Danganronpa 1 Chapter 3
This wasn't really much of a whodunit, because the villain was so obvious, so blatant, I have to imagine most people got it welllll before the trail started.That said, I still enjoyed the general mystery of it, because the manner of the crime was easily the most complex yet. (Also the comic-esque closing argument segments at the end of each trial? Those are awesome. I'm surprised the Ace Attorney series doesn't do the same.)Huh, maybe I should suspicious of this person whose personality has suddenly become a lot more direct this chapter....and is clearly motivated by the money...and is a manipulative psychopath.
Wolf's Rain ep.3
Excellent episode. I guess the journey begins now as they search for paradise. Lots of questions still, bit I'm guessing they will be answered in time.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I'd watch that horse girl idol racing show if it was an actual show
Ohhhh YES! Digimon TRI chapter 1 has that sweet sweet 1999 dub music all over again.
I'll buy 10 copies TOEI!
At this point watch the sub if you want the original ost. I personally don't mind at all give me all this stuff, this is what makes digimon digimon for me.
I am so happy they are going with this.
Gimme all those cool songs like with the old movies AND I want to hear Omnimon scream Transcendent SWORD and SUPREME CANON.
Kick it up
I'm going digital
We could link all the songs! We are missing all my best friends are metal heads and the digi-rap. Digimon had so many good songs in the dub!I don't even care that it's English
This is terrible. At least make the remix decent...
Here we go
That's unexpected coming from you.
In unrelated business, how's that spider hug-pillow doing?
Gotta take it off the shrine at some point.I havent opened it...
actual english in my anime is not accepted
kumiko bullying/10
thanks kyogods
Stealing a note from the Keicho PV I see
Little gags like these are the best.
Some of us don't have the real responsibilities like you, Kiritobread. It hasn't hit us yet.
It's completely different once you experience it for yourself.
What's the difference between a premise where the protagonist cannot lose, and a premise where the protagonist losing doesn't matter?
I remember watching this show and being unsure if I was supposed to take it seriously or not with all the tits everywhere.
That reminds me, I should work on my Kiznaiver write up, I have some (possibly) interesting things to say about it. Its been a while.
Sweetness & Lightning ep.6
I totally want some friggen Peeking ravioli or Potstickers now.. All you boys out there without paternal instincts should be ashamed for dropping this cuteness, lol. I know, I know; it's still super cute to me atleast, lol.