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Summer Anime 2016 |OT| Makes Me Happy When Skies Are Grey

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Sounds like shounen show being a shounen show to me. Trying to make sense of power levels is a never ending battle that I don't ever bother trying to do.


This was already bothering me in the Hunter exam but it's getting progressively worse. It's like the writer has Gon/ Killua/Kurapika doing these amazing feats and then realizing afterwards that he fucked up and needed to make them underdogs.

What the fuck. Is this random Bomber guy on a Phantom Troupe level?

Yea I'll get to writing this up in the next couple of days but I find the worldbuilding in HxH to be pisspoor. It ruined the Yorkshire arc because of how apparently nobody can stand up to the Phantom Troupe except one fucking kid and maybe the Zoldyck family.

Honestly I do think that the shoddy world building began at the very beginning with making death too casual even for this world. Never been able, never will be able to reconcile that the fact that 40 applicants just die on the test and that is the end on things.


Honestly I do think that the shoddy world building began at the very beginning with making death too casual even for this world. Never been able, never will be able to reconcile that the fact that 40 applicants just die on the test and that is the end on things.

I have to assume the show takes place in a post apocalyptic world where overpopulation is a serious concern. Thus people dying in hordes is a thing to be celebrated.


I have to assume the show takes place in a post apocalyptic world where overpopulation is a serious concern. Thus people dying in hordes is a thing to be celebrated.

This shit only gets worse, I think the apex or me was in the one of the arcs near the end.


The arc i had the most problems with the world building was the ant arc. It escalated the power levels and death toll to a whole new level.


This shit only get worse, I think the apex or me was in the one of the arcs near the end.

I think I somewhat checked out when they said that 10 million people lived in Meteor City. That's the size of NYC!

You have a city the size of NYC living almost purely off of trash? Holy shit.


I think I somewhat checked out when they said that 10 million people lived in Meteor City. That's the size of NYC!

You have a city the size of NYC living almost purely off of trash? Holy shit.

Or remember that one time when Illuia just causally offs the entire brain structure of the mafia and nothing really happens?
You're just not going to get logical consistency and carefully thought out planning going into a fantasy setting in a long running serialized narrative such as Hunter X Hunter. If you try to pick apart how one of these worlds functions beyond the scenes shown to us, you're only setting yourself up for frustration.

That's why the worst part of Hunter X Hunter is the detailed explanation of Nen in the Heaven's Arena arc, because it's a boatload of exposition on something that Togashi won't be strictly adhering to anyway.


I do think that there are ways around the power level problems in shonen, it just takes some adjustment to the formula. Focusing more on a variety of abilities is one way to do it, as at that point it becomes more about matchups than power levels.

Of course, shonen will still never compare to video games on that note. Trails in the Sky becomes kind of hilarious when you realise that the random monsters you're fighting in the woods outside your own hometown in 2 are higher level than the specially trained black-ops mercenaries you fight towards the end of 1.


You're just not going to get logical consistency and carefully thought out planning going into a fantasy setting in a long running serialized narrative such as Hunter X Hunter. If you try to pick apart how one of these worlds functions beyond the scenes shown to us, you're only setting yourself up for frustration.

That's why the worst part of Hunter X Hunter is the detailed explanation of Nen in the Heaven's Arena arc, because it's a boatload of exposition on something that Togashi won't be strictly adhering to anyway.

Yea, the point being made here is sometimes Hunter X Hunter breaks the willing suspension of disbelief by making some very stupid moves.


Razor wasn't just simply smacking the ball. The show went to efforts showing that he was definitely giving it his all such as spiking and being forced to divert the ball upwards. Yes he wasn't near killing himself like Gon was, nor did he have to charge the ball, however Gon was able to put up such high amounts of Shu that seemingly everybody there was impressed. The fact that he was even able to keep up with a guy, that even the Phantom Troupe seemed slightly shook up about, should speak to how powerful he is at that point.
Gon didn't "keep up" with razor. He AND his team were struggling and only barely managed to beat him and not by power might I add. The gulf between him and Razor is apparent.

Gon has repeatedly shown in the show to be past a number of experienced Hunters. For example he seems to be way past Tsezguerra and supposedly Killua's display during the dodgeball game was an act equivalent to something Biscuit could have done in her twenties. Both of them should be capable of holding their own against most opponents.
Gon and Killua may be above Tsezguerra in raw power but the anime itself specifically mentions that he has more combat experience and thus, is more versatile.

For example if you look at Genthru, he's apparently such a good fighter that Gon was getting wrecked but yet he was working with Nicke's group which implied he needed help gathering the cards in the first place. Gon and Killua seemingly had little difficulty getting a good number of cards and they were just training for a good chunk of time. It's completely inconsistent.
It's more like he didn't want to put in the effort into collecting the cards and instead just used other people as pawns. That's not to mention that not all cards can be acquired with raw strength alone. Genthru's team has nothing even remotely close to what Bungee Gum can do and that was what won the match for Gon. Would Genthru have done what Gon did in the sick village?

Well considering other people have mentioned it's a problem, I don't necessarily find you credible on this front.
Considering how your criticism is rarely echoed in reviews, I'm not really interested in further debating an outlier point.

They killed over 2000 in the final battle and that was after the hundreds they killed at the initial auction. They were literally killing thousands of people in the streets. That wasn't some minor skirmish. It seems like any sort of modern society would have to have some sort of functional police force capable of countering said assault otherwise nobody would have any faith in that government to maintain law and order.
Again, the people they were killing on the streets were mobsters or people who were related/hired by them. Also, it's been said early on in the anime that those with Hunter Licenses can murder without repercussion. That should tell you how different the world is and if you insist on comparing our world to theirs then that's on you.
I do think that there are ways around the power level problems in shonen, it just takes some adjustment to the formula. Focusing more on a variety of abilities is one way to do it, as at that point it becomes more about matchups than power levels.

Of course, shonen will still never compare to video games on that note. Trails in the Sky becomes kind of hilarious when you realise that the random monsters you're fighting in the woods outside your own hometown in 2 are higher level than the specially trained black-ops mercenaries you fight towards the end of 1.
The problem is that power levels vary entirely dependent on circumstances. The hero that gets bodied by a villain one episode sudden curbstomps the villain in the next because the villain slapped his little sister.

They actually have a explanation for that. The cities, villages and roads are surrounded by special lights that ward off the monsters.


You're just not going to get logical consistency and carefully thought out planning going into a fantasy setting in a long running serialized narrative such as Hunter X Hunter. If you try to pick apart how one of these worlds functions beyond the scenes shown to us, you're only setting yourself up for frustration.

That's why the worst part of Hunter X Hunter is the detailed explanation of Nen in the Heaven's Arena arc, because it's a boatload of exposition on something that Togashi won't be strictly adhering to anyway.

I dunno. One Piece does fine. There are no real power levels because everyone has unlimited potential based around their fundamental powers, only limited by their lack of imagination or experience in using such powers!


I dunno. One Piece does fine. There are no real power levels because everyone has unlimited potential based around their fundamental powers, only limited by their lack of imagination or experience in using such powers!

I mean, Nen isn't much different from that.


Macross Delta 25
Last episode is going to be rushed as fuck. RIP love triangle, if it ever existed. If Lady M really is Minmay, and they found the Megaroad-1, wonder what the others are up to? Also lol @ the ReZero spoilers at the end
Yeah, I just love how they already set up the childhood friend to get completely crushed in despair.... This is probably going to suck, so I'll watch an episode a week or something...

Well, if it even had good despair I might have enjoyed it at all...

The music is nice though. Only good thing in the show.

The power levels in this show are so completely fucking arbitrary that it's actively ruining my enjoyment of the anime.

care to explain why? Togashi made at first a few mistakes, yeah, especially with Kurapica, but otherwise it's pretty solid.

In hindsight, it seems like every damn scrub they encounter could easily pass the hunter exam, which originally was made out to be this huge deal. World building is quite bad in HxH imo.

It doesn't work like that. The 'scrubs' are really great persons compared with 'normal people', but inside that group there are normal hunters, and there are the TRUE ELITE, the top of the créme, the 1 in a billion monsters. HxH stories usually orbit around the most powerful people on the planet* (Zoldycks, Netero, ants, Ging, Zodiacs, Genei Ryodan, etc). The fact that the 'scrubs' passed the super dangerous hunter exam is made on purpose, to give you a perspective of how ridiculous powerful are them. They are the 1% of the 1%.
*: not counting dark continent.

What the fuck. Is this random Bomber guy on a Phantom Troupe level?

He is a pretty powerful guy, yep, maybe not top Phantom Troupe but close. He is the nemesis on this Arc, of course he is kind of powerful. I will remind you that Greed Island was a super restricted game that they had to solve 1000 problems to get inside, and they had to pass a hunter screening trial for that, that excluded the more 'normalish' hunters. And even then, Gon & Killua entered because they came with a saved data ring, which was promising. So he got inside the game a had a good number of cards, it makes sense for him to be at least good.

Even the 1-star hunter (can't remember the name right now) said the enemy was a rael danger. And even then, Bomber guy did what he did because he used smartly a nen power designed around extorting people, not through pure power, beating down people.

Yea I'll get to writing this up in the next couple of days but I find the worldbuilding in HxH to be pisspoor. It ruined the Yorkshire arc because of how apparently nobody can stand up to the Phantom Troupe except one fucking kid and maybe the Zoldyck family.

But none of the 2 kids stood up to the PT in combat, they lost even against the weaker members and also got captured... twice.
There are a few people that could deal with PT but in this world, that powerful people are usually selfish persons like Netero or Ging that couldn't give two craps about PT. And PT usually stays hidden and after a job disappears for a good time, it isn't like they stay visible to be targets.

Gon is capable of landing a hit on Hisoka and this was before he went through two arcs of training and this random fucking nobody is apparently giving Gon grief?

None of this shit makes any sense. This guy is like some filler villain that is written to be more powerful than the protagonists for no other reason than because. I'm not even sure why Biscuit herself isn't wrecking this dude by herself.

As they have explained to you, Hisoka went easy on Gon, just a harsh nen training lesson. Pretty easy. If he was serious he would have "blinked" and killed him in 0.5 seconds. Even when Hisoka was surprised by Gon's hit, he was surprised of Gon's idea and execution, of how promising he was.

That was considered a good punch on Hisoka hence the critical award, partially due to the use of the stone, and he himself was impressed by it. It wasn't as if it was a freebe.

I doubt referees could even got to see all the details of a top of the line nen fight.

Because there isn't any sort of writing to support it. Gon was able to have an attack comparable to Razor and his Ren output supposedly was fairly high in that dodgeball battle, yet he's having difficulty in a Nen battle against a guy that apparently isn't a Phantom Troupe or really isn't a particularly famous Hunter?

If Gon is that weak, then he shouldn't be capable of doing some of the feats shown or at least the other Hunters shouldn't be that impressed. It feels as if the anime wants to have its cake and eat it too.

As explained, Razor was powerful, not world-renowned powerful, but powerful. Gon is able to to have an attack comparable to Razor, but that's like *theoretically*. He need to focus power for some seconds to use it, and that's just raw power. He doesn't have the combat techniques, training or experience in real battles to use it well. Hell, I'm starting to think if you are watching this series with only one eye open, because they insist on this issue several times on the series, of how they are pretty powerful in comparison with normal people but they are lacking in efficient nen usage, combat experience (Gon) and nen battle experience (both Gon and Killua), etc.Razor maybe has been fighting with nen for the last five years, he is an adult, so it could be well the case. Gon has been fighting... a few months. The epic on that part of the story is him closing the gap with a mix of super training done in the previous episodes (with their talent making be several times more valuable than for a normal guy) and the tactics used, and even then he had to play a pretty risky hand (hah hah pun intended).

Joe Molotov

Yuri Muppets 10 - 11


Best puppet show of the year.


care to explain why? Togashi made at first a few mistakes, yeah, especially with Kurapica, but otherwise it's pretty solid.

Kurapica's stuff in particular makes zero sense even as an anti-Troupe specialist as he should be roughly on the same level as Gon/Killua if not weaker.

It doesn't work like that. The 'scrubs' are really great persons compared with 'normal people', but inside that group there are normal hunters, and there are the TRUE ELITE, the top of the créme, the 1 in a billion monsters. HxH stories usually orbit around the most powerful people on the planet* (Zoldycks, Netero, ants, Ging, Zodiacs, Genei Ryodan, etc). The fact that the 'scrubs' passed the super dangerous hunter exam is made on purpose, to give you a perspective of how ridiculous powerful are them. They are the 1% of the 1%.
*: not counting dark continent.

His point is that the Hunter qualification early on meant at least something but as the story progresses, it's essentially worthless. So that somewhat devalues all the effort the main cast put forward at the very beginning as it seemingly doesn't mean shit. For example Nen was supposed to be this secret technique during Heaven's Arena yet in Greed's Island, it's announced to the two hundred plus applicants like it's common knowledge. So there's definitely a power creep element in the show where even average characters seem to be getting more powerful.

He is a pretty powerful guy, yep, maybe not top Phantom Troupe but close. He is the nemesis on this Arc, of course he is kind of powerful. I will remind you that Greed Island was a super restricted game that they had to solve 1000 problems to get inside, and they had to pass a hunter screening trial for that, that excluded the more 'normalish' hunters. And even then, Gon & Killua entered because they came with a saved data ring, which was promising. So he got inside the game a had a good number of cards, it makes sense for him to be at least good.

Even the 1-star hunter (can't remember the name right now) said the enemy was a rael danger. And even then, Bomber guy did what he did because he used smartly a nen power designed around extorting people, not through pure power, beating down people.

He's a character this is near Phantom Troupe level and yet he possibly stayed in the game years waiting for others to collect the cards for him? The show also made a point of showing that regular civilians got in the game and probably basic level Hunters. One of the first encounters inside the game is with some guy who couldn't see Nen after all, not everyone in there was some top level Hunter.

The 1 star hunter was kinda garbage considering Killua/Gon casually beat his 'flying' record on their first time and he did jack shit during the dodgeball game.

But none of the 2 kids stood up to the PT in combat, they lost even against the weaker members and also got captured... twice.
There are a few people that could deal with PT but in this world, that powerful people are usually selfish persons like Netero or Ging that couldn't give two craps about PT. And PT usually stays hidden and after a job disappears for a good time, it isn't like they stay visible to be targets.

That's my point. I find it somewhat poor worldbuilding when apparently they have no competent police force capable of dealing with the Phantom Troupe. It makes no sense for them to go into hiding or disappear because there's no consequence for them. That's why the Shadowbeasts in theory made sense but they apparently were the world's biggest jobbers. Why even bother hiding if nobody is capable of resisting you? Somebody has to be arresting these people considering someone like Razor was in jail and on deathrow.
As they have explained to you, Hisoka went easy on Gon, just a harsh nen training lesson. Pretty easy. If he was serious he would have "blinked" and killed him in 0.5 seconds. Even when Hisoka was surprised by Gon's hit, he was surprised of Gon's idea and execution, of how promising he was.
If Hisoka is that far ahead of Gon then that further highlights the absurdity of Kurapika being near Troupe level in movement speed and possibly strength.
As explained, Razor was powerful, not world-renowned powerful, but powerful. Gon is able to to have an attack comparable to Razor, but that's like *theoretically*. He need to focus power for some seconds to use it, and that's just raw power. He doesn't have the combat techniques, training or experience in real battles to use it well. Hell, I'm starting to think if you are watching this series with only one eye open, because they insist on this issue several times on the series, of how they are pretty powerful in comparison with normal people but they are lacking in efficient nen usage, combat experience (Gon) and nen battle experience (both Gon and Killua), etc.Razor maybe has been fighting with nen for the last five years, he is an adult, so it could be well the case. Gon has been fighting... a few months. The epic on that part of the story is him closing the gap with a mix of super training done in the previous episodes (with their talent making be several times more valuable than for a normal guy) and the tactics used, and even then he had to play a pretty risky hand (hah hah pun intended).
By all accounts Razor seemed to be world-renowned level powerful. He fucked Hisoka up with the ball and I think that was before he got serious. Not to mention the showdown with the other Black Spider members where he was easily on their level. Yes Gon had some advantages that allowed him to match Razor but Razor also should have been vastly ahead in Nen power compared to the Bomber. Gon's Nen output should have made the Bomber be a nonsignificant threat or at least not a life threatening one. In terms of combat ability, the show did a piss poor job of building the Bomber up to be a credible threat.


Kizumonogatari I


The way the movie drops all the internal monologuing was something I had heard about, and it managed to pull things off flawlessly thanks to the amazing visuals and framing. I have read the source material (albeit in Japanese, so I probably missed a couple things), but I'd say it has been faithful in its own way, which is much more remarkable than just copy-and-pasting from the light novel.

I'm really glad I got to watch it now, though, since I get to watch the second movie right after. Otherwise, that ending would've probably killed me.

Monogatari has saved anime again,
and they didn't even need Kaiki this time


ReZero END


soo,is that's it?

for me,it was okey show,nothing spectacular,too much talking that doesn't make sense,so much un answered questions,and most important question of all:

i guess i'll give it 5 out of 10,most of the show was driving me to sleep.

oh BTW,that final 10 minutes,all that cringe...


Of course he does not care about returning to the real world, he is a self proclaimed hiki komori-NEET, who spent all of this time in his room playing MMORPGs, and is now head over heals in love with a half-elf. It wouldn't make sense for him to want to return to the real world, as if he returned, all he would do is go back to his room.
Oh, I think I might have found a good one for the next "Let's Watch"

You guys tell me, would The Legend of the Legendary Heroes work?


I watched one episode of that.

It was the most boring, most unimaginative thing I'd ever seen. And this was back when I was still a massive Fairy Tail fan!
I thought it was a great fantasy adventure anime overall though that's probably in part because I'm so starved for that kind of anime that isn't in 'trapped in a fantasy land' form.
I dunno. One Piece does fine. There are no real power levels because everyone has unlimited potential based around their fundamental powers, only limited by their lack of imagination or experience in using such powers!

At the base level there are. If you have a Logia, you're better off then someone with a Zoan.

The best Paramecias > The best Logias > Mythic Zoans > Logia > The best Zoans > Paramecia > Zoan

Also we've gotten to the point where Luffy has to beat someone who is actually immortal (Kaidou) so he's gonna have to Kars that shit and knock him into orbit with Gear 4 or something


Oh, I think I might have found a good one for the next "Let's Watch"

You guys tell me, would The Legend of the Legendary Heroes work?

Heh i watched all of that, it was ok. Wasn't really the most exciting thing, but i didn't think it was bad. Didn't really leave any lasting impression on me, since apart from the MC being eccentric i remember almost nothing about the story or the show. If it would be really good or really bad in a crazy way i would remember. :p
I think it's definitely a show that might suit your tastes, just don't expect anything crazy or really outstanding.


While what Jarmel says makes sense it's not worth feeling bothered so much about. I honestly felt HxH did its "power" lore better than some others I watched and it just didn't come to a point that it conflicted with the beliefs/convictions of the world it built which is something more fundamental to it. Low standards perhaps but I think much of it was owing to how fast things escalated through the course of the show and new lore was introduced in support - I was surprised at how quickly certain arcs reached a conclusion even if it is temporarily. The world is bigger than the events lead us to believe perhaps(manga expands on this further).

Chimera ant doesn't add much to the power lore but it became noticeably sluggish at that point which kind of turned me off. The unnecessary exposition was another thing. This arc was a narrative meat of the show in that it throws in all that it built in the previous arcs and focuses on characters, both old and new.
Only 1 episode though?

Yes, I thought it was that bad. Although to be really honest, I didn't feel anything watching it.

There was nothing in that one episode that suggested it'd be something new, engaging, or enjoyable in any way. Nothing stood out at all.

It was like what you'd get if you told an assembly line to make the most generic fantasy anime possible.


Oh, I think I might have found a good one for the next "Let's Watch"

You guys tell me, would The Legend of the Legendary Heroes work?

I remember watching it, but I'm not sure if I actually finished it, lol.
I don't think it was bad, but it wasn't particularly great either.
Oh, I think I might have found a good one for the next "Let's Watch"

You guys tell me, would The Legend of the Legendary Heroes work?



I thought it was pretty good, but not good for a Let's Watch. First episode is probably my go-to example of what makes a terrible introductory episode, in what is essentially a side story that focuses way too much on the "humor" angle of the series. The only part of it that ends up being relevant to the rest of the series is the first few minutes. Second episode onwards is an immediate jump back in time to proper character introductions and motivations.

Although it also has one of the biggest examples of "go buy the LN" endings ever. Essentially, this entire series is just the prologue and setup to the actual meat of the story.


I thought it was pretty good, but not good for a Let's Watch. First episode is probably my go-to example of what makes a terrible introductory episode, in what is essentially a side story that focuses way too much on the "humor" angle of the series. The only part of it that ends up being relevant to the rest of the series is the first few minutes. Second episode onwards is an immediate jump back in time to proper character introductions and motivations.

Although it also has one of the biggest examples of "go buy the LN" endings ever. Essentially, this entire series is just the prologue and setup to the actual meat of the story.

I remember watching it, but I'm not sure if I actually finished it, lol.
I don't think it was bad, but it wasn't particularly great either.

Yes, I thought it was that bad. Although to be really honest, I didn't feel anything watching it.

There was nothing in that one episode that suggested it'd be something new, engaging, or enjoyable in any way. Nothing stood out at all.

It was like what you'd get if you told an assembly line to make the most generic fantasy anime possible.

Dammit, I need to find something between 12-24 episodes (older that the past couple years) that is decent/interesting and is streaming legally.

This process is impossible, lol.


aw yeah forgot about more Bungou Stray Dogs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeX94e7V0_w

Not much to see in the PV but I hope it can at least mantain the level of season 1.

Dammit, I need to find something between 12-24 episodes (older that the past couple years) that is decent/interesting and is streaming legally.

This process is impossible, lol.

Shigurui beckons !

Gankutsuo seems like an conforming to the rules show that you haven't yet went through I think. Alternatively House of Five Leaves /Ergo Proxy if you're in such desperation. (Don't blame me when the thread dies after 3 posts though !)
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