so like this needs to become an anime immediately because it is absolutely amazing in every single way
so like this needs to become an anime immediately because it is absolutely amazing in every single way
fake edit: the thing is, there's an important distinction between using analysis of tropes and narrative conventions to surmise the demographics that a work is designed to appeal to based on what previous similar works have been popular with what demographics and stating that anyone who likes a work necessarily likes it for the reasons that the work intends to be popular or that it's necessarily a grave character flaw to like it for the intended reasons.
People should really just avoid mixing criticism and personal language altogether unless a work crosses the line from something you think is just dumb or encourages a lifestyle that you don't agree with into clearly immoral territory anyway. Most good people like some dumb things, and everyone is predisposed to be more forgiving of this or that if it appeals to them for a reason that transcends their usual critical standards. Even if a certain percentage of fans fit a stereotype, who cares?
We also shouldn't forget that plenty of shows have their quality 'established' on this board already and therefore it isn't necessary to elaborate much when I watch a new SAO episode and end up calling it a piece of shit. Though I fortunately won't ever watch that show again. But maybe I'll quote someone else's impressions and just call it that anyways.
That doesn't mean anyone going 'against the grain' is prevented from chiming in either though. If you actually manage to make a compelling argument for SAO that's more than appreciated. In fact, I'll shake your hand for doing the impossible!
SDBurton will love it.
I want the Teppu anime that will never happen. The world needs more sports anime
I want the Teppu anime that will never happen. The world needs more sports anime
Wonzo introduced me to this awhile back, and I will forever be in his debt because of it.
There's three works that I pray with all of my heart and soul to get greenlit for an anime.
1. Yuri Danshi
2. Yurika's Campus
3. Murcielago
so like this needs to become an anime immediately because it is absolutely amazing in every single way
Amagami SS ep.13-16
This time is was the arc with Nanosaki, the swimmer. It wasn't that sappy this time, but pretty interesting overall. At least there was no annoying narrator this time... Always good to end a festival episode in a hot tub, lol. She was definitely the aggressor in this one.
I just want Yuri Danshi and Yurkia's Campus Life to actually get manga translations. Animes would be cool too.
Curse your toy collection and everything you stand for!I like Michael Bay's Transformers movies. Just saying.
Curse your toy collection and everything you stand for!
And I liked everything by Michael Bay. Yes, even Armageddon. Still need to see Pain & Gain but I heard it's awful.
Rinne no Lagrange episode 1
Just saw this randomly recommended to me, decided to watch, which is dub btw. first of, very beautiful, love the character designs, the environments are pretty and the mecha is breathtaking personally with its very sleek look making it look great in 3D.
The visuals are great, the music is phenomenal so far, female protagonist in a more serious role and finally the dubbing has been pretty great so far from what ive heard, will continue with this.
Yamcha confirmed to actually be super strong? Narag blown out
Rinne no Lagrange episode 1
Just saw this randomly recommended to me, decided to watch, which is dub btw. first of, very beautiful, love the character designs, the environments are pretty and the mecha is breathtaking personally with its very sleek look making it look great in 3D.
The visuals are great, the music is phenomenal so far, female protagonist in a more serious role and finally the dubbing has been pretty great so far from what ive heard, will continue with this.
The fact that Yuri Danshi continues to get ignored while translating groups decide to waste their time and resources on subpar works irritates the shit out of me to this day.
Ill be sure to tell youTell me if the last 2 eps of 2nd season are worth watching, I lost track of the show years ago
This show has such a fantastic OP. Definitely in my top 10.
Ill be sure to tell you
Holy shit I almost forgot to bring up the OP, its fucking amazing, its visually fantastic and the song is just lovely.
I used to play that shit on my BRAND NEW Galaxy S2 720p AMOLED screen and be amazed
The 2nd OP's Single Album (Marble) has a live version of Try Unite with a great intro
Anime of the decade.I started watching Sword Art Online for the first time. I'm really liking the show so far. MC is a badass, and Asuna is also a really great character.
I started watching Sword Art Online for the first time. I'm really liking the show so far. MC is a badass, and Asuna is also a really great character.
I started watching Sword Art Online for the first time. I'm really liking the show so far. MC is a badass, and Asuna is also a really great character.
Where the hell is the rest of it? Why isn't there more!
I remember this promo. Good times.
Do tell.
And if things don't make sense, don't think too hard about it.
I assumed the whole thing would take place over about a week, but 7 episodes in they said they've been there 6 months. I guess 20,000 people are on life support systems all around Japan since they didn't all die from dehydration in the first few days.
I assumed the whole thing would take place over about a week, but 7 episodes in they said they've been there 6 months. I guess 20,000 people are on life support systems all around Japan since they didn't all die from dehydration in the first few days.
Anime of the decade.
Seriously, screw power fantasies about perfect MCs that get everything they'd ever want/need.