It only gets better from here! And I loved it.
Oh man I remember how I felt while watching these episodes, my reaction to the ending of episode 12 and I think what I typed on here for this episode wasMoeka, you bitch.
Keep watching Phaze, it just gets better from here.
Glad to hear it.
Oh man to watch Steins Gate again the first time. But if I rewatch it I will just marathon it all over again.
All I can say, keep note of the little details because they all become hugely relevant.
I'm trying to !
I take it you didn't think these episodes were anything to tuturu about.
Oh I tuturu'd plenty. (Assuming this means what I think it means.) Though the
shock of episode 12's ending was lessened a bit by what transpired in the next one.
Blade&Soul 09
That character development. It has taken her a long time but our emotionless killer fullfiled his master's wishes. She learns how to care about others and find her own place in this cruel world. Surely all road bumps are now behind her and only rose coloured life awaits her ?

This might be funnier than Deadman Wonderland.