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Summer Anime 2016 |OT| Makes Me Happy When Skies Are Grey

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Mob Psycho 112 END


I and others are pretty sure ONE himself did the key animation on the after credits omake

If you thought episode 8 was impressive, if you thought the final episode of One Punch Man was impressive this is at least equal to that, if not greater. All around, MP100 is one of the most impressive TV anime of all time and I can say that without hyperbole. It's an amazingly consistent well directed and well animated show that not only embraces ONE's weird art style but capitalizes on it in exceedingly fun and creative ways. To have this and Diamond is Unbreakable airing at the same time, we are truly blessed. Strong AOTY contender.

No S2 announcement but I remain confident it will happen.


Heh at some of the disappointment in regards to the finale of Mob.

Mob going all out in a epic fight, screw that. What occur is way more interesting and pays off well.


Mob Psycho 100 #12 (END)

Fantastic ending to a fantastic show. Reigen the best. The best.
Loved how they wrapped up all the loose character-threads together in the end.
Strongly hinted towards a second season as well.


Mob Psycho 88

Fantastic. I think there was like, 1 joke that didn't work with me in this episode, and the forced:good joke ratio got better around the midway mark onwards. To me, it came a long way from the first couple of episodes where most of the humour were misses.

But alongside its humour, it managed to flesh some of its characters and concepts, and have consistently great art and animation throughout. This last (and only, actually) full-fledged arc had all of this in perfect balance.

While Claw's leader and his son are obvious cliffhangers for future seasons, the ending felt much like an anime ending. I'm guessing here, but the epilogue-esque scenes probably are new, I just can't see stuff like that happening in a manga, at least on that level. It felt like an ending, like they were trying to tie up all of the ideas and stories they started this season. But I do hope for a second season some time in the future.


Endride END

Doc Oct. 2.0 anime style, lol.

Well, the show wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, it also wasn’t as good as it could have been. In the end, it was a pretty decent adventure story with some interesting twists along the way. The character interactions were at times decent, but at other times, you wanted to kill both MCs right then and there. I won’t be sad this is done, but I do hope there is another adventure anime airing soon to scratch the adventure itch.
Mob Psycho 88

Fantastic. I think there was like, 1 joke that didn't work with me in this episode, and the forced:good joke ratio got better around the midway mark onwards. To me, it came a long way from the first couple of episodes where most of the humour were misses.

But alongside its humour, it managed to flesh some of its characters and concepts, and have consistently great art and animation throughout. This last (and only, actually) full-fledged arc had all of this in perfect balance.

While Claw's leader and his son are obvious cliffhangers for future seasons, the ending felt much like an anime ending. I'm guessing here, but the epilogue-esque scenes probably are new, I just can't see stuff like that happening in a manga, at least on that level. It felt like an ending, like they were trying to tie up all of the ideas and stories they started this season. But I do hope for a second season some time in the future.

No, everything shown in this episode was in the manga including the Tsuchinoko extra.


Ghost in the Shell Arise 1-4 & Alternative Architecture 9 &10 -
So yesterday on a whim I decided to watch the Arise stuff. Maybe the movie hype got to me or maybe I was in the mood for cyberpunk, I don't know. I burned through the original Arise OVAs as well as the two new Architecture episodes, that serve as a lead-in to the movie. Each of the OVAs are relatively episodic although they had references to each other and a continuous subplot involving the virus Firestarter. The two episodes are much more serial in nature as they continue almost directly from the fourth OVA and both episodes tell one story. So this was a rather interesting watch as I'm not a die hard GitS fan although I hold the original and SAC in very very high regard, obviously for different reasons. Arise is something of a mixture, like if you threw all the previous entries of GitS into a blender and turned it on low. You have chunks of this and that everywhere but it never really comes together to have its own unique vision.
Let me start off by first discussing the sexuality in the show. Some of the first shots in the original Arise OP (it seems like they went through a number of them) are literally of Motoko's ass. Really. If the first shot or second shot wasn't enough to show off apparently how sexual she is, they need to focus on her lips in another one. That along with the large number of scenes in which Motoko doesn't have on anything other than maybe underwear, gave off a feeling of male gaze and exploitation. Yes, this isn't particularly new to the franchise as seen by Motoko's one piece in SAC however it feels even more unnecessary due to the raw number of scenes having her running around near naked. For example, she's diving while in her underwear and someone invades her net space so she runs out of the apartment and through a park in her underwear to try and track the guy down. Now I'm sure someone is going to try and argue, "Well she was in her underwear trying to relax. What do you expect her to do? Put on some jeans while the bad man escapes?" however it was the writer/director's decision to time the intrusion in that manner to the point where she had little clothes on. That's in addition to the stuff where she sees a robot out of the corner of her eye and tries to chase the illusion out of the bathroom while naked. The first OVA sets a pattern of female exploitation, and not in an insightful manner. It's not just Motoko though, as her military commander at the 501st has her tits near hanging out in a professional setting. JESUS CHRIST. I can't even take the woman seriously as a villain as what military outfit would let a woman dress like that in an office setting?
It's not just the first episode with the camera lingering but more fundamental writing issues in the third. So Motoko has almost always been depicted as some super badass in all incarnations of her. However the third episode shows her in a somewhat new light, as essentially having a crush on someone. Now I understand this OVA series is supposed to be set earlier than almost all of the GitS timeframes, to a point where Motoko isn't her cold emotionless self however the depiction here seems to take it a step too far. She feels somewhat out of character as a way of making her the jilted female lover whose man betrays her and she has to stop him (look at Shinobu in Patlabor for further examples). It's not handled with any of the subtlety found in SAC 2nd Gig with Kuze.



Why the fuck are you reciting her own resume to her?
Continuing on the point of writing, I'm highly disappointed with Ubukata's writing in the OVA episodes. The episodes are chock-full of technobabble and exposition that makes following the actual narrative of each episode extremely hard. They're just way too dense and the line delivery makes it even harder at times to understand. I have a general gist of what happened in each of the episodes but then there's some element that just seems extraneous and makes everything even more convoluted. One example would be the detective shot by another police officer in episode 3.

Yes the show explains what this means but why even drop this line if you have to explain it anyway?
The show tries to compensate for the complexity by having these exposition dumps but again the dialogue serves to muddle everything up. Am I supposed to remember from some previous entry what a ghost dub is? The show also suffers from prequel syndrome where there's a bunch of winks and nods to later events such as Motoko gathering her team with, "Hey look isn't that Batou/Togusa? Oh boy, I can't wait till Motoko recruits them!". It's not handled with any sort of cleverness and instead just serves as bad fanwank.
That said, I think the writing in the Alternative Architecture is noticeably better. While there are still the usual double/triple crosses, the writing is much more succinct and easier to follow. This is probably related to there being less jargon and more emphasis on action. I also suspect that the plot having to be broken up into two episodes with distinct ending points meant that there was less of a chance of everything becoming jumbled up.

I do like the Wizard of Oz references though. The one time where the storyboarding had character.
As for the animation, I would have to rewatch SAC but my first reaction is that the OVAs are comparable to the TV series. That's not a good thing. There are tons of blatantly off-character models and what action scenes there were, seemed as if they needed more in-betweens occasionally. It's a shame too as there are some stellar animators that worked on this such as Okiura. It doesn't have the polish of what I would expect from an OVA series and especially not one of GitS caliber. This isn't helped by the somewhat bad character designs, although occasionally they can look good such as Motoko in AA episode 9. Elements such as storyboarding are missing their usual flair and instead come off as flat compared to their predecessors. The backgrounds are probably the only notable aspect of the production and even then there aren't many super high detailed shots. Funnily enough, the art direction reminded me of Psycho-Pass rather than previous GitS entries. Astoundingly enough, the Alternative Architecture episodes actually looked better than the OVA episodes. The character models seemed to be sharper, the action better staged, and some of the storyboarding was more atmospheric. On the auditory side, the music wasn't Kawai/Kanno-tier. Surprise of the century. I watched this yesterday and I can't remember a single track from the OST. Even the OP and ED, usually highlights of a GitS work (RIP Origa), are bland as dirt.
Going into the Arise movie, I'm left underwhelmed even if Arise wasn't complete trash. The four OVA episodes instead just ranged from bad to mediocre. That said, I have a better impression due to the Alternative Architecture episodes as those felt like really good SAC episodes. Altogether though, Psycho-Pass was better.


I'm enjoying it so far, but I already dread that I'm probably going to need to replay it to get a better save file to import to CS2.

It's really only important to get the Shining Pom, DLC, which can raise you up to 15 levels (you need to be at level 80) and to get a AO rank. If you get those two things, then you will get a nice accessory to start out with.

Can just recycle lasts year's Autumn thread. All anime looks the same anyway so no one will notice.

Is this your backhanded way to say that there is no way TUSR can match your performance?



Mob Psycho 12 END

I guess this serves as a nice confirmation that I don't get ONE at all. Both of his works seem to want to have the cake but eat it as well. They want to make fun of shounen tropes but at the same time they're entrenched itself in shounen story conventions. It kills and kind of stakes and tensions in the story, leaving only comedy in their wake, well if one can call it that cause One's take on it here made me crack the smile only ever so often, particularly outside of the middle of the show. Meh

Also Reigen sucks.
6. It's over 60 hours now. FC only took me 40 hours and I think it was three times more eventful than CS so far. This is like playing through a longass (good) filler arc for some shounen manga.

Well, you're almost to the end! I think you'll be happy to know that CSII is much shorter than CS. That took me roughly 50 hours IIRC.

I kinda liked the mostly relaxed nature of CS's story. The whole idea of just going around the empire and learning of the current situation sounded like something that should have been super boring, but everybody plus the NPCs was just so well-written and likeable that I got completely sucked in.

The last chapter was probably one of the few times I found myself shaking with excitement in my seat as it went on. I can't wait to read your impressions of it.


Also Reigen sucks.
You should feel ashamed.

Mob Psycho 100 12

I read the manga, but it was still very entertaining, especially since I forgot some details. Reigen is my favourite character. In the anime, and also in the later parts of the manga.

I don't get why everyone likes 91 Days so much, so I started watching it again. Still not feeling, but I guess I'll just finish it since I'm already so far in.


6. It's over 60 hours now. FC only took me 40 hours and I think it was three times more eventful than CS so far. This is like playing through a longass (good) filler arc for some shounen manga.
Honestly the biggest problem with Cold Steel is it feels like they couldn't decide if they wanted to make a full jrpg or a super-prequel (like TitS FC) and they never actually reached a decision. So a lot of stuff happens in it but also nothing happens.


Mob Psycho 100 Episode 12:

I honestly don't have much to say on this ending, it was a serviceable enough season finale and the visuals certainly were creative yet I feel a bit hollow from the experience all the same.
6. It's over 60 hours now. FC only took me 40 hours and I think it was three times more eventful than CS so far. This is like playing through a longass (good) filler arc for some shounen manga.
The first game took me exactly 69hrs to beat. Didn't go out of my way, pretty much beelined it from start to finish. So yeah, the game is massive.


Ghost in the Shell Arise 1-4 & Alternative Architecture 9 &10 -

It's not just Motoko though, as her military commander at the 501st has her tits near hanging out in a professional setting. JESUS CHRIST. I can't even take the woman seriously as a villain as what military outfit would let a woman dress like that in an office setting?

If my memory serves me this is some absolutely tame stuff compared to SAC.

Edit: Case in point:

Continuining on the point of writing, I'm highly disappointed with Ubukata's writing in the OVA episodes. The episodes are chok-full of technobabble and exposition that makes following the actual narrative of each episode extremely hard. They're just way too dense and the line delivery makes it even harder at times to understand. I have a general gist of what happened in each of the episodes but then there's some element that just seems extraneous and makes everything even more convoluted. One example would be the detective shot by another police officer in episode 3.

The show tries to compensate for the complexity by having these exposition dumps but again the dialogue serves to muddle everything up. Am I supposed to remember from some previous entry what a ghost dub is? The show also suffers from prequel syndrome where there's a bunch of winks and nods to later events such as Motoko gathering her team with, "Hey look isn't that Batou/Togusa? Oh boy, I can't wait till Motoko recruits them!". It's not handled with any sort of cleverness and instead just serves as bad fanwank.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had problems with comprehending Arise. IIRC I've had to sometimes rewind a single scene a few times and reread the subs just to get the gist of things.


Did Re: Zero even have a second ED ? I don't recall anything of the sort.


Wait, Iso himself wrote Dennou Coil ? Flip Flappers confirmed to be a masterpiece.


If my memory serves me this is some absolutely tame stuff compared to SAC.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had problems with comprehending Arise. IIRC I've had to sometimes rewind a single scene a few times and reread the subs just to get the gist of things.


Did Re: Zero even have a second ED ? I don't recall anything of the sort.


Wait, Iso himself wrote Dennou Coil ? Flip Flappers confirmed to be a masterpiece.

actually Re:zero has like 4 or 5 endings,

ending 2

other songs used as endings
i know for a fact for episode 18 this song was the ending song

episode 15 had this

on the other side
episode 7 might have ended with this

and 14 with this

but I can't remember.

it also depends on how you define an ending, because we rarely ever saw an actual end credit roll in re:zero, it was almost always played during the end scenes if they played an ending song at all.


Honestly the biggest problem with Cold Steel is it feels like they couldn't decide if they wanted to make a full jrpg or a super-prequel (like TitS FC) and they never actually reached a decision. So a lot of stuff happens in it but also nothing happens.

Actually I think they knew exactly what they wanted to make. They wanted to make a game exploring Erebonia and introducing a bunch of elements which players need to be familiar with before actually having a big event story game. So they took elements of popular RPGs and anime from the past few years - Final Fantasy Type-0, Persona, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, and just mashed it all up with Trails flavoring. The game is what it is. It's not really a problem. It's just... really long.


So, I was looking at light novels and found this title:

Danshi Koukousei de Urekko Light Novel Sakka wo Shiteiru keredo, Toshishita no Classmate de Seiyuu no Onnanoko ni Kubi wo Shimerareteiru

What the fuck? Is this the longest anime/manga/light novel title ever?


Talking about anime.

Is there a better anime specific visual gimmick than endless stairs?

I'm not sure or rather doubt if it's 100% anime specific but the use of just plain white background is much more common in anime and if well used something I love seeing.

It did (couldn't find a better video), however White Fox would often cut it out, along with the OP to squeeze as much of the episode as possible into their timeslot.

Ah yeah, I remember now.
No wonder I forgot about it.
actually Re:zero has like 4 or 5 endings,

ending 2

it also depends on how you define an ending, because we rarely ever saw an actual end credit roll in re:zero, it was almost always played during the end scenes if they played an ending song at all.

I guess, when I say ED, I mean to be a combination of a song with some specific to it visuals.
Mob 100 - 12 Finale

Very nice final episode. The subversion was actually quite appreciated and having Reigen dismantle the uppers via stern talking was fun once more. Comedy largely worked this time around, too.

Phaze is right in regards to how One makes fun of the very same shounen tropes he then falls back to himself, however so far Mob Psycho was more than tolerable in that regard and it's ultimately a fairly small flaw in an otherwise great show. In OPM I'm also more annoyed because the subversion is in the very basic premise of the manga/show, which is no the case with MS100. Mob is hella strong as far as we know but all that is not without issues and there's much more to his characterization than Saitama. Still it is something that's likely going to be bothersome for me in the long run if there's more to come eventually. Will likely not read the webcomic when there's a chance for more visuals like that.

Speaking of which: this show really is a damn looker. Great art direction and so much experimentation that still fit and contributed to the overall package. And I can't even remember when I last reacted to an action sequence the way I did to what we got in episode 8 here.

It's unfortunate that the storytelling and structure became too battle shonen-ish for the last couple episodes. That along with some of the humor falling fairly flat and nothing directly outstanding about the characters, story and world mean that it isn't really one of my top tier anime.

8/10 - damn good stuff
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