AoT Season 2 showed up dubbed on TOONAMI like a week I believe.
Dimension W was also something like that. It isn't unheard of.
Lupin's English dub is also first on TOONAMI I believe and is three weeks behind on Funimation.
MHA S2 ep.21
These battles could be very fun....
Bakugo is going to turn villian by the end of the manga, isn't he, lol.
Which leads me to... Patlabor TV - episode 2 - Yeah, the SV2 crew is really my least favorite part of Patlabor. But, kind of like with Gatchaman Crowds, me not liking the characters in a show isn't that big of a deal if the show is interesting. So, I'm hoping this get interesting.
Hulu shows all of Funi's dubs. They never get any exclusive rights.AOT2 would go up a day after on Funimation's site. Lupin I think is two weeks behind the Toonami Broadcast. They up an episode this week so I'm not sure if they plan to skip a week soon to account for a marathon.
In regards to Black Clover, it all comes down to whether Hulu snatches up the rights like they did with MHA.
A step down from the prior craziness, but next week looks like things will amp up!
This had a dude being chased down in some random alleyway in the middle of the night.
PriPri 9
I could've sworn we had a "let's review the characters" episode but here it is again??
Actus just got bought out by Bandai Visual.
Actus just got bought out by Bandai Visual.
I guess the Garupan movies might be having issues.
GuP wage slaves for life now.
Didn't the Garupan movie go way overbudget? Also seems like they're implementing a new management scheme.Why would Bandai Visual buy a studio that's giving them issues? It seems more likely that they're happy working with the studio after multiple projects and they want to take them off the market so they focus on Bandai properties. There's nothing about GuP that requires Actus to be the studio making it. The staff can easily move to another studio if Bandai wants to drop them due to problems.
Didn't the Garupan movie go way overbudget? Also seems like they're implementing a new management scheme.
Why would Bandai Visual buy a studio that's giving them issues? It seems more likely that they're happy working with the studio after multiple projects and they want to take them off the market so they focus on Bandai properties. There's nothing about GuP that requires Actus to be the studio making it. The staff can easily move to another studio if Bandai wants to drop them due to problems.
ya. that guy whose surrogate father he is.Dragonball Super - 106
Piccolo continues his reign as best dad in the series, will no one ever challenge his title?
We already have tank girls, boat girls, boats piloted by girls but who aren't themselves boats, planes girls, gun girls... What's left?
I could watch an entire show that's just 4th wall animation gags.
I love how it's never explained why he is so OP.Symphogear AXZ 08
Genjuuro too OP, plz nerf.
I love how it's never explained why he is so OP.
Ohh I'd like to hear your thoughts on Mio's story.
Jesus christ lol.Otaku no Video-
I went into this expecting some generic anime about otaku. I got this instead:
This had a dude being chased down in some random alleyway in the middle of the night.
Mio was central to some of my favorite episodes, specifically episodes 6, 7, and 21. Acting was a great direction for her as it suited her strong, versatile personality. Her persona and design is striking when she's being unreserved or serious. I appreciated how she faced Rin, Uzuki, and everyone else head-on. Although rash, she was instantly ready to confront Mishiro after learning about what happened with Karen and Nao's CD debut. The New Generations rehearsal scene was excellent and evocative. She did well to support Rin's conflicting interests and to resolve that struggle within their unit herself. Had Uzuki actually taken Mio's theatrics to heart she would've had some of the answers she'd seek later on.
Energetic and compassionate, Mio is one of the most complete and powerful characters in the show but is still somewhat arrogant and a little blind. She played many key social roles, from leading discussions and promoting bonding to encouraging others with positive energy and defusing tension with jovial humor. Her one-track mind concentrated her proactive nature. Despite being portrayed with a potentially off-putting air of egotism, her high capability for self-examination offsets this. Additionally, she had an astounding capacity for accepting the perspectives of others when they were made clear to her. Some of her merits were underplayed though. For example, she procured plenty of research materials for improving not only herself but also her unit members while Rin formed a new unit and Uzuki spun her wheels. That said, she was responsible as the unit's leader, but that responsibility was undercut by the show's agenda. The narrative was set up to have her crash this way at many points, not only to burn but also to ignite her.
I won't fault her for behaving her age when her bubble burst in episode six. Her unrealistic expectations were utterly betrayed and she became severely embarrassed and ashamed because of it. Being the leader added a sense of guilt to it. Mio misinterpreted the producer's words, yet even if she understood them at that time they still wouldn't have improved the situation. His insensitive statement, despite being low-key commending, only made matters worse. All in all, I don't hold her past vulnerability against her as her progress and accomplishments since then outweigh that. She's aware of the damage she causes and takes and is capable of full recovery. Once again, I wouldn't fault Mio for running out on Rin and Uzuki in episode 20 when they both responded to her questions with "I don't know." Unfortunately, Mio was often a victim of the incompetence of those around her.
Anyway, I've decided to whittle down my rankings one more time. From the beginning, I wanted to favor a character from the main trio first and foremost because I knew they'd receive the most content. So in light of Uzuki the defeatist and Rin the thinker*, the choice was made easy.
0. The producer, 1. Mio, 2. Ranko, 3. Miku
* "What is fun?"
Commander Genjuuro, the B is for Badass.
Not even particularly offended, went in expecting nothing and got a bit more. lolz though at last 3 minutes and them desperately cramming in as much as they could + sudden Kobayashi appearance.
I look forward to Genjuro vs Adam during the finale.Symphogear AXZ 08
Genjuuro too OP, plz nerf.