Gundam aren't nazi? really?
The villain in the original Gundam series was literally compared to Hitler within the series, which he didn't even take issue with
Gundam aren't nazi? really?
He directed the Death Parade ED after that. I would also keep an eye out for Yuri on Ice starting in October. Watanabe's been music producer on Sayo Yamamoto's previous 2 TV series, so it's likely for him to show up on this one as well.
Gundam aren't nazi? really?
The Zeon are very much Nazi-esque. The Original Series had a basis in World War 2 afterall.
Eh, sometimes its good to let a strong, finished project just sit. I wouldn't rage against the machine if Cowboy Bebop 2 got announced but I'm more than satisfied with what we got. We don't need more, especially if you want to use the same cast. That being said, I could use more Watanabe anime in general. Has he really been radio silent since Terror in Resonance? (Space Dandy came out before that right?)
hey guys
at my condo, trying to complete my secret shop order
I never want to see pokemon romance again.
at my condo, trying to complete my secret shop order
Pokemon Best Wishes! 32
I never want to see pokemon romance again.
it's sitting at a spinning loading wheeldang
i got all my anime swag already
have you tried threatening someone
it's sitting at a spinning loading wheel
Probably won't hear anything until after the movie.Sword Art Online II
Man, THESE FEELS. Just finished season 2 and Mother's Rosario arc. I didn't shed any tears but I was legit close lol. I think season 2 was even better than the first season.
I don't care what the haters say man, I really enjoyed Sword Art Online! YuukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiThe first half of the season was really interesting when they brought back the "die in the game die in the real world" possibility, and the Asada/Shinon character was really cool, as well as the whole BOB tournament and trying to figure out how the players were dying IRL. Then the excalibur arc was cool as the show went back to a non-serious tone and they were gaming for the fun of it and trying to get that rare quest item excalibur. I was laughing when they saw the fairy behind the bars that Klein wanted to save and everyone was like "it's a trap" haha. Then the final arc "Mother's Rosario" was completely not what I expected. I don't know if I've ever had feels like this watching an anime. Yuuki's story was really touching and how she wanted to get her & her friends names on the list before she died so it would be proof that they had once lived. Then how she was always so cheerful despite what she was going through and the whole story of what happened to her family.Then it was also cool to see Asuna back fighting again and taking a turn in the spotlight for a change. And also it was cool to see Asuna work things out with her mom, and the last after-the-credits scene with the whole group at the picnic.
Also, any word on a possible season 3?
Also, any word on a possible season 3?
Huh I wasn't aware of that. If he's on board with Yuri on Ice than that should be a treat for the ears. If that pans out it would be good to see that he's still around. To be honest though, when I said "Watanabe anime" I was more talking about something he directed/co-directed. I'm not really interested in a Bebop sequel but I'm always looking forward to the "next" Bebop/Champloo/Dandy if you catch my drift.
I present you thisA multi-purpose shovel and hoe, huh
Pokemon Best Wishes! 32
I never want to see pokemon romance again.
To suffer like all shonen anime watchers.I'm curious as to why you picked up Best Wishes. All I've heard is that it's the worst Pokemon anime region, which I didn't think was possible after Johto.
Huh I wasn't aware of that. If he's on board with Yuri on Ice than that should be a treat for the ears. If that pans out it would be good to see that he's still around. To be honest though, when I said "Watanabe anime" I was more talking about something he directed/co-directed. I'm not really interested in a Bebop sequel but I'm always looking forward to the "next" Bebop/Champloo/Dandy if you catch my drift.
When he returned to directing after a long hiatus, he said that his plan was to remain very active and to do at least 2 shows a year once he had momentum again. But in the end, after Kids on the Slope got a middling response, Japan ignored Space Dandy, and Terror in Resonance didn't even make the mildest impact, he seems to have given up again. Either that or his sponsors have given up on him.
Terror in Resonance is quite meta. Much like the characters in the show, it tried to make a big bang but in the end no one really cared about what it had to say and it was soon forgotten.
What's worth watching this season? I've been slacking hard.
What's worth watching this season? I've been slacking hard.
What's worth watching this season? I've been slacking hard.
What's worth watching this season? I've been slacking hard.
What's worth watching this season? I've been slacking hard.
So after ripping off The Ogre Who Cried and Moby Dick, what classic is Re:Zero going to use for an arc next?
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.
Well I'm watching it but I don't mention it because I assume if you've watched series one and liked it you're going to watch series two.since for some reason people don't mention it.
shokugeki no soma.
foodgasms are awesome.
A Tale of Two Cities? They already got some Prince and Pauper stuff going.So after ripping off The Ogre Who Cried and Moby Dick, what classic is Re:Zero going to use for an arc next?
A Tale of Two Cities?
That's just The Dark Knight Rises.
Well I'm watching it but I don't mention it because I assume if you've watched series one and liked it you're going to watch series two.
I think TiR broke him. It seemed like he was all revved up for it and flop. I don't know if he's in the doghouse with producers either after Space Dandy's high profile crash and burn.
I comment on every episode I watch. But the last episode was just the hot springs episode so there wasn't much to say.Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!! 1-5
Everything is right with the world.
I actually never got that far into the 3rei!! manga, so after episode 4 is all material I haven't seen before. This marks the first time that I'll actually be watching the anime without already knowing what happens, since I had read the manga of the original and 2wei! long before the anime series began airings.
It's cool to see that when Illya installs the Saber card, she manifests as Saber Lily. Seeing Golden Boy version of Gil is quite entertaining too, it's nice that he learned how to call people mongrels from an early age because it wouldn't be right otherwise.
Why am I even using spoiler tags for this. Does anyone even watch this besides me or care about it?
What's worth watching this season? I've been slacking hard.