Random dubbed anime attempt #2.
hiatus x hiatus is back on hiatus
so if one time he only expected it to be a 2 week hiatus with a back issue and it turned out to be a two year hiatus... how long will a "I will return by the end of the year" hiatus be?
Dragonaut- DROPPED
I can't deal with the jealous best friend who is out for revenge because his man/dragon slave was taken by his bestie and is not his man/dragon slave as he try to get his dragon babe, which killed his family, while and evil 3rd faction tries to create then own man/dragon slaves because they are jealous that they don't have any..... All the while, there is corruption in the space program.... *blurp*
Too much plot for me and I actually like heavy plots.Some of them have elite levels of plot though.
WSJ should just cut him a deal. Bi-weekly chapters or something. HxH always places at #2 below One Piece when its running and they let Oda skip a chapter a month so they should make some concessions for Togashi.
Then again Togashi might be too stubborn or WSJ is too strict. Who knows.
WSJ should just cut him a deal. Bi-weekly chapters or something. HxH always places at #2 below One Piece when its running and they let Oda skip a chapter a month so they should make some concessions for Togashi.
Then again Togashi might be too stubborn or WSJ is too strict. Who knows.
He should just tell the anime staff the plot and let them finish...
Or just publish in the monthly JUMP SQ.
He should just tell the anime staff the plot and let them finish...
from the stories about how hard he was worked during YYH hes earned the right to be shitty and stubborn to WSJ tbhLast I heard it was mostly the first one.
Togashi doesn't like being stuck in a time line. At this point he just wants to work when he wants to work on it.
even bi weekly chapters would cost him some of that freedom that he wants.
really from the sounds of it he is an absolute nightmare to have as an employee for WSJ, but since HxH is still quite popular they put up with it so that they can continue to publish a story that draws in good numbers.
Does Togashi not have any super close friends that could serve as a backup or something?
Surely he must know at the rate he's going with HxH in his current health he's gonna end up not finishing it himself.
I really doubt both he and WSJ would want the manga to remain unfinished.
They really need to cut some kinda deal at some point to sort this whole thing out.
Elite academy doesn't change exam questions year to year.It would make sense if say.... they were all geniuses who would ace tests in a normal academy but this academy somehow has genius level material on their exams. Like there were "bad" students in Ender's Game despite all the children explicitly being geniuses. Some were just on the lower end scale of genius.
But that hasn't been shown, stated, or even implied thus far. And they fucking had a cheat sheet.
Togashi is married to the mangaka for Sailor Moon, so together with the Sailor Moon/YYH/HxH combo of three very popular series historically, one would assume they don't need to do anything because of the royalties.
But Togashi is Japanese and a mangaka, so he surely has some drive to finish it on his own. I mean you would not decide to become a mangaka if you wanted to half-ass something and are not driven to working yourself to exhaustion.
Plus he already half assed the ending to YYH.
Girl with cane the best.
It's a test of whether they're smart enough to cheat duh.Elite academy doesn't change exam questions year to year.
Yea he's about to and stops himself. He then represses the memories, presumably with the aid of the drugs he's taking to repress his emotions. He also apparently subconsciously felt guilty about it enough to the point of blaming Isamu as a way of redirecting his own self hatred.
It's not that convoluted.
Let's face it, the show sucks, but just how low and edgy do you think it can get....
Dragonaut- DROPPED
I can't deal with the jealous best friend who is out for revenge because his man/dragon slave was taken by his bestie and is not his man/dragon slave as he try to get his dragon babe, which killed his family, while and evil 3rd faction tries to create then own man/dragon slaves because they are jealous that they don't have any..... All the while, there is corruption in the space program.... *blurp*
Basilisk ep.1
Random dubbed anime attempt #2.
Holy crap this was bloody and violent, plus forbidden loves with tragedy! Definitely some ninja edgelord $hit, but pretty awesome at the same time! I might be able to get behind this one! Let's hope it stays interesting at least.
I would rather say it's far fetched beyond belief.
Hahahaha. I'm still surprised I made it through it. Seriously, the subbers at the time that did it fucking hated it.
Basilisk is pretty good. I think I may have watched the live action movie before the anime and found that enjoyable as well (for a Japanese, effects-driven movie).
Yeah, I'm done. I can't do it. The friend character is so bad and his motivations are terrible. Then he said, "What do you know about losing someone" immediately follow a flashback of him trying to console the kid who's family was killed in the first 2 mins of the show... Like GTFO... it was BAAAD!
Good to hear. I can't watch anymore of Dragonaut and I'm probably the most forgiving anime watcher here, lol.
- Putting Monogatari on a blast.
Glorious genes and fanservice for both sexes.
Fresh Precure - up top Ep. 25
The mid-season climax was really good and Cure passion is the best character in fresh for sure.
Her transformation sequence is also awesome.
Also, the fight between Eas and Cure Preach gets my vote for the best fight this season.
edit: I forgot how much I liked some of the stupid lines in yuyu
Yeah, it's pretty good.Fresh was good precure. Eas da best.
How often do we see non threatening or offensive black guys in Anime. I usually see a racist caricature in some form, a buff body builder used as the muscle, or both.
one final yuyu thing before I go to work.
which is better
koto or juri?
How often do we see non threatening or offensive black guys in Anime. I usually see a racist caricature in some form, a buff body builder used as the muscle, or both.
The last one was that dude in SAO but he was also pretty big.
one final yuyu thing before I go to work.
which is better
koto or juri?
How often do we see non threatening or offensive black guys in Anime. I usually see a racist caricature in some form, a buff body builder used as the muscle, or both.
How often do we see non threatening or offensive black guys in Anime. I usually see a racist caricature in some form, a buff body builder used as the muscle, or both.
The last one was that dude in SAO but he was also pretty big.
Unison Square Garden are doing the OP for Kekkai Sensen S2.
It's the same band that did season 1 Ending. Can't wait tbh.
I was gonna say Agil was a legit good dude both in game and in the RL world.
How often do we see non threatening or offensive black guys in Anime. I usually see a racist caricature in some form, a buff body builder used as the muscle, or both.
How often do we see non threatening or offensive black guys in Anime. I usually see a racist caricature in some form, a buff body builder used as the muscle, or both.
How often do we see non threatening or offensive black guys in Anime. I usually see a racist caricature in some form, a buff body builder used as the muscle, or both.
Gundam hot blooded kids had the mechanic guy. I don't know if him getting with the white girl should be considered a stereotype or not though. The one kid's reaction when he found out though was pretty messed up.Gundam 0083 has at least two black characters who I don't think fit the typical depiction in anime. But I struggle to instantly recall much beyond that.
Gundam hot blooded kids had the mechanic guy. I don't know if him getting with the white girl should be considered a stereotype or not though. The one kid's reaction when he found out though was pretty messed up.
How bout Pedro in A Silent Voice?