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Summer Anime 2015 |OT2| !? Love Live is not real!

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I thought it was an adaption of a LN series.

Oh lol it is, just looked it up.

Didn't even know it existed, only heard about the manga.

But I guess the manga is probably a faithful adaptation of the LN, I don't know though.

Has anyone here read it? maybe my whole review of the show gets invalidated by it lmao.


This was one of the lamest ends to a season I've seen in a long time. I wish they already accepted the dark elf's plea like they obviously will so we could get a fight between the dragon and either leave us on some cliffhanger or some exciting moment but nope. Nothing left to say as they filled in as much time as they could doing nothing. Bleh.


Ushio to Tora - 12

Great episode. More information about Toras past and Ushios mum. Lots of Youkai trying to kill Ushio and Tora being Tsundere again.Also, Tora riding a bus was, as expected, hilarious.

Durararar X2 - 23

Everything is escalating, and it's not looking pretty :/
Looks like next episode will be a huge cliffhanger for the last cour airing in Januar, because there is no way any of this can be resolved in just one episode.
Since ya'll talking about Overlord, some Japanese artwork for Vol 1 and Vol 2 (6 Vols in total):
Now THAT is cool.


Charlotte 12

Can's say that I'm feeling this show anymore. The pacing and tone are all over the place. Only redeeming thing that this show could do now is have a ending similar to Akira.
A love confession being so anti-climatic and not romantic at all is kinda refreshing, but everything else felt rushed. Blonde dude went from irrationally hating Yu to just dropping that by the end of the episode for no reason. Big Bro continues to make irrational decisions. Yes, let's have Yu go on a global trip by himself (because that worked well last time) to rid the world of mutants with barely a plan. Their whole plan is based on an assumption that someone in the syndicate (which was just introduced last episode) has the same or similar power to Pooh. How he's going to find that person, who knows. How he's going to find the syndicate, who knows. Not to mention, we got a hastily thrown in resolution to Misa's storyline, if you can call it that. It feels that if we didn't have 4 or so episodes of hijinks, the pacing wouldn't be so terrible. It's Angel Beats problem all over again.
Charlotte 12
The pacing and structure of this continues to be bizarre. Is the final episode going to be a time skip or a montage and then epilogue?


Charlotte Episode 12:

Okay, this is not the penultimate episode to a series, this is a bridging episode to a new arc which honestly sounds more interesting then the show we got so far. Still, I something like this and I just shake my head at the notion that a single cour is enough to tell every story.


Charlotte Episode 12:

Okay, this is not the penultimate episode to a series, this is a bridging episode to a new arc which honestly sounds more interesting then the show we got so far. Still, I something like this and I just shake my head at the notion that a single cour is enough to tell every story.

That's the worst part about it. As ridiculous as their plan is, it sounds like it should be its own arc or even it's own series (going around the world meeting and helping people and collecting their powers), but it's going to be condensed into 1 episode. Unless this is a split cour show or something.


Charlotte 12

Bittersweet. I'm happy that the show seems to go for a happy ending, and I loved Yu's confession and Nao's reaction but the decision of this journey is, simply put, dumb. The ability will exist for like 2-3 years more. He will travel all over the world during that time, to steal the ability of thousands or even millions of people, without even being sure that he can get the ability to find them. It's just seems like something impossible and there must be an other way to solve their problem. Also, even if this journey happen, it's something that will be skipped. We won't know how he essentially accomplished the impossible. A real shame. I just can't understand why we lost 5 episodes for random people in their school, while ultimately the show wasn't about that.

Oh, and I guess that's it for Yusarin and the other guy. Talk about underdeveloped characters.
Charlotte 12

Next episode he'll probably combo his powers to clean up everything very quickly, he can fly and "teleport"(his friends power) at the moment so it shouldn't take that much time. Although I doubt that they'll spend much time on him gathering powers, the real challenge is looting that syndicate guy.

I have to say that I'm hyped for next episode though, I mean, it's probably going to be a mess but that's part of the fun.

It's a coinflip how this one is going to end though, I kinda hope he just goes crazy and screws up.



This was handled dirty on so many fronts.

If they had someone like Kumagawa then why the fuck did they need Kumagawa?


Charlotte - 12

Pacing continues to be absolutely bizzarre. This felt like the end of a 12 episode cour that bridges into the second cour.
I guess it was kinda entertaining still, but once you think about how the situation is entirely the aftermath of completely retarded decisions made in the last episode, it leaves a sour aftertaste. Doesn't make it better, that the follow-up to that mess is making more retarded decisions.
Good idea sending Yuu on a quest to plunder every ability in the world completely alone, without a plan. Because that worked out so well last time, right.


Succumbing and getting that dagashikashi manga albeit it's raw, was searching for good reading practice, this seems fun.


Come on dude. In that episode they even said they didn't want him. They only wanted him to bring Yuu out so they can get him.

You mean after they tortured him for information such as Yuu's existence. Oh well I guess they got their kicks out of ripping out his nails.
You mean after they tortured him for information such as Yuu's existence. Oh well I guess they got their kicks out of ripping out his nails.

Is it really so far-fetched that they would want to know more about
Yuu and what kind of powers he already has so they could try to counter him
? And that is why they tortured it out of him.
Granted it didn't do much for them in the end
but they clearly didn't do it just for kicks.


Is it really so far-fetched that they would want to know more about
Yuu and what kind of powers he already has so they could try to counter him
? And that is why they tortured it out of him.
Granted it didn't do much for them in the end
but they clearly didn't do it just for kicks.

Then whoever they have clearly doesn't have Kumagami's ability as he could identify what power that person has.
Not to mention that train of thought doesn't even make sense on a conceptual level. Why would Shunsuke even assume that? He pulls it straight out of his ass and the audience has to accept it at face value otherwise this plot doesn't even work on a surface level. He states that because they had multiple users in such a short time someone must gave Kumagami's ability. Huh? They've been functioning as an organization just as long if not longer than Shunsuke's society thing. Don't forget that we've only seen this terrorist group have maybe four users max.

Also if they had someone with Kumagami's ability then why didn't they try grabbing Yuu much earlier? Why wait till someone is protective custody before trying to get them?
Charlotte Episode 12:

Okay, this is not the penultimate episode to a series, this is a bridging episode to a new arc which honestly sounds more interesting then the show we got so far. Still, I something like this and I just shake my head at the notion that a single cour is enough to tell every story.

I haven't heard anyone ever say that a single cour is enough to tell every possible story you can come up with. But I do feel that it is possible that, when given a single cour to work with, it is possible to write a story using whatever initial idea you may have had that works within the time constraints, as long as you are smart about how you approach the TV format.


So let's sum up the recent episode of Charloote shall we?
-Possibility of PTSD and trauma is brought up only to be dropped and never expanded. Could have linked it back to Nao's brother that everyone forgot is still fucked up as he never got the visit from the singer.
-"Wow I had a near death encounter. I wonder what Ayumi would do without me". Man proceeds to leave his sister behind to go on a world trip not even a full episode later.
-Cocksucker blames Yuu for the plan going bad despite it was partially his dumbass idea. A really stupid idea in the first place. Of course he only exists to blame Yuu in some bullshit way of introducing drama and is promptly forgotten about like the idiotic secondary character he is.
-Three back to back eating scenes with different people to get the point across about family, as if one wasn't enough. FOOD IS IMPORTANT Y'ALL, IT CONNECTS YOU TO THEIR FEELINGS. Soma would have been ashamed.
-Misa's subplot is resolved in the dirtiest manner possible. Yuu-"Yo go make up with your family right now." She proceeds to do so in the next scene. Misa-"Ok now I can die". lol oh fuck off
-We then have Nao come up with the idea of Yuu absorbing everybody's powers. Instead of the main character showing initiative and coming up with such a crucial solution by himself, he has to essentially be told what to do. That shit might be fine in the first few episodes but not in the second to last one.
-Nao promising to be lovers after he saves the world. Some beta shit I would expect from Zelda but the moment was nice. Nao does have good facial animations. I do like Nao as a character so the confession scene fit her personality well.
-Then we have this absolutely nonsensical and idiotic plan in which Yuu travels around the world with no bodyguards despite people supposedly hunting him. It's all predicated on someone having Kumagami's ability despite them torturing him for information that supposedly someone else in their organization already had.-_-
-So why are they introducing a full blown arc like this now? Is there a 2nd cour that is unannounced? I'm sure they'll either do a shitty montage or timeskip but rushed doesn't even begin to describe this.
-I guess Yuu will just hold one eye shut for the rest of his life instead of grabbing an eye patch like everybody else.

Oh and Yuu should totally be a god when he comes back as someone almost certainly should have self-regeneration thus meaning he can fix his eye and time travel again. Maybe Yuu will travel back 2000 years and become Jesus.


"Why are we still here? Just to suffer?" Think I've been playing MGSV too much but it does have something in common with Charlotte. It's obviously that the plot is shit. Like any Maeda anime it continued the plot with pacing issues, lack of proper character development, and cutting out characters that had no real purpose in the first place. We spend most of this episode reflecting on what has occurred so far while also meeting up with the idol and glasses guy since they have to have some payoff, right? At least her dead sister had some emotional send off which could've been used for the idol but whatever. This show needed lots of things but better use of time early on to build a better story would've been key. Last episode just ruined any chance for this show to be good by introducing us generic evil villains for no reason and letting them go next episode.
The season of confessions continues as Yuu admits his with little fanfare. I wish they would've gotten more time to develop their relationship as it's the strongest part of the show with Nao being the break out character of this show. Instead we get a rushed romance scene that left no real impact on me with a death flag promise that probably won't come true as Big Boss Yuu goes out into the world in order to gain everyone's powers in order to stop the war against humans and mutants yada yada yada. Like we all predicted this will be another Angel Beats style show that couldn't tell a proper story with only one cour. It could have with smarter plotting and writing but let's just blame that for now. Next week is the finale and I can't see it ending well for Yuu.


I haven't heard anyone ever say that a single cour is enough to tell every possible story you can come up with. But I do feel that it is possible that, when given a single cour to work with, it is possible to write a story using whatever initial idea you may have had that works within the time constraints, as long as you are smart about how you approach the TV format.

Believe me, I have, though at any rate this series certainly wasn't smart about its pacing and episodes ans we are where we are because of it.


Samurai Flamenco 04-05

Caught up. Like with that Ultraman short, I feel like watched too little power rangers and tokusatsu shows to really be able to appreciate this kind of thing. Flamenco Girl is a breath of fresh air/insanity but she is not enough, at least so far, to carry the series. Whatever that episode brings will I hope change my mind on the show cause as of now, I don't see myself venturing much farther.

Neon Genesis Impacts

More proof of what a sad and incompetent fuck Gendo was.


Believe me, I have, though at any rate this series certainly wasn't smart about its pacing and episodes ans we are where we are because of it.


Episodes 4-5 could have been either one episode or cut altogether. Find another way to show that Yu has been using his ability on other power users.

Episode 8 could have been cut since I don't honestly remember the point of Sara in the long run. The one thing she spent an episode contributing to has now been rendered moot and no one seems to care.

And that's not even getting to characters. Misa/Yusa could have easily been cut from the story and nothing would have changed.


Gatchaman Crowds Insight Episode 11:

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” ― Winston Churchill


Maeda bullshit continues to be bullshit, what a surprise.

Still sounds better than Angel Beats, what a complete waste of time that was.

Working!!! 12

Why does this show have to end? Great episode, Poplar finally gets some limelight of her own and
Final Boss Mamanashi
finally makes her move. Also the revelation and aftermath of Kirio revealing his first crush was amazing.

Don't go Working, three seasons is too soon.


Gatchaman Crowds Insight 11

Wow, that was brutal. The whole fight with Gelsandra was great and the finishing was really hard to watch.The episode caught me off guard. Hajime-ssu saves the day but damn, I don't like that. I really hope she won't die. ;_;
Rokka no Yuusha 12
What was obvious is revealed and...it was really anti-climatic. Though at least the journey here was interesting. That sequel hook actually made me laugh.
I hope the novels just repeat having 7 braves in every book.


Subete no aware
Crunchyroll Got Anohana Drama.

Get those tissues ready, as the Anohana Drama comes to Crunchyroll this fall: Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day! Times and dates will be announced soon, but Crunchyroll members in the following territories will be able to watch: USA, Canada, Latin America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.
20something idols acting like teens! lol


It's too bad Shimoneta is a light novel adaptation, because it sort of went nowhere after peaking with the first 6 episodes or so. I mean, Anna is still great and all, but of course the anime could only have a thematic ending (with everyone coming full circle) and not something conclusive with the plot in terms of the characters (although we know who the canon couple is and that probably, in the end, the world would be rid of the prohibition on porn).
Still, it's one of my favourite shows in a while. The highs were certainly high. lol


Rokka 12


Hopefully Season 2 gets made. The 2nd novel is pretty good and the third seems good from what I've read of it so far.


We find out who the 7th is.
Its really anti-climactic, unfortunately.

Then weird shit happens.
Cow girl appears. Seems like Adlet's thoughts of a eighth Brave were right all along

Now it's a sequel hook to find the
Eighth(?) brave

Goddamnit. I honestly thought it would have ended better.

oh well...
Shimoneta 12



Also, endcard had some characters who didn't appear in the show....I know it's unlikely, but I'd like to imagine that it's hinting at another season.

A man can dream. Dream lewd dreams.
Rokka 12

Lol, in the end

Adlet guessed it wrong, he didn't know who was the fake.
In fact, it was solved in a pretty stupid way, Chamot randomly excavates in the temple and miracle! there were a second set of stone tablets with instructions. It has been kind of deus ex machina.

Though technically, the princess wasn't the real princess of episode 1. I mean, she dissolved into apple-flavored mud. I don't think humans do that when you cut the head? It was all along some kind of doll controlled by the enemy.

And that end,
with again a seventh brave appearing
. Looool.


With the mystery solved it now turns to yet another adventure anime where our heroes go beat up the demon lord. The reveal of the seventh could've been better. The overall mystery wasn't even as good as a bad case in danganronpa or ace attorney. The solution to it also came out of nowhere but they did leave some hints which I guessed right. It's pretty simple to find out if you paid attention. With the season 2 bait at the end I wouldn't mind another season. Especially with some more cute Formie x Adlet scenes in there. Solid anime but the end is kinda weak.


Rokka - 12

So the 7th got revealed and
it was pretty much who most of us guessed it was.
The reveal itself was kind of anticlimatic, but the follow up made it better. The fakes reasoning was seriously fucked up and Adlet showed why he is such a great protagonist. Instead of naively and idealistically trying to reason and/or capture him(which would ultimately fail and create an even greater mess, you know how it goes...), he just straight up gave the kill order.

And then the second half happened and it was like: Huh? What? Okay. Really? Huh?
A new girl appears and is
somehow also a brave?
And damn, her design is absolutely hideous. I mean Rokkas outfits all look kind of out there, but that one is just plain awful. But at least we got some jealous Flamie, lol.
Don't really know what I think about this ending, but the show as a whole was still god damn great.

Unsure if I should wait a while to see if there's a second season coming or just jump straight into the LNs.


Rokka no Yusha 12

That new arrival.

I knew rabbit ears were evil from the very first episode !

But surely it's the same princess we have met in the first ep ? The impostor would have to fake the entire Saint of blades business.
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