Did Koufuku Graffiti sell well? Enough for a possible sequel?
Monster Musume 03
Papi still sucks. Suu is good though, thought murderfish came before her
Did Koufuku Graffiti sell well? Enough for a possible sequel?
Did Koufuku Graffiti sell well? Enough for a possible sequel?
double no
Unfortunately I think it sold like 1500 units per volume or something. Really low.
The production committee was:
TBS/Kadokawa (Media Factory)/Hobunsha/Shaft/Flying Dog/Movic/Song Music Communications
It was unlikely that the revenue from this project exceeded the costs for the higher financiers of the show from the numbers estimated/given. Therefore it is unlikely that we will see more animated.
*2. 10,155 10,155 Kekkai Sensen Vol.2
*4. *3,692 *3,692 Kekkai Sensen Vol.2
One of the most gorgeous movies Ive ever seen. Plus THAT SOUNDTRACK.
Man I need to watch this. Been interested in it a long time but the discs used to be hard to find and kind of expensive.
Which goddess would that be?
Hina is super adorable. She has WAY too much hair on her head for a three year old though. She is like a moe Cousin It.
Yeah she was.
Did you have the same thoughts about the way they treated the other two though, or am I just losing it?
Listen to me, Girls, I am your Father! Ep. 1-END:
soooo CUTE!
First off, this was an adorable story, the MC was good, and the support cast (college/adult) was excellent as well. Raika was a great add-on to the cast but it was unfortunate that they never really progressed the story further with her as the "heroine" since she would have been great in a more promanant role with the MC, heck, even the neighbor (the VA actress) could have been a good score.
I heard someone say that this series was complete trash and I'll address that in a moment because I tend to agree in 1 major area that continued to piss me off throughout. However, with that being said, the portrayal of the day to day life of the little girls with their replacement parent had some really upbeat, cute and happy momets, but also some really sad moments along the way as well.
Overall, it was a good feeling show and well worth the watch. Now, let me address the trash really quick and I'll be harsh for once (shocking, I know, I'm too accepting most of the time).. The way thay portray the little girls to appease a perverse otaku crawd on this one at times was disgusting. I'm sorry if your into loli $hit and this is your kinda thing, but to openly story-age a little girl at 10 and then continue to animate panty/crotch shots and put them into sexual poses was gross. The 14 year old being "in love" with the uncle, yeah, not right, but at that age I can honestly believe/see it happening and they never really went the perverse route with it. (thank goodness and yeah, girls at that age have a LOT going on in their heads.... ) however, they didn't shy away from giving her plenty of panty/bra parts, uugghh. Thankfully, they left the 3 year old alone for the most part, but their portrayal and use of Miu (10) as a sex object at times was just #%@%#$^&$^%^&$&. Sorry, end of rant, everyone has their own likes and opinions and I usually let it slide and look past it, but for this one, it felt out of place and completely unecessary and it is one thing that kept coming back and bothering me, but that is just the father of daughters speaking more than anything, lol. To each their own, but yeah, not needed with this story and/or setting IMO.
You liked this right? And you want to keep it that way? Don't go watch the OVA of the "After years". Seriously.
Yeah it was quite uncomfortable to watch that. But Ive seen Popotan so I suppose Im used to such things. I dont like it. Entirely unnecessary.
You liked this right? And you want to keep it that way? Don't go watch the OVA of the "After years". Seriously.
Oh no... That bad? Worse than Usagi Drop?
...I don't want to ask
You liked this right? And you want to keep it that way? Don't go watch the OVA of the "After years". Seriously.
I never watched Usagi Drop so I don't know. I don't want to spoil it since you may still watch it anyway, but I mean... Ugh. Come on Japan lol.
Looks like no one here has watched it. It may be for the best lol.
thats ominous..
Thankfully, the Usagi Drop part was in the Manga only, but yeah, it was in REALLY bad taste....
Cajun, I'll finish Full Moon this week, I'm hesitating because I know it's going to be a rough day.... Probably Fate Zero tomorrow and the rest of FM on Thursday....
Thankfully, the Usagi Drop part was in the Manga only, but yeah, it was in REALLY bad taste....
If it's the one thing you folks were discussing here this one time not too long ago, then yeah. I guess this OVA and Usagi Drop have a lot in common. A lot. /:
OK, well, in this one, she hasso it's not nearly as bad as Usagi...zero blood relations and they are only 5 years apart in age, unless it is the youngest or middle child...
But he said the name of the manga, Usagi Drop? As for me I'm talking about the OVA for Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your FatherWhy do you guys keep talking about things that don't exist?
Not that bad but I mean WHY. It's almost as if the whole show was just to lead up to this.The spirits of the girls' parents come to check on them. They are all doing OK. The girl with brown hair gets proposed by some boy at school. She says her heart belongs to someone else. As the parents wonder who this guy might be, they soon find out at home that it was the "dad" that raised the 3 of them, yup... They are getting married, and receive their spirit parents' blessing as they hug in their room in the end to make it more emotional I guess?
This is reminding me of the time I watched an episode of Kodomo no Jikan and thought "hmm. It's kinda weird how this small child is sexually attracted to her teacher and is very forward about it, but perhaps it could be interesting if it goes all psychological and explores how messed up her life must be to have gotten to the point of fawning over the teacher she just met. Maybe he'll be able to fix the root of the problem, allowing her to transition into a well-adjusted, normal individual who understands just how weird her delusional love for her teacher was and moves past it."
But then I looked up what happens and it didn't.
so I didn't watch any more.
Some shit in Anime is just outright distasteful and gross. Doesn't help the medium grow one bit. When folks outside of the medium think of anime, they see all this weird shit.
Not that bad but I mean WHY. It's almost as if the whole show was just to lead up to this.The spirits of the girls' parents come to check on them. They are all doing OK. The girl with brown hair gets proposed by some boy at school. She says her heart belongs to someone else. As the paremts wonder who thisbguy might be, they soon find out at home that it was the "dad" that raised the 3 of them, yup... They are getting married, and receive their spirit parents' blessing as they hug in their room in the end to make it more emotional I guess?
A touching love tale. Liked especially how it integrated the stars conversation into the solution of the mushi problem.
Sentai releases for November:
Glasslip (DVD and Bluray)
He is my Master (Sentai Select DVD)
Hidamari Sketch: Honeycomb Season 4 (DVD)
Blue Spring Ride aka Ao Haru Ride (DVD and Bluray)
La Corda DOro: Blue Sky Season 2 (DVD and Bluray)
Gatchaman: Movie (DVD and Bluray includes English Dub)
Angelic Layers (Sentai Select DVD)
Dramatical Murder (DVD and Bluray includes English Dub)
Invaders of the Rokujyoma!? (DVD and Bluray)
Monster Girls 3
Smith > Papi > Miia >>> Horse
Steins;Gate 02-03
Magical microwave just got even more special.
Maid cafe ? I didn't ask for this. The comedy in general falls uniformly flat for me. Okarin's infectious laugh is about the only thing I manage draw some enjoyment from. His conspiracy shtick too is just dull and overdone by now.
Sentai releases for November:
Glasslip (DVD and Bluray)
He is my Master (Sentai Select DVD)
Hidamari Sketch: Honeycomb Season 4 (DVD)
Blue Spring Ride aka Ao Haru Ride (DVD and Bluray)
La Corda DOro: Blue Sky Season 2 (DVD and Bluray)
Gatchaman: Movie (DVD and Bluray includes English Dub)
Angelic Layer (Sentai Select DVD)
Dramatical Murder (DVD and Bluray includes English Dub)
Invaders of the Rokujyoma!? (DVD and Bluray)
Is there a lovecraftian monster girl? I want a Colour out of Space waifu.
Nyaruko's legs drove me to madness, oh baby.It's possible we got that in Nyaruko-san but we can't be certain since anyone who watched it was driven to madness.
Symphogear G - 09
The training part by Genjuurou was 10/10. I guess watching all those action movies paid off! Of course Chris being such a goober eating like she's 5 and failing every exercise.
The sad tale of a man trying to survive his harem of monster girls continues. This week brings in more romance triangle hijinks with everyone trying to have a man all for thenselves. Always sleep early during the full moon or else you'll probably die from monster girls.
Monster Girls 3
Smith > Papi > Miia >>> Horse
Is there a lovecraftian monster girl? I want a Colour out of Space waifu.