Orange - 04
Either they've got some serious production issues or Hamasaki doesn't know what the fuck he's really doing. Maybe it's both.
That weirdly detailed CGI soft-ice machine sequence after the opening......what?!? Why?!?!? Then this bad montage plays while we get to listen to mostly pointless and random dialogue from our characters that doesn't match up with much of anything. And. what's with showing us these weird simplistic frog and fish drawings several times in an awkward manner throughout the episode?
There's also weirdly often a shot focus on background characters having completely unimportant background talk. It might be done to convey the idea that the school is indeed a lively place and whatnot but it didn't really work.
Some strange music choices, too.
Yeh and the drama is unfortunately getting less and less compelling. This episode was mostly Naho still not really talking to Kakeru no matter how much the letter emphasizes it. And I mean, thematically, it's alright and it's interesting that she points out how hard it is for her to actually do these things whereas her future self just had to write that stuff in hindsight. On the other hand though, all this drama is the result of people not communicating which usually gets tiring quickly.
At this point I'm also not sure if Naho would understand it if Kakeru got an "I love you Naho!" tattoo on his forehead. Like, really? He asks you to call him every morning and that you make lunch for him. That's either being a gigantic dick or somehow pretty obviously telling you he's interested in you. When that's otherwise evident, too, and he mentions how he has another person that this Ueda he's interested in and you still don't get the hint...well, fuck it. Whether that's realistic for her kind of character or not, it's simply not interesting to follow as a viewer.
Also, that she's someone that's usually petrified of even talking to Kakeru always has her changes of mind where she then doesn't just go to him but rather shouts across large distances for everyone to hear is really questionable and cliché too.
One more episode, if it doesn't offer anything of actual value by then I'm out.