I'm actually kinda pissed Funi has so many shows this season. I have never been able to get their piece of shit player to work right, and always have to find other means to watch any show they license.
Yeah kind of annoying actually.
I'm actually kinda pissed Funi has so many shows this season. I have never been able to get their piece of shit player to work right, and always have to find other means to watch any show they license.
Without a doubt this was one of my favorite eps the first time through as the teasing of the countdown finally being reached during the fights gives way to it actually happening and that sense of drama from Daicihi being in no position to repel the incoming Kiltgang attack. Teppei finally gets his day in the sun!
I guess this is where the show begins to shift focus given the importance placed upon Setsuna by every party involved. I think it's been mostly overlooked (or not given proper time) that the Planetary Gears had been operating on finite resources, having only so many of the capsules Setsuna had charged. Probably worth noting that Amarok and Melkin kept referring to her as Setsuna-sama too when all the Planetary Gears had treated each others as equals thus far.
Didn't expect the show to revisit the yazuka angle from the casino. Feels like Bugbear might be a bait & switch too but who knows!
Pretty forgettable outside of Chain and that one Nakamura cut!
Now that was more like it. Preferred this one to the first as it came across as far more "show, not tell" than the first ep which was really annoying. I know they had to set the stage with the strange setting and bizarre cast but I really liked how this one's action started with Leo seeing that dry cleaning truck for what it was and progressing from there. Doesn't hurt the Alterworld stuff gives the show a Wicked City vibe if possibly just for this ep.
While it's a real superficial comparison to make, I think I liked the introductory episode of this as opposed to Kekkai Sensen's. Even with it straying towards the goofier side of things, the supernatural elements built upon themselves relatively sensibly to slowly paint the picture of the state of the world. Admittedly, this is far easier in a contemporary setting than Kekkai Sensens relatively fantastical setting of Hellsalem's Lot.
There's a delightful stylishness to this that I wasn't fully aware of until the scene where Yato found his new regalia.
The psychological warfare used by the Criticrista lead singer was pretty inspired given how it attempted to sow discord among Plasmagica. Their song was pretty great too. Ending sure was dark though. :lol It's not like it came out of nowhere so I'll give them points for that.
That was an exceptionally promising start which makes me both excited but wary. Excited because this could end up something decent. Wary because anime has burned me before after a good first episode!
Been a while since I watched it so I'll spare it the usual deserved praise. I did have a couple new takeaways from it that I never fully appreciated in the past though.
Bones makes good shows as it turns out. They also made Captain Earth.Bones is da besturday
Yeah. I understand the atom bomb parallel, but shit. lolI totally forgot how totally bullshit that Wave Motion Gun thing was in how we get looked down on upon for using it despite you know, we're the ones being invaded.
To be fair, she hates how he decided to pervert her desires. But she doesn't do shit about it. lolI think firehawk had a good post on this last week with how Desler sort of got a pass for things and how Starsha pulled the holier than thou card.
It's sad that I immediately recognized it as the lesbian stalker girl from Railgun. It's the same voice. lolShinometa ep 2
Wow that Anna and expecting great things from the new character based on her voice
But can you use violence to create peace??
And countless other fiction I'm sure.Isn't that the whole premise of Metal Gear Solid?
I think this weeks SAO just broke Toonami GAF
Confession time.
I always mistook "Durarara" as "Duradura" until just this season.
Confession time.
I always mistook "Durarara" as "Duradura" until just this season.
I think this weeks SAO just broke Toonami GAF
Confession time.
I always mistook "Durarara" as "Duradura" until just this season.
I used to get Love Live and Love Lab confused.
Which ep was it?
I used to confuse Shinichiro and Shinichi Watanabe until last year.
Aishiteruze Baby ep. 1-6:
I'must not sure what I expected going into this one, but damn, does it have heart and emotional behind it. I mean, some things feel forced, but l literally, felt myself getting mad at one point when the little girl, Yuzuyu was being picked on. Other moments make you heart melt from the cute and sweet things going on, but you also feel sad along with her at times too. That I wasn't really expecting at all.. This is definitely more of a "chick flick" but I have to say the first 6 episodes have all been pretty good so far.
Duradura would have been a better name.
I think this weeks SAO just broke Toonami GAF
Rape guy attempts to kill Kirito with an injection, bullies try to murder Sinon, Sinon wants to meet the guy who tried to murder rape her, the series attempts to defend a murder rape group, Sinon meets the harem, and Sinon gets an intervention
All of these caused mass anger in one 30 minute stretch
I used to get Love Live and Love Lab confused.
Why can't I hold all these new waifus?
For good reason as well!
this is some quality writing (SAO)
Yamato 2199- Odyssey of the Celestial Ark
Slower paced than I expected but the movie delivered on the only front that mattered:
Why can't I hold all these new waifus?
Symphogear GX's villain fighting style is pretty cool too.
Shokugeki no Soma 1
I've never seen someone orgasm over food before.
Can you stop defiling my beautiful science-fiction with your teenage mannerisms?
Yamato 2199- Odyssey of the Celestial Ark
Slower paced than I expected but the movie delivered on the only front that mattered:
Why can't I hold all these new waifus?
I've never watched Symphogear but damn if this isn't some hype shonen shit. Are these gifs characteristic of the show most of the time? Because this looks dumb but in a good way. Aren't there like 3 series worth of this show?
Thankfully episode 1 is as bad as the food orgasms get. From episode 4 and onwards, the reactions to the food, while still pretty extreme, don't go anywhere near the levels episode 1 goes to.
In any case, you're in for a fun show. This show was a huge unexpected surprise for me.
Yes.But can you use violence to create peace??
Michiko and Hatchin 03
I appreciate how Michiko changes outfits all the time and that Hatchin cuts her hair for CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
This show isn't really as good as I remember. The style, setting, designs and music are all top notch but it's not in service of a whole lot so far. It's still good enough to keep watching though. Maybe it will get better later, forgot this was 2 cours.
So are you rewatching it or did you just think it was good based off of the first 2 episodes?
I ultimately loved it by the end. Each episode was really fun, and the ending paid off for me.
I agree. So far, it has better flow, it feels more natural and the mix of emotions is great.Yeah it's good, not excellent. I like it better than Usagi Drop
Ah, I see!Not rewatch, never finished it. Years ago I watched the first few (6 or 8, somewhere like that) and never continued for some reason. I meant to finish it but it was really low on the backburner until Toonami started airing it so I'm watching it there
Revolutionary Girl Utena 6
What. Just what. Clearly this was meant to be filler but it was so bad. To call it awful would be a compliment.
Nanami are fucking great. Quality comedy episodes are not filler.
The MC is carrying this show, his constant deadpan and savior schtick is great. I like that the villain is the CEO of a social network service who is trying to turn words evil. This is probably the funniest show of the season. Though it's pretty damn ugly and made even worse by Funi being Funi.
Holy shit. Best anime of this decade (so far) has a film? And one that isn't just a scene compilation? Hope it is awesome.Yamato 2199- Odyssey of the Celestial Ark
Holy shit. Best anime of this decade (so far) has a film? And one that isn't just a scene compilation? Hope it is awesome.
Aquarion Logos 2
The MC is carrying this show, his constant deadpan and savior schtick is great. I like that the villain is the CEO of a social network service who is trying to turn words evil. This is probably the funniest show of the season. Though it's pretty damn ugly and made even worse by Funi being Funi.