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Summer 2014 Anime |OT3| where everyone watches doremi for hito

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Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V Episode 23

Everyone finally back together, Sora singing is good, and Yuuya-oniichan putting on a performance of lifetime
fusion summon, even what, I thought he'd permanently stay as a Pendulum summoner
Some of the shots they gave him were sure to make anyones hearts "pitter-patter." I just hope she doesnt stick around with that.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon >
Odd-Eyes Rune Dragon
Psycho-Pass 9

Another episode that's heavy on the dialogue, but I thought it worked this time. Some scenes go on a little too long because it's still Psycho-Pass, but the conversations are generally interesting since they're focused on world-building with cyborgs, the age of the Sybil System, criminal profiling, etc. None of this should have happened in episode 9 because a lot of it feels very relevant, like the fact that Akane is supposed to be a glorified babysitter, but I'll take what I can get. It was nice to see her stand up for herself, too; one of the first decent character moments in the show. Animation felt oddly jerky for some reason. I liked how "off" the cyborg guy felt, though.


Record of Lodoss War 6

Show really pushes hard the parallels/contrasts between Parn/Deedlit and Ashram/Pirotess. Next episode the long-foreshadowed battle finally happens.

Deedlit > Pirotess. I will always say that. She's more expressive and fun than Pirotess.

So, 4 episodes into Hayate, and I feel like I'm wasting my time. All the energy from the first episode has been drained, and the jokes are falling flat.

So instead, I will devote that time to watching Revolutionary Girl Utena.

A wise decision to be sure!

All I know is i'd have Space Dandy, Ping Pong, Jojo, Mushishi S2, Silver Spoon S2, Nisekoi, Kawaisou, and Kill la Kill (second half) on my list.

Maybe Zvezda for some of that animation in the second half and the weird meta commentary of the whole show lol

It has one of my favorite anime OP songs of all time. Aozora Triangle is in my top 10 list.

Zvezda is a dark horse candidate but I think it was too weird to be really popular with Gaf.
My favorite song from Hanamaru Kindergarten is Kigurumi Wakusei. Its so epic and cute at the same time!

Is she a klutz?

I hope so :3

She missed the train headed to BlazBlue and wound up in Guilty Gear by mistake.

I know! thats what I love about her!

Just curious, but is the Absolute Destiny Apocalypse sequence going to be repeated every episode?

And I'm not sure what the significance of the stopwatch is, maybe it'll be explained later.

Most episodes yeah. Utena is a relic of a certain time period when this was the norm.
Looks like they added the exact on-air times for the show to the end of the video, replacing the general "airing in October" message that was at the end of the video previously.

...why they didn't just originally hold back the CM until this week is anybody's guess. I suppose they wanted Psycho-Pass to take all the spotlight this week, but still wanted a new video with up-to-date info. Not like anybody's going to be relying on the CMs to tell them when the show is airing though...

There's a good portion of fans who don't check websites/TV guide information who would like to see the airing dates (as well as it'll run during the week at other times to advertise then). While the international community is devoted to check for this information, the more important TV viewer in Japan may not be.


There's a good portion of fans who don't check websites/TV guide information who would like to see the airing dates (as well as it'll run during the week at other times to advertise then). While the international community is devoted to check for this information, the more important TV viewer in Japan may not be.
Ah, right. So used to most PVs/CMs like that also being posted to YouTube, plus since Crunchyroll et al. naturally don't have the same CM breaks that the actual shows do on air in Japan, I sometimes get scatterbrained and forget that they obviously air those CMs during the normal broadcast.

Well, that and I'm just so glued to the internet that I forget people are out there who don't actually make use of it as their primary source of news.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Funny because this was probably the one good episode in this crappy adaptation.

The first 3/4 of the episode felt like they were trying to relay to the viewer something that he already knew. That was only slightly annoying but what really pisses me off is that I felt all the pain in that white hair up to and including the ending preview of episode eleven but then episode 12 began chipping away at that understanding till by the end, it felt mostly cosmetic. Was it worth it to convey him turning his back on his core value? No, that could have literally been done in a few other places in this series. To do it at such a critical point was foolish.
Black Butler - Book of Circus 5

The intrigue thickens.
I wonder what the letter about Ciel was about, considering the first-stringers don't seem to be aware of his presence amongst them yet. And I wonder how the reaper will end up playing into this. Didn't expect that revelation about Doll either, though it's a clever trick on the part of the author by not having Ciel's tentmate be an irrelevant character to the plot.
The story is definitely pulling me in.

Character art seemed a little shoddier than normal this episode, which isn't surprising as it was heavily outsourced to Wanpack, but it wasn't too bad. The direction provided good tension during the tent searching scene.


I just preordered simply on the basis of this :D.

As so you should! MAybe I can play against you at some point. Get you some easy wins XD

I would buy more animu fighters if I had an arcade-style stick to actually use as a controller, but they all cost too much for a casual player. Yes I know Louffy won Evo with a basic PS1 gamepad but I don't have anywhere near that level of dexterity.

Same. Uraizen is still trying to get me to buy one lol. But I lack the whole gaming skill with my fingers thing.

I'm enjoying the Kobeni parts.

Thats expected because shes really amazing and expressive with her eyes, but Mashiro and Kobeni pretty much carried the show for me.


Earth Maiden Arjuna 12

Famine, disease, parents dying in front of children, children being deathly ill, the end of civilization as we know it, and yet still the most pleasant thing I've watched tonight.
Earth Maiden Arjuna 12

Famine, disease, parents dying in front of children, children being deathly ill, the end of civilization as we know it, and yet still the most pleasant thing I've watched tonight.

I deeply regret not saving any of Branduil's BRS TV screenshots right now.
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket - 3

I feel like I'm watching a time-bomb slowly tick down right in front of me. Like, the end of this episode pretty much confirmed
everything going horribly wrong in the next episode.


And speaking of Psycho-Pass, here's the new PV for Psycho-Pass S2:


Featuring the aforementioned OP "Enigmatic Feeling" by Ling Tosite Sigure and ED "Fallen" by EGOIST.


New cast includes Keiji Fujiwara, Takahiro Sakurai in a new role, Masumi Asano, Marina Inoue, and Ryohei Kimura.
Animation Production also has switched from I.G. to Tatsunoko (thanks to Defuser for pointing it out, missed that detail initially).

Kinda excited for this. Akane being a cold blooded killer gets me hyped.
Black Butler: Book of Circus 6


Good ol' Omata.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Shinichi Omata show up randomly as storyboarder on this episode. His presence explains why the episode was unusually visually creative and effective. The dream/flashback sequences show some similar techniques to what Omata used in Rozen Maiden, and you could see the Shaft influence in his playing around with a wider aspect ratio for parts of the flashback. I particularly liked the transition at the end from the bright shining sun to a film burn away effect, which could be taken as symbolizing Ciel's determination to forget the past and only look forward. The seduction scene was sensual in a way I've seen few anime match, with effective use of close-ups to portray the dangerously intimate feelings running wild. I suppose Omata used his past experience with hentai when handling this part. At any rate, an excellent setup episode in which you can feel things building towards a confrontation the substance of which is yet unknown.
Psycho-Pass 10

Awful stripping scene aside, this was a good episode. Sure, the concept is silly and trashy, but it makes for effective suspense and it's probably the most interesting "case" we've seen. When you allow for decent pacing and remove most of the talkiness (the damsel here is still a very thin excuse for Kogami to tell instead of show his opinion of Akane), you're left with an entertaining show.
And speaking of Psycho-Pass, here's the new PV for Psycho-Pass S2:


Featuring the aforementioned OP "Enigmatic Feeling" by Ling Tosite Sigure and ED "Fallen" by EGOIST.


New cast includes Keiji Fujiwara, Takahiro Sakurai in a new role, Masumi Asano, Marina Inoue, and Ryohei Kimura.
Animation Production also has switched from I.G. to Tatsunoko (thanks to Defuser for pointing it out, missed that detail initially).

I hope
Kou shows up again
as I don't care much for awful haircut girl.
I would be ranting again about how butchered the adaption is but really there's no point.

Tokyo Ghoul Episode 12


I wanted this scene to be animated and I got it even if it was too short. Studio Pierrot actually did an alright job in animating this scene so I'll give them props for that. The music was really nice during the hallucination scene and towards the end. But damn did they leave it on a cliffhanger and leaving the Aogiri Arc unresolved.

Yeah I really want a reboot of this series even if it's unlikely. The manga is fuckin amazing.


I understand that they need to have a minimum funding amount on PSN due to credit card fees or somesuch, but it's still annoying as hell for the consumer. I have $5 in credit from some promotion a while back, but to buy Okami HD I need to add $5 more. So what the hell am I going to do with that extra $3 I'm being forced to pay? I buy things from PSN so rarely that there's no point in just letting it sit around. Only thing I can think of is the Diva F costume set, since at least those'll get imported into F 2nd free of charge.

And even then it's leaving exactly two cents in limbo in my PSN wallet.


How's Psycho Pass?

I liked psycho pass... the story is fairly cliche for the setting, but in general they take the plot on interesting routes still thus overall it was a fairly fun watch. Not a must watch like ghost in the shell SAC but if you like that sort of setting it's not a waste of time.


Chaika the Coffin Princess 11

Geez, did Urobuchi write this arc? Also, if we extrapolate the trend for each new
, by the end of the 2nd season they're just going to walk around naked.

It's funny how the CRAZY warmongering guy from earlier was retroactively proved right and the dudes arguing for peace were actually sniveling Chamberlains unable to stand up against a guy committing a holocaust.


Since we're talking about Kamiya games, how was W101? Somebody described it like TTGL: The Game and I'm wondering if that's true.


Ranma 1/2 39

I decided "what the hell?" and watched another episode of this show after being concerned that Happosai had ruined it for good. Romeo & Juliet episode was great.
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