You son of a -
Dont do this to Aria. Dont do it!
It's not a decision that was made lightly.
Warning: H-manga afterword, contains drawing of girl in a very revealing bikini
You son of a -
Dont do this to Aria. Dont do it!
It's not a decision that was made lightly.
Warning: H-manga afterword, contains drawing of girl in a very revealing bikini
Yes, when I think about what is attractive, shame comes to mind immediately.
Man, the first question at beginning was almost philosophical. I think im gonna enjoy this series.
Man, the first question at beginning was almost philosophical. I think im gonna enjoy this series.
Its probably been asked earlier today, but how far into the current manga releases are we? AKA S2 wishful thinking.
Man, the first question at beginning was almost philosophical. I think im gonna enjoy this series.
I don't know how much you know about Japanese culture. (I'm an expert)Yes, when I think about what is attractive, shame comes to mind immediately.
Servant x Service 3
Mmm...still not quite digging this. For one, Tokp sucks. Generic tsundere little sister just feels so out of place here, and I can't say that in a good way. And coming off of Working!!, this isn't as absurd and zany. I do feel like it's close to getting to what it's going for though, so I'll keep on.
Horizon in the middle of nowhere 1-5 - This really isn't very easy to follow. And so many bloody characters.
Horizon in the middle of nowhere 1-5 - This really isn't very easy to follow. And so many bloody characters.
Looking through the 2014 lineup and man, aren't there any more Josei romance/drama shows?
There are only a few josei romance/drama anime adaptations in existence - Bunny Drop, Honey and Clover, Kids on the Slope, Nana (though this is technically shoujo), Natsuyuki Rendevous, Nodame Cantabile, Paradise Kiss, Princess Jellyfish, Uta Koi are what come to mind. These almost always aired on noitamina or NTV, and the former has strayed from its original purpose of appealing to women and such while the latter hasn't funded many josei adaptations lately - the last one was Chihayafuru, which isn't really a romance/drama show. This sort of manga is far more likely to get a live-action drama adaptation to begin with, since that's where the audience is. So yeah, no josei anime on the horizon right now.
School Days 07
Yes it was totally your fault your boyfriend cheated on you. Thankfully all it took to get his interest back was a transparent shirt. Makoto really grows ever more disgusting with each episode.
Hopefully after that ending Katsura stops being a pushover. Half of that demented school is in need of some serious stabbing to the chest.
I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job: 3
What the? Tentacles monster with white, sticky substance when defeated? Slice of life indeed.
I'm watching The Matrix for my English class and for some reason its making me want to go back and watch the Animatrix. I don't know why because I remember seeing like one or two of them and not liking them. I dunno, maybe my hatred for the sequels is clouding my judgement and it's actually good. Guess I'll find out.
Might as well post this here. Full Metal Panic art teases something is coming soon
Season 4 in my wildest dreams?
Sakura is suffering ;~;
I'm watching The Matrix for my English class and for some reason its making me want to go back and watch the Animatrix. I don't know why because I remember seeing like one or two of them and not liking them. I dunno, maybe my hatred for the sequels is clouding my judgement and it's actually good. Guess I'll find out.
Haikyuu 9-12
Yeah, I dropped this prematurely. The characterization steps up immensely in these episodes. The expansion of the cast has done wonders. I'm certainly not bored with it like I was a few months ago, I'm enjoying this much more than I was then.
I'm glad you leaving that lame :firehawk club.
Might as well post this here. Full Metal Panic art teases something is coming soon
Season 4 in my wildest dreams?
In ep. 8, one part is another hilarous segment about the guy who shows how much he likes the 'prince' girl by hurting her -- throwing things at her, etc. I know that in anime and manga the reverse of this, girls doing that to guys, is common, but this is NOT something where you can do that the other way and have an acceptable result; this is absolutely disgusting stuff thematically, and if I drop the series, it'll be for this. LOL, isn't it so funny that that girl misunderstands what he's thinking and thinks he wants to play the part of the princess in the play, but he gets mad because he doesn't get it and throws a bunch of stuff at her and she has some bandaids and stuff afterwards? I know Japan is a very behind-the-times place as far as gender rights go compared to the US, and that's saying something given how far we have to go as well (case in point, MRAs and their stupid woman-hating gamer allies), and sometimes, unfortunately, anime reminds you of that. This is one of those times. Nobody thinks that there's much wrong with his behavior, of course. Mostly criticize the victim, not the perpetrator! Classic sexist behavior. "But he actually likes her inside so it's all okay' is not in any way a defensible excuse. Nor would be 'it's just being done for comedy value'; it's not funny.
Haikyuu 9-12
Yeah, I dropped this prematurely. The characterization steps up immensely in these episodes. The expansion of the cast has done wonders. I'm certainly not bored with it like I was a few months ago, I'm enjoying this much more than I was then.
Might as well post this here. Full Metal Panic art teases something is coming soon
Season 4 in my wildest dreams?
As if the excuses for why he does it really matter?I think you're mistaking his intentions. He's hitting her not to hide that he likes her, but because she actually irks him quite a bit by skipping drama clubs, causing him trouble when she does attend, making fun of his small size and also the misunderstanding with wanting to be feminine which he takes as her trying to harrass him.
That is not true at all. Of course there's something more sexist about it when you flip the genders around! I don't like comic tsundere violence in general, because it's definitely bad messages, but it's definitely far worse with a male attacking a female. In the real world, male-on-female violence is a huge problem. The reverse exists, but is a much less frequent thing (more testosterone leads to more violence in general, after all). Of course that's a problem too, but not nearly on the same level. Also, making it even worse, the stuff he does to her in this is somewhat plausible, unlike, say, Love Hina's obviously absurd 'Naru hits Keitaro over the building because he saw her bathing again' stuff. There's a definite difference between that and him injuring her because she said something stupid he disliked, as happens in Nozaki-kun.Don't really see what's thematically disgusting unless you don't like the concept of the comedic violent tsundere in general. It's just that this time the gender is flipped around. Nothing sexist about it.
Glad you're giving it another shot. The best thing I liked about the series was how they put effort into making the various characters feel like people, even if they don't have a huge role. Little mannerisms or insights into what made them tick really improves the dynamic of the show, especially when competitions and rivalries don't feel like like one-dimensional stuff but rather relationships which everyone can relate to in real life.
As if the excuses for why he does it really matter?
Anyway, the reason why he focuses on her so much is because he likes her deep down. If it was some other person he probably would not care if they didn't attend club.
That is not true at all. Of course there's something more sexist about it when you flip the genders around! I don't like comic tsundere violence in general, because it's definitely bad messages, but it's definitely far worse with a male attacking a female. In the real world, male-on-female violence is a huge problem. The reverse exists, but is a much less frequent thing (more testosterone leads to more violence in general, after all). Of course that's a problem too, but not nearly on the same level. Also, making it even worse, the stuff he does to her in this is somewhat plausible, unlike, say, Love Hina's obviously absurd 'Naru hits Keitaro over the building because he saw her bathing again' stuff. There's a definite difference between that and him injuring her because she said something stupid he disliked, as happens in Nozaki-kun.
Horizon in the middle of nowhere 1-5 - This really isn't very easy to follow. And so many bloody characters.