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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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Can people agree that Parasyte was legit? Probably my favorite anime of the last few years.

Parasyte is pretty damn fantastic. I think most people can agree on that. It doesn't quite live up to the manga, and the movie was awful, but the characters are incredibly well-proportioned and animated. The sound design in general felt fairly strong as well. Up until about midway through the story is almost on par with the manga, but it takes a nosedive when it fails to deliver some of the events that make the premise more plausible. The ending was.. meh. Character development was on point though.

On the other hand, Sword Art Online is complete trash. It's an awful anime, with lame cliche characters, harem bullshittery, and a plot that is about as contrived as 9/11 conspiracies. I could write essays on how much I despise SAO from an objective standpoint. But it's trash anime that's fun to watch, and, as much as I recognize that it was pure jank, I was pretty excited each time a new episode came around. I lovingly put it in my "awful, but I'm watching it anyways" bin.


Can people agree that Parasyte was legit? Probably my favorite anime of the last few years.

I thought the beginning was good. But then things became much less interesting when
Shinichi transformed more parasite like.
It had a few highs here and there but overall I thought it was meh. And the ending was atrocious.


Clannad - Nagisa Arc/S1 End


Great writeup. I think one of the things I liked most about Clannad S1, in comparison to something like Kanon at least, was how Tomoya and Nagisa's relationship felt genuine and, as you say, shows obvious growth over the course of the series. Despite the side arcs which focus on the other girls around Tomoya, I don't remember it feeling like Nagisa was sidelined in favour of the character the arc was focusing on - Tomoya and Nagisa work together in order to resolve the issue rather than have Nagisa simply do nothing, and as a result it makes sense when the two become girlfriend and boyfriend, since that's what the show had been building up to. Contrast this to Kanon where there are long stretches where Yuuichi doesn't even interact with Ayu on screen, and for the most part works everything out by himself while Ayu is at home, or doing something unrelated. Then you enter the last third of the show and it expects you to believe that, even though the bulk of Yuuichi's time has been spent with other girls that aren't Ayu, they've
grown so close that they become a couple.
That's the straw that broke Kanon's back for me, and it made Clannad look so much better by comparison. One of these days I'm actually going to watch After Story to see what all the fuss is about.


Can people agree that Parasyte was legit? Probably my favorite anime of the last few years.

Its quite well done. The modernization of it wasn't distracting, and i really enjoyed the consistant quality and fights (especially the fights relating to Gotou

Parasyte was baaaaaaaaaaaad.

"You're favorite anime sucks" and all that, huh?

Parasyte was bad? I don't know what to believe anymore :(

It wasn't.


Jeez, them making asuna a damsel in distress character made me mad since i really really liked her in the first half of the first season.

she's a strong independent woman who don't need no man

but then


there's two parts of SAO I like.

a) the animation is really good

i don't agree at all. the only segment i remember being really impressed by the animation was the air fight pre finale in Fairy Dance. My memory of everything else was a fucking messy blitz of light and colour.

How could you not foresee
Jojo's severed arm soaring through the sky straight into Kars? Or the vulcano rocks ? Or that air pressure from vulcano would lanch someone straight into space ?
Predictable and grounded in reality.

The best part is that
his arm GRABS KARS

it's so stupid i couldn't stop laughing. And then JoJo trolling the shit out of him too. Amazing.


A Good Citizen
parasyte was okay I guess but I forgot to keep up with it while it was airing and never got back to it / 10

plus the tone changes in the adaptation from straightforward 80s horror manga -> melodramatic 2010s action show in the vein of AoT and stuff was not for better


Parasyte would've been way better if that girl wasn't in it.
The one who would never stop asking if he was the real Shinichi-kun.

Yeah, i kinda agree
she even just goes "yeah whatever" literally days after he throws a dead dog in the trash. After that happened I questioned her sanity at all times.

Kirito is like a guy who is always on honeymoon mode.

I laughed way to hard at this and you are right.

She dies though, right? Then Shinichi rips a parasyte's heart out with his bare hand in a fucking badass scene.

Edit: I think I'm thinking of the other girl.

You are. She lives from a fakeout death.

Maybe? It's also kinda just like oh yeah Asuna skips straight from "This guy's a jerk" to "LET'S GET MARRIED" with v. little inbetween. To be fair, I don't remember a lot of it anymore.

It's probably because SAO loves to skip around all the damn time.


Kirito and Asuna's relationship feels very forced. Also the fucking shitbird that is Yui legitimately made me feel physically ill whenever she was on screen. It's so vile.
At first I was telling my roommate that Parasyte clearly drew heavily from the Resident Evil series. Then I learned how old the manga is. Shinji Mikami was clearly a big fan. Gotou is basically a Tyrant.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Super S: Episode 132:

Wow, I mean just wow, been a long time since I have seen this big of a turdburger of an episode, like this was a bad episode right out of the R season. FIrst off they decided to play up the bratty relationship between Usagi and Chibiusa, which will never fail to annoy me within milliseconds. For a bonus they threw in the return of the most illogical and downright fucked up love triangle I have ever seen and the episode even points out one of the biggest logical problems with the whole idea. Also the framework of the episode is about as generic as it gets, Mamoru is entertaining some college friends and all of a sudden Chibiusa asks the girl about her relationship to Mamoru and then hijinks ensure. One episode crushes are a hard enough sell but apparently they didn't learn that it is even worse when you are dealing with literal destiny here. Really, you are not missing anything by skipping this one as all of the beat have been played in other episodes, strong recommendation to avoid.


I enjoyed the fact that they established the main relationship in SAO early and followed through on it promptly.

It's just too bad that Kirito and Asuna have no chemistry, Asuna is a nothing character when Kirito isn't around, and they ended up giving Kirito a harem of girls anyway.


"You're favorite anime sucks" and all that, huh?

Well if it's Parasyte, a show with brain dead female characters, laughable mc transformation, first half that consists of nothing more than random parasites thrashing Shinichi's school and second half that is a prolonged, hamfisted "WE ARE THE REAL PARASYTES !" message, no explanation for the origins of parasytes, lacklustre direction and awful dubstep soundtrack on top of mediocre visuals then yes, your favourite anime sucks.

First three episodes and the Reiko one/two later on were the only times this show was good.


Well if it's Parasyte, a show with brain dead female characters, laughable mc transformation, first half that consists of nothing more than random parasites thrashing Shinichi's school and second half that is a prolonged, hamfisted "WE ARE THE REAL PARASYTES !" message, no explanation for the origins of parasytes, lacklustre direction and awful dubstep soundtrack on top of mediocre visuals then yes, your favourite anime sucks.

First three episodes and the Reiko one/two later on were the only times this show was good.

Oh god, that part was the worst!

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Well if it's Parasyte, a show with brain dead female characters, laughable mc transformation, first half that consists of nothing more than random parasites thrashing Shinichi's school and second half that is a prolonged, hamfisted "WE ARE THE REAL PARASYTES !" message, no explanation for the origins of parasytes, lacklustre direction and awful dubstep soundtrack on top of mediocre visuals then yes, your favourite anime sucks.

First three episodes and the Reiko one/two later on were the only times this show was good.
I blame the plot on being outdated for those blunders.
Fate as in Zero or Unlimited Blade Works? The visuals in those were at a really fucking high level.

That's the point. Parasyte had issues with the story and pacing, but the visuals are a non-issue. I think it's more a stylistic issue people have with Parasyte rather than the visuals actually being bad. The only way I could see them being bad is if someone compared them to the best that anime has to offer.


A Good Citizen
I keep seeing this. Does it suck because it doesn't have cute girls and sparkles throughout the whole thing? Or are we comparing this to Fate?
fate is ugly though

well animated, but slathered in so much digital postprocessing that buries the animation and creates a hideous result
I thought the visuals were great.

It's clear Fate had a lot of money put into the visuals, and it shows. Not every show is like that. Parasyte looked great for what it was. Fantastic monster designs and really fluid fight animation.
fate is ugly though

well animated, but slathered in so much digital postprocessing that buries the animation and creates a hideous result

You're wrong, but it's okay.
A part of me is really glad I don't really ever share what specific anime I really like or dislike here.

The level of "it sucks" would tear me to pieces.

Share it anyways and console yourself with the fact that 90% of people who watch anime have shit taste anyways. It's an irreproachable fact of life. Hell, it might even be part of the genre at this point.


A part of me is really glad I don't really ever share what specific anime I really like or dislike here.

The level of "it sucks" would tear me to pieces.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Rinne no Lagrange episode 3 and 4
I am finding this one-sided yuri love triangle somehow refreshing
Kinda want to watch another episode....but got work in the morning......goddamn life


The animation in Parasyte was perfectly fine but most of the fights were the "stand still and slash at each other super fast" type
So not very good.

There certainly were some good cuts, just not enough to elevate it to something more than mediocre given the above.

A part of me is really glad I don't really ever share what specific anime I really like or dislike here.

The level of "it sucks" would tear me to pieces.

Gurren Lagann
was quite great.


Gurren Lagann
was quite great.

It's my avi because it was my favorite drawing I made at the time. (though I did enjoy the show a good deal)
I'll be making a new avi shortly

You're wrong, but it's okay.

Share it anyways and console yourself with the fact that 90% of people who watch anime have shit taste anyways. It's an irreproachable fact of life. Hell, it might even be part of the genre at this point.

I'm sure I'll let it slip eventually.

A lot of anime I like have problems that I notice. Usually its pacing issues or inflection problems or even a plothole or 2.
There are just some series you can't help but love.
And some that no matter how problematic they are, you can't help but rewatch from time to time.

Welp, I have a Final tomorrow at Noon, and its 1:30am here, so I'm off.
G'night and happy fighting


Parasyte was bad? I don't know what to believe anymore :(

Parasyte was good. I disliked some bits, like the constant "Are you really Shinichi?", but it was still one of the shows I looked forward to the most the season it aired.
Also, the soundtrack is amazing. The way they used it was a bit strange sometimes, especially in the beginning, but damn, is the actual soundtrack good.

I liked... parts of it. It gets the bonus of being my first VRMMO-story, so there's that, too. Some background info beforehand: I've watched the first season and stopped after episode 6 of season 2, but I've read the novels up to and including the Mothers Rosario arc.

The good:
-The soundtrack
-The action is intense
-I really like the concept of Aincrad as a world

The bad:
-All the rapey antagonists. Like it's the only way he knows to write evil characters and it's annoying and unnecessary.
-The fact that it's tries to be a harem, even though Kirito and Asuna are already together. Just why?
-Fuck the ALO arc. I hate the little sister with a passion. It would have been so much better, if he were just adventuring with her, without the "I love onii-chan!" stuff. And they even cut the best part of the arc, where it was just straight-up adventuring and questing in a dangerous place with some really imaginative creatures.
-Willpower-power-ups have no business in an MMORPG. He did the same shit in Accel World, too, but at least it was way better handled there.
-I don't mind power fantasies or overpowered protagonists, but I have to admit that it really hurt the material here. Because the main narrative is basically Kirito is a god, the sidecharacters were sidelined really hard. I think I remember only 2 characters by name aside from Kirito: Asuna and Sinon. (I remember his little sister, but fuck no am I bothering with remembering her name)


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Super S: Episode 133:

Right, so on the surface this is an episode that I would frame as rather pointless and the kind of episode they would drag-out right before we get to an episode where the plot moves forward if they are dragging the likes of Artemis into the focus. However, this time around basically the entire imputes of the episode was to finally introduce Diana into the 1990s anime. As Sailor Moon Crystal watchers will know she was introduced in the Black Moon Arc and was pretty much the only friend Chibiusa had from that time period and had been up to now MIA because if I recall correctly she does head back to the past in that arc. That being said, this was just such a random an nutty way to introduce her by having her just show up so we could have a plotline right out of a sit-com. Not going to lie, this episode wasn't very good since it basically had to adhere to formula but on the upside Sailor Venus actually got to transform this episode. Recommendation to avoid.
Parasytes sound design took me out of the scene way too often. It was awful. The worst scene with bad BGM and sound effects was
Tamiya Ryouko's death
. Cheap reuse of the ED and the sound effects sounded fake. (Not to mention the scene itself was pretty dumb)
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