Official reveal that Lelouch is the cart driver BELIEVE.
Official reveal that Lelouch is the cart driver BELIEVE.
What are the best openings of the season?
Mob Psycho's opening is probably the most visually dynamic opening of the season, but I enjoy the gorgeous opening of Twin Star Exorcists a bit more. The latest Jojo opening is also pretty good. I'm not watching them, but I hear the openings to both Danganronpa anime are also well done.
Man.... DR3 really is something. Saw two episodes of Future Arc and two episodes of Despair arc. Future definitely feels like Dangaronpa 3 as shit starts going down without nonsense.
Despair though... does it get any better 4 episodes in, or is it just an influx of fanservice with plot-points that feel contrived just to felicitate more fanservice? Not trying to rain on anyone's parade that's enjoying it (more power to them), but it was honestly feeling really dumb. It doesn't even seem like it's tying into Future arc all that much.
Despair seems to be 50% fanservice, 25% old but interesting plot stuff and 25% set up for future.Man.... DR3 really is something. Saw two episodes of Future Arc and two episodes of Despair arc. Future definitely feels like Dangaronpa 3 as shit starts going down without nonsense.
Despair though... does it get any better 4 episodes in, or is it just an influx of fanservice with plot-points that feel contrived just to felicitate more fanservice? Not trying to rain on anyone's parade that's enjoying it (more power to them), but it was honestly feeling really dumb. It doesn't even seem like it's tying into Future arc all that much. Just kinda comes across like the posterchild of the bad aspects of anime. Maybe it'll pull some grand-scheme bait and switch though. I hope.
We all know the point of Despair arc is to build up all this happiness so that we can be kicked in the dick by the Tragedy
She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and her sis haven't even shown up yet
So far a plot synopsis of UDG would suffice. A lot of the stuff in that game seems to be being ignored here with just one key ending plot point showing up.Sölf;213152004 said:I still need to play UDG. But I want to watch DR3. But I have to time to play it because of other games.
The struggle is real.
It is! It's getting pretty bad. I'll catch up on some anime by next week though. I'll finish up Thrones this week and next week I'm on vacation so plenty of free time.Maybe that's why you have The Backlog!
So far a plot synopsis of UDG would suffice. A lot of the stuff in that game seems to be being ignored here with just one key ending plot point showing up.
I recently finished Stranger things and caught up with The night of, and dropped a huge chunk of this season less interesting shows, so now as a result i have nothing to watch for like half of the week.
So i've been looking at past popular shows, and am somewhat interested in Hunter x Hunter (2011), it's a show with lots of episodes, so i avoided it in the past because of than and its kids MC which i'm not fan in general, but i have time now. I'm curious how does HxH compare to something like Twin Star Exorcists? They seem like kinda similar shows. I've watched something like 10+ episodes of TSE, and while i didn't dislike it, i ended dropping it, since i didn't really found it enough exciting to watch four+ cours of it. HxH has even more episodes so i'm kinda reluctant.
What are the chances i would like HxH if i was not a fan of TSE?
Twin Star Exorcists ep.18
Purely a set-up episode for next week, but at least these two keep growing together both mentally and physically. They have both been put through hell and the story does a great job presenting their pasts and their motivations for what is happening. Next Wednesday cannot come soon enough, as it's time to go kick some real a$$ as seen by the smug looks on their faces.... Go get that ba$tard you too, go get him. Kill first cry later!
Thunderbolt Fantasy 03 (first 5 seconds of new footage)
This cliffhanger was so bad
so bad
so bad I'm not even mad, just astounded someone had the audacity to put it in effect.
I recently finished Stranger things and caught up with The night of, and dropped a huge chunk of this season less interesting shows, so now as a result i have nothing to watch for like half of the week.
So i've been looking at past popular shows, and am somewhat interested in Hunter x Hunter (2011), it's a show with lots of episodes, so i avoided it in the past because of than and its kids MC which i'm not fan in general, but i have time now. I'm curious how does HxH compare to something like Twin Star Exorcists? They seem like kinda similar shows. I've watched something like 10+ episodes of TSE, and while i didn't dislike it, i ended dropping it, since i didn't really found it enough exciting to watch four+ cours of it. HxH has even more episodes so i'm kinda reluctant.
What are the chances i would like HxH if i was not a fan of TSE?
I recently finished Stranger things and caught up with The night of, and dropped a huge chunk of this season less interesting shows, so now as a result i have nothing to watch for like half of the week.
So i've been looking at past popular shows, and am somewhat interested in Hunter x Hunter (2011), it's a show with lots of episodes, so i avoided it in the past because of than and its kids MC which i'm not fan in general, but i have time now. I'm curious how does HxH compare to something like Twin Star Exorcists? They seem like kinda similar shows. I've watched something like 10+ episodes of TSE, and while i didn't dislike it, i ended dropping it, since i didn't really found it enough exciting to watch four+ cours of it. HxH has even more episodes so i'm kinda reluctant.
What are the chances i would like HxH if i was not a fan of TSE?
I recently finished Stranger things and caught up with The night of, and dropped a huge chunk of this season less interesting shows, so now as a result i have nothing to watch for like half of the week.
So i've been looking at past popular shows, and am somewhat interested in Hunter x Hunter (2011), it's a show with lots of episodes, so i avoided it in the past because of than and its kids MC which i'm not fan in general, but i have time now. I'm curious how does HxH compare to something like Twin Star Exorcists? They seem like kinda similar shows. I've watched something like 10+ episodes of TSE, and while i didn't dislike it, i ended dropping it, since i didn't really found it enough exciting to watch four+ cours of it. HxH has even more episodes so i'm kinda reluctant.
What are the chances i would like HxH if i was not a fan of TSE?
Do you like battle shounens in general ? Then I think it's worth trying. I'm not big on it but it's pretty widely regarded as one of the best if not the best long running shounen titles
Did Reiko Yoshida do the script composition for the Girls und Panzer movie? Because if so then I'm about to call her a hack fraud for this.
Don't know why ANN doesn't have scriptwriter listed, but I checked the credits on the film itself and she did.
Why would they make an anime to only appeal to players of the game and air it on national tv, that seems like a bad financial decision though, unless Danganronpa has sold multimillions in JPN which I doubt it has.
She did everything else so I figured that was the case.
Did someone say Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki?
Ha ha ha, those two series are on completely different planes of existence. I would recommend watching the 1999 Hunter X Hunter anime over the 2011 one if possible though, since it does a better job with most of the material shared between the two adaptations.
Did Reiko Yoshida do the script composition for the Girls und Panzer movie? Because if so then I'm about to call her a hack fraud for this.
Isn't the 1999 hxh not complete? Since I haven't seen the 1999 version, I heard only that The Hunter Exam arc is done better on the 1999 compared to the 2011.1999 also has filler and is missing the Ant Arc.
I'm not a fan of the film reusing the threat of school closing from the TV series, but "hack fraud" seems a bit much.
The Hunter X Hunter manga is still ongoing, albeit very slowly, so both anime adaptations are incomplete. The 1999 TV series adapted all of the manga material available at the time, up through about half the Yorkshin arc, and in the following few years some of the same staff came back to adapt the remaining Yorkshin arc and the Greed Island arc in two sets of OVAs. The 1999 series easily does a better job with the material up through the Heaven's Arena arc. In the Yorkshin arc, there are pros and cons to both anime's approaches. The Greed Island OVAs are poorly regarded, so there the 2011 anime is superior.
At least they didn't say hamburgers."Hey guys, what's a dish associated with America?"
"Hmmm, not sure. Let's take a break and go to the KFC down the street."
This is what I found weird about the show. I was expecting the show to be more welcoming of non-hardcore followers since it was an anime adaptation, rather than some kind of reward to the biggest fans that other people just wouldn't get, which sounds more like OVA material than a full-fledged anime series.
I also went back to check the Steam store page for DR2, and that's when I remembered team despair was in it, alongside the everyday guy who just got admitted into the main course in the flashback series.
The things I know so far in regards to chronology are:
I'll probably play the second game eventually, so I'm not looking for answers to my theories. Just throwing them out for the amusement of those who know what's actually going on and in case I can discuss with someone who has a similar level of knowledge of the series and its lore.
Seiko and company are team despair's seniors The team despair people are Naegi's seniors Naegi was a first year who joined after the catastrophe AFAIK, so team despair must've gone haywire before the end of their first year DR2 takes place in a deserted island with team despair and the guy from the secondary school, but that doesn't really add up time-wise, which makes me think the whole island set-up might be that attempt Naegi mentioned to reform team despair or something
Hunter x Hunter (2011) Episode 1
Well i was not lied to. This was a great first episode, and it looks like it will be a fun ride. The MC is actually likeable, and while he is really jolly , he is much much more relatable than the MC from Twin star Exorcist, who felt like an angry brat with anxiety problems and a dark past. Also a much more serious tone than i expected, which i love, that scene and dialogue where he left his house was nice. Surprisingly nice music, didn't expect orchestra like music in this. Glad i gave it a try.
"Hey guys, what's a dish associated with America?"
"Hmmm, not sure. Let's take a break and go to the KFC down the street."
I'm not a fan of the film reusing the threat of school closing from the TV series, but "hack fraud" seems a bit much.
Hunter x Hunter (2011) Episode 1
Well i was not lied to. This was a great first episode, and it looks like it will be a fun ride. The MC is actually likeable, and while he is really jolly , he is much much more relatable than the MC from Twin star Exorcist, who felt like an angry brat with anxiety problems and a dark past. Also a much more serious tone than i expected, which i love, that scene and dialogue where he left his house was nice. Surprisingly nice music, didn't expect orchestra like music in this. Glad i gave it a try.
Hunter x Hunter (2011) Episode 1
Well i was not lied to. This was a great first episode, and it looks like it will be a fun ride. The MC is actually likeable, and while he is really jolly , he is much much more relatable than the MC from Twin star Exorcist, who felt like an angry brat with anxiety problems and a dark past. Also a much more serious tone than i expected, which i love, that scene and dialogue where he left his house was nice. Surprisingly nice music, didn't expect orchestra like music in this. Glad i gave it a try.
"Hey guys, what's a dish associated with America?"
"Hmmm, not sure. Let's take a break and go to the KFC down the street."