God Eater is the biggest waste of money and talent in the last five years. And here I thought ufotable was gonna treat it more like, well, what it actually deserved.
Rokka is definitely one of my surprises of the season. It has the makings of a forgettable run of the mill fantasy anime, and the story has been just that. But the main character has been fairly entertaining. I don't know what wha happened in Japan recently but there seems to have been a renaissance of rogue character leads. We had Chaika dude, then Bahamut, now this guy.
It boggles me why they're deciding to put all this effort on something that basically Attack on Titan with extra edge.
There has to be some niche manga or game out there that deserves it more right?
It boggles me why they're deciding to put all this effort on something that basically Attack on Titan with extra edge.
There has to be some niche manga or game out there that deserves it more right?
4 weeks into the season and the two best shows I've seen so far are Gate and Rokka no Yuusha from the new stuff. Ushio & Tora and DBZ Super are fun as well. Prison School is OK for an adaptation but it feels like they're moving at break neck speeds. Robot Girls Z Plus is fun but short. Still need to see Aquarion Logos, God Eater, Gangsta, and Overlord.
Prisma Illya 2wei OVA
Little Witch Academia 2
Watched this a while ago but never got around to commenting. Loved it. Was pleasantly surprised that new characters were integrated well (<3 Amanda) while the old crew still got good screen time and development. Was probably a bit long in the tooth in some respects (or time just wasn't manged well enough in some spots) and it felt weird how the climax kind of had a start-stop-start aspect to it but I'm still glad I backed this. Dear TRIGGER: More of this and less of whatever else you're doing plz!
Food Wars 16
Joichiro is just a straight up sexy dude, no lie. I agree with others in that I see no way Soma beats him without like a time skip so Soma can seriously level up. Also fuck Erina, such a worthless character. The "she's in love with Soma's dad but doesn't know he's Soma's dad" thing is going to play out in some super annoying way - I just know it! Plus she still has like no personality. She can't even pull off the "I'm so fabulous" shtick in an entertaining way.
Prisma Illya Zwei Herz - 01
Feeling so conflicted right now. On one hand, I'm happy with getting yuri so early in this installment. On the other,I cannot stand HOW THEY'RE MAKING EVERYONE FALL FOR SHIROU. Illya fine... Chloe, sure since she's just a double of Illya anyway, Miyu... NO! NONONONONO! She belongs to Illya and Illya alone (with a dash of Chloe on the side). Is the prerequisite for creating a female character tied to the Fate series is to have them ultimately fall for this worthless piece of shit? Fuck you Shirou and the people who made you.
I'm going to bed. T_T
Today I discovered that "Dead anime mom hair" is a thing
I suppose seeing that style should raise an instant death flag, haha
Hi everyone. I lost a watchbet and watching Chaos Head now. I'm 4 episodes in and it looks like it's worst anime I've ever watched. I'm planing to avenge myself after this but I can't think about any really terrible anime... Can you help me with it?
The plot is pretty by the numbers but the story is good. The setting is also fantastic. It's not very often you get to see a fantasy world that has a Central/South American aesthetic in an anime. They even spend the time explaining the world so we get an idea of what it's like. It even justifies Nachetanya's bunny outfit which would just be normal costume that isn't explained in any other anime, lol. The cast so far feels a shade different from the standard fare too despite the base tropes to each.
Yeah, the God Eater series only sold 2.2 million copies in Japan with two games and two expansions. What a waste of money for Bandai Visual.
Oh shit youre right. I never noticed this trend! Except Nadeshiko in CCS was a really lovely girl with long silvery hair. she was quite different.
What shows are those? I dont recognize them all.
Oh shit youre right. I never noticed this trend! Except Nadeshiko in CCS was a really lovely girl with long silvery hair. she was quite different.
What shows are those? I dont recognize them all.
Bottom left is Ano HanaClockwise from top left: AoT, FMA, Tokyo Ghoul, dunno.
lol deserves such treatment...It's not a waste of money in the sense that it won't make money. It's a waste of money because there are hundreds of properties that deserve such treatment, yet GE is the one that gets it.
However, it looks like our heroes will be stuck in the Peninsula of Evil due to that mist barrier thing, so we're unlikely to see more of the mesoamerican civilization. Seeing power struggles, cities that ally with the fiends to overthrow bigger cities that'd often seize anyone weaker than themselves and other things would be a lot cooler.
As it stands right now, it seems like a generic story with the mesoamerican cities and art slapped on top of it at the last second. With their names and looks, all seven braves feel like they'd fit better in a generic fantasy setting than in a mesoamerican one, and it looks like all that was lifted from those cultures was the architecture and clothing style (which is mostly used by side characters and extras only).
It's not a waste of money in the sense that it won't make money. It's a waste of money because there are hundreds of properties that deserve such treatment, yet GE is the one that gets it.
lol deserves such treatment...
Like what out of their portfolio in recent? Dark Souls? Tekken? Ace Combat?
Gundam,Tales and Digimon obviously no need to be said since they already have animes.
GE is a logical step for them since it's a successful series for them and their designs are anime.
5 Centimeters Per Second is incredible.
Makoto Shinkai is among the best in the business.
I'm fairly stunned that basically starting on episode 51 of D. Gray Man, it actually got good. Why did they wait 50 episodes to only adapt the manga. Anime only stuff was terrible.
Pillow Boys 03
So this weeks pillow boy is a musician, except when he plays his violin no sound comes out. I'm not kidding. He tells you to listen to his song but there isn't a song. Pillow Boys are weirdos. The only sound this episode is Pillow Boy #3's voice.
The lack of sounds was creepy before but now it's just really weird. Like this will probably escalate into Pillow Boy 07, the Charismatic Serial Killer and Pillow Boy 09 the Handsome and Benevolent Dictator.
Also if you rearrange the scenes you can make it sound like crimes are going to happen, this works with the last two episodes as well -
I don't understand fujoshis and I don't understand Pillow Boys.
Clockwise from top left: AoT, FMA, Tokyo Ghoul, dunno.
Steins;Gate 17
lulz.Deal with it.Mayuri x Death ship is canon Okabe.
edit: I'm getting more and more confused by the constant changesto the timeline. Wouldn't getting rid of all the D-mails mean the return to the very first world line ? The one where Makise dies ? But then Okabe never really gave that event a thought since ep 2, so maybe he just doesn't realise it yet.
This scene.. the combination of the soundtrack and her just standing there slayed me ;_;
Lovely Complex 1
Man what a "feel good" show. The duo is so likeable, and the fact that both of them have the same complex as each other, along with their personalities makes them a total match. Can't wait to watch more.
There is some minor drama to it at times, but that is a good representation of them and the feeling you get throughout.
What are people's thoughts on Overlord?
I just checked the first two episodes of the show and.. It's alright, the Opening is great. I kinda wished it didn't go for the stupid "Help I'm trapped in a MMO trope" like sword art and log horizon did
sub. the dub is like, notoriously awful.So anime GAF. I decided to finally buckle down and watch Revolutionary Girl Utena. I just have a quick question. Sub or Dub?
This can't be emphasized enough.sub. the dub is like, notoriously awful.