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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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I can see the decomposing turdly remains of Funimation all over those screenshots. Why must they be so awful at streaming

As for the show itself, is it funny in a campy way or a laugh at aquarion kind of way?
The show is quite clearly intentionally trying to be ridiculous and campy, though a lot of the humor is just laughing at how stupid it is.
Non Non Biyori 02

Not sure if I understand senpai worship humor. However, the main gag of this episode was executed extremely well. The way they dressed to subvert senpai/kohai roles, the camera angles used to give Hotaru an intimidating presence and the act of buying the shaved ice with large yen notes. Komari's anxiousness contrasted with Hotaru's jubilation was hilarious.
Thankfully episode 1 is as bad as the food orgasms get. From episode 4 and onwards, the reactions to the food, while still pretty extreme, don't go anywhere near the levels episode 1 goes to.

In any case, you're in for a fun show. This show was a huge unexpected surprise for me.

I was just amused that it went to the lengths of stripping both men and women to show how much they were overpowered by Soma's dish. It's as if the food was raping them. I guess a porn artist can't resist.
Oh well, Phantasy Star Online 2 TV anime announced, coming 2016



School Live 1
I dunno if I can stomach
the fake "happy school life delusions"
that I assume still make up most of the show.

The show really plays up the 'twist' aspect but it's almost irrelevant to the story. In the manga it was more of an aspect to the character introduction, but the anime makes it seem like the tone-switching is 'the point' when it's not. It's just a zombie series, except replace the action with psychological angst.
Non Non Biyori 03

Renge has the best lines. Komari and Natsumi's faces during the ghost scare were hilarious. The fight with their mother reminds me of a Lucky Star episode. While I think I prefer how it was resolved in Lucky Star, Non Non Biyori gives some character backstory for Natsumi's rebellious nature which I really appreciate.
Michiko and Hatchin 03

I appreciate how Michiko changes outfits all the time and that Hatchin cuts her hair for CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT

This show isn't really as good as I remember. The style, setting, designs and music are all top notch but it's not in service of a whole lot so far. It's still good enough to keep watching though. Maybe it will get better later, forgot this was 2 cours.

Reminds me I need to start Disc 2 soon.

Granted right now I'm just mowing through Visual Novels, and finished 999.



Ushio & Tora 2

Just awesome, I had a huge smirk on my face the whole time and the action at the end was fantastic. Can already tell the interactions between Ushio and Tora are truly going to make this show something special and if it gets as hype later on as manga gaf has said we're in for a wild ride.

Yeah the interactions between the boy and the monster is what makes the show. Perfect comedic timing. Especially when Tora gets out of line and Ushi has to remind him who has the scary demon stabby spear.

LOL just saw this. YAMAAADAAA!!!


Ohhh shit I didnt notice earlier!

Shokugeki no Soma's ending theme is so comfy

It's enough reason to keep watching it, even if I already read quite a bit of the manga.

It is one of my favorite recent ED's but the whole show is like comfort food.
Its just incredibly fun to watch. But never on an empty stomach!


New trailer for the Date A Live movie. Starring not enough Kurumi and/or Origami.

well thats disappointing!
Also why doest DAL like to show Natsume much?
You know, her.

That's modern anime for you. However, trailblazers like Show by Rock!! Etotama, and Aikatsu will usher in a CG golden age.

I would be fully ok if anime went the direction of these shows. As long as they give effort to making it still animate well and look more like traditional animation.


Mushishi 11

Hey this show might actually be g̶o̶o̶d̶ great. Who knew ?

I mean, I certainly could see why it is held in such a high regard but earlier on, sthe stories themselves with one or two exceptions never managed to fully grab me. Until now. Maybe I finally managed to ascend to the good taste club. Or it's just my tragedy boner speaking.

Probably the most visually striking episode so far. The introduction of the "Master"(don't remember this showing up before) concept was a bit rushed and jarring but other than that it was another stellar outing of the series. Loved the new additions to the OST too.


I'm actually kinda pissed Funi has so many shows this season. I have never been able to get their piece of shit player to work right, and always have to find other means to watch any show they license.

I like it when several companies are representing a season. If any one company ever goes bust it doesnt take half the licenses with it. Funimation has its quirks but honestly I dont mind them too much. Especially not the bluray releases.

I haven't watched any anime since I think the 3rd episode of Parasyte last year. I finally finished that series a few days ago and it was amazing. I loved the transformation of the protag and the bond that grew between him and Migi, who turned out to be such a great character too. I was gonna read the manga, but it doesn't seem like I need to since the story and whatnot look to be the same, so that's cool.

I also finished CrossAnge and I think it turned out to be a pretty damn good show. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The first couple of episodes weren't too hot, but I'm glad I stuck with it. I'm not sure if I'd call the series mature, but it definitely touched on some themes I wasn't expecting it to.

Rail Wars is utter shit. I don't know why I even wasted my time watching six episodes of that crap. The (non-fanservice) plot seems to be nonexistent, and the characters are so typical and dull. Seriously, it's terrible, and I have no desire to finish it.

I've still got a ton of series from last year to catch up on but I decided I'd watch something more current and still ongoing first. Enter: Ore Monogatari. This show is pretty amazing, in my opinion. I don't typically watch this kind of anime on the regular, but if I find more quality series' like this, that may change. There's nothing I dislike about it right now. And Takeo is a gotdamn beast, but maaan, did they really have to make him so damn huge compared to everyone else? Lol.


I don't remember seeing that Prison School was getting an anime. I'm definitely gonna have to watch that. I love the manga (and its god-tier art).

Rail Wars: So bad I'd rather watch Cross Ange.
It was a shame that show was terrible because the redhead is a cutie!

Beyond the Boundary: 1-2
I know it doesn't have the best reputation but it looked pretty so I was curious. Man does it look great and the action is amazing.

BtB/KnK is pretty average for KyoAni but its still better than most stuff. I liked it enough to order the CE, because it does have some charming moments in it. Ultimately its major problem I think was that you can pretty much forget about it after its over. It has no lasting impression on you. Its just a little diversion and then when its over it fades away. Except for Mirai because goddamn she is precious.

Aishiteruze Baby ep. 1-6:

I wasn't sure what I expected going into this one, but damn, does it have heart and emotion behind it. I mean, some things feel forced, but l literally, felt myself getting mad at one point when the little girl, Yuzuyu was being picked on. Other moments make your heart melt from the cute and sweet things going on, but you also feel sad along with her too. That part I wasn't really expecting at all.. This is definitely more of a "chick flick" but I have to say the first 6 episodes have all been pretty good so far.

Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3ONOJ7CFEs

Shokugeki no Soma 1

I've never seen someone orgasm over food before.

So youve never seen Yakitate Japan or Gourmet Girl Graffiti before this? They are both excellent :D

Which ep was it?

I used to get Love Live and Love Lab confused.

Honestly I did too at first. Especially when people were abbreviating both as LL or "Rabu Raibu"

Sword Art Online 14

Fuck Everything!

Ahahahaaha. This episode infuriated me so much I dropped the show completely and refused to continue it until season 2.


Working'!! 1

The main focus was Takanashi's obsession with small things. Not my favorite topic. I think I finally warmed up to Yamada.
Shimoneta - 02

This is so ridiculous I can't help but want to watch more. I lost it when "the pool" got destroyed. I'm always amused when the main character impersonates Blue Snow and uses his girly voice.
OP begins with OHOHOH, and now we're getting a Satomi voiced character
what good deed have I done to deserve this


Charlotte - 02

I really like this, felt like interesting take of X-Men/mutant.. more in sci-fi side than extreme chuuni usual KEY

Also direction seem like in good hand, the backstory at 2nd half can be grating (some people will still felt it that way, the content rather XTREME/2edgy afterall) but I felt the director can keep it to not being not exaggerated, minimal use of dramatic music and acting from both protagonist is really fresh to me because usually they gonna hamming it up at moment like that.

Great start so far.


Baby Steps 2 15

They didn't even bother to animate the CG mannequins as the apparently cheered, they just stayed frozen like that for the duration of every shot.


Fate Stay Night UBW 18

I feel like an idiot for not figuring out what was up with Archer when everyone else in the world had already found it super obvious apparently.
Aquarion Logos - 01

I had absolutely no idea what the fuck was going on in the first half of this, apparently there are two prequels but I read you don't have to watch them for this, however I'm starting to think otherwise.
The ridiculous fighting was great though. Transforming mechas and silly stuff like fist punches circling around the planet.

Second half was more grounded but didn't make more sense to me. Some dude is using kanji and making it turn into a monster.
An undercover anime cafe then turns into some special operation force, they fight this kanji scroll monster in another dimension with their crafts?? I guess this is some kind of reincarnation of characters from the first half?

I'm so confused, but it was entertaining. The "save the world" main character seems to be OP in a fun way (I think this dude snapped his wrists to escape handcuffs?). I'm very curious to see what is in store.
The Heroic Legend of Arslan Episode 14 The Foreign Prince

Nico Touches The Wall gave a nice song and the Elam fighting beside Arslan made it really good, meanwhile Kalafina was Kalafina though I liked the song.

Good plot direction, Seemed like an Arslan thing to do.

Elam was epic this episode.
I don't know what to feel about that School Live anime.
Working in the mental health field made me encounter persons like that so it hit home really hard.
Baby Steps 2 15:
This show is just so good. I find myself loving each episode.
It's nice to get everyone's reactions to Ei-chan and Natsu being a couple. I think Sasaki might have broken mentally at the news. The reactions of everyone at STC were pretty funny. I'm glad they didn't drag this out and just put it all out in the open now.

Ide's going to be a tough opponent, especially with such a massive crowd cheering him on. This will definitely be a new type of match for Ei-chan, but winning it should be good practice for him given the conditions. After a couple of episodes mostly focused on romance and character interactions, now we need to shift gears back into seeing a really tense match.


I really enjoyed Rokka: Six Flowers whatever it was. I'm loving the world building and detail.

From last season, if any of you have not seen Nanatsu no Taizai, I can't recommend it enough. It's worth moving up the watch list.
So the first God Eater episode is actually out on Daisuki. Unfortunately the stream is crapping up on me so I'll have to watch it water. I'm always having a bad experience with Daisuki, too bad God Eater isn't also streaming on Crunchy.
lol is everyone's backstory in Angel Beats needlessly fucked up?

Needlessly? No. The entire premise of the show and why the characters are where they are is that they
were individuals who felt they had unfair lives and in death cursed their fate. The existence they lived in was to teach them that while bad things did happen there's lives were fulfilling or became fulfilled in this in-between existence. It was a way to help them move on and give them peace before doing so.

I feel like a good way to describe KEY anime is that they're like Michael Bay movies.

Only instead of huge things breaking and explosions happening all over the place, it's tragic backstories and drama. They make tons of money, have a huge audience, critics everywhere despise them, and the industry at large isn't really affected by them that much as a whole and goes about its life as usual.



Jokes aside, the first episode of God Eater basically looked fine. It was extremely well directed but deeply generic anime nonsense.

The story of this first episode is focused on Mr P. Taganist, a character whose defining feature was that he really wants to kill the bad monsters. Think of Eren from Attack on Titan, but with far fewer character traits. He spends most of the episode playing around on the holodeck before eventually seeking the thrill of real combat while bad electric autotune music plays in the background.

Oh, a bunch of anime edgelords also turn up in the last scene to demonstrate their ridiculous clothes and smoke cigarettes and reel off terrible dialogue.

Basically, judging from the staff, a lot of people really suffered to make this episode. Was it worth it? Not really.


Yeah, that and 1 other shot looked terrible in God Eater but at least it had the most interesting direction I've seen in any show this season.
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