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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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relies on auto-aim
It's basically Narag the show since Team Z are just a bunch of bullies



Loved 3.33-- excited for more-- unpopular opinon-- blahblah.

I liked 3.33 the most out of the three Rebuild films, I love Shinji and Kaworu and I appreciated the change of pace from the other two films. Most series believe in escalation, Evangelion not withstanding but I enjoyed the more sombre approach to 3.33. The calm before the storm one might say. Perfect? Hell no, but it was more interesting to watch than 1.11 which is just the first quarter of the series or 2.22 which had some awesome scenes but had equally dumb ones too. I'm interested in seeing how it all ends.
Yona of the Dawn 11-15

Continuing to be a great show with Yona really coming into her own.

However I really didn't like episode 15 or how it was paced. It really felt like a filler episode and I don't like the fact that this show is making this Su guy have some comic relief around him. It went way too overboard with it. I didn't laugh at all with anything because from the get go he is a character that the viewer is supposed to view as the "evil" guy who in the opening moments of the show
murdered and usurped the previous king
. Now they tried to fill an entire episode with hijinks centered around him? Thanks but no thanks. Let's get back to the conflict at hand. It really was a poor attempt at selling me on the comedy from him and his generals. I don't mind if the main party does it or even if he does it sparingly but not an entire episode filled with it. Really dragged the show down for an episode and I am not very happy about it.

Otherwise the show has been pretty ace. Episode 15 just dragged it down a bit.
MSG: Char's Counterattack

It was enjoyable, but goddamn, fuck Hathaway. I didn't think I could hate a UC character more than Katz, but fucking Hathaway.

Guess I'll do a rewatch of Unicorn and see if I can appreciate it more before moving onto the Late-UC stuff.
MSG: Char's Counterattack

It was enjoyable, but goddamn, fuck Hathaway. I didn't think I could hate a UC character more than Katz, but fucking Hathaway.

Guess I'll do a rewatch of Unicorn and see if I can appreciate it more before moving onto the Late-UC stuff.

Not to downplay how awful Hathaway is but I thought Quess was even shittier.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 122:

It is still really odd to see the anime adapting manga chapters left and right to where it looks like bizarre funhouse mirror version of the manga and this episode is no exception. Indeed at this point in the manga Ami was being actively recruited by Infinity Academy becuase of her astounding testing prowess and this school was all about finding the best of the best for reasons not adapted the Guardians decide to have Ami go undercover while they inspect the premises.I recall Corvo mentioning to me not too long ago that I would have found the other members of Witches 5 worse then Mimete because they were rushed and this is not the case. Viluy here is more or less acting like her manga counterpart right down to getting iced pretty quickly. I suppose they released they reached the end of the season so they let the remaining members of Witches 5 retained their manga sensibilities, right down to the fact that they die pretty quick. Also it is revealed this episode that the mini universe in the Science Display is from the Tau Star system, once again grafting manga storyline onto the anime. Outside of that, the episode is played out as a pretty typical, if enlarged because of the source material, scheme to gather pure hearts while in the manga this was the point where the Inners and Outer first met in civilian guise and we are well passed that point. All and all mild recommendation to watch.


Shirobako 3-5
This is the part when I'm supposed to say "Go fuck yourself Tarou" right?
prison school 1

fun; pacing's fine; people look at the chapter count and go nuts without realizing how many pages are devoted to showing multiple angles of the veep squatting or sitting; love the distorted, super-exaggerated reactions; Mizushima's love for ps1-era ground texture will never die.
I don't mind them going through a lot of events & chapters in the manga in one episode, but in the second half the scenes progress too rapidly that it did get a bit tiring for me after a while.
And even tho the ep is as stuffed as it is I wish they could've finish adapting chapter 6 instead of leaving it at a cliffhanger like that.
I can watch this gif all day.
I don't know how someone like Bright could spawn such a shithead

He should have slapped him one hundred times more.
You push him around too much and he's gonna leave and join some terrorist organization or some shit.


Umaru 1


This was gud. Dogakobo really captured the visual fun of the source material and brought it over perfectly. Only complaints are the dumb transitions and the school part dragged a bit. aots if not for mizushima school

best op no doubt tho


Shirobako 3-5
This is the part when I'm supposed to say "Go fuck yourself Tarou" right?

He and the director are the best characters so no. ;p

Didn't know people felt that strongly about it.

Regardless, I don't hate it. I am just very middling with it. I really like the show itself. As long as the show is great is all I care about. Yeah I care about OPs but it isn't a deal breaker for me. I typically love all kinds of OPs so maybe this will grow on me.

<Throws in moral support.> Roundabout is a fun song and makes for good and one glorious transition to ED but that's about it.


Kitakubu 05-07

They spent almost a whole episode playing a game of shiritori and somehow managed to keep it entertaining the whole way through. Loved the parodying of Yugioh that they did there, which is weird given that I haven't seen an episode of Yugioh in what must be more than a decade now. MikeHattsu, you were right in saying this picks up after episode four.

Symphogear S1 01

"Spare me the smile. Where we're going, we don't need smiles..."
"Surprise! Congratulations on joining the team! C'mon, give me a smile!"

It's so silly


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 123:

Right then, with the season at nearly a close and with the story more or less retrofitted at best as it can be, it is now time to move into endgame and that is pretty much what this episode is about. The Death Busters send out their final witch Cyprine to have an actually dynamic battle with actual tactics used, thus elevating it above most of the battle seen in this series. While that is going on ChibiUsa pouts more about losing her one true friend for the season and Kaolite kidnaps her after a brief fight with Team Useless (Mask and Pluto). A ritual is performed and this incarnation of Mistress 9 is born. I will not say much about her manga counterpart other than this whole deal was much darker there and body rippy. Anyway, with the Messiah of Silence active and ChibiUsa crumpled into a heap, The Inner march towards the ruins of Mugen Academy to have the final showdown. Recommendation to Watch. .
Rokka 02

The fact that there's going to be some sort of mystery makes this show way more interesting than it actually should be. I'm suspicous of the bunny girl.

CGI monsters just need to leave, ugh...


School Live - 01

I was all:

"Hey this is cute."
"Wow, living at school is kinda weird. There's got to be some reason."
"Hey, that barricade looks like something i've seen in a certain genre of shows before."
"Oh, that girl wields a shovel? That's a weird thing to carry around with you all the time."
"Oh. Oooooohhhhh. OOOOHHHHHHH."

Then I laughed. This show is great, haha.


The new Gundam is revealed!

Yeah I forgot, fuck that director too.

This is actually a really fun design.

But it's Gundam so the show will suck.

Macross Plus 4 END

Despite my early enthusiasm, this story ended up straying more and more into the stupidity land. If the melodrama of the love triangle/square wasn't already bad enough, the final reveal of the main trio's backstory retrospectively made it even worse. And it fails to explain why
Myung and Isamu parted ways on bad terms if it was all Guld's fault.
Add to that the whole
yandere AI
thing and you've got yourself full blown insanity that made it hard to take things seriously and care about the climax. Felt
that Guld's demise was awfully anticlimactic so that didn't help things either.

Still, while the story is bad, the visuals were anything but and made this series worth going through. I don't think I've seen so much Itano Power in anything else.

Is this concert/idol thing a recurrent motif for the franchise ? I remember reading some impressions on another Macross outing and it also had some singing going on in it.
Is this concert/idol thing a recurrent motif for the franchise ? I remember reading some impressions on another Macross outing and it also had pretty some singing going on in it.

Yes, the music/concert theme is a Macross staple. Most of them have an even larger focus on it than Macross Plus.
Well she did write that other mecha show that nobody except DTL watched.

I watched a few episodes of it, but couldn't stand much more. At least Okada is capable of delivering something entertainingly bad, which is better than what you get from most Gundam series,
like G-Reco.
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