I'm not crazy! You're the one who's crazy! I just wanted a Pepsi! just a Pepsi!
I blame the otaku sons of bankers.Fans are nuts and anime is creatively bankrupt.
Nothing new here, move along.
Weird? You just don't understand how true love crosses all artificial lines like social convention and universal separation.
Have to say, Yuno is probably my favorite anime character right now. She is just sooo good. <3
Very surprising.Majimoji Rurumo end
This show was fuckin dumb.
Chaika the Coffin Princess 01
She doesn't talk like this throughout does she? Cause that won't get annoying.
That horrendous trash like Mahouka actually sells well is why we can't have good things...They average 11k for each Volume and thats just JP releases. The show is quite popular in NA.
Fun fact: Mahouka has been selling over 12k a volume. With V3 coming out next week in JP, I know the novels have been selling well too since the show has aired.
Mahouka guaranteed S2. OVA will includebeach/summer vacation
Well, this season is only the first half of 2wei, so it doesn't have a real ending. As for the second half of 2wei, to air next year... its ending is quite unexpected, butPrisma Illya 3
I have finally recovered enough from the last episode to try this again.
This episode... I think I love this show. Most definitely the best anime of the season. Hopefully, they have aend.harem
You didn't read the review, did you? I spend at least half of the review complaining about the presence of that stuff! I wouldn't watch the show if that's all there was to it, that's for sure -- but that's not all there is to Prisma Illya. It's got a mostly good story, some good characters, good fight sequences, etc. It also doesn't descend nearly as deeply into the pits of loli-fanservice trash as, say, Majimoji Ruromu does. Maybe that's because it's mostly just bath scenes and stuff, not "there is a male harem master guy being a sexist idiot" stuff like that show, no tentacles, and no "white fluid" scenes. What is there is bad, yes... but it could be a lot worse, other animes ARE a lot worse sadly enough. Shirou does exist in Prisma Illya, and all the girls like him, but he's not very relevant and does nothing bad this time, unlike his idiotic sexism in F/SN. Anyway, if Prisma Illya was as unwatchably unpleasant as shows like Neptunia (ep. 2) or Majimoji Ruromu, I'd have dropped the franchise long ago, as I did those.
You dislike chief editor? Sure, her VERY stupid "adult who looks like a child" design is bad, but she can me amusing apart from that... she's definitely not one of the better characters, but isn't the worst either.The Comic Artist and His Assistants 12
And it all ends with a karaoke song praising panties.
It starts out good enough, but towards the middle it just stops being funny. Instead it adds relationship parts, which while ok enough isn't what I was looking for in this one. It also introduces some characters that's not funny at all like the manga editor. Still some amusing stuff at the end, but nothing like in the earlier episodes.
The best parts of this was the bits between Aito and Ashisu. Some of the early stuff with Mihari was good as well. The guy who voices Aito is good at voicing the pervy dumbass, which he also did in No Game No Life (although I didn't like the character he played in that).
Fun enough in the first half of the series, so I'll give it 2.5/5 Branya:
Japan is a much more sexist place than the West. Anime regularly reminds me of this...Has the mecha genre become so stagnant that the only way to inject some sort of "style" (lol) into your work is to include awkward and out-of-place scenes of gruesome sexual assault?
I mean using rape as a convenient plot device nowadays is so old hat that its use borders on parody even in ostensibly serious works, are anime writers really this tone deaf?This is a rhetorical question, I know the answer all too well.
I'm pretty sure nobody thought of that when it was announced that the worst writer in history Hiroyuki Yoshino is behind it.
Mawaru PenguinDrum - Zomg! Ikuhara will save anime!!!
Kids on the slope - Zomg! Watanabe will save anime!!
Space Dandy - Zomg! Watanabe will again try to save anime!!!
Trigger will never save anime, KLK wasn't it and LWA isn't a full fledge series. Trigger = Platinum games.
Well, this season is only the first half of 2wei, so it doesn't have a real ending. As for the second half of 2wei, to air next year... its ending is quite unexpected, butI don't know how 3rei will end, it's not over yet.I can assure you that it's quite definitely not harem.
Dandy already fulfill its potential for about 15+ eps
You dislike chief editor? Sure, her VERY stupid "adult who looks like a child" design is bad, but she can me amusing apart from that... she's definitely not one of the better characters, but isn't the worst either.
Mushishi 2
Things in your eyes is certainly an effective form of body horror. Strong use of light and dark to to symbolize isolation versus companionship; Ginko literally brings them the light.
I hope that the Fate/Kaleid series, when it ends, doesn't end with harem because if it did, they'd probably ignore the fake-yuribaiting and have an "everyone loves Shirou" ending. And I don't just mean the fake yuri with Kuro and such with characters who are way too young to have any actual relationship feelings, but really... Rin and Lluvia fight so much, sure it's supposedly because they both like Shirou, but maybe there's something more there, right?You've just ruined the entire show for me. Thank you very much. >=[
I guess that I'll just have to go watch the rest of it now while thinking about this.
Which character is worse then? She wasn't funny in either of the two segments in the anime where she got the main role.
Space Dandy - zomg! This is it! Watanabe will save anime! -> watches first few episodes.....humour is hit and miss, tit jokes get old after 2 minutes, this is not the epic space adventure I thought it would be.....disappointed. This is one still hurts.
Maybe I'm thinking more positively about her because of some scenes from the manga which may or may not ever be animated... (manga spoilers!), and such. Though even in the anime she has a few good moments, mostly when she gives actual advice, showing that she does indeed deserve her job.the somewhat ridiculous way Mihari got hired (Her interview sure made me think she was worth hiring... yeah...), the part where the girls' underwear styles are compared, as a way of gauging their sexiness level (and Chief Editor 'wins' when she reveals she doesn't wear any)
tokyo 9/11 9-10
it's a good thing the directions so strong otherwise i'd probably not even bother with tomorrow's finale. five was fine when she was a batshit insane agent of chaos but that went out the window the moment they fully went into her backstory and basically summed up her motivations as being driven by brain problems from experimental drugs. doubly so that nine actually armed the atomic bomb which flies in the face of sphinx's determination to cause no casualties from their bombings. (unless that was to try and keep the heat low on them and draw out five because almost everyones mentally broken in this and it's the point aaaaaa)
they also really needed to flesh out the thing going on between twelve and lisa and there's really no chemistry between the two and it kinda feels like they've just been made bookends of a wholly pointless subplot (which is fitting for how worthless lisa was in the end.)
oh well, shibazaki still OWNS and maybe things'll work out in the end but i'm really hoping it all goes to shit and they pull a barefoot gen in the final episode to try and stick it to the warmongering rightwing ultra-nationalists. just hope there's not much censorship if they do
tl;dr: the shojo/seinen manga 7 seeds did the secret govt children training thing infinitely better than this did and you should go read it asap
7 seeds >>>>>>>>>>>>> monsterSo did Monster.
Shibazaki and touching upon Japanese resentment towards its post-WW2 corset are the only decent things about TiR plot wise.
I think that them being overpowered is MUCH partof the appeal.A's went so far in that direction , they tried to pass the torch in "strikers"Lol, just watched Nanoha A's ep 12 again for shits and giggles. Some heavy duty firepower in that episode. I don't think I've seen magic girls as powerful as the ones in this franchise, anywhere else. It's one of the reasons I love it, heh. I always forget how friggan superpowered they all are, then I rewatch an episode and go ohhh yeah......that's insane.
Don't worry the end of 2wei has something BETTERYou've just ruined the entire show for me. Thank you very much. >=[
I guess that I'll just have to go watch the rest of it now while thinking about this.
I hope that the Fate/Kaleid series, when it ends, doesn't end with harem because if it did, they'd probably ignore the fake-yuribaiting and have an "everyone loves Shirou" ending. And I don't just mean the fake yuri with Kuro and such with characters who are way too young to have any actual relationship feelings, but really... Rin and Lluvia fight so much, sure it's supposedly because they both like Shirou, but maybe there's something more there, right?![]()
Free! Eternal Summer 13 END
The second half of the episode felt super rushed and I thought they would be racing Rin again. Either way I really liked this season. Need a spin off with Gou next though. Haru x Makoto were truly the OTP. Sorry Rin.
Very cool how the series ended just like the promo video from years back. That was a nice sendoff.
Chaika the Coffin Princess 01
She doesn't talk like this throughout does she? Cause that won't get annoying.
So, What were the stand out series that just aired?
It's fall and I can finally use some time to catch up.
So, What were the stand out series that just aired?
It's fall and I can finally use some time to catch up.
School Days 10
This was actually funny and entertaining episode due to plot finally moving forward and the sheer amount of stupidity at the display.
After all the previous examples of brain deficiency, Kotonoha still managed to astound me.
<Sees her boyfriend kissing another girl>
"You're mistaken", "I'm still Makoto's girlfriend"![]()
Enter Makoto:
At least she finally snapped at the end. And that subtle shot of kitchen knifes ...
Been rewatching 30 Rock because everybody should and this episode came up
God damn lol forgot how good it was
Glasslip 13 + Final Thoughts
The show never fully hooked me. The ability to see/hear the future aspect was interesting, and I didn't have a problem with any of the characters. The concept of episode 12 was a nice change of pace. It lacked any overt drama, but I never found much among what was there, either. Hardly my least favorite show of the season, but it didn't leave much of an impression otherwise.
My least favorite show this season (though it's two-cour, but I didn't start actively disliking it until the second half) is Mahouka.What was worse this season? Not disputing, just kind of curious.
I went into school days blind. Had zero idea what it was about. I was going through my romance anime phase, and thought it would be a cute little story about lovers in school. Oh meh god.
Ruined the genre for me.