I saw some gifs of Shingeki no Bahamut, and it seems like there are some really damn well animated scenes, is it worth watching?
It has some mixed reception. Without a doubt, the early 4-5 episodes are then reception revolves how much one can stomach a transition from something very Pirates of the Caribbean to something traditionally more high fantasy.
I saw some gifs of Shingeki no Bahamut, and it seems like there are some really damn well animated scenes, is it worth watching?
Is the animation that good throughout the whole thing or if I saw some gifs, I probably saw everything it has to offer on that front?
In what ways is it trying to be Cowboy Bebop?Gangsta - 1
The show is really trying to be Cowboy Bebop, but I think it gets only a quarter of the way there.
I was a more vocal hater of Angel Beats and yet I think this show is a complete step up. It outlined a goal for the show, established overarching mysteries that don't impact the enjoyment of current events, and also has given the audience multiple reasons to be emotionally involved in the proceedings of these events. On top of that, the show is trying to have memorable leads in the form of nu-Lelouch and smug Tomori.![]()
This season is going to be good for reaction faces.
The premise of the show is nothing new but the fleeting time limit of their abilities reminds me of the Topless from Diebuster. There's also elements of Stephen King's Firestarter with the Shop hunting down people with abilities. So far it's worked out pretty well in giving the protagonists a reason for their actions as well as potential danger down the road. Tomori's background gives her ample reason not to socialize with others while also being aware of the danger of the outside world.
The comedic direction has been pretty on point so far in that the teleporting antics are fairly hilarious partially due to the sound effects. Some earlier posts made me worry about tone whiplash but I though the show did a fairly good job of easing the audience into the drama at the end of the episode. The only real sticking point is how happy and cute the sister is in that the staff went a bit overboard with her. I'm relatively sure though that part of this is due to contrast for when the real drama kicks in.
The only real sticking point is how happy and cute the sister is in that the staff went a bit overboard with her. I'm relatively sure though that part of this is due to contrast for when the real drama kicks in.
Charlotte 2
The OP for this is pretty nice. The teleportation guy is hardcore. The scene with the sandwiches made me laugh out loud. The second half was much more serious. I'm digging this a lot.
Oh almost forgot, on the notion of Charlotte's OP, I'm not overly fond of it. Mostly because I feel it's a mishmash of too many elements however it does flow very well visually. Motions lead in to other motions creating this feeling of one nonstop piece. I did really like the part at 0:50 where the tempo picks up, as I like when OPs change speed either on the music or visual side. Another example would be the Eureka 7 OP 1. Oh and Sunrise should sue:
and ugly CGIIRC it's pretty good visually throughout aside from maybe the couple episodes outsourced to a Korean studio.
yes, it's a good show. as Narag mentioned it goes from Favaro&company adventures to angels&demons wars but unless you loathe the genre you should like it.I saw some gifs of Shingeki no Bahamut, and it seems like there are some really damn well animated scenes, is it worth watching?
and ugly CG
The backgrounds are super nice while the animations in comparison are somewhat lacking. That's not to say that they're IMS/Liden tier yet but I still wish they were a bit better. There obviously is more to the Brave Killer stuff like either the potential Braves were bad people and so she was killing them off to prevent potential problems or it's someone else. I can't remember the exact timeline of the show so I don't know if it could actually be Adlet. They repeatedly show the haggard look he has when he was younger so I'm wondering if he could be a sleeper agent or something.
The show reminds me of Scrapped Princess in a way, in that it's an early 00's sort of traveling adventure show. There's a real sense of exploration partially due to the background work but also due to the slower pace. Hopefully the show maintains this and doesn't go full on action.
So I'm really enjoying this despite hating shows with a similar premise. I think it's due to how satirical this all is and the censorship adds up the comedic value.![]()
The return of Table-kun!
They must have leftover paintings of Hana.
Symphogear GX 02
I was so excited when it seemed like Genjuro was going out into the field, and then so immensely disappointed when he didn't.
Gangsta - 1
The show is really trying to be Cowboy Bebop, but I think it gets only a quarter of the way there.
That's modern anime for you. However, trailblazers like Show by Rock!! Etotama, and Aikatsu will usher in a CG golden age.
Can't tell if serious.
What is Main Character Screaming Lol So Funny?MAIN CHARACTER SCREAMING LOL SO FUNNY #1
I actually... liked it? It's not my kind of anime, but there is something refreshing about it. I dunno, you don't see many animu having a direct approach tosoxsex and even the female lead looks like she has a brain which is kinda weird for Japan.
If they don't blow the ecchi stuff out of proportions it could be legitimately interesting in the same way B gata H kei was.
Is this show going to be my surprise hit of summer ???![]()
Surprise "oh yeah"
I love it.![]()
my li-.... wait what ??
Charlotte 2
I know this is anime and anime logic is out there but wouldn't this kind of experiments on people be very illegal, but it seems like these scientists can freely do whatever they want. I mean Human experiments is illegal and these special people don't seem like a unknown phenomenon. I know this anime is trying to be like X-Men but the difference here is that the latter had a more in depth setup for its Worldbuilding by showing that society is actually afraid of these mutants. Which gives the government a reason to detain these mutants or experiment on them and such. In Charlotte it doesn't do that which makes the narrative a bit inconsistent and weak because we don't see how Society feels about them and the media themselves. So when they add the evil Scientist aspect it makes it meh. In my opinion they should of spent the first or second episode to show us a general consensus of what society feels about these individuals with powers. Instead of introducing the characters first, it would definitely help Worldbuilding in a sense. Though they could go back to it though.
Anyway the episode itself wasn't bad and enjoyable for what it was. Teleporter-kun was pretty funny in trying to get some sandwiches. Seeing Nao showing her experimented brother was the first sign of drama, but it wasn't bad. MC trying to be Lelouch is pretty funny as well.