Operation Whopperito
I already did that Op, wouldn't recommend it
Operation Whopperito
Nisekoi any good?
It's fantastic.Nisekoi any good?
If you really want to try Nisekoi try the manga, it's quite good.Nisekoi any good?
Nisekoi any good?
If you really want to try Nisekoi try the manga, it's quite good.
I'll expand on this later but it's a doubling down on a piece of writing that didn't even work in the TV series. Not to mention it's not even handled gracefully but rather as if Yoshida threw her hands up and said 'screw it'. It not only undermines the TV series on a fundamental level but also actively harms the film itself.
Mob Psycho 100 1-5
I wasn't really feeling this until I got to episode 5, which manages to "deepen" the series emotionally enough that it engaged me more. It's partly down to me, honestly, getting a bit old for school-set superpower stories; while this isn't anywhere near as relentlessly template-adhering as My Hero Academia felt, there are elements of the dialogue and plotting (particularly Mob's self-esteem issues, which although relatable are unsurprisingly cartoonish) which aren't quite sophisticated enough for my tastes.
With that said, there are a number of supporting characters who could be worth spending some time with; Mob himself is a pleasant diversion from the norm as a lead character; and it is impeccably directed and animated.
While watching it, though, as it's been so long since I really watched any anime, I was thinking I would quite like to watch something that looks "beautiful" as opposed to "impressive". Of course the show has fantastic animation and art direction that really enlivens its action sequences and I wouldn't want to change that at all, but other than the shots very near the end of episode 5 whereit doesn't lend itself to beauty.Mob rebuilds the school while weeping
Season 1 is great! Season 2 felt a bit rushed, they rushed over one super important arc which could have made it a better season.Nisekoi any good?
New Game 06
Aoba changing was really well animated and it was quite a sight to beholdprobably one of the more stand out moments of the episode.
I'll believe you on that since the only thing I know about the anime is that it as filler in it or something so that's why I was suggesting the manga. I did look up some clip and found it very pretty looking though.Its okay. Better than what a lot of people who are gonna reply will say. Shaft definitely went too heavy on glamour shots but its not a bad show.
You can do a lot worse with your time.
I should also note that season 2 is worse than season 1, so keep that in mind if you decide to watch.
Having read the manga, I think the anime is better. It trims the fat and makes it less tedious. Serious, the manga has really long stretches of skippable fluff that is quite boring.
I'm planning on watching From The New World tonight, which I hear good things about, but I was browsing through some stuff I've missed from the last few years for future time killing and it seemed like something I could watch and not really think about.
If that's your expectation going into it then go for it!
Better yet, tell us what you missed and we can tell you what can work as time wasters and what you can be serious with![]()
Bump #5 up.
Some of the stuff that's caught my eye so far:
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun (Which I asked about earlier because I started watching it when it came out and liked it but stopped and couldn't remember the title)
Silver Spoon
Daily Lives of High School Boys
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis
My Love Story
Good Luck Girl
Oh my god Aijin Demi Human is the best anime I've seen. Fuck, it's the best television I've watched since breaking bad.
It's tight. Not a single moment of downtime or boredom. And visually, the thing is in your FACE. This is a show from a studio running on all cylinders. And I went in skeptical!
Anyone else love this series? Season 2 can't come soon enough.
Noragami, Yay or nah
Noragami, Yay or nah
I loved it too! the characters are great and Sato makes such a good *villain*.
I also loved how Kei? was such a selfish protagonist. It made him much more unique.
Season 2 is in fall but I am waiting for the dub, so I'm waiting for 1 more season.
Listen to this man.As long as it's below #4
Oh, one more question. Don't like SAO, Log Horizon's pretty meh, liked the first season more than the second, don't like No Game No Life, don't like Overlord, I loved the .hack games although I never saw the anime, I do like KonoSuba.
Are any of those other "transported to a new world where my awesome online gaming skillz means I'm a bad ass here" anime any good? KonoSuba's humor really worked for me.
All will be daijoubu once Hajime learns how to git gudHinata x Nanami
Nisekoi is the worst manga I have had the misfortune of reading and I hope the anime never gets another season.
Oh, one more question. Don't like SAO, Log Horizon's pretty meh, liked the first season more than the second, don't like No Game No Life, don't like Overlord, I loved the .hack games although I never saw the anime, I do like KonoSuba.
Are any of those other "transported to a new world where my awesome online gaming skillz means I'm a bad ass here" anime any good? KonoSuba's humor really worked for me.
.Some of the stuff that's caught my eye so far:
Nisekoi (AVOID)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun (Watch)
Barakamon (Must watch!)
Silver Spoon (Watch)
Hyouka (Eh...)
Daily Lives of High School Boys (Must watch!)
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis (3-episode-rule it)
My Love Story (Same as above)
Good Luck Girl (Same as above)
Noragami (Watch)
Nope didn't like this at all. First off, to the people hyping this up as the Mad Max: Fury Road of tanks, why y'all lie to me? There's a good 35 minutes in the middle where there's no tank battles going on and it's just downtime/set-up. The main problem of the film though is that it doesn't really justify its existence. What I mean by that is the main 'crux' of the film is dependent on something that was resolved in the TV series. The school being shut down in the TV show wasn't even solid writing there as it forced a scenario where the school has to win all their battles otherwise the show essentially ends. This is a similar problem seen in shows such as Star Driver where the very nature of the setup pretty much determines the outcome. It doesn't really allow for the possibility of defeat nor growth in the face of failure. Just to clarify, failing in an exhibition match is different than failing in a tournament setting with actual stakes involved. Look at Haikyuu for example in which the characters grow after their loss in season one. That's partially besides the point in the movie itself, although that underlying issue is still there to some extent. The real predicament is that it's treading the same water that the TV season did and is doubling down on this point. It's not solving a new problem in the film but rehashing the same conflict. That's bad enough but I might be willing to let it slide if it was handled in a graceful manner. Instead the movie just puts its hands in the air and says 'whatever'.![]()
Join us next year when the school is threatened to be shut down due to budget cuts. They didn't say how long they would keep the school open for. Muhahahaha
Holy shit, he should have nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders and put his hands up for the finishing touch. The movie puts little effort into justifying this step back when all it would have taken, or at least helped, was some reworked dialogue/scenes about how somebody at the Ministry seriously tried and still failed. Instead the girls come across as getting conned by a bureaucratic asshole who apparently has no remorse about displacing families or shutting down schools. He just comes off as cartoonishly evil as he seemed awfully invested in making sure Ooarai was shut down.
As a result, the middle 35 minutes felt artificial to me as the drama itself was artificially created. In addition, they accelerated the time table of the school closing for the sole purpose of trying to elicit even more emotional moments. None of that felt earned but rather came across as just a waste of time because you know they're going to have a tank duel to settle because how else? This in conjunction with how deliberately rigged the actual match was, rubbed me the wrong way. It reminded me of the bullshit in Gundam Build Fighters in that the writers didn't know how to competently ratchet up the tension so they go the fixing route. I'm also not exactly sure how fighting the University All Star team was supposed to prove Oorai beating Black Forest was a fluke. If Oorai lost, as they should have, so what? This is like a national championship highschool basketball team facing off against a Division 1 team. How does that high school team losing against that NCAA team prove that their championship was a fraud? The way to resolve it would have been another duel against Black Forest.
That's not my only problem with the writing though. My other issue is that Miho doesn't have a character arc unlike the TV series. I thought this movie was going to go the route of Miho learning to take other commanders' styles into consideration when formulating tactics but in the finale she just sorta lets them do what they want. They were hinting at the former when she mentioned she learned about mentality from her loss at the beginning but the movie didn't really do anything with it. I suppose that's fine in that it lets the commanders come up with their own tactics but it also reduces her importance and she doesn't have any sort of actual development. In fact the core group is almost completely pushed to the side so I guess this film was for fans of the side characters.![]()
If I was Italian I would be pissed.
I was also disappointed in the second half because I was expecting more actual strategy in the battle rather than ferris wheels rolling everywhere. I thought the opening battle in that regards was much better as it seemed they didn't go batshit with the physics. The best moments in the movie are when the commanders are using actual strategies such as having the T-28 lead the alleyway charge due to the heavy armor. The CGI in the battles was fine at times however you could notice the framerate was off/slowed down in a few segments that made it disorienting. In fact there were a number of sequences which made me a little dizzy, some of them due to the first person perspective. The character animations were better than the TV series as minor movements have a lot of animation to them. The 2D explosions/debris were nice as well.![]()
Another thing I didn't like was the lack of characterization on the part of the college team. They come across as faceless mooks, more than I would have preferred. Now not all the problems I've talked about are attributable to the writing but rather directorial decisions and thus Mizushima. I understand why people like the movie and franchise, primarily because of the girls, but it didn't evoke any real emotion out of me because not only is it going over the same stuff as the TV series but it also lacks the character development climax aspects. Not to mention the tank battles lose a lot of their luster when you have Wacky Races hijinks going on in them.![]()
. What the hell?She didn't win
Scenery was nice though.
Nisekoi any good?
Close.It is the greatest anime.
If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask in the GB thread, bruh.It is the greatest anime.
This show is paradise for a smear lover such as myself.
What the fuck, in the Usagi Drop manga, the girl ends up marrying her adoptive dad?
What the fuck, in the Usagi Drop manga, the girl ends up marrying her adoptive dad?
By watching the anime, from the points that I am reading although you don't seem to realize it, you effectively kinda spoiled a huge plot twist from the game. When you get to it (if you get to it) it's supposed to be something that is shocking. It won't be anymore. My post won't make sense until you get to that point, of which there is a lot to see, but yeah.
No, because there is no Usagi Drog manga.
Everything is fine.
I think the anime is retroactively ruined for me...Such a sweet show...What the hell are you talking about, WHAT MANGA?
We don't talk about the filth that is the second part of the Usagi Drop manga