Is this actually a problem? Been thinking about picking up the manga. Isn't this arc like, really long?
If you stare into the abyss
the abyss stares back at you, and yada yada.
I heard this arc/match is super bloated and a lot of people don't like this match precisely because of that. So having it condensed might actually improve over the source.
I heard this arc/match is super bloated and a lot of people don't like this match precisely because of that. So having it condensed might actually improve over the source.
Working!!! 14
Oh my god
That was literally perfect - I can't think of a single thing wrong with it. Really, off the top of my head, I can't think of a better send off for a SOL comedy show. All the characters are so good even if Takanashi's mother's an asshole. Definitely gonna miss them!
If anyone here hasn't watched the whole series, do it!
Of course their superior is an incompetent, awful and mean person, that way the teenager MC is even better in contrast, and we have a mustache-twirling villain to hate.
MC is Sherlock Holmes, he is a deus ex machina infallible genius that guess and knows everything. I enjoy stories with very smart people as protagonists, but this is just lazy writing, even very smart people have to act with imperfect information that makes them do mistakes, but in lots of anime they can make assumptions with vague information that always happen to be correct.
Avilio is just a killer now, though. He became the same as the people he's trying to get.
I wonder if someone (Corteo?) is going to call him on that.
Thunderbolt 7
LMAO. MC showing us why he is the main character of the show. What a badass. And at the same time this might be my favorite character from Urobuchi because the whole time these smug motherfuckers are like "Oh please don't worry you can do it" as they're sipping tea and having a laugh. I'm here all 'why doesn't this motherfucker just leave them out of spite now'and he does at the end like "you know what fuck you guys" which is exactly what I would've done hahaha
edit: no seriously I love the ending haha, fucking gamer rage quit moment
The opening scene was something you'd expect from western media, I don't think it's often they showon chinese, even if off screen somewhat
It's definitely not very frequent in TV anime at least. I can remember there's some implied stuff in Utena, and a particularly bizarre scene in an early episode of Kaiba. Probably the most explicit stuff I remember seeing in a TV anime was in Kemonozume.
Mind you, I'm narrowing this down to stuff that's not really... fanservicey. That's obviously a whole different ballgame.
Even fan service harem tv shows tend to be everything but. But yeah the scene in Kaiba actually now that I think about is fairly fucked up.
What was most shocking about 91 Days this week was theyactually showed drug use.
I'm so desensitized by it from The Wire and The Sopranos I didn't even consider if this was irregular in anime
I'm so desensitized by it from The Wire and The Sopranos I didn't even consider if this was irregular in anime
Oh yes, fairly easy to do at that level of Western Media but in Japanese media in general such things are really taboo.Just off the top of my head the inability to show drug use led to one of the worst moments of Charlotte.
Japan is extremely anti drug.
Is it an issue of censorship or if going through multiple levels of bureaucratic bullshit to be able to show it?
Is it an issue of censorship or if going through multiple levels of bureaucratic bullshit to be able to show it?
Recommended some people to watch Ping Pong and after much deliberation they're finally thinking of doing it but...streaming with English audio. I came so close guys. I should feel happy but I feel so empty. Without the Japanese audio track...
I think just culturally its something that doesn't really get shown. I'm fairly certain that getting help in Japan as a drug user is difficult because its so ostracized.
I couldn't say exactly but I do know it intensifies when you are dealing with people under 20 years of age.
+To-Love-Ru Darkness
Yami BDs.
+To-Love-Ru Darkness
There's no sex in TLR.
Wait, there's actual sex in TlR? I thought it was all teasing 24/7?