looks in this show? There's a lot of shots with practically no sense of depth or space because the lighting is complete even with no visible shadows. This creates images that look flat and cheap, almost like a bad visual novel. The extremely uniform and washed out colours really don't help either:



I'm not a big fan of the "digital texture pasted over flat digital paintings in an attempt to emulate depth" look. There are certainly ways to use patterns in digital art, but it needs to be part of a deliberate style. It doesn't work if you're trying to make something look three-dimensional.


Cute girls doing nothing/cute things. I'll give it a try.

Cute girls doing cute dancing things!

Gundam Build Fighters: Episode 21: Amid the Glittering Particles

Although not as good as my absolute favorite episode of the show (15), Episode 21 is another I love to bits, for reasons I'm going to try to put into words here. As I do so, I hope I can help explain why I love Gundam Build Fighters so much.

The central figure of this episode is Aila Jyrkiainen, who more or less embodies the show's love of fan-service. And by that I don't just mean T & A.

Aila's character is essentially the end result of years and years of refinement of a certain character archetype in the Gundam series, and to an even greater extent in Mecha anime in general. Her specific archetype is that of Lalah Sune, Mobile Suit Gundam's mysterious, tragic love interest for Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, whose psychic powers are both the cause of her romance and the source of her tragedy. Lalah was found by one Char Aznable while working in a brothel in India before being taken to the Flanagan Institute, whereas Aila was found by Nine Barthes, winning in Gunpla gambling, before being taken to the Flana Institute. Nine himself bears some resemblance to Char:

The resemblance is not solely in role or appearance, either. Although I do not feel that Nine is a 1:1 reflection of Char, one cannot overlook that their actions are extremely similar in that both men are using these girls as pawns in their own ambitions, and that both girls are suffering for it.

From Lalah the Gundam metaseries has featured numerous troubled girls whose powers are abused by men for their own gains. These examples include, but are not limited to, Four Murasame, Rosamia Badam, Elpeo Puru, Marida Cruz and Allenby Beardsley. It's so popular a convention that it's honestly stranger when a Gundam series fails to include such a character. Even the critically despised Gundam AGE had one. Aila's specific lineage is best linked to G Gundam's Allenby Beardsley. A point which the series does not fail to make:

The similarities between Allenby and Aila are numerous. Allenby was taken in by the Neo-Swedish Military at a young age and raised to be their top fighter. Allenby is introduced during the World Tournament as having defeated a powerful rival (Argo Gulskii, the most physically powerful member of the Shuffle Alliance), and not long after sneaking out of her team's quarters at night, whereupon she encounters the series' hero. Both share a love of meat-buns, they're that similar. Allenby's mech is loaded with a Berserker System which has essentially all the same consequences and functions as Aila's Embody System. The one major difference is that Aila's identity as an enemy to Reiji is kept a secret, where Allenby's is not. It's a trait she shares with several of her predecessors, however. Especially Four Murasame, Rosamia Badam and Elpeo Puru. Then there's this:

With some minor adjustments, both costumes are essentially one and the same. It's evident that the series has no intention of keeping her role as an homage to her predecessors a secret, and it's a piece I'm particularly happy with. At times it's difficult not to think that Tomino hates women. I mean, the light-saber bikini disaster in Victory is one we all remember as being hilarious and horrible, but NeoGAF user Megalosaro has made an interesting point to me on several occasions: that Tomino actually only aims to assert that women are chief victims of the sins of men during war, and that this message is simply distorted by Tomino's own, shall we call it unique, brand of story-telling.

With caveats I am of the mind to allow this opinion because it is in keeping with my findings regarding the portrayal of female foes in many early mecha anime. As such, I present the following to you:

In order we have Minerva X (of Mazinger Z), Yuki Gora (of Getter Robo) and Kouchoki (of Getter Robo G). Minerva X is possibly the oldest example of this character appearing in mecha anime, but also one of the more unusual because rather than being an ordinary human girl turned into a weapon of war by the villain, Minerva X is a weapon of war created (or unearthed) by Dr. Hell who develops human feelings for Kouji and his Mazinger Z. As with Yuki Gora (the daughter of series villain Emperor Gore) and Kouchoki (a human woman named Koucho possessed by the Demon Empire), Minerva X met a horrible end at the hands of the man she had fallen for. This sort of thing happens no less than ten times in 100 episodes of Getter Robo and several times in Mazinger as well. The message, as I've understood it, is simply the above stated: that war/the world as it was during the Cold War, took ordinary women and turned them into weapons for the sake of men, only to cast them aside. In old mecha anime these women almost always met horrible fates. In the Gundam series itself, few are the daughters of Lalah Sune who have come to happy endings.

Which is why seeing Aila succeed where so many girls before her have failed is so rewarding an experience, I believe. You can rightly write quite a bit about the kind of message sent about a young woman needing a man to come along and rescue her, and that viewpoint and that criticism are certainly valid, but I offer to you, reader, an alternative view: that Aila's case is instead an encouraging statement upon the state of such girls within Mecha anime. Aila doesn't die a tragic death, but rather is able to recover and attain the normal, happy life she so desperately fought for. As she does so she tells off literally every single man who had stood in her way prior to that point, demonstrating her independence from the masculine system which had bound her prior to that point.

It's worth discussing, of course, that all of this is brought about by one of the better executed Newtype moments in the entire franchise. For those not in the know, the big deal about Newtype moments (and Newtypes in general) is that they are about understanding the feelings of your opponent and reconciling. That that intimate understanding is the future and hope of mankind. However, Newtypes have a terrible track record within Gundam for actually pulling this off because almost all of the time they simply wind up killing one another. The two longest running Newtypes, Char and Amuro, could not reach such a reconciliation in their mortal lives. This is significant because Aila's mecha is the extremely aptly chosen Qubeley Papillon. Her freedom is therefore tied to one of the most famous failures in the franchise: Haman Khan.

Haman Khan is notable within the Gundam series as its preeminent female villain. Although her back story paints Haman in the same light as all such women before her, she stands above them for bridging the gap from victim to aggressor, or rather, Haman isn't the servant of any villain greater than herself, whereas most of her predecessors worked for some villain or another. From the moment she's introduced in Zeta Gundam onward, Haman is a serious, powerful threat both on the battlefield and off of it. Over the course of ZZ Gundam she develops a relationship with Judau Ashta, the series hero, and like her predecessors, fails. What is notable here is that Haman had the chance to be saved, and actively rejected it. She also had numerous opportunities to seduce Judau to her cause and failed. Their Newtype reconciliation and attraction utterly failed to lead to any peaceful outcome whatsoever, instead sewing the seeds for later wars.

So to see Aila, a Qubeley pilot, come through her scenario to a cheerful outcome is something I enjoyed thoroughly. Granted, the series is of a much lighter tone than any of the above mentioned, so Aila's survival was guaranteed, but all the same. Seeing her overcome the challenge placed before her is an incredible step forward for both herself and her character archetype.

It's kind of funny, really, because her reconciliation is reached thus:

The episode consists of more than just this, of course, but I found that this was the most important aspect to discuss. The rest of it I think has been gone over before me, like the way the Star Build Strike strikes what may be the most iconic Gundam pose of all time:

There's also the fact that this episode includes the prettiest version of the Star Build Strike's infamous finishing move: The Build Knuckle.

I hope that this helps to explain a little about why I loved this episode in particular and the series in general, and I thank you for the patience exercised in reading this post and as always, beg forgiveness of those who find these posts long-winded and space-consuming.

Ive not seen enough Gundam to really know what you mean about Aila but I would agree she is a certain perfect mix of traits that I definitely like and shes absolutely squeedorable. Her design is basically perfect. the show is also too light hearted to do cruel things to characters so she doesnt die. If Aila was in a show and they killed her off I would seriously break shit.

I do it on my phone.

There's an option in the "preferences" section of the main page that has a toggle for turning them on and off.

But that's just for mobilegaf.

Same here. I turn off gifs on mobile. (Saves a lot of data usage which I then use up on twitter anyway)
on my PC it doesnt matter cause I have no cap.

HNNNNNNNG. The CG as usual is a bit fussy and stiff, but I like what I see. Its just so absurd that I love it. This gonna be fun!

If it happens they're never going to get to this part, but I would love to see how the fuck would anyone animate this scene.

This show seems pretty lewd. Not sure what to expect.

ROFL. Pic saved.
Full series with new dub and subs. (Subs cannot be disabled unless you rip it like many recent releases.)
You can grab it from Rightstuff but the release is in a couple of days.

With a new dub? Crap gonna order when I get home!

When you say subs can't be disabled I assume thats for people who actually are fluent in Japanese correct?

Edit: 178 dollars what is this shit?


With a new dub? Crap gonna order when I get home!

When you say subs can't be disabled I assume thats for people who actually are fluent in Japanese correct?

Edit: 178 dollars what is this shit?

It's to defeat the ghost known as REVERSE IMPORTATION.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
With a new dub? Crap gonna order when I get home!

When you say subs can't be disabled I assume thats for people who actually are fluent in Japanese correct?

Edit: 178 dollars what is this shit?
In fairness it's like seventy episodes.
In fairness it's like seventy episodes.

I was able to get 200+ episodes of One Piece for $150 hybrid (dvd). If the season dvds were $30-40 I'd be cool with that, but the dvds separate are basically the same price at the end of the day as the premium edition


I'm liking this new meme on Kancolle.








I ain't surprised if Onii-sama can do this.

I saw one with Kotoura-san. Adorable.

If Nukoduke! ever gets animated, Cajun may not live through it.

Its possible. Ive seen the manga pictures.
Would be like Potemayo.

Blegh that KanColle PV. Strike Witches 3 where are you?

Kancolle definitely deserves its chance in the moe sun but I agree. SW3 needs to happen soon.

Better CG than Crystal.

Cruel but true.

'Sup bitches?


How did you get it a day early? You live in Tampa dont you?
It arrives tomorrow and I have to work tonight so I am not too jealous.
However, it arrives Tuesday night and I dont have work again till next tuesday after so I can enjoy a full week of CCS bluray so squeeeeeeeeeeee

With a new dub? Crap gonna order when I get home!

When you say subs can't be disabled I assume thats for people who actually are fluent in Japanese correct?

Edit: 178 dollars what is this shit?

Actually, 178$ is a bargain. This series is 70 episodes long. It spanned 18 DVDs.
178$ is an absolute steal for Cardcaptor Sakura on bluray.
Originally I got the series DVD set for 80$ and that still the all time best price for official product, but that was a once in a lifetime Rightstuf clearance deal.

I don't even want to imagine how expensive this set would be in Japanese O.O

It was about $2000 in Japan!
I would have bought it had I been able to actually understand raw japanese. but Im a bit crazy too.


With a new dub? Crap gonna order when I get home!

When you say subs can't be disabled I assume thats for people who actually are fluent in Japanese correct?

Edit: 178 dollars what is this shit?

It's not a new dub (like what Viz is doing for Sailor Moon). It's the Animax dub, and it's included as an extra.

$178 for a collector's edition Blu-Ray set of a 70 episode anime is pretty fair, to be honest. You're acting like this is Aniplex pricing. :p


It's not a new dub (like what Viz is doing for Sailor Moon). It's the Animax dub, and it's included as an extra.

$178 for a collector's edition Blu-Ray set of a 70 episode anime is pretty fair, to be honest. You're acting like this is Aniplex pricing. :p

it would be over $600 if it was Aniplex


Yeh but what is the real value of shonen poop like One Piece?

Quality aside, it's cheaper because it's DVD, and I'm also guessing it doesn't include an artbox and hardcover artbook.

Hard subs...


Pretty sure all of NISA's releases have been like that. They've been pretty consistent with that, unfortunately. I think you can disable them with a modded BD player or something.

it would be over $600 if it was Aniplex

Maybe even more than that!


Quality aside, it's cheaper because it's DVD, and I'm also guessing it doesn't include an artbox and hardcover artbook.

Pretty sure all of NISA's releases have been like that. They've been pretty consistent with that, unfortunately. I think you can disable them with a modded BD player or something.

Maybe even more than that!

lol yeah that would be a bargain bin Aniplex set.


How did you get it a day early? You live in Tampa dont you?
It arrives tomorrow and I have to work tonight so I am not too jealous.
However, it arrives Tuesday night and I dont have work again till next tuesday after so I can enjoy a full week of CCS bluray so squeeeeeeeeeeee

No. Charlotte. Just outside Charlotte, actually.

As for why I got it early...I dunno.


It's to defeat the ghost known as REVERSE IMPORTATION.
Worst was when it was on my region locked FMA:B release that won't play in Japan anyway. Fuckers.

I don't even want to imagine how expensive this set would be in Japanese O.O
I was released in a $800 and $600 volumes in 2009. (movies for $65 each)
Then got a re-release in 2012 in 3 $250 volumes. + movies

Not hardsubs. Programatically imposed softsubs.


Worst was when it was on my region locked FMA:B release that won't play in Japan anyway. Fuckers.

I was released in a $800 and $600 volumes in 2009. (movies for $65 each)
Then got a re-release in 2012 in 3 $250 volumes. + movies

Not hardsubs. Programatically imposed softsubs.

Do you think the movies should should show up too? Im sure they'd have to be separately licensed.
I never bought/watched the CCS movies.


Do you think the movies should should show up too? Im sure they'd have to be separately licensed.
I never bought/watched the CCS movies.
I have no idea. I'd guess they'd be licensed.
Both the movies are nice. Movie 1 is entirely skippable and not that nice. Movie 2 is the actual ending of the series.


Maturity, bitches.
Not hardsubs. Programatically imposed softsubs.
I see. Well if one can at least disable them with the English dub and mute button for screenshots I suppose it isn't too bad. Still annoyed when I read YrYr BDs were hardsubbed.


I might change my avatar soon, haven't decided yet.

Anyway, watching my way through the first World Tournament arc of Dragonball. It's actually way more entertaining than I thought it would be. And once I finish it, it'll be on to completely new material to me, as I've read through the Tournament in the manga, and had originally watched only as far as Goku and Krillian's training in the Anime.


Do you think the movies should should show up too? Im sure they'd have to be separately licensed.
I never bought/watched the CCS movies.

They will! Discotek has licensed the first movie. The DVD comes out later this month, and the BD will be later this year. No word on the second movie yet.


One day Japan will get the boot up the arse it so richly deserves for all this revere importation nonsense.

Until then, it's buying the things, Ripping the things and XBMC'ing the things on my HTPC for me.

Works fine for me, I like my space.


Do you think the movies should should show up too? Im sure they'd have to be separately licensed.
I never bought/watched the CCS movies.

I'd wager both would get licensed, but it's a slight bummer that they're not in the set. If you really want to watch the second movie though (which you should, cause it's great and the actual end of the series as Theonik said), it shouldn't be too hard to track down. Somebody (Geneon, I think?) gave it a proper release back in the day.


One day Japan will get the boot up the arse it so richly deserves for all this revere importation nonsense.

Until then, it's buying the things, Ripping the things and XBMC'ing the things on my HTPC for me.

Works fine for me, I like my space.
I actually would've bought the Persona 4 anime blurays if they weren't the shitty dub only with no JP voice track.
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