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Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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To be fair, isn't that like 99% of all sports shounen? Most of them are just sports sports sports all the time.

It's why I like Free despite it's flaws. It's the least sportsy sports show in the genre.

Cross Game has a lot of non sports stuff.
Major loved to go into random tangents in the middle of the season having nothing to do with the main character
Ippo is rather sports focused but also doesn't mind doing other things, heck for the last few years the main character didn't really do any real sports things aside from training.
One outs is barely about sports but instead psychological warfare
Baby steps focuses just as much on the thought process behind the sports as it actually does the sport.
Yuri on ice focused on the relationship quite a bit

I mean there are plenty of solid sports shows that aren't afraid to go away from the sport for a while. sadly that stuff tends to not be as popular as the stuff that is constantly sports.

I still don't understand how ippo only has 3 seasons.


Macross Plus-Movie
I ended up watching this on a whim. I've been going through a lot of old anime, maybe out of a longing or nostalgia for the 90's, and this is probably the first one that has held up to my memory of it. It really oozes Watanabe in a lot of aspects with dashes of Kawamori in areas such as the concert and love triangle/characters. For Kawamori, this was pretty restrained as in comparison to the cast of SDF Macross with Hikaru and Kaifunn, this cast is downright lovable. I think though that the part of my watch which surprised me the most was how mature Watanabe's direction already was at that point in his career.
Earlier this year I mentioned how Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory was similar to Top Gun. It seems that movie must have been really popular in Japan as this also takes traits from Top Gun. However where Stardust Memory is closer in narrative structure, Macross Plus nails the characters and attitude. With my review, I suppose I should start with the characters as that appears to be the most disliked part of the show. I'll be upfront, I generally liked the characters as they were somewhat interesting even if they are flawed. I don't need to like a character or any of the characters but I do feel they need to have some level of depth and be able to grab my interest, something I think the show successfully establishes.
Starting with Isamu, he's in the same vein as Maverick, Tom Cruise's character in Top Gun. Both are troubled pilots with a spotty at best service record that while reckless, they're expert pilots of the highest caliber. One of the early scenes in the movie has Isamu driving his motorcycle in a near suicidal fashion around the base and into town, a direct reference I'm sure to Maverick's motorcycle in Top Gun. In the first half of the movie Isamu is more carefree and whimsical but as it progresses he gets more competitive over both the project and Myung. It feels as if Guld and Myung are dragging him back into emotions long since forgotten. In some ways he's supposed to be representative of the work as a totality in that he's that dreamer that blazes ahead even if he leaves a bunch of cracked eggs in his wake. If I may extrapolate a little, he might represent the feelings of some of the animators themselves working on the project in regards to that complete dedication to their craft. It's kind of childish but at the same time that purity is enthralling to watch.
I didn't find Isamu to be that dislikable in the movie. He only does two things that are particularly questionable, one morally and the other intellectually. The later has to do with going to Earth to presumably wreck the Ghost which would likely end in him being court-martialed and executed. Although thinking about it, I'm starting to doubt he went to Earth primarily for Ghost but rather Myung. He never mentions Myung until he's already on Earth but Guld brings up Myung as if he believes Isamu is chasing Myung. In addition, Isamu doesn't decide to hijack the YF-19 until after he speaks with Kate and she mentions how Myung has gone to Earth. Kate in this scene seems to represent his old personality of being a 'free agent' and here he rejects her along with that line of thinking, deciding to grow up a little and go after Myung. The morally questionable event is when Guld's YF is spiraling during one of the field tests and Isamu holds off on rescuing Guld until he receives a direct order. However this scene comes after Guld is smug about sleeping with Myung and Isamu is rightfully pissed off about that considering past events. As the famous Chris Rock quote goes, I'm not saying he should have let him die but I understand. Of course there were also tinges of jealousy and anger involved due to the performance of the YF-21 outperforming his plane as well. He does still end up saving Guld, who promptly wrecks Isamu's plane.
Weirdly enough, Myung in many ways feels like the main character of the show, even more so than Isamu. The movie is about her emotional state and how she's torn between the adventurous risk-taking emblematic of Isamu and the safety found in Guld along with her present work. She's given up on singing with her dreams and is content with her present state until she sees Isamu again and he re-awakens those repressed passions of hers. Isamu is pushing at her to resume singing and to simply believe as she's lost her faith. The only time he gets angry at her in the movie is after she gives a speech saying she doesn't have any dreams nor wants to feel anything. He doesn't get mad at her for sleeping with Guld or anything else but rather that she gave up. Myung is representative of growing up in that do you seek out your childhood dreams or go for the steady paycheck? By just playing second fiddle to Sharon Apple, she's surrendered a part of who she is and her fire has dwindled out. Myung at this juncture is a broken shell of the girl Isamu left behind. So the movie ends up being about Myung getting her spunk back.
That's why I like Sharon so much as a villain as she's the physical representation of all the buried feelings of Myung. Sharon is just doing what Myung wants, albeit in exaggerated fashion. Myung wants to be closer to Isamu and Guld so Sharon sets the fire as a way of reconnecting the trio. Despite what Myung might say, Sharon is the pure embodiment of Myung's emotions and is the mirror that makes Myung confront her mental issues. The whole climax is, in a distorted way, about what Myung really wants. She needs Isamu to come and save her, to choose between flying and her. Also at the risk of reading too much into the work, what ends up happening to Guld might have been what a part of Myung wanted after the rape attempt seven years and similarly Isamu being hurt or killed might have been a form of punishment for leaving Myung behind. She wanted them to hurt because she had been hurt. Nonetheless, Sharon is that release valve for Myung who has repressed all of her own personal desires and so she has to overcome that part of herself.
Guld is the most dislikable character in the movie for a number of reasons but he's also the most complicated. After I watched the movie, I went and checked for differences between the movie and OVA. It seems like the movie tones down a lot of the psychotic things he did in the OVA such as replacing Isamu's ammunition which causes him to be in the hospital and might have killed him. For example the scene when Guld's YF is on top of Isamu after Isamu saves him, in the OVAs Guld intentionally causes Isamu's plane to crash and mocks him afterward. While in the movie, the incident comes across more as an accident in which his temper flared and the mech following his brainwaves unconsciously ruins Isamu's plane. Changes like that dial things back, which is crucial considering the later revelation involving Guld.
That later revelation being the flashback to the attempted rape scene. Guld had repressed the memories and twisted them to the point of Isamu being the bad guy. It is a little ridiculous that he had forgotten what had happened however the in-universe explanation in which his mind was addled with emotion suppressing drugs seems plausible enough that I can bypass it. Any time he starts remembering, he takes a handful of pills and calms down so it's easy enough to brush off the memory loss as a side effect of the drugs. This twist obviously makes him despicable and a hypocrite because despite all that he said about protecting Myung, he was the one that hurt her the most. However it does make his character as well as his relationship with Myung more interesting as a result. He's so full of self-hatred that the only way he can sleep at night is to push that loathing on to someone else. It also gives more weight to his decision to take those emotion suppressing drugs as when he lost control and went full Zentradi, he hurt the few people he truly cared about. As for Myung, it really warps their relationship and decisions she makes in it, as she remembers everything correctly and still decides to sleep with him. She's both afraid of him but at the same time she looks to him for safety. It's a weird dichotomy that feels surprisingly human. It's a depressing realization of the real world in which people go crawling back to the ones who hurt them.
I thought the narrative structure of the movie was surprisingly tight. There's two separate plotlines, the one on the base involving the YF projects and the other involving Sharon, but thematically they're both similar and tie in together extremely well at the end. The YF projects represent different stages of human involvement from the YF-19, which is completely human controlled, to the YF-21, which is partially handled by a computer, ending with the X-9 Ghost, which is entirely controlled by AI. The YF-19 represents a degree of liberation and creativity due to human control while the X-9 Ghost is one of oppression and logic. The movie demonstrates that difference when Isamu avoids Guld's major missile barrage by just gliding like when he was a kid. Then on the Sharon side, Myung is initially involved as the brain of Sharon until the bio-neural chip is installed. Sharon afterwards is trapped to following the desires of Myung. The way both of these tie together thematically is just like how the YF-19 ends up triumphant, Myung chooses that part of her that wants freedom and self-expression. The movie is a rejection of rationality, in that you shouldn't give up on your dreams even if they're impossible.
One of the complaints online I saw after watching was how Isamu and Guld were shooting the shit on Earth and how quickly Isamu forgave Guld after the missile barrage but I loved the entire Earth YF-19/YF-21 dogfight. That whole scene was about depicting how petulant and petty both of them were while establishing their history, all while a crazy dogfight is happening on screen. They're both listing out their grievances with one another in both a serious and childish manner. It's a very shounen-ish scene but it works maybe because this is the first time the two are actually communicating instead of just punching and insulting each other. Also Isamu seems like the type to not really hold grudges, unlike Guld, so I imagine he had come to terms with those past events long ago. It's a good relationship building moment between the two and a nicely handled spot of comedy in a rather serious segment.
On the visual front, this looked absolutely gorgeous. Masayuki, of Gainax/Khara fame, did the character designs and they turned out pretty well. My biggest complaint with the designs is that they have that quirk from the 90's where the chins were long and pointed which at times could look really bad if off-model, especially for the females. Obviously character design styles have largely changed so a large part of it is that I'm accustomed to the more rounded shape found in modern anime. Goddamn though, animators really knew how to draw femme fatales and scorchingly hot chicks back then, something got lost along the way. As for the dogfights, I wasn't too impressed initially but the later ones are just insane from a production standpoint with the highlight being the YF-21 vs Ghost dogfight. It's moments like this when I miss that level of 2D mecha animation. It's not just the dogfights or mechanical drawings but other aspects such as the background art which were outstanding. I didn't go into this earlier but Watanabe uses a lot of Western visual approaches which give the production a very unique feeling visually. There's some shots in here that I see translated later over into Cowboy Bebop. On the audio side, I wasn't particularly impressed with Kanno besides Voices and the concert music. Voices though is a phenomenally great song and it's used in the right moments so it all works out. This was one of Kanno's first anime OSTs and it's kind of fun hearing bits and pieces that would make it into her later works.
In conclusion, I don't think it's a bad script. There are definitely flaws though such as the crazed scientist guy not having enough development to justify his insane line of thinking. It's handled in an Oshii sort of fashion but the rest of the movie is at odds to that style so he doesn't gel that well with the rest of it. There's also the complaints about Guld's amnesia being far fetched but I can accept the in-show reasoning. Not to mention the way Guld dies is so absolutely brutal that I'm willing to forgive a lot of his character flaws as he paid a pretty heavy price in the end. Dude's eyes exploded in their sockets, there's not many worse ways to go. He literally got crushed to death.
While writing this review, I went and watched most of the fourth OVA episode and the movie version has a lot more emotional weight to similar scenes due to tweaks that flesh out the characters. For example in the OVAs when Sharon hynoptizes Isamu at the end, he's simply just in a daze. While in the movie, he sees the open sky in front of him and can feel the wind on him. It's much more substantial than I would have guessed. If you're planning on rewatching or haven't seen the OVAs in so long that you've forgotten a lot of the details, I would strongly recommend watching the movie version instead as it paints the characters in a better light and the sakuga in the finale give the events a more dramatic flare. That YF-21/Ghost duel...
Top Gun seems to have had a significant influence on late 80s/early 90s anime. Aside from 0083 and Macross Plus, it was also a major inspiration for Aim For The Top!/Gunbuster

There was also that episode of Sailor Moon where they print out the lyrics to Highway to the Danger Zone.


I'd add Magical Circle Guru Guru and Tsuredure(I'm not sure if this name is right)

Mahoujin Guru Guru has garnered very positive reception from what I've seen.

Tsurezure children and aho girl are decent to good comedies though your mileage may vary.

Pretty much.
Kakegurui is good fun, even if the actual gambling part is pretty bad.

Right, thanks!

So is it Tsurezure or Tsuredure?


Wow, there actually are some interesting looking shows buried in all of the trash this season.

Please tell me if I'm making a mistake by watching the following:

Hell Girl (the new one)
The Reflection
Knights & Magic (looks kind of trashy but I can dig it)
The NTR one

Any gems (lol) I'm missing?

Anything good on Amazon other than Made in Abyss? I'm super hesitant to subscribe to yet another fucking streaming service.
Knight's & Magic is the definition of shallow popcorn entertainment without substance.
But for some reason it's really entertaining. If you accept that you're not going to get a deep story and characters and it's 90% just the MC building and modding mech after mech and having mech battles against monsters or other mechs, then it's a fun ride.


Right, thanks!

So is it Tsurezure or Tsuredure?

Both. Sometimes づ is romanized as "du", the same way the じょう in Senjogahara is sometimes rendered as Senjyogahara (which I despise, because the "y" sound is nowhere to be found in じょう unless you ignore that じょ is meant to be read together and read them one by one for some reason).


Kakegurui 06-07

Finally, the good content.

I really appreciate the deeper messages of all these gambling encounters between characters(Including Mary's and Tsubome's). I haven't seen Kaiji so I don't have an adept reference for how well the actual gambling can be done in a show but I'm not disappointed by what Kakegurui is doing at all.


Knight's & Magic is the definition of shallow popcorn entertainment without substance.
But for some reason it's really entertaining. If you accept that you're not going to get a deep story and characters and it's 90% just the MC building and modding mech after mech and having mech battles against monsters or other mechs, then it's a fun ride.
yes perfect

I will definitely check it out. Thank you, friend!


Gamers! - 8

The term "Love Pentagon" becomes show cannon.

Sometimes they get cleared up simply.

Misunderstandings 2:
Sometimes cleared misunderstandings can end in pain. Though the show is not over yet.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
why is there a series about Naruto's son when Sasuke's daughter is so much more compelling of a story


Ping Pong The Animation (rewatch)

I like it even more now. The most remarkable thing about watching it again is its pacing. Every episode had exciting moments and non-stop character progression, and there wasn't any boring fluff. It's not very long but it manages to tell a full story and by the end of it, you actually root for characters like Peco and Smile. Also, when I first watched it, I wasn't really fond of the art style, but damn, how wrong I was. The show does a spectacular job exploiting such a dynamic art style and there are so many cool visual decisions too, like manga style "screen splitting" or the framing during the matches (or even on the regular scenes tbh). Every scene feels full of life, like there's constantly something in motion, which is really fitting. It's such an amazing series, I think I'd place it over The Tatami Galaxy, even though I prefer its thematic. Yuasa is the best.
Sakura Quest 21

Shiori love for her town is endearing. Nothing wrong with loving your small town life and not wanting to leave. Not surprised to learn Erika really hates the town though.

Sagrada Reset 22

I wonder if Kei's talk about wanting to work with Masamune was also just part of his whole plot to draw Masamune into getting tricked or does he honestly wish to work with him and convince him?
Ping Pong The Animation (rewatch)

I like it even more now. The most remarkable thing about watching it again is its pacing. Every episode had exciting moments and non-stop character progression, and there wasn't any boring fluff. It's not very long but it manages to tell a full story and by the end of it, you actually root for characters like Peco and Smile. Also, when I first watched it, I wasn't really fond of the art style, but damn, how wrong I was. The show does a spectacular job exploiting such a dynamic art style and there are so many cool visual decisions too, like manga style "screen splitting" or the framing during the matches (or even on the regular scenes tbh). Every scene feels full of life, like there's constantly something in motion, which is really fitting. It's such an amazing series, I think I'd place it over The Tatami Galaxy, even though I prefer its thematic. Yuasa is the best.

Great pacing and the ending delivers.

Haven't rewatched it yet but man, I'm noticing that I enjoy almost all of my top rated series a hell lot on consecutive views.

So far Shin Sekai Yori, Evangelion and KareKano were even better than I remembered. Before starting a rewatch I tend to caution myself that, perhaps, I won't regard them as highly anymore, yet, the opposite happens. Can still happen, of course, but so far it hasn't.
So from what I gather, Made in Abyss and Princess Principal are the season standouts so far, right?

Anything else? Kakegurui looks insane, but that ain't coming to Netflix for a while.

Fate/Apocrypha is a pretty mediocre but then again I'm always going to be comparing it to Fate/Zero sooo....

Unfortunately I feel the same way about Sakura Quest too as it feels inferior to Shirobako even if they're different.

Kakegurui was OK for the first few eps but now I feel like everyone just cheats and Yumeko/MC has no consequences so it doesn't really feel like a gambling show per say.

Virgin Soul feels inferior to Genesis, the forced romance while OK at first seems to be dragging the show down along with the mediocre pacing. Animation still on-point though.

New Game!! is more of what teh first season but with more drama which I don't mind and more characters. Less Rin tho!?

Classroom of the Elite is alright but lives off the MC, w/out him I wouldn't be watching the show. Curious to see what his background and story is.


I saw they released Build Fighters dubbed on the gundam youtube channel and decided to check it out for kicks. It was kinda terrible. I thought dubs had gotten better at this point. I don't usually watch anime dubbed but hopefully it's just an outlier.


I saw they released Build Fighters dubbed on the gundam youtube channel and decided to check it out for kicks. It was kinda terrible. I thought dubs had gotten better at this point. I don't usually watch anime dubbed but hopefully it's just an outlier.
It's an Animax dub which have been notoriously terrible since forever. They're very much an outlier compared to the rest of the industry.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It was a dub specifically released for SEA. I wonder if they'd even bother putting it on a disc release in North America/UK.


Neo Member
THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls 20–22

Happily consuming idol culture, Nao ordered a Happy Meal® that comes with a toy idol. There was much use of reflections, stairs, and flowers again. Mio climbed up stairs instead of down this time. Rin also ascended stairs while Uzuki descended from them. Speaking of which, Uzuki's descent into the vortex of introspection was long overdue.

Uzuki's optimism is admirable. Yet it can also be unsettling. In an effort to put others first, she'd lost sight of herself—oblivious to her own needs and merits. Her behavior could be interpreted many ways, though. Maybe she felt ornamental. Perhaps she felt like an inconvenience to others. All the hints of her being left behind sting. She had cemented her reckless selflessness that manifests as a need to please others and suppress her critical thinking. In any case, she felt pressured, and that growing anxiety had surfaced.

Episode twenty-one was excellent, especially the first two minutes and the last act. The photo session scenes at the end of episode twenty-two were great too. These episodes portrayed an encouraging outlook on new opportunities. Mio's growth has been sufficiently satisfying alongside Ranko's. Rin and Anastasia, however, have achieved much but not convincingly so. Success had fallen into their laps; they only needed to accept it.

Rankings: 1. Uzuki; 2. Mio▲; 3. Ranko▲; 4. Miku
Benched: RIn and E.T. Anastasia
Citrus sucks. The black haired love interest doesnt act like a real person, maybe like how an alien vampire would think cold people are supposed to act.


So from what I gather, Made in Abyss and Princess Principal are the season standouts so far, right?

Anything else? Kakegurui looks insane, but that ain't coming to Netflix for a while.

Kakegurui, Aho-Girl and Symphogear deserve a watch too. I'd also add Gamers! depending on taste.
Based on the success (or lack of) no one wants actual lesbians in their anime.

The entire purpose of that shit is that people can annoy everyone with their yuri shipping.


THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls 20–22

Happily consuming idol culture, Nao ordered a Happy Meal® that comes with a toy idol. There was much use of reflections, stairs, and flowers again. Mio climbed up stairs instead of down this time. Rin also ascended stairs while Uzuki descended from them. Speaking of which, Uzuki's descent into the vortex of introspection was long overdue.

Uzuki's optimism is admirable. Yet it can also be unsettling. In an effort to put others first, she'd lost sight of herself—oblivious to her own needs and merits. Her behavior could be interpreted many ways, though. Maybe she felt ornamental. Perhaps she felt like an inconvenience to others. All the hints of her being left behind sting. She had cemented her reckless selflessness that manifests as a need to please others and suppress her critical thinking. In any case, she felt pressured, and that growing anxiety had surfaced.

Episode twenty-one was excellent, especially the first two minutes and the last act. The photo session scenes at the end of episode twenty-two were great too. These episodes portrayed an encouraging outlook on new opportunities. Mio's growth has been sufficiently satisfying alongside Ranko's. Rin and Anastasia, however, have achieved much but not convincingly so. Success had fallen into their laps; they only needed to accept it.

Rankings: 1. Uzuki; 2. Mio▲; 3. Ranko▲; 4. Miku
Benched: RIn and E.T. Anastasia

You've reached some of my favorite parts of the show.

I cannot put in words how much I adore that scene with Karen, Nao and Rin. I loved Karen's audacity to make it harder for Rin to make a choice between them and her original group while I also understand and appreciate how empathetic Nao is in that scene. They're such a good pair. Karen tells what she feels despite knowing how hard it is for Rin - I cannot hate her for that, in fact it's the opposite feeling because it's a fantastic instance of how you should consider what you want just as much as others and weigh in than playing coy. That endearing aspect of her is pretty much why I love them the most in the show.

Uzuki's story goes great as well (I'm not sure if these screens are from that episode :p) but her anxiety and unsettling feeling over her future is really well portrayed. The scene in the images above in particular.
Rina's Rock story is from an older episode but I just want to point out how much they've improved as a pair and as characters - it's nice that they tackled her supposedly hilarious "rock" obsession and give it a surprising resolution. It's funny how she's happy with her faux rock group vs her mentor/senior (whose name eludes me) was not with her actual rock group. It all came down to what they thought of it. Miku's concern for her is another endearing aspect of the show I've adored.


At least we have Utena. Is that even yuri or is it too high brow

Honestly depends on the media, the TV Series actually explored quite a diverse set of sexuality and the leads are Bisexual. The movie was much more conventionally a Girls Love story, indeed about the only thing that was clear and the manga was much more hetero normative.


Can't I just get some nice wholesome Yuri that isn't pandering or ntr

Euphonium is the closest thing we will ever get and that is not even yuri lol.

There is no way to get around pandering as long it's 2 hot girls kissing each other.....wait... does holding hands count as pandering? What about hugging?


Made In Abyss 9

What a sequence of bad decisions... This episode confused me several times. Why did Reg use the Incinerator inside a cave and why did he not try something else, like Riko's weapon, which he used anyway later? Ozen even warned him, and he still used it. And why is Riko so stupid and left for uncharted territory with, essentially, dead weight? She can't protect even herself against some of these beasts, that's why Reg is there.

The worst episode by a large margin, I really disliked it. At least it was cool seeing all these different creatures and the ecosystem.


Neo Member
Made In Abyss 9

What a sequence of bad decisions... This episode confused me several times. Why did Reg use the Incinerator inside a cave and why did he not try something else, like Riko's weapon, which he used anyway later? Ozen even warned him, and he still used it. And why is Riko so stupid and left for uncharted territory with, essentially, dead weight? She can't protect even herself against some of these beasts, that's why Reg is there.

The worst episode by a large margin, I really disliked it. At least it was cool seeing all these different creatures and the ecosystem.

Most of the episode was anime original since the third layer was only one chapter in the manga and they wanted to add more stuff (according to the manga author). Reg never fired his incinerator so it's a non issue in the manga. Don't really understand this decision.

In other news: According to some schedule 4chan found on the internet episode 13 will be 60 minutes long and will get some form of theatrical release.


Euphonium is the closest thing we will ever get and that is not even yuri lol.

There is no way to get around pandering as long it's 2 hot girls kissing each other.....wait... does holding hands count as pandering? What about hugging?

A more accurate answer would be Flip Flappers, possibly Princess Princpal given how things are currently shaping.


Euphonium is the closest thing we will ever get and that is not even yuri lol.

There is no way to get around pandering as long it's 2 hot girls kissing each other.....wait... does holding hands count as pandering? What about hugging?

They could still have two hot guys/girls kissing and it not be pandering. It's just the framing in series like NTR and Citrus are exactly that.

EDIT: From what I gather, Yuri on Ice did alright in this regard, censored kiss aside - though I ain't watched it so I may be wrong.

Euphonium was frustrating - and in a way, almost worse - since it was such a blatant tease that led to nothing substantial in the end. Those Kumiko/Reina scenes in S1 are dripping with tension that ultimately serves no purpose.

DOUBLE EDIT: Though I never finished the second season, so I dunno. Was under impression Reina was still infatuated with the teacher and that Kumiko kinda sorta maybe confessed to Asuka?


Re:Creators 11-15

This is like shirobako but bad, they even have donuts.

The power of retweets though. I'm surprised we haven't seen a fantasy battle work with power levels based on follower count, social media and shit. That could be fun.


Most of the episode was anime original since the third layer was only one chapter in the manga and they wanted to add more stuff (according to the manga author). Reg never fired his incinerator so it's a non issue in the manga. Don't really understand this decision.

In other news: According to some schedule 4chan found on the internet episode 13 will be 60 minutes long and will get some form of theatrical release.

I usually don't mind anime original material, but I can't believe how terrible the additions were in this case. I just read the corresponding chapter and while it's not really anything noteworthy, at least it's part of a logical progression instead of dumbing down everyone. It's like they didn't learn anything during their time with Ozen.

Also, a 60 minutes episode sounds really exciting.
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