The new villain is already better than last season's villain so it's getting better.
The new villain is already better than last season's villain so it's getting better.
Ridiculously huge Spoilers, obviously:The second half takes place 10 years after the part in the anime. The short of it is that Rin and Daikichi get married. TO EACH OTHER. Really. REALLY.
Your criticism of my criticism is the thing that doesn't make sense. Was I saying that Gatchaman tries to kill people or what?
In fact one of the problems of the series is how I can't believe VAPE is trying to kill people. At least, they are pretty bad at it.
He was entertaining but mannnn was he annoying. I'm glad he's still inside Hajime as having too much of him was unbearable at times.
They're called VAPE? Seems fitting.
He was entertaining but mannnn was he annoying. I'm glad he's still inside Hajime as having too much of him was unbearable at times.
You criticized the show for Gatchaman using violence to defeat the Red Crowds.Your criticism of my criticism is the thing that doesn't make sense. Was I saying that Gatchaman tries to kill people or what?
I feel like a good way to describe KEY anime is that they're like Michael Bay movies.
Only instead of huge things breaking and explosions happening all over the place, it's tragic backstories and drama. They make tons of money, have a huge audience, critics everywhere despise them, and the industry at large isn't really affected by them that much as a whole and goes about its life as usual.
You criticized the show for Gatchaman using violence to defeat the Red Crowds.
This makes zero sense and cannot possibly be gotten from the story. As I've said, actually killing is wrong, while the heroes go out of their way not to kill, although both use "violence."No. Read again the post.
I criticized the contradictions of violence being good with some characters and bad for others
Rokka 02
Female character design bothers me. We would have a big thread in the gaming forum if this would be a video game and not an anime. Actually the character design is good... what it isn't good is the skimpy outfits. It's both silly, and distracting, I can't take the characters seriously.
Well the clothes of the new guy are also silly, so I suppose there is a bit of equality in genders!
This is a fantasy with gunpowder, I find that interesting.
In any case they seem to be framing Fremy? (lol) Apart from her being in the opening, she seems wary of the brave killer, so I doubt it's herself.
This makes zero sense and cannot possibly be gotten from the story. As I've said, actually killing is wrong, while the heroes go out of their way not to kill, although both use "violence."
actually killing is wrong
Fremy's clothes being open in the front is also just as dumb, but for some reason I like her design more than Nashetania's.
I bought the blurays!
Gatchaman Crowds Insight 2
Hajime is the greatest of all time.
Tsubasa and Gel still totes adorbs
Did you not watch the last season? Berg-Katze killed a lot of people by killing the CrowdsWell, no shit.
They can't kill the crowds. They are spiritual manifestations, as much as I know they just can be knocked out. So no, I don't see your point.
There's something about these reactions which feels a little disingenuous.
I find it hard to believe that people who, presumably, have watched a substantial amount of anime would find something like Prison School uniquely offensive or off-putting. Have they not encountered a variety of repugnant, disturbing or raunchy things before? These reactions ready like the gentry first stumbling upon Fanny Hill. I don't buy it.
Prison School certainly has it's own, uniquely cruel, brand of depravity. It just doesn't warrant this kind of played up faux-outrage.
But the elephant in the room here is that this is a gun fetish thing about little girls with massive assault rifles, handguns, and more. If it weren't a gun fetish show, I'd probably give it a yawn and a pass. If it were chess club, baseball club, archery club, meth club, whatever - but this is straight-up little girls lovingly caressing handguns and assault rifles and shooting eachother - albeit with pellets - and it's just too goddamn much given gun culture as it is now. I found the imagery of a team of smirking, smug teenagers holding up handguns tasteless at best. There's a scene where they have maps of the campus and they're planning out how to assault eachother. It made me want to turn the show off. All I could do was hope that at some point there's a storyline where one of the girls takes home a super-realistic airsoft pistol, leaves the safety off and her little sister finds it and accidentally shoots herself in the head with it. At least that would be a responsible portrayal of what happens when you allow teenagers and children to get obsessed with and fetishize guns to this extent.
It's handsomely produced, for the most part, even if it is uninteresting aesthetically - the animation is very nicely done for a show chock full of totally dull character designs and generic backgrounds. But none of that mattered to me.
Not everyone is as disgusted by gun culture as I am and if you're looking for K-ON! with assault rifles, this is it. But I couldn't stand it, and the closing credits - featuring children's crayon drawings of guns and girls assaulting eachother with guns - was enough to send me over the edge into outright disgust. As an American, someone who is terrified by our gun culture, I wasn't going to just handwave this sort of thing away with the usual cultural relativity excuses.
I say all this not to suggest that my opinion is the best or the right one, but to warn those who may feel the same way I do about gun culture and gun fetishism to stay the fuck away from this. Everyone else, enjoy, or don't.
Daisy Punch!
I think they use these previews for some soap boxing half the time since most of those read like "I think this is gross and maybe you should too.". The indignation at how cruel the show apparently is reminds me of the c3bu preview. think they use these previews for some soap boxing half the time since most of those read like "I think this is gross and maybe you should too.". The indignation at how cruel the show apparently is reminds me of the c3bu preview.
I personally love fanservice, but the kind of stuff Rokka is doing with the outfits is servicing no one, it's just dumb. Dressing sexy is nothing if the character has no intention of being sexy.
I'll take an onsen episode with open arms, or cliched situations that only exist so one of them can see the other naked and be embarrased, I love this kind of crap, but those clothes are just dumb. I wish Nashetania's design was cooler.
Fremy's clothes being open in the front is also just as dumb, but for some reason I like her design more than Nashetania's.
I think this girl has the best design out of the others.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 1 (sub) is starting to stream in U.S. @ Crunchyroll:
Even though there are a few more questions that crop up as a result of this, such as whether the military knew Chise would be a good weapon before they abducted her or if they only found out after the fact, this explanation is better than no explanation.
There was also a tank which had "CHISE! SAVE ME!" graffiti'd on it with a chibi Chise face in the middle of it, but I didn't take a screenshot of that.![]()
I think this girl has the best design out of the others.
Zexal is awful and not worth anyone's time, and I'm saying this as someone who somehow managed to watch the whole thingNow if they get Zexal for US, I can watch all YGO series simultaneously.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 1 Episode 1
Will probably forget all the english names after this, its been so long Ive forgot some of the plot.
In any case, proof that Destiny Board > Exodia, so long to get all the pieces in hand, but Yami Yugi did it.
Ive missed Mokuba!