I think both the OVA and movie have it's strength and weakness. I think the OVA is good at introduce the character in the show and develop them much better while at the same time develop the story a bit better than the movie. For the movie, it did well in fixing some issue I have in the show while add additional stuff to make some of the scene even more beautiful or help develop it. Also, it fix the ending of the show which I feel like it's missing something there.
I guess it might be better to watch both but if you stick with one, I guess the movie will a bit better as it streamline the story but you loose the development of the character. The OVA if you want to see the character to develop much better.
Not sure why you're surprised. Before the series started they already announced that there would be multiple God Eater Extra segments throughout the broadcast, because of production delays. They warned everyone!
Not sure why you're surprised. Before the series started they already announced that there would be multiple God Eater Extra segments throughout the broadcast, because of production delays. They warned everyone!
Firehawk and Jarmel bringin' the hardcore analysis of Shimoneta this morning. Good stuff guys. It's amazing how much you can pull out from that episode with all the little details and ideals they put into the show. I started watching it because the premise of the show itself sounded good, but the show has exceeded expectations. It's been a really original and fun/funny watch so far.
Was on a semi-hiatus for a bit and it caused me to miss out on a lot of stuff. Mikagura was very enjoyable and Eruna is without a doubt one of my most beloved characters of all time. I'd definitely recommend checking it out.
Damn, Ufo still hasn't recovered? How are they gonna fit the story in the remaining amount of episodes? Hope it doesn't go 'wait for BD for conclusion' like, well, Kekkai Sensen.
The only time I remember Ufo having some notable production problem off the top of my head is that King's Banquet episode in FZ season1, which has some pretty bad quality drop.
Well an erection has just about nothing to do with consenting though. I don't think you want to imply otherwise but the wording is a bit shoddy imo.
"If the genders had been reversed, this would be a very different scene."
Similarly, I'm not quite sure what you're implying. Do you mean people would feel it were wrong the other way around when switching the roles doesn't matter in actuality. Or are you saying that it would be wrong and should (potentially) be considered rape only the other way round. I'd assume and hope it's the former.
It's obviously not consent but he's also not that unwilling either. He's more in a state of shock than anything else. Many harem leads, think Ichika in IS, act like they literally are eunuchs so I found this slightly refreshing in regards to his reaction.
I'm saying the scene was sexual assault and if a male had done it, it would have been past the point of creepy. It's done in a slightly humorous fashion but things like the music and lighting do remind you how serious it is at the same time.
It was so good! I need a gif of that switch scene so bad!
It really is.
Was on a semi-hiatus for a bit and it caused me to miss out on a lot of stuff. Mikagura was very enjoyable and Eruna is without a doubt one of my most beloved characters of all time. I'd definitely recommend checking it out.
Not sure why you're surprised. Before the series started they already announced that there would be multiple God Eater Extra segments throughout the broadcast, because of production delays. They warned everyone!
It's obviously not consent but he's also not that unwilling either. He's more in a state of shock than anything else. Many harem leads, think Ichika in IS, act like they literally are eunuchs so I found this slightly refreshing in regards to his reaction.
I'm saying the scene was sexual assault and if a male had done it, it would have been past the point of creepy. It's done in a slightly humorous fashion but things like the music and lighting do remind you how serious it is at the same time.
I know, I'm probably not supposed to bothered by this, given that this whole time, they've been using
a magical microwave to send things to the past but transferring memories by a phone ? Really ? They were also awfully unconcerned by the sudden inexplicable connection to the SERN.
I did pick up on some more obvious things but boy did that ending came out of nowhere.
Moeka was about the last person I suspected of pulling something like this.
Great episode.
Steins;Gate 13
Am I supposed to believe that during
his first retry, Okabe managed to shake off a band of professional thugs and run back to his apartment that remained unsacked or unsupervised ? That's a big stretch of plausibility.
lol at the result of the second retry. Still no clue who or maybe what Mayuri is. And wtf is up with that clock.
Oh man I remember how I felt while watching these episodes, my reaction to the ending of episode 12 and I think what I typed on here for this episode was
Moeka, you bitch.
Keep watching Phaze, it just gets better from here.
Bojack S2
Better than anything I've watched here since like Ping Pong or around that time. Can't recall when the last truly good show was. Barakamon was good too I guess, but Bojack man. Damn.
I know, I'm probably not supposed to bothered by this, given that this whole time, they've been using
a magical microwave to send things to the past but transferring memories by a phone ? Really ? They were also awfully unconcerned by the sudden inexplicable connection to the SERN.
I did pick up on some more obvious things but boy did that ending came out of nowhere.
Moeka was about the last person I suspected of pulling something like this.
Great episode.
Steins;Gate 13
Am I supposed to believe that during
his first retry, Okabe managed to shake off a band of professional thugs and run back to his apartment that remained unsacked or unsupervised ? That's a big stretch of plausibility.
lol at the result of the second retry. Still no clue who or maybe what Mayuri is. And wtf is up with that clock.
When you realize she put her 'fluids' in an envelope and put it in a guy's desk as a declaration of love, is when you realize how absolutely bat shit insane she is.
When you realize she put her 'fluids' in an envelope and put it in a guy's desk as a declaration of love, is when you realize how absolutely bat shit insane she is.
Yes, definitely. Welcome to the world of gender rules contradiction. However, in this circumstance, I wouldn't even consider this sexual "rape" because they have no idea what sex truly is. We won't even get into the psychology of rapists, especially serial rapists where it's about power, dominance and violence, not "sex."
In short, Anna is innocent! "Free Anna, Free Anna!"
Oh yea, plus the MC didn't fight back, he loved every second of it... He was just surprised it was happening.
Arslan Senki 16
I lost it when that horse flew onto the elephant. There was a lot of QUALITY in this episode, including CG soldiers standing completely still in the middle of a battle for several seconds.
It's non-consensual assault, but the thing that excuses Anna is that she is literally not of sound mind because she can't process the hormones rushing through her body. The fact that she doesn't even know what a penis is makes her seem like a child who is playing doctor than a person with a premeditated plan.
It's not like, say, the Louis CK episode where Melissa Leo's character basically rapes Louis in her car.
I think the question is how would the scene be portrayed in the context of the same world if the genders were reversed? A purity-obsessed male character that isn't aware of how to deal with his feelings assaults a somewhat perverted girl (but still relatively pure) that lusts after said male character.
That being said, the scene was NOT portrayed as okay, which I'd say is at least a bit progressive. Still, I can't imagine there would be the same comedic undertones had they been gender-swapped.
Though it's not like male on female almost rape can't have comedic undertones in anime, or even overtones (hell, look at NGNL).
Not sure why you're surprised. Before the series started they already announced that there would be multiple God Eater Extra segments throughout the broadcast, because of production delays. They warned everyone!
Arslan Senki 16
There was a lot of QUALITY in this episode, including CG soldiers standing completely still in the middle of a battle for several seconds.
Arslan Senki 16
I lost it when that horse flew onto the elephant. There was a lot of QUALITY in this episode, including CG soldiers standing completely still in the middle of a battle for several seconds.