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Summer Anime 2016 |OT| Makes Me Happy When Skies Are Grey

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It's a shame Regalia sucks.

The second episode has a magician mecha that is pretty dope.
That said, it's not nearly enough to save the show.
Re:Zero 14-15


Lol, his shellshocked scenes were for me more hilarious than tragical. The creators went too ham, imo.

Overall, it's clear otakus aren't to be trusted. In general terms, this isn't as good or as special for all the hubhub that the series was generating.

It's a slightly above average fantasy anime that it shows it's coming from some LN with a MC that comes from the real world, with an already known gimmick taken from another LN (the one adapted by Tom Cruise, you know). The author knows when to do some note-worthy tone shifting, with a few scenes here and then that surprise you and defies the expectations he creates, and knowing he can rewind time he uses up shocking scenes to make it more thrilling, this raises improves it a notch more.
But it's more the anime adaption itself, the thing that can be more praised, I think it has been handling the 'key' moments very well, elevating the material to a more worthy state.

edit: I think it's hilarious people blame Subaru, given that all that happened in the castle while he was away. He was right all along, he had to stay close to Emilia to protect her as he thought, because she has powerful enemies. With this ability, just trying a few dozen of times he can overcome any obstacle. But of course the rest of characters don't know of his powers and treat him like shit, lol.


Watched some first episodes for the season. I'll be sticking with the Danganronpa shows because I want some closure (even though neither particularly grabbed my attention, I'm curious to see where they'll be taking some stuff), 91 Days which had a much weaker 2nd episode (the first one was really good) and of course Mob.

I'm also watching through Pokemon XY and just hit Serena's first Pokemon showcase episode, pretty great one, I don't think I've seen this much character development in a Pokemon show even if they did play the "girl cutting her hair as a way to signal character development" card in the straightest way possible.


I just wanted to say that I've felt the writing has been exceptional. I haven't really gathered the energy to write about it but there's a sense of consequence that I've felt was fairly well thought out. For example the kids are being forced to move and leave school due how dangerous the town is now. That's something that would actually occur in a real life scenario. It's not just a minor thing for setting purposes but
Sophie being ordered by her dad to come back home has tangible effects on the characters as a whole
. Another earlier example is Ken being investigated as an alien and the US government not taking him at his word. At a certain point I thought he might be an alien too but was suffering from amnesia and the very next episode, the show points that out and makes a big deal about it. They actually interrogate him and ask him the questions I myself was thinking. That's intelligent writing when I feel the writers are making the characters ask the same questions that a regular person would. There's just a good sense of continuity to the writing where something will be set up and used in an intelligent manner later.

Some good storyboarding too.
Hell, in this episode they point out where is Ken getting the energy to heal so quickly and although the show never directly points this out, it's used as a segue into a joke about Ken eating so much. They not only turned the main character eating a ton into an explanation for his rapid healing but also used it for comedic purposes in a rather serious episode as a way of breaking up tension.
Endride Episode 15

Shun and Emilio bickering for the 500th time this anime is still as hilarious as the first and this time over something so petty as who joined first. Which ended up leading to a really funny scene at the end with Shun senpai.

Also I liked how a scene from the beginning came up again in the end.
edit: I think it's hilarious people blame Subaru, given that all that happened in the castle while he was away. He was right all along, he had to stay close to Emilia to protect her as he thought, because she has powerful enemies. With this ability, just trying a few dozen of times he can overcome any obstacle. But of course the rest of characters don't know of his powers and treat him like shit, lol.

So you actually think he is powerful enough to deal with enemies of the calibre that massacred an entire village, her, her guards and Ram too? I mean it's pretty clear that even he realized that the people he is dealing with are way too much for him. Even if he was by Emilia's side, how would he had protected her? Sure his respawn abilities give him the edge of retrying, but how is letting someone die and trying again protecting anyone but himself??
So you actually think he is powerful enough to deal with enemies of the calibre that massacred an entire village, her, her guards and Ram too? I mean it's pretty clear that even he realized that the people he is dealing with are way too much for him. Even if he was by Emilia's side, how would he had protected her? Sure his respawn abilities give him the edge of retrying, but how is letting someone die and trying again protecting anyone but himself??

Hey, after 1000x retries he could do it :p
You may be understanding time travel different than myself. Once he rewinds, all that happened is nil. He isn't letting someone die, that doesn't happen once he correct the timeline. If he would be 'protecting anyone but himself' he wouldn't rewind time trying to save people, he just would go away and live an easy life of luxury through abuse of his powers.


Concrete Revolutio: 23-24, end
Everything happened so suddenly, I feel like one episode more was needed, or at least the other episodes needed to be retooled to set things up. Especially I feel like Satomi's and Emi's actions needed better setup. That said, I still loved the finale of the show. I am glad an ambitious show like this was aired and they mostly stuck the landing.
Hey, after 1000x retries he could do it :p
You may be understanding time travel different than myself. Once he rewinds, all that happened is nil. He isn't letting someone die, that doesn't happen once he correct the timeline. If he would be 'protecting anyone but himself' he wouldn't rewind time trying to save people, he just would go away and live an easy life of luxury through abuse of his powers.

Well that is a big assumption though we just don't know. Again, for all we have seen all this could be is dimension shifting, so he just hops to a different dimension, leaving his body behind a la Zero Escape.

He hasn't done that yet for 2 simple reasons. One, his obsession just as you and others have mentioned of being a hero in a fantasy world, and feeling like he is the one that will solve everything (well if the PV for the tomorrow is indicative or anything, he will have to use others to get to that goal). The second one is directly correlated to the first, and that is his pride. Lines like the one where he says he is fighting the knight head on "because that's what someone that is in love does" or how he kept trying and trying again to get better at sword fighting when he lost the battle against the head of the knights and I'm not even mentioning
Sloth calling him Pride too
, show that he is very stubborn and has a strong sense of individual pride. I don't think someone like him would just up and run with riches.
Well that is a big assumption though we just don't know. Again, for all we have seen all this could be is dimension shifting, so he just hops to a different dimension, leaving his body behind a la Zero Escape.

If he is dimension shifting, then there are thousands of timelines out there where the ones he is supposed to save are the equivalent of Adolf Hitler. It's the thing with infinite variations of dimensions.

Come on, it's clear this is working as Steins Gate, Groundhog day, All you need is Kill, Madoka... whatever the scifi bullshit it uses, in all of them the previous timelines/dimensions are disregarded.

More importantly, I think I didn't connect to this series in the same way that I did, for example with Steins Gate, and it's because it doesn't get to make the illusion that all the dangers and bad things are for real, as since the start we had the time ability. In Steins.... well, it was only an illusion now that I have the hindsight, but as I was watching it, I had the illusion that things mattered, because Okabe was at risk of getting stuck on a timeline where he couldn't reach his goal, that it was impossible to save everyone and sacrifices had to be done along the way.

Though the system of 'checkpoints' are promising here in Re:Zero, I was thinking how it could be possible for the checkpoint to fuck Subaru over, if one activates without him noticing in the wrong time and place, making impossible for him to do something.

But in general terms, Subaru seems more a... tool in the plot, he has no agency, so it's hard to get angry at him. The way the system works, he can't explain his situation, he can't get help about it, he doesn't know shit of what's happening because he comes from another world, in comparison with mages and beasts in this world he is woefully underpowered, if he fails he has to try again and gain until he advances in the correct way, if he advances in the wrong direction you only need to kill him until he gives up to his 'fate'. He seems a tool of the Witch, with him being a key piece of her plan, whatever it is.
Love Live Sunshine 03

I suppose it'd make me look bad if I said that I was enjoying this more then most shows from this season.

But I'm enjoying this more then everything that is not Mob Psycho or Danganronpa (only because of the DR name.) Is not joke.

Rich blond american girl who speaks in engrish is very good. Chuuni idiot and massive idol stan have competition

It's hilarious how they have this story when you already know all of them form up an idol group and they dont even know the name yet, but when it cuts to commercial "Aquors" is written on the beach. Like have they not seen the op and ed? Idol marketing strikes again
Though the system of 'checkpoints' are promising here in Re:Zero, I was thinking how it could be possible for the checkpoint to fuck Subaru over, if one activates without him noticing in the wrong time and place, making impossible for him to do something.

But in general terms, Subaru seems more a... tool in the plot, he has no agency, so it's hard to get angry at him. The way the system works, he can't explain his situation, he can't get help about it, he doesn't know shit of what's happening because he comes from another world, in comparison with mages and beasts in this world he is woefully underpowered, if he fails he has to try again and gain until he advances in the correct way, if he advances in the wrong direction you only need to kill him until he gives up to his 'fate'. He seems a tool of the Witch, with him being a key piece of her plan, whatever it is.

Well yeah thats the key thing in this show, the checkpoints. They can totally fuck him over. You kinda already see it now, with Emilia and the knights not being on his side, him being miles and miles away from where the massacre at the village and Emilia's castle happens, and him already knowing that, if he doesn't do anything they die, if he tries to get there, he won't make it in time and everyone is dead already. This is why I believe he knows he is going to need outside help.

As for that, yeah he clearly is without noticing helping her out. He is no Messiah in this adventure, he was brought to this world for a clear reason, he is being used.



Really liked this episode due to the contrasting personalities of the protagonists. Josuke reminds me a lot of a young Joseph in that regards.


I was going to wake up and watch Soma 2nd Plate this morning but I passed out on my chair again and then EVO 2016 Day 2 happened.

God, I hate Shana so much.


Rewrite ep.3

Well, the first half of this episode was actually pretty damn funny, albeit, they were definately exploiting the VN roots by spending 1:1 time with a couple of the girls to get to know them better. Then, all that supernatural stuff started happening and it got pretty interesting. I hope they start explaining how this word works, what his "
rewrite" powers
are and what exactly is going on pretty soon. With only 13 episodes, they are taking their time here and,I fear this will be horribly rushed through endgame.

Just T

Thunderbolt Fantasy: 1-2

So after seeing this mentioned so much I checked it out and I wasn't disappointed. It's a really entertaining show and the action is better than expected. I feel like there is a chance I may get bored of it at some point though but it's good for now and that music

Well now that I've finished Stranger Things, which was fantastic by the way, I'm going to try and catch up on a few things.
The Laws of Eternity

If you ever wanted to see Jesus, Nietzsche, Hitler, Thomas Edison and Helen Keller in the same movie, this is for you.

Just T

Soma S2: 3

It was obvious who was going to win that one but still they got that out of the way quick. Hisako a savage with the turtle. And that gum spitting was disrespectful as fuck.

qcf x2

Wow, that was actually quite entertaining. The evil chick was very, very evil. Good stuff so far but I'm not convinced the concept can hold.
Gotta say RE:Zero seems like the successor to Erased to me. Has caught massive fire with the anime community at large, but not in the way that a show like Attack on Titan or Naruto would and its already in the top 50 of MAL, I don't think I even need to check. RE:Zero, like Erased, also puts in work to nail or elevate the important moments, which is good. I guess I can say that RE:Zero/Erased are at least better then a lot of the stuff that gets huge in the West like Attack on Titan or Sword Art but more in the way that they're a 7/10 instead of a 5/10, but in RE:Zero's case its competition is laughably terrible so it feels better. Unlike Erased, RE:Zero's side cast carries the entire thing though. Subaru isn't bad (from what I've seen) but he sure as shit isn't the best part of the show. There's also some genuine emotional moments and payoffs so for an LN alt world anime thats somewhat impressive. They're fine shows but I fail to see where the massive groundswell comes from and I don't think either will end up in my Top 10 this year, we'll see. I think I still like Log Horizon better.

But apparently I haven't hit the best episode yet so eh. Erased's best episode was pretty early.
I liked Erased but it started out strong and ended in a weak way. Direction and framing was really good on that show, I'll give it that. Re:Zero has steadily been making progress from average to something to keep my eye on. Direction has had it's highs and lows (episode 15 being the highest so far) and the writing goes from average to interesting as well. I'd say it's a show that is well worth watching. I'll have to go until the end to be able to say whether it is better than Erased or not.


Erased is that show I watched this year that I change my opinion about like every day. One day it's a lock for top 10. Next day it barely gets an HM.
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