Yup, another show to add to my list of favourite shows of all time.
It felt so short, I wish there were more episodes. The characters felt like real living beings, it reminded me a lot of my town back in my home country in a sense. Made me miss the trees, the sea. Absolutely excellent, how the story was told, the character progression, the lessons learned every episode. This little girl taught both the protagonist and myself a lot, Naru!
I wish more anime were like this. No stupid fan service, no smut, just great lighthearted writing, mood, characters and visuals.
Season 2, when?
Barakamon is one of my all time favorite show. It basically tells you that Anime can actually be great sometimes and that it isn't just ecchi, harem, or fanservice shit which most people generalize anime as. It sets up a setting and premise that's actually believable and has a strong cast of characters that feel genuine and realistic. Even though the show feels really realistic and grounded it doesn't get boring because of how dynamic the interaction between characters are. There's been very few anime that has genuinely lifted my spirits like Barakamon has. Yeah I know it sounds cheesy but it's the truth. Like I don't even know how to explain it, it's unreal.
As for Season 2 it's possible because the BD sold about 7K-8K which is really good considering many shows barely sell that much. The manga even got a great boost as well. Hopefully Studio Kinema Citrus adapts more or they could go ahead and adapt the prequel to Barakamon called Handa-kun. Which is about the daily life of Handa the MC of Barakamon during his high school years.