Ah, that's awesome. I think I need to run back through the TV series before watching anything that's come after.Another sequel is comming,too, we just don't know when yet.
Ah, that's awesome. I think I need to run back through the TV series before watching anything that's come after.Another sequel is comming,too, we just don't know when yet.
Oh I think i remember, your write up on it now.i would have warned you.
You kinda don't want me start a rant on blade and soul , it's "unique" because there is trully nothing good in this anime.
Oh I think i remember, your write up on it now.
It still can't be worse than SS:Omega though!
This may be old and apologies if so, but Studio Colorido (the team behind Fumiko's Confession, Paulette's Chair, and the currently-in-cinemas short film Typhoon Noruda) have recently done a new 10 minute short about... zips.
Fastening Days was obviously commissioned by YKK, a zip manufacturer. It's in English (the voice acting is questionable at times!) and it's not a work of art or anything, but it showcases their strengths in the use of fast-moving CG backgrounds (and going-down-hills-very-quickly, this time in a bionic wheelchair...)
More interestingly, it seems that Typhoon Noruda is already being released on BD next month, 19th August, along with Colorido's two 2013 shorts The Portrait Studio (directed by Takashi Nakamura) and Sonny Boy and Dewdrop Girl. I had hoped it was going to be a bit longer than 30 minutes, but ah well.
Who knows - maybe one day Gothicmade will get a disc release...
Rokka no Yuusha - 03
They are trying SO HARD to sell her as a traitor i can't believe she is one.
Prisma Illya this coming week.Back from the cruise. I miss anything?
God Eater 02
I liked the part just after Eric's burial where the edgy squad leader and the girl were talking about someone who did the same thing as MC in the past. It's 100% going to be his dad, this show is just so super generic that it has to be true.
[Symphogear] - All Seasons
That was a pretty fun ride. It's always a pleasure to watch a trashy show that truly understands it's own appeal both in terms of ludicrous plot developments and silly action set pieces.
Like any modern otaku product, the series is packed to the gills with references. Most of the Kamen Rider, Wild Arms and PreCure references flew over my head, but I certainly got a few of them such as GaoGaiGar:
and Giant Robo:
Having seen both, it's worse than SS: Omega.
I've seen SS: Omega up to ep 77 ... it's not great but there was good moments within.
There are parts of SS: omega that were damn fine.
I got the impression that Lindow was talking about himself in that scene. That ties into why he was campaigning for Lenka, since Lenka reminds him of his younger self.
Well I dunno but the first two episodes did literally nothing to me. The maid café setting and jokes written for it are neither particularly unique nor clever. Hotori's kinda uncaring (somewhat oblivious too), brash nature coupled with her stupidity is used for these 'look how strangely or idiotic she behaves' sort of jokes which I'm really not a fan of. Toshiko seems like a fun character in concept but...that's kinda lost when she's involved in boring jokes concerning servicing the customers.
What I kind of liked was the teacher getting 'what he really wanted', by criticizing the two girls (Hotori in particular), as that's the motto of the café/show as the narration lets us know (a customer's every wish is granted).
Maybe these two first episodes just aren't particularly strong. I mean the direction is nice but I can't say I feel like I've encountered a well written joke yet. Then again comedy can be especially subjective and this one may just not be my kind or I'm failing to see the greatness.
Facepalm.gifYear 2 was so good. I wish we got SS Omega year 3. We needed more Subaru.
hmmm. I do quite like the design!
Having seen both, it's worse than SS: Omega.
I've seen SS: Omega up to ep 77 ... it's not great but there was good moments within.
There are parts of SS: omega that were damn fine.
But B&S ? lol.
Gintama 188
Being Madao is suffering.
B&S however awful it is, at least has the decency to end within 13 episodes. I'll take a short, concentrated dose of awful over 90 something eps of suffering. There is probably more badness in those last episodes of Omega than in whole of blade anyway. ;p
Well, except the people who don't like Nichijou. They're objectively wrong.I don't know if we need to burn anyone at the stake over disliking a comedy. Of all the genres, comedy seems to promote the most diverse of reactions and that's something that's been proven time and time again.
Does that actually happen? lolHuh, seeing some Umaru hate earlier in the thread. Expected. The character is insufferable and only gets worse as the series goes, at least where I dropped it. Maybe it got better after that and people actually found out her secret.
Gatchaman Crowds Insight 3
. Hopefully Tsubasa does something to protect Rui. I liked the cast beating up some Red Crowds ass.Well I didn't think the Vape leader would stab Rui's note in order to kill her
second screenshot isnt mine but to lazy to go back and get it sorry if it drives anyone insane
Did you start Nodame Cantabile yet or not?What are everyone's favorite Romcoms on Crunchyroll, I'm trying to see if I'm overlooking any?
The samurai needed something to fight against the Amanto's technological superiority with!Gintama 189
The joke at the end of Part A was just cruel. Tease Gintoki's samurai days backstory and then it was just a Gundam reference at the end orz
Not yet, that one's not on Crunchyroll. I'll probably watch that one after I'm done with NHK.Did you start Nodame Cantabile yet or not?
Does that actually happen? lol
I assume her nerd-form being terrible is just one of those things that will be a part of her character forever because that seems to be the whole charm of the character.Her getting worse or people finding out her secret? No idea about the latter. I'd probably pick it back up again, at least for a bit if that happened.
Not yet, that one's not on Crunchyroll. I'll probably watch that one after I'm done with NHK.
Well I liked Lovely Complex and His and Her Circumstances. Didn't mind Blue Spring Ride. Amagami is a favourite...but thats one step away from harems, which you may not be into. Looking at romance shows I like I tend to like shows with harem elements, but that simply may be how much those elements dominate romance anime.
AnoNatsu is still my favourite "traditional" romcom of recent years, but I don't know if it's streaming anywhere.
AnoNatsu is still my favourite "traditional" romcom of recent years, but I don't know if it's streaming anywhere.