What happened to the people who wrote that rumour that JoJo would continue all year non stop?
Uraizen brought this to my attention before she was announced. He noticed her in the BG and wondered if she might end up playable. Happily, she is!
I would buy more animu fighters if I had an arcade-style stick to actually use as a controller, but they all cost too much for a casual player. Yes I know Louffy won Evo with a basic PS1 gamepad but I don't have anywhere near that level of dexterity.
Engaged to the Unidentified 07
That envy.
Lots of student council secretary, over-enthusiastic reporter and sister stuff. At least the reveal at the end was interesting.
It was a terrible show with terrible characters so duh?I get the feeling you are really not enjoying this show.
I get the feeling you are really not enjoying this show.
Just curious, but is the Absolute Destiny Apocalypse sequence going to be repeated every episode?
And I'm not sure what the significance of the stopwatch is, maybe it'll be explained later.
Aww! I'll be in Japan Jan 8-19 so I'll just miss the movie. HOPEFULLY there'll be cool promo stuff on sale somewhere for the movie (when I went to Odaiba in June 2013, I found a Noitamina popup shop with Psycho-Pass, Robotic;Notes and Anohana movie stuff even though that movie wasn't coming out until August) that I can pick up.Arpeggio of blue steel first movie coming 2015 Jan 31
What happened to the people who wrote that rumour that JoJo would continue all year non stop?
Not trying to rub anything in, just want to know if they were punished.why you gotta rub it in breh.
Excellent, Ling Tosite Sigure will be back to perform the opening for Psycho-Pass S2 with another new song, Enigmatic Feeling.
Don't watch shit anime then
So I'm reading Fate H/A and I'm not even a quarter of the way through but this thing has more lavishly detailed descriptions of food and the cooking thereof than all of FSN combined. If you've played that game you can already figure that that is an incredible feat. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Either way I am left very hungry.
I think Shaft's cooking show might be the death of me.
New Guilty Gear Xrd character Elphelt is pretty anime, even for GG standards:
The gif is moving at about twice the actual gameplay speed though.
Elphelt was made for Cajun
chaika - 11
I laughed.
Chaika designs have always been bad, but Squirtle takes it a little too far.
Seiken Tsukai no World Break is set for January 2015.
Director: Takayuki Inagaki
Series Composition: Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Animation Production: Diomedéa
Cast includes Kaito Ishikawa, Ayana Taketatsu, and Aoi Yuuki. Yui Ogura and Maaya Uchida were also on the drama CD cast alongside those three.
Chaika the Coffin Princess 10
Really sick of all young blonde nobles in fantasy fiction being depicted as sadistic psychopaths.
Akari is trying to kill Tooru. How is that different from normal, exactly?
I'm positive he won't be annoying and whine all the time.
ZZ Gundam - 11
So while the original Zeta Gundam stole it's transforming mecha gimmick from Macross, ZZ Zeta reaches further back in time so grab the Getter Robo design idea. It's interesting that with every sequel they felt the need to create some radically different Gundam design, as if somehow kids would get bored with the toys if they didn't feature some new trick.
Perhaps they were right, but it's weird all the same.
And speaking of Psycho-Pass, here's the new PV for Psycho-Pass S2:
Featuring the aforementioned OP "Enigmatic Feeling" by Ling Tosite Sigure and ED "Fallen" by EGOIST.
I think the main difference, though, is that where Getter Robo has 3 different modes, the ZZ still basically only has two. Gundam and G-Fortress mode. That both are made up of combining planes is definitely Getter Robo's Getter Machines, though. Part of it sort of strikes me as a reference to the old G-Parts from Gundam. Which also explains a bit of what I've been mulling over with Narag.
Mainly, I kind of feel that ZZ Gundam works better as a Super Robot show than a typical Gundam series. The trappings of a normal Gundam series are definitely all there, but the attitude present in much of ZZ Gundam is far more typical of the standard Super Robot show. Things begin fairly light hearted, Judau is a mouthy blockhead at first, and he stumbles into the Gundam more than Amuro or Kamille.
I haven't seen any of Tomino's Super Robot works yet, but its just a sort of suspicion I have. Especially since there's that perpetual rumor that the man was somewhat tired of Gundam by the end of Zeta.
And speaking of Psycho-Pass, here's the new PV for Psycho-Pass S2:
Featuring the aforementioned OP "Enigmatic Feeling" by Ling Tosite Sigure and ED "Fallen" by EGOIST.
New cast includes Keiji Fujiwara, Takahiro Sakurai in a new role, Masumi Asano, Marina Inoue, and Ryohei Kimura.
And speaking of Psycho-Pass, here's the new PV for Psycho-Pass S2:
Featuring the aforementioned OP "Enigmatic Feeling" by Ling Tosite Sigure and ED "Fallen" by EGOIST.
That's basically the feeling I get as well. Tomino's natural tendency seems to be towards explosive, energetic, and silly stories that feature really overblown characters doing over the top things. It's just not in his nature to write these really dour war dramas. When he's forced to write 'serious', he just throws in heaps of tragedy and characters acting like assholes for no reason.
ZZ, especially, seems to play on that obvious tension. I mean, as episode 12 demonstrates, the design of the Double Zeta is hilariously impractical for actual conflict.
Don't forget that Tomino also made Garzey's Wing.
The last time I watched ZZ it kind of dawned on me that the combination was essentially the same as you might see in a Magical Girl show, in that I guess time just stops for it to do all its silly, pointless spinning. I honestly would be deeply interested in seeing what would happen if Tomino were to direct a compilation trilogy for ZZ the way he did MSG and Zeta, because the man has this weird shame about his silly, super robot origins. Which is why he tried to excise the SR elements from MSG in the compilation movies. I sort of die of curiosity to know what he would do if he took a second swing at the series. Would he try to make it more serious? Would it be better that way? Or would he swing the other direction and make it sillier? And would that be better?
I don't think Tomino ever even wrote a novel for ZZ Gundam, which is sort of fascinating, too. Like, why was he so ashamed of his wacky side? Especially when later entries, like Victory vs Turn A kind of prove that Tomino actually does a really solid job when he isn't indulging in violent death every single episode.
Pretty disconnected and boring. Most of the episode's events just felt superfluous; cause for increasing concern as the timer for Terror ticks closer to zero.
Indeed...I think Turn A is his best Gundam work thus far. Hoping G-Reco is at least tonally similar.
I hope g. Reco ends with Turn A showing up!
Don't forget that Tomino also made Garzey's Wing.
I hope g. Reco ends with Turn A showing up!
He's from Wing!