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Summer Anime 2016 |OT| Makes Me Happy When Skies Are Grey

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Oh my God, why can't Food Wars, Dungeon, and GATE go to someone else... Like AniplexUSA...

Sentai is the revival of those ADV 90s dubs.


you shush. I am happy sentai owns the home video rights to those shows so i can actually buy them since AniplexUSA doesn't actually do dvd/blu ray releases in NA* and thus the dub to those would be netflix only if they got them.

also sentai seems to have like 3 dubbing teams, two of which are the 90s style dubs, not great but not horrible, and one actual good team :p


Sentai with their ugly as sin subtitles.

are still preferable to no home video release*


I will happily buy the sentai releases, and I prefer not having to import shows from the UK to just get a home video release for the aniplex shows.
You don't even want to know what it looks like in motion. That Dragon Age "anime" from a few years back looked and animated better than this. Think about that for a moment.

And that's not even getting into how somehow Casca is now almost the same skin tone as Guts which is just bullshit of the highest order.
So animation is worse than Ajinn and Cidonia? Dang
Ashita no Joe Episode 1

So a drifter wanders into town, a melancholy whisle escaping his lips. After fending off a group of ugly children, and knocking an old drunk man down, he encounters a group of yakuza hoping to extort a little girl. He then proceeds to wreck their assholes so hard, it scares young and old alike.

After saving the young lass, our gallant hero valiantly urges her to steal more in the future, and then make her cry by teasing her relentlessly about how she must still be in diapers. Satisfied, he hopes to con his way into a hotel. When that fails, he sleeps alone, out in the cold. The old drunk follows, giving him his only coat, and warm food, hoping to take this young buck and train him in boxing. Our hero eats the food, throws the coat back, and threatens the old man to stay away from him. Suddenly, the yakuza return, and when the hero can't beat them all, the old man proceeds to save his ass by knocking him out, and shielding him with his own body. Our hero recovers, and then proceeds to scream and anger at his savior.

The name of our hero? Jo Yabuki. The greatest hero ever.

It's so raw too. That heavy brushwork makes it look like the anime is being made as you watch it.
Two years after...so where does that put in in the timeline? I guess between the end of season 2 but before the whole Alicisation thing?

Yeah I'd say right about there. This is an original work too, so I wonder how they will make it tie to Alicization, if they do at all. I'd be shocked if they didn't announce a proper season 3 to air sometime after the movie.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Accel World takes place in the same world years later, so I guess this would be the start of that tech.


Miracle Girls 1-51

A romance/slice of life about twin sisters that communicate telepathically and can teleport when their pinkies are joined. Occasionally other powers turn up, but nothing consistent. Mikage is a genius that is constantly blowing things up in her chemistry club. Tomomi is a gifted athlete who is an ace at both track and volleyball. They have totally different interests and personalities, but these twins are as close as can be.

Kurashige is Mikage's boyfriend, and despite their mutual attraction he decides to study abroad in London, which causes issues in predictable and not so predictable ways. Noda is Tomomi's boyfriend, and he's also an athlete. They're the only two who know about the twins' powers, and as such they frequently get caught up in their wacky adventures. Mostly Noda since Kurashige is out of country most of the time. Poor guy. But he doesn't regret it.

The relationships are established firmly immediately, and neither pair ever have any real desire to break things up. So there's not too much pointless drama from that perspective. Tomomi and Noda have typical high school relationship drama issues, but they're close overall. So Mikage has to deal with most of the drama as her boyfriend is kidnapped by another girl while Mikage herself often has to deal with the worst guys. But love remains strong.

In between the romance is slice of life comedy and supernatural adventures. On one hand they meet and befriend people, work on festivals, film a movie, and much more. On the other they have to deal with a teacher trying to expose their powers, ghosts of the past, a dinosaur, time traveling (once to ancient Egypt), other gifted kids (one of whom once to take over the world), foreign princesses and their political drama, and other weird adventures. Tomomi seems to solve most of their problems because she's awesome, but they're only complete with each other.

It's not a great show really, but I found it oddly compelling. The characters were simple, but fun to watch. Except when Mikage was angsting about senpai. That kind of got old. Tomomi being awesome never got old however. And Noda was pretty cool for sticking by the twins no matter what kind of trouble they got into. The teacher was okay in small doses, but when he seriously harassed them (stalking, trapping them in rooms, being creepy in general) I really wanted them to dump him in the middle of the ocean. There was a decent amount of comedy, but overall it leaned heavier on the drama. Probably too much, as some of it either got silly or just made everyone look stupid when they didn't go for an obvious solution. But it also made for some good moments, so I think it worked out. Overall, I enjoyed this more than I should have. I guess I can be a sucker for a cute romance as long as there are magical twins as a hook.


you shush. I am happy sentai owns the home video rights to those shows so i can actually buy them since AniplexUSA doesn't actually do dvd/blu ray releases in NA* and thus the dub to those would be netflix only if they got them.

also sentai seems to have like 3 dubbing teams, two of which are the 90s style dubs, not great but not horrible, and one actual good team :p

Ugh... I wish they were better though. Having seen Akame ga Kill and
the first half of Cross Ange
I don't have much faith in whoever they're hiring as voice directors.

I'm happy that the exception is Nozaki-kun though.
you shush. I am happy sentai owns the home video rights to those shows so i can actually buy them since AniplexUSA doesn't actually do dvd/blu ray releases in NA* and thus the dub to those would be netflix only if they got them.

also sentai seems to have like 3 dubbing teams, two of which are the 90s style dubs, not great but not horrible, and one actual good team :p

Aniplex would have had Bryce P (kirito) voice Yukihira Soma though which would have been perfect. I love his voices.


Maturity, bitches.
Something wrong is happening with a game again? This better be more Phantom Gun and not a rehash of the first story because that would be beyond stupid even by SAO standards. See, even if it means pretending product regulations don't exist, I can accept the first arc happened because no one expected a game to murder people. But since then I'm sure the authorities are on red alert for any notion of danger from the gaming world, residually in the 'putting stuff on your head' department. Go away. I weep for the animators who were severely underpaid for this.


Orange 01

6.5 Hamasakis out of 10.

Decent enough.The overuse of stills in what is a first episode doesn't bode all that well but I guess'll see. It feels weird for praising the series for such a mundane thing but the cast here feels refreshingly ... well normal. With a lot of the anime output being filled with various assortments of ___deres, 1000 year old lolis or plain psychos, that's a pretty rare quality these days.


Relife 1-13 (END)


Holy shit I actually get to binge right at the beginning of the season, what heavenly plain of existence have I appeared in!? 1-13(END)


We should probably have a stipulation that we shouldn't spoil the series for those who can't watch the show in its entirety yet, so I'll keep this impression rather quick and spoiler free.

This adaptation was on point. It adapted much more than I expected and much better than I expected. Much like with Yamada-kun and the 7 witches, some events were tweaked or rearranged to make sense with the pacing present in an anime. The pacing is really well done here, rarely falling into lulls. Having read the manga, I was actually rather happy with the use of foreshadowing and subtlety with the hints they give out. They are super frequent, but if you have no idea what to look for you won't see them at all. The one thing I found lacking was the art. It wasn't bad per se, but there are a lot of times (especially early on, though it gets much better later) where the lighting and colour usage is rather flat. I'm also not a huge fan of how the eyes and colours are quite different from the manga; going for a sharper, simpler look rather than the soft one found in the manga. Its not an offensive change, and its one I eventually got used to, but its note worthy regardless. Also, just as an fyi, one of the episodes is mostly a flashback and has a piss-filter on it. I can see that annoying some people.

Special mention needs to be made for the music. Damn good job with that, tbh. Its used perfectly to make you feel exactly what you need to during scenes. once or twice I thought the volume of the music was a bit much, but 99% of the rest of the time the music is used in such a way that it perfectly accents a scene. It almost feels like the scenes were sculptured around the music rather than the other way around. Basically I wish more anime used music in this way, working with the scene and weaving through emotions rather than just being tracks. A+ music effort here, i'd say.

This series ended up being a good series that didn't try to be more than it needed to be. It was a good effort and a good adaptation. I honestly think it benefits from binge watching. It ended up being very enjoyable and quite fun. Just don't expect a super original or innovative story here.



Days 1

I see Konosuke Uda did the same thing he did in his previous soccer show, Ginga e Kickoff, where the first episode starts with a flashforward to a big game before going back to how it all started. It's always nice to get a sports anime which puts in effort into the animation of the players' movements, especially for a sport as dynamic as soccer (in contrast to, say, baseball). It makes it easier to get invested than when the depiction of the game is mostly crude, clumsy stills.

Yes, there was surprising amount of movement given to the characters but then, this was a first episodes and we all know first episodes are always a bunch of dirty lies. (Various outliers only confirm the rule !)

They're so cute though! (And the main character of Days hasn't been shown to be especially talented yet; he just has a huge work ethic.)

I'd count that huge work ethic as a talent, especially when its by far unmatched by the peers of mc-kun and transcends into sheer recklessness to the point of making his forehead and goalpost best pals.

If you want a different kind of protagonist, you should watch Ashita no Joe and witness one of the biggest jerks in fiction.

See, that would require me to confront my ingrained set of beliefs about the general quality of old anime which I'd be loathe to do.

Also 79 episodes ?
Ain't nobody got time for that.
Assassination Classroom 01

That's a "nuke him" situation if I ever saw one.

After long coming realization of how awful Jump current output is, I decided to try out this series that I've long strayed away from. Surely, the critical acclaim, the popularity and a source material that seemingly knew when to end got to count for something right ?
ReWrite 01

Key as fuck but I enjoyed this first episode all the same. Good thing that made it a longer episode too because if it had just been 25 minutes I'm not sure it would have hooked me.

Orange 01

Can't say I'm totally on board with this yet. Probably gonna need to go three episode rule with this one.


Watching ReLife...
As a 27 year old man myself, I'm not sure how I feel about the treating of the protagonist like he is some old dude. Can't do physical activity because he is so old lol come on...


Kawamori Panel Writeup-

Yes he did this in person.

-Calls himself an audio-visual creator due to his work on all stages of an anime from initial concepts, and storyboarding to direction and mechanical designs. Directs from the audience's perspective with the goal of evoking emotion.

-He was born in a small town, in the mountains in the Toyama prefecture. The area would see heavy snow in the winter time, to such an extent that they might have leave their house out of the second floor.

-When he was three, he moved closer to the city. Was shocked to see locomotives in Yokohama and the reason why a lot of his work revolves around culture shock is probably due to that culture shock he received when he was three. (I don't particularly buy this as how much does a three year old really remember?)

-He was fascinated with the Apollo Project in school such as the Apollo 11 landing. His dad was an engineer and took him to naval air stations/bases a lot. During base open houses, his dad would show him the buttons to press to open the hangar and he would get into trouble as a result.

-Was into this German block thing called Fischertechnik especially the modular aspects. One of the ideas in the toy was used in the Vector machine in Aquarion. Wasn't until middle school that he started drawing, still feels at times that he's not really good at it as he started late.

-There was apparently this club/group at Nue and so he got to hang out with Kazutaka Miyatake, designer for Battleship Yamato, another member was artist Naoyuki Kato of Crusher Joe. Starship Troopers was the origin point for robot anime in Japan. (This segment I didn't particularly understand that well but it was like a club or something at the studio and he interacted with a lot of high profile animators/designers/writers as a result)

-Hiroshi Onogi and Haruhiko Mikimoto were all classmates with him in high school. They made a manga in high school called High School Days. He did the mecha design and Mikimoto obviously did the female lead. (They showed the cover so I guess they still have copies)

-When he was a sophomore in college, he joined Studio Nue while still being a student. Apparently was involved in the early design work for Optimus Prime. (I didn't know he was involved in the creation of Transformers) They had an issue with the engine and cockpit when it transforms, in that both would disappear. So decided for next work he would keep both the cockpit and engine.

-They got rejected by producers over something called Genesis (I know spelling is wrong but the name is similar sounding). So came up with the concept of Macross literally overnight such as giant enemies, a mega transforming battleship, and an aircraft carrier with town inside it.

-Mikimoto and himself were majoring as mechanical engineers (I'm not sure if the translator was correct in that they were majoring in engineering or rather design) and so were having meetings at school. They got kicked out of class ocassionally for talking too much. With the Valkyrie, he wanted to make the jump from toy like transformations to military orientation.

-He was told aircrafts don't sell.

K:"When someone tells you something won't sell, it means there is a big chance in it!" That means nobody has done it so there's a viable market for it.

-Really wanted to nail the design so spent a year refining it and played with a model of the F-14. Looked at the gap between the sides of the F-14 and thought it could be folded in. Once he had a rough idea and generally figured out how he wanted the design, he then spent another two weeks perfecting the design that would become the Valkyrie. The rough draft was a lot 'stubbier'.

-So made a mock up and brought it to the same toy company who said it wouldn't sell. Executives saw the mock up, and even the same one who said it wouldn't sell stood up and said 'let's do it'.

-Got pushback around the idea of 'solving' war without weapons but pushed it through anyway. Thought the episode Love Flows in original Macross was critical to that concept.

-Was 23 and still going to college but reached a breaking point during making of the movie, Do You Remember Love, and dropped out.

-For Macross Plus, went to Air Combat USA to actually pilot an airplane for research, along with Itano. They used that as a reference.

-The Next has a mech in it. Surprise. Silhouette definitely looked like a Kawamori design. The character silhouettes also looked flamboyant so I'm not expecting a realistic story here. Kawamori apparently did learn from the mountain as they didn't talk about the show at all.


Maturity, bitches.
Watching ReLife...
As a 27 year old man myself, I'm not sure how I feel about the treating of the protagonist like he is some old dude. Can't do physical activity because he is so old lol come on...

Anime should have taught you long ago that once you hit 24 you're past it and old.


Well, the skeletons looked really bad. But aside from that, it wasn't as bad as I excpected it to be. Will continue to watch.
Yes, there was surprising amount of movement given to the characters but then, this was a first episodes and we all know first episodes are always a bunch of dirty lies. (Various outliers only confirm the rule !)

While it's certainly rare for animation quality to be consistent across an entire show, due to how animation production works, starting with a well-animated first episode (and second episode, if the preview is anything to go by) is better than starting with a not well animated first episode. There's no sign so far that the schedule is in trouble. I have faith in Uda.

I'd count that huge work ethic as a talent, especially when its by far unmatched by the peers of mc-kun and transcends into sheer recklessness to the point of making his forehead and goalpost best pals.

That recklessness is something I find endearing. Watching the underdog struggle to improve is generally more compelling for me than watching the consummately skilled player beat everyone else handily.

See, that would require me to confront me ingrained set of beliefs about the general quality of old anime which I'd be loathe to do.

If you aren't interested in experiencing the glory of Osamu Dezaki, that's your loss!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Re Life Episode 11

Man this show really hits you emotionally.

Didn't know there was a term called Black Company in Japan, as in the word to describe it not the concept itself.


A black company (ブラック企業 Burakku kigyo?), also referred to in English as a black corporation or black business, is a Japanese term for an exploitative sweatshop-type employment system.

While the term "sweatshop" is associated with manufacturing, and the garment trade in particular, in Japan black companies are not necessarily associated with the clothing industry, but more often with office work.

Origin of the term
The term "black company" was coined in the early 2000s by young IT workers, but has since come to be applied to various industries.

While specifics may vary from workplace to workplace and company to company, a typical practice at a "black company" is to hire a large amount of young employees and then force them to work large amounts of overtime without overtime pay. Conditions are poor, and workers are subject to verbal abuse and "power harassment" (bullying) by their superiors.


Speculation on the show, could be spoilers if true.
I'm still holding onto the idea that Hishiro is MC's work senpai and subject 1 and that her suicide attempt didn't actually kill her but was covered up by the Re Life labs.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Shokugeki no soma 2nd plate 1
Well, talk about starting with a bang. Instead of giving a recap or some sort, they go straight to action. The foodgasm is still as ridiculous as ever. Macho old man literally strip to show how good the food is.
Alice got beaten right away, but that's okay. Next week is Tadokoro time to shine!
Man I'm really interested in how they are going to adapt this. I remember nothing happening for a VERY long time after where the anime stops.

IIRC they still haven't gotten to the
in the damn manga so my interest in this is basically nil, that Chekov's Gun will be too rusty to shoot by the time they try and use it.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Re Life Episode 12

LMAO, how did that guy that joined MC's
previous work place after he left
go from being all
"I look up to you as a role model senpai"
"I look like I'm going to NTR you any second
" lol.
IIRC they still haven't gotten to the
in the damn manga so my interest in this is basically nil, that Chekov's Gun will be too rusty to shoot by the time they try and use it.

Maybe they will speed things up for the anime audience, but I don't think they will get anywhere near that basement if they adapt as faithfully as they did with season 1, you are right. I feel like the basement is just not going to deliver when they do get there. It's gonna be the Final Fantasy XV, or The Last Guardian of that manga. As much as you want to love it, as good as it may be, it just won't justify the long wait.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Re Life Episode 13

Oga and Rena are too pure for this world.


Holy shit I was right about my guess that Hishiro was MC's work senpai and subject number 1.

That ending blueballed the fuck out of me. Don't push her away!
Arslan S2 Episode 1

So general thoughts.
-CG is still awkward, but at least they're doing interesting things with the camera. Art stayed pretty decent throughout.
-New opening/ending are much weaker than the previous ones.
-I do someone question the logic of Andagoras's plan. Grabbing good hostage, check. Getting queen with hostage, check. Sitting his ass on the throne with his enemies literally right out the door, wut?
-That end card is great.
..It's gonna be the Final Fantasy XV, or The Last Guardian of that manga. As much as you want to love it, as good as it may be, it just won't justify the long wait.

Ow! I wasn't expecting that burn here :D <turns muttering to corner> "It'll be great, it'll still be great, it'll.."
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