Pokemon Best Wishes! 1
Pokemon Go has me in a Pokemon mood so figured I'd check out one of the more recent seasons.
Pokemon Go has me in a Pokemon mood so figured I'd check out one of the more recent seasons.
Pokemon Best Wishes! 1
Pokemon Go has me in a Pokemon mood so figured I'd check out one of the more recent seasons.
You chose poorly.Pokemon Best Wishes! 1
Pokemon Go has me in a Pokemon mood so figured I'd check out one of the more recent seasons.
I would say I'm surprised you picked what is supposed to be the worst Pokemon season instead of what is supposed to be the best (XY), but I'm not really.
You chose poorly.
Okada Gundam 07
Amida can punish me anytime.
I thought Lafter's name was spelled Laughter. I had to do a double take. So much sexual tension between her and Mikazuki before their fight was stopped I thought one of them was going to go overboard with a cheap shot, lmao
Need a little assistance there, Kudelia?
BIG mistake there by Maruba to admit there was a program of experimentation on the kids. I'm hoping that Orga or Mikazuki punch his lights out. Shooting him cold-blooded could be too easy unlike their previous superior officers back on Mars.
So is 91 Days the anime version of Boardwalk Empire?
Shonen Hollywood Episode 1
Huh, well that was interesting.
There's a slight, but mostly ever present sense of anxiety bubbling underneath this show. There are a few moments where the cast laughs and jokes, but the main lead doesn't even seem well suited for the life of an idol. The scene where he's just quietly looking at his introduction with confusion really stuck out. He did more or less get lightly pushed into this profession. Production is middling, a few shots of the cast looking off model, but the background art is pretty decent. Overall, a good episode.
Well to Ages defence the first 2 arc were quite enjoyable but yea Kio's arc was kinda bleh.
Your post just made me go back and watch the last couple episodes, since I was almost done with the 18th but stopped there for some reason I can't even remember.
The show handles its cast incredibly well IMO. It's great that every named character has some incidence in the plot, and their personal arcs have all been pretty good as well so far.
So is 91 Days the anime version of Boardwalk Empire?
91 Days 03
Starting to become a "I have no idea what's going on because there are 700 characters" show.
Damn those are some fine gifs.Okada Gundam 07
Amida can punish me anytime.
I thought Lafter's name was spelled Laughter. I had to do a double take. So much sexual tension between her and Mikazuki before their fight was stopped I thought one of them was going to go overboard with a cheap shot, lmao
Need a little assistance there, Kudelia?
BIG mistake there by Maruba to admit there was a program of experimentation on the kids. I'm hoping that Orga or Mikazuki punch his lights out. Shooting him cold-blooded could be too easy unlike their previous superior officers back on Mars.
Agreed on how great it was. It has some of the best battles too. What I really liked about Age was the art in general. It was quite unique and it really hit home with me.gAGE gen2 is still one of the top arcs in the gundams Ive seen.
With you on both points. Yes this is as close as it gets to something to come out of what someone here calls "white people" TV lol.It's likely to be the most HBO drama styled anime as of right now. I've always said i wanted an anime mafia story, this is it.
In what way shape or form is it that? I saw someone else say they are confused about what has happened so far and it isn't confusing at all.
Damn those are some fine gifs.
91 Days is a show that after I watch it think that I should just read the manga instead until I remember that it's an original story. It's a middling mafia story that isn't really all that interesting except that it's animated. Actually it'd probably be better if it were a live action series.
91 Days is a show that after I watch it think that I should just read the manga instead until I remember that it's an original story. It's a middling mafia story that isn't really all that interesting except that it's animated. Actually it'd probably be better if it were a live action series.
This is why I abandoned anime for white man TV.
This is why I abandoned anime for white man TV.
Kiefer Sutherland anime when?
Kiefer Sutherland anime when?
Sums up chinese cartoons nicely.
Designated Survivor is my 2nd most anticipated show this fall!
Sums up chinese cartoons nicely.
I should go to Otakon so I can watch Under the Dog before you and report how bad it is.
I see the Narag strain bully virus has spread...
I hope we can one day create a world free ofNaragbullying.
I see the Narag strain bully virus has spread...
It spreads through Pokemon Go now. None of us are immune.
It spreads through Pokemon Go now. None of us are immune.
KEIJO!!!!!!!! PV (yes it has that many exclamation marks in the title)
Yes, They dubbed the PV into English.
Broadcast begins OCTOBER 2016!
Why did they dub this into English? Why is the English good? I'm confused :O
Is this like super popular in the West (enough for them to be angled for Western attention already)?
I am not a bully.
I see the Narag strain bully virus has spread...
I am not a bully.
narag sux
Oliver Stone was right...
Except those in Singapore.
So much for...
Narag is a doo-doo cat.