They don't care enough to even understand thatYeah when it's not current anymore :^)
They don't care enough to even understand thatYeah when it's not current anymore :^)
Fate/Apocrypha 1
Blah blah setup whatever let's focus on what's really important.
What the fuck is this chess game?
Why are they playing on a 7x7 board? Why do they have pawns (friend and foe) on their back rows? Shouldn't those pawns have advanced? And what about that big cu-
Where's the king? Don't pawns take pieces diagonally?
I hope this guy gets destroyed.
When will a company rise to simulcast Anime movies in america.
It does. But sadly the apps for automatically updating and managing the anime you watch aren't as good as Taiga for MAL yet :/
And I'm too lazy to take care of a list by hand.
When will a company rise to simulcast Anime movies in america.
Akashic Records was good. What else is good lately?
Akashic Records was good. What else is good lately?
When will a company rise to simulcast Anime movies in america.
Akashic Records was good. What else is good lately?
On one positive note, I actually kinda like this guy's character design.
is the most expressive the episode got as far comedy went. The other sight gags don't fare any better. Look the big guy is eating a Doughnut while playing. Look, they're chibi-form! Look women think he's hot because he washes his...hands...a lot...![]()
Move over Sun and Moon.
So, about a month after the first cour? If I'm not mistaken Kuromukuro was uploaded with the end of each cour but LWA was on Netflix with the end of the series. They're quite inconsistent....
Porn porn?
Didn't watch anything past season. Thinking of re-upping crunchy, but am I missing any must watches? So far these are what I got.
KADO, Eccentric Fam 2, hero acad
Didn't watch anything past season. Thinking of re-upping crunchy, but am I missing any must watches? So far these are what I got.
KADO, Eccentric Fam 2, hero acad
Miss Hokusai:
This was straight, pretty much a historical slice of life following the painter O-Ei, daughter of the painter Katsushika Hokusai. She was a pretty interesting lead to follow and there was a good bit of touching moments in this, as well as a very sad one. Production I.G did a wonderful job with the animation and with a surprising touch of fantasy to the story there were different styles of it. The soundtrack for this was kinda weird though, one side of it was these fitting classical soft sounds then on other side is a more modern music that just clashes with the scenes and is loud at that, it really stood out.
Didn't watch anything past season. Thinking of re-upping crunchy, but am I missing any must watches? So far these are what I got.
KADO, Eccentric Fam 2, hero acad
Didn't watch anything past season. Thinking of re-upping crunchy, but am I missing any must watches? So far these are what I got.
KADO, Eccentric Fam 2, hero acad
No.Question about Hyouka.
Ive been meaning to watch it since it is finally available in the US legally, but i honestly have no idea if id even like it. Seems like a high school mystery thing whose quality would be completely based on execution above all else.
Is it worth watching if I
Hated Sound Euphonium
Loved Dragon Maid
So-So on K-On
Question about Hyouka.
Ive been meaning to watch it since it is finally available in the US legally, but i honestly have no idea if id even like it. Seems like a high school mystery thing whose quality would be completely based on execution above all else.
Is it worth watching if I
Hated Sound Euphonium
Loved Dragon Maid
So-So on K-On
Hyouka beginning is weak but it pick up as it goes along and ended up becoming one of the best shows KyoAni ever done.Question about Hyouka.
Ive been meaning to watch it since it is finally available in the US legally, but i honestly have no idea if id even like it. Seems like a high school mystery thing whose quality would be completely based on execution above all else.
Is it worth watching if I
Hated Sound Euphonium
Loved Dragon Maid
So-So on K-On
I feel like I could recommend a ton of shows but I also feel like I should try to walk the line with a recommendation that will make you feel by looking at it that I am screwing with you.
Angel Beats.
I will say though, I wish you would continue with guilty crown. if you hate it that much already I would love to see your impression when the show gets to the point where most people hate it lol.
more seriously...
ghost in the shell SAC.
Why tho
Seen those. Enjoyed Angel Beats enough. Ghost in the Shell... eh, enjoyed it but not a massive fan of the franchise or anything.
But yeah I think I watched til Episode 10 last night. The main character suddenly having a break down cause he mercy killed someone... completely ignoring the fact that he and his compatriots have been shooting, stabbing, and killing every random guard minding their own business for 9 episodes to that point was something I can't stand in anime. Don't try to have those moments of "omg ive done something terrible" after you have been doing it willy nilly the whole time. It falls completely flat.
Not to mention the sudden introduction of their "L" younger, quirky, wearing white, similar power/skill, but clearly stronger. Bingo bango. I'm out guys.
No idea... I tried when it first aired and dropped it soon as they went back into high school after getting super powers.
Same thing with other animes like Seraph of the End and what not. Why/how the fuck is this story about high school all of a sudden. A plot where most of the adults were murdered, the children were enslaved as vampire food /slaves and you STILL found some way to make it a high school setting. Come on with this crap.
I'm fine with high school, fanservice and what not when its the base of it all from the jump. When its clearly a weird not thought out reasoning I just can't.
First minute is a recap and the last 30 seconds is the introduction of the Elite 10.
This for real one of the Elite 10?
O.O oh no. Save yourself. Unless you know that it gets bad and just want to see by how much.
Seconding the recommendation for Tsuki ga Kirei and that you steer clear from Kado.
Ha, alright well that's good to know. I guess it is one of those, glad to know it becomes like that in the end.Avoid Kado unless you're looking for something really stupid to happen by the end as it squanders all potential it had by going full anime.
Well, it should be covering one of the best arcs in the series. After that it gets a bit dicey, though it's been getting better recently.