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Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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Made in Abyss Episode 5:

Kind of surprised that Reg is protesting that he is not a gun or some such thing, I mean why else would he have the fucking doomsday laser in his person otherwise?
100% Teacher Pascal Episode 17

I just realized in the 1% pascal they really have him in the scenes, I thought it was a joke but hes really there, awesome.

Kids anime lessons on teamwork is always welcome, Hayato deserves tons of bonus points for his grades.

Knight's & Magic Episode 1 EngDub

Ernesti using the gun is still the best moment.

Though is this Midoriya as Ernesti, perfect match.


Monster Musume OVA 2

Nary a kobold in sight, just a lot of whatever the hell that thing is in the screenshot. Bad.
Made in Abyss 5

This is such a cohesive vision. Every part of the production is working in tandem to sell the atmosphere of the Abyss and the emotions of the situations in which our duo have found themselves. From the mystery of the opening fog to Reg's fear when Ozen grabs his extended arms, everything in this episode worked so well.

Kind of surprised that no one commented on the scene in which Riko was topless while Reg was examining her for injuries, compared to the episode 2 scene in which Riko was strung up naked. It was presented reasonably tastefully visually considering the situation, but still felt a bit gratuitous.

I'm not watching Made in the Abyss because...fuckin Amazon, but watching clips of it, I can't help but enjoy the animation on the monsters.

Great effort seems to have gone into making the monsters these creepy threatening things that still move in a believable manner.

Pretty sure Kou Yoshinari is animating most of the monsters himself, which explains why they look so unusual and yet believable. He's a beast.


I just have to say... Ikebukuro is amazing. There's seriously just so much to do here! I'm going to cut down on my spending a bit though. I've already bought a bunch of stuff from K-Books, LashinBang, the Pokemon Store, and Animate... even if it's mostly smaller things, I'm definitely going to slow down a bit.

I've been going to the Utena cafe here for the last two days. The drinks actually aren't that bad, even if they're expensive for what they are. When I gave my point card yesterday, with my second stamp I got two coasters instead of one! Maybe if I go again today, with my third stamp I'll get something amazing... like three coasters.

Also, there's a LOT of K-Books here for some reason. Like seriously, I've found like 6 or 7 of them, some of them very close to each other. It's a bit silly how many of them there are, but I guess it's just that popular here.
18if episode 5 (engdub)

Wow Haruto continues to be the perfect guy to date, another lucky fem character in distress to be saved by the knight in shining armor, so lucky
but too bad the one she liked wasnt haruto :( and also, tragic ending again, why she in coma for her whole life :(
Watching Code Geass from the very beginning since I pretty much forgot almost everything.

First OP is still fire. Jibun Woo.

Its funny how its 2017 in the anime and I am watching it during 2017.


Watching Code Geass from the very beginning since I pretty much forgot almost everything.

First OP is still fire. Jibun Woo.

Its funny how its 2017 in the anime and I am watching it during 2017.

Too bad Wakamoto didn't actually get to rule most of the world by now like he does there.


Made in Abyss ep.5
Vicious wildlife for sure... Reg is OP af... Also, great aesthetics with the abyss as usual and great sense of adventure. However, WTF, can we keep fucking clothes on these kids.. please and thanks.. No need..


Your Name

Yes, I can see now what all the hype was about and it was absolutely warranted. This is truly a gorgeous film from start to finish and even if the pacing felt a little awkward at times I was still engrossed all the way through. I'll admit I got a little misty eyed at points, especially during the ending when
they finally turned around to look at each other
I don't think I could've withstood another 5 cm/s situation

I also think it's a nice little detail that
the teacher from Garden of Words makes a cameo teaching class at Mitsuha's school
, which in turn makes me both curious if
Mitsuha shows up during the ending scenes in that film as a nice bit of foreshadowing
and wonder if
this is perhaps the start of the Makoto Shinkai Cinematic Universe

Ten swigs of spit booze out of ten.


Subete no aware
She put on a whole lot of panty hose.
They know.

Your Name

Yes, I can see now what all the hype was about and it was absolutely warranted. This is truly a gorgeous film from start to finish and even if the pacing felt a little awkward at times I was still engrossed all the way through. I'll admit I got a little misty eyed at points, especially during the ending when
they finally turned around to look at each other
I don't think I could've withstood another 5 cm/s situation
I still feel like the happy ending is responsible for the film's financial success. lol
Made in Abyss 5

There is a good sense of dangerous adventure going on here. That they are advancing into the unknown and every level will be more dangerous or weird than the last one. And the beautiful background and cool monsters helps establish their unique take on a fantastic world.

That said, I still don't love this series. I have the feeling it's missing something for now. It is a slow burn, so maybe when the mystery of the abyss and/or the mother and/or Reg is dealt with it or when things 'get real' I will like it more. In other words, I need the dramatic arc. Right now the competency shown maintains my interest, but that's it.


His and Her Circumstances 1-10
After thinking about it for the past few hours, I feel this might be one of the best storyboarded if not the best storyboarded show I've ever seen. From a direction standpoint, this could be the best work I've seen out of Gainax and that's really fucking high praise. Good lord and it feels like it's getting better as it goes along (except for episode 6 which they clearly did in a week). So let's talk about the direction techniques in the show a bit.
1.I already talked about this but it's worth repeating. The show treats gags and jokes as if they have an actual existence inside the show. The audience might see something in a frame and treat it as a visual embellishment however a character inside the show will interact with the item and treat it like a prop in a stage performance.
2.There's meaningful usage of space and separation inside an individual frame. Look at the above frame in which the gap between Maho and Yukino grows which represents not only the feelings of detachment Maho is experiencing but how she's slipping further and further behind Yukino. There's also scenes between Yukino and Souchiro where the two might be physically separated as a way of representing the emotional distance between the couple and then later the two coming together to show them reconciling.
3.There's really smart usage of color such as the above two frames which happen nearly back to back as a way of contrasting Maho and Yukino's mental states. Maho is without color, and hugging herself, which is a representation of her loneliness and she's only surrounded by black which is isolating her in the frame. Yukino on the other hand is colored in and surrounded by white and warm colors despite being bullied. It's a good approach of visually distinguishing Yukino from Maho and quickly adds characterization to both. Despite the harsh treatment from her classmates, it's not bringing down Yukino's mood. The anime also might not color in classmates in particular scenes which is a way of showing Yukino's emotional distance from her colleagues. She views them more as accessories (up until the recent arc), not worthy of attention and hence color.
4.The anime is good about messing around with the frame itself and using said frame in a surprising but effective manner. This happens repeatedly in the show in that a frame might be squeezed out or compressed. Maho is literally crushing a picture, or frame to the audience, which matches her words. It's a way of putting the audience into that character's perspective. The show also occasionally does this sort of manga panelling such as in the above image which is a way of playing with the audience's perception of Hiroyuki (Yukino's father) in that he doesn't seem to be thinking of a serious response to the teacher's challenge but the final frame shifts his character art style away from the usual SD style to a more serious adult-like form when he gives his momentous answer. While this could have been done in a more normalized approach complete with more animation, it's more effective by highlighting that shift in perception of the character into a solitary frame.
5.The show will frequently alter the art style of the show and either take a more illustrative/manga approach or shift to a chibi style. Not only is it a good way of visually segregating certain sequences from each other, as the anime will quickly shift back and forth from a serious and comedic atmosphere, the shifts in style can also be used to give more of an emotional punch at precise moments. For example the artstyle of Yukino's father shifted to a manga design just as he's giving out a serious line. Also above the frame on the left has a 'dreamy' perspective to it which is representative of how her classmates view Yukino's relationship with Souchiro and Hideaki, which laters feeds into their jealousy.
6.There's a lot of fun symbolism in the episodes. I'll admit I don't understand the point of all of the setting shots but a number of them do reinforce something a character will be saying or feeling. For example there will be repeated shots of a drainage pipe overflowing when Souchiro is in a bad mood which could be a reflection of him emotionally draining all the garbage in himself. There is a lot of scenery shots though. They all look absurdly well drawn too, which makes them stand out compared to the art in the rest of the show.
7.A good director knows a heroine is judged by the quality and quantity of her reaction faces.
I have no clue how the hell the staff at Gainax storyboarded all of this. It's sort of maddening to imagine people worked on this show in an organized and coherent fashion. Quick note on the characters, Yukino is the smuggiest person to ever live which makes her the best. That's all. Oh and Tsubasa sounds like a seventy year old grandma.


Natsume Yuuchinchou Go OVA2 - A new ova appears and makes me a happy boy. Plus we get fair amount of Hinoe, which makes me doubly happy.
His and Her Circumstances 1-10

After thinking about it for the past few hours, I feel this might be one of the best storyboarded if not the best storyboarded show I've ever seen. From a direction standpoint, this could be the best work I've seen out of Gainax and that's really fucking high praise.


Looks like another one has seen the light!

It really is just so damn good, though. Easiest 10/10 in my life if the production didn't fall apart for some of the later episodes (even those were still pretty creative) and it didn't end in the middle of nowhere.

I mean there's lots of rumors as to who's responsible for all that but if it was in part because the mangaka wasn't fond of this godly adaptation then she needs to be slapped. Like, how could you not be happy with this for crying out loud.


Looks like another one has seen the light!

It really is just so damn good, though. Easiest 10/10 in my life if the production didn't fall apart for some of the later episodes (even those were still pretty creative) and it didn't end in the middle of nowhere.

I mean there's lots of rumors as to who's responsible for all that but if it was in part because the mangaka wasn't fond of this godly adaptation then she needs to be slapped. Like, how could you not be happy with this for crying out loud.

Yeah, KareKano is pretty fantastic. The non-ending bothers me too, but the show's plenty great even with that.

Speaking of Anno's works, I really need to watch Ritual at some point. Does anyone know if the Japanese release has English subtitles? I know it's a long shot, but I figure it's worth asking.
His and Her Circumstances 1-10

I watched it a few months ago and I agree with you.

I find fascinating what they took, and while other mediocre studios would have taken a look and thought "just another school romantic comedy" and they would have done a mediocre anime with mediocre direction, here they gather all the creativity they can muster so they can to make it as engaging as possible. They change styles (from more 'realistic', to deformed, to super deformed, to manga illustrations, to anime style in b&w, to literally paper cutouts), they play with the framing, with the perspectives, with the stuff used in gags, etc. And it's all so full of energy it's a blast to watch.
Don't think I've seen an anime juggle comedy and serious drama as well as KareKano. It changes between those two frequently and often times abruptly at that, and yet the strong direction makes it all work extremely well. There's no tonal whiplash to be had there.


I watched it a few months ago and I agree with you.

I find fascinating what they took, and while other mediocre studios would have taken a look and thought "just another school romantic comedy" and they would have done a mediocre anime with mediocre direction, here they gather all the creativity they can muster so they can to make it as engaging as possible. They change styles (from more 'realistic', to deformed, to super deformed, to manga illustrations, to anime style in b&w, to literally paper cutouts), they play with the framing, with the perspectives, with the stuff used in gags, etc. And it's all so full of energy it's a blast to watch.

I'm just thinking if any other studio had directed this, any one whether it be BONES or KyoAni, it would have turned out to be some C-level shit forgotten after a year. Hell even if Trigger had done this, it wouldn't have turned out this well because there's a level of delicacy behind all the madness that shines through in the more serious moments which really surprises me.

Jesus Christ and most of these dudes are stuck making Eva...


So, January for Japanese Netflix and spring for the rest of the world? I guess that would once again mean the entire series at once for us after the last episode aired in Japan.

Well...that's not how you tackle anime piracy Netflix, that's for sure.

Netflix isn't tackling piracy. It's not their job and they don't care.


MHA 31

I totally forgot Iidas hand got long-term damage from the Stain fight.
"Hand Crusher" Todoroki, lmao.
All Mights ringtone, I'm dying here.

That Stain video gave me the shivers. Even in defeat he gives society a major shake-up. A bunch of new villains fueled by his ideology are now coming out of the woodworks - and are drawn to the League of Villains due to the connection they seem to have had with Stain.
Fantastic aftermath episode.


My Hero Academia Season 2, Episode 18:

So at the end of the day it was all about ethics in heroism and how that will breed an entire generation of 90s anti-heroes who are heading to an organization with a toddler as its nominal head. This plot sounds familiar somehow.
Netflix isn't tackling piracy. It's not their job and they don't care.

Subscriptions they do care about, though. This won't serve as an incentive for people interested in anime simulcasts. Of course, at this point, that audience might only be a drop in the bucket anyway, but still, they seem overly adamant about adhering to their release model, in the west anyway. It will roll out weekly in Japan, I imagine?


Subscriptions they do care about, though. This won't serve as an incentive for people interested in anime simulcasts. Of course, at this point, that audience might only be a drop in the bucket anyway, but still, they seem overly adamant about adhering to their release model, in the west anyway. It will roll out weekly in Japan, I imagine?

It certainly does not encourage me to resubscribe. But then netflixes support in the west doesn't do that overall. Shame they make it so hard to access netflix Japan.


Subscriptions they do care about, though. This won't serve as an incentive for people interested in anime simulcasts. Of course, at this point, that audience might only be a drop in the bucket anyway, but still, they seem overly adamant about adhering to their release model, in the west anyways. It will roll out weekly in Japan, I imagine?

Netflix is currently not interested in people who only want anime simulcasts. They are instead looking to build up as large a library as possible overall with each season. Why doesn't Netflix simulcast anime outside of Japan? I don't think it is because they want to encourage people to binge. It makes no sense when you consider that shows like Better Call Saul and Star Trek Discovery are/will be streamed on Netflix weekly with the US release which on other networks or platforms.

So why do they do this for anime? Let's think about it for a moment. Televisions shows in the US aren't finished hours before they air in the US. At worst episodes are completed weeks beforehand, but in some cases the entire season is completed before it even starts airing. This means Netflix can simulcast weekly knowing that they already have all materials to handle subtitles for the international audience.

With anime, they don't have that advantage. So I believe they are no interested in doing what CR and FUNi do, where they rush subtitles without dubs every week, sometimes needing to delay stuff and so on. They want a more complete product released in a full batch. That's what I think is going on.
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