all I know is that people are glad it isn't banana
LOL, yeah.
Fuck that stupid banana.
all I know is that people are glad it isn't banana
Oh Jet, she's legal, but too young for you bud. Well, tgat and she's an old buddies daughter. Stick with the big bro moniker. Decent episode, but not high on my Bebop list thus far.
Spinoff is the only Gundam worth watching. All the main plotlines are tash.
Andy the cowboy/musashi, lol. Pretty funny episode as Spike and Andy clash as they chase down the wordless bomber. Also, hippie Jet is best Jet!
This anime is probably one of the inspirations for the narrative I'm writing, the only weakness in its realism being the axe wielding maniacs. Seriously wat. I'm not even sure that the show even justifies that so it sticks out pretty hard in comparison to everything "realistic".
Because you can fill a room with particles that explode if you fire a laser weapon. Sometimes you can't blow something up, sometimes you need to capture someone or something. Hand to hand CQC will never go away. Modern soldiers still carry knives and receive hand to hand training. In the first battle of the war between the Zulu and the British Empire, the British famously ran out of ammo, had to resort to CQC and got their asses beat.
Space axes are probably more realistic than laser pistols, all things considered.
1) We have actual axes and we know they're effective in hand-to-hand combat.
2) Laser weapons will likely never be a practical technology, because the power involved in creating a concentrated beam of light strong enough to do damage to modern armor is wasteful. You would be able to launch significantly more projectiles at the same cost per fire of an effective laser beam. That's to say the least of fitting all that power into a handheld device that's the size of a pistol and not having it be a risk to the user.
3) Their reasoning for not using guns inside ships is sound. Until we perfect bullet proof metal (and if the metal is bulletproof then it's likely laser proof as well), using ballistic weaponry in the vacuum of space is basically suicide. The only reason they DON'T tear a hole in the ship and suffocate everyone inside is airlocks and that their intent is capture, not elimination.
4) Axes make sense as a martial weapon. An axe is designed to take full advantage of angular momentum to concentrate its blow in a small area. A sword's momentum is more evenly spread out through the whole blade. Swords are also large and unweildly, especially if you're wearing a thick space suit. If you need to craw through a small corridor, for example, you'd rather have the 2 feet long axe than the 3-4 feet sword. You don't need to worry about bumping into each other (what will you do with a longsword in null-g?), or getting it caught on something. What about short swords? Well, they lack the ability of long swords and axes to cut through things and, as thrusting weapons, are more suited to fighting unarmored targets. Speaking of armor, I'm reasonably confident you can take apart a futuristic space suit with a future axe than a future sword.
5) Thanks to modern materials design, axes are more versatile as well. There's a reason why special forces around the world give their guys these things:
Instead of a collapsible long sword or short sword. (They use knives for the fine cutting work and I'm sure Walter had two or three.)
Good Explanation! You learn more every day. I do think that an explanation by the in universe would have been a good idea at some point considering the weapons are used in some major victories and how some idiots (aka me) may not perceive the utility at first glance. They immediately stand out in the setting which can hurt suspension of belief.
Rezero 19:
Man these guys have some seriously janky armor. Their shoulder pads are L blocks.
Good Explanation! You learn more every day. I do think that an explanation by the in universe would have been a good idea at some point considering the weapons are used in some major victories and how some idiots (aka me) may not perceive the utility at first glance. They immediately stand out in the setting which can hurt suspension of belief. A small blurb to Julian about close quarters would have solved the issue.
In a world with spaceship-to-spaceship boarding crews, you're obviously going to have anti-boarding crews with the benefit of supplies and a stockade. You're not going to be able to raid them with combat knives.
I think the greater thing that hurts suspension of disbelief in Legend of the Galactic Heroes is that one side is modeled on 19th century Prussian society (with one planet with an Ancient Roman theme, just because) while the other side is modeled on mid-20th century Western Europe/America. The anachronistic mashup can't be taken seriously as a vision of a plausible future.
This episode was pretty "interesting" with the eletronics cultists. It looked like they were going to extend the story for it, but cut it short instead. At least Spike was there to rescue
Danganronpa 3 - Future 01-03
Well, the first 2 episodes were surprisingly good considering this game is set in the real world and Danganronpa's real world story is really silly (the bad kind of silly, unlike its murder mysteries). Then it went to shit in episode 3. The girl who used the enhancing drugs, what the fuck was that. And what kind of logic does the Persona 4's MC look-alike have? Isn't he supposed to be hope? You aren't Nagito, dude, stop trying.
The fights early on were also very stupid, but the mystery and intrigue had me hooked. That's when Danganronpa is at its best. In fact, this Zero Time Dilemma-y type of game could've worked wonders in an actual game instead of an anime.
I dont know if you are watching in this order but you should watch Future 1 -> Despair 1 -> Future 2 and so forth.
Man, cornbread watching Cowboy Bebop is really making me wish there was more if it. Not so much a continuation of the story or even a prequel or anything like that... I just really want to see more of those characters. I'm so fond of them all.
One Piece 752
Absolutely Disgusting.
At least Bartolomeo finally left.
That character is terrible, and the fact that he's popular is baffling to me.
When was that implied? I totally must have missed something important in the episode :lolQualidea Code ep.5
WTF...WTF just happened? So wait, now they will all becomeWTF.. You felt bad for the dude because of what happened last week, but this went from ridiculous to XXXL ridiculous.a zombie army for the alien ships that they have been fighting this whole time since they all have the chips planted in them by the doctor and teachers/leaders? Teanage toys for the evil adults?
Hand to Hand is acceptable, I know hand to hand will always exist because of range effectiveness regardless of ammo but axes feel a bit too outlandish for the setting. Probably a personal gripe, but the setting could have used something lower key (Like combat Knives) and it still could have worked more smoothly. That being said, I love the swiftness of the hand to hand violence which makes it easier to swallow. It's a small gripe in comparison to how fantastic the overall product is.
ITT we're shocked that One Piece has no anatomical realism when it comes to women after nearly 20 years.
Eh, sometimes its good to let a strong, finished project just sit. I wouldn't rage against the machine if Cowboy Bebop 2 got announced but I'm more than satisfied with what we got. We don't need more, especially if you want to use the same cast. That being said, I could use more Watanabe anime in general. Has he really been radio silent since Terror in Resonance? (Space Dandy came out before that right?)
When was that implied? I totally must have missed something important in the episode :lol
I think the greater thing that hurts suspension of disbelief in Legend of the Galactic Heroes is that one side is modeled on 19th century Prussian society (with one planet with an Ancient Roman theme, just because) while the other side is modeled on mid-20th century Western Europe/America. The anachronistic mashup can't be taken seriously as a vision of a plausible future.
Naturally, you need utility tools in order to break into areas. It's a sensible procedure. The lethality of the weapons is well conveyed in the animation, but not really the weight. Perhaps there's a new material from space. But this is the sort of explanation that I would have hoped from the series. That being said, minor gripe.
Well Haly explained it pretty well, but I figured they use axes because everyone wears zero-g suits in combat scenarios cuz its space and they needed to penetrate the suits
bravo gOda. to be fair to Oda, toei makes it worse then it already is.
To be fair, its extremely difficult to write a science fiction scenario that is plausible at every corner, although because its modeled after actual time periods and empires like Austria-Hungary it stands out more. Star Trek's far more optimistic future doesn't really make a lot of sense when you break it down either.
More often than not the european bad guys in my anime end up being nazis. Especially in space.
The empire may be fascist German/Austria-Hungarian warmongers that purged unwanteds and unhealthy babies but they ain't Nazis, thats different and later