Friend asking about Berserk Golden Age Arc films. Are they good or bad? I told him I know the manga and 97 anime are considered good.
skippable. watch the 97 anime instead
Friend asking about Berserk Golden Age Arc films. Are they good or bad? I told him I know the manga and 97 anime are considered good.
Friend asking about Berserk Golden Age Arc films. Are they good or bad? I told him I know the manga and 97 anime are considered good.
Friend asking about Berserk Golden Age Arc films. Are they good or bad? I told him I know the manga and 97 anime are considered good.
The cg animation is wonky in the first film, it looks a bit better in film 2, and much better in film 3. It gets a lot of hate in this community but imho unless your friend has a frame of reference to the Manga or older anime he'll be fine and enjoy himself, I know my friends did.Friend asking about Berserk Golden Age Arc films. Are they good or bad? I told him I know the manga and 97 anime are considered good.
Friend asking about Berserk Golden Age Arc films. Are they good or bad? I told him I know the manga and 97 anime are considered good.
any pervs in this thread? if so you might enjoy the new humble bundle
it's a hunniepop/sakura bundle lol
NSFW bundle
I did always want to play HuniePop, but have no interest in the rest.
Friend asking about Berserk Golden Age Arc films. Are they good or bad? I told him I know the manga and 97 anime are considered good.
...What is Centaur Life about again?
The cg animation is wonky in the first film, it looks a bit better in film 2, and much better in film 3. It gets a lot of hate in this community but imho unless your friend has a frame of reference to the Manga or older anime he'll be fine and enjoy himself, I know my friends did.
The films skip some material that isn't necessary to the plot for the sake of fitting it into 3 films. The TV show doesn't skip as much from what I recall, but it also doesn't reach quite as far as the films do.
His first option should always be to read the Manga which is arguably one of the most gorgeous ones out there. If he's not sure that he wants to commit himself to that investment he can watch the films, see the basic idea of the golden age arc and if he likes it he can reread that plus continue on with the Manga.
It's much harder to make general audiences enjoy an older non HD anime that many believe. So many, myself included when I first started watching Anime heavily, would rather avoid older shows because the quality of IQ and aspect ratio would bother them.
If you're okay with slight manga spoilers for later chapters:Chimera ants are believed to have migrated from the "outer world" which is an entire uninhabited continent surrounding the known world of HxH or the world where the people/humans reside. The current arc in HxH manga focuses on them visiting this outer world.
The current arc in HxH manga focuses on them visiting this outer world.
...What is Centaur Life about again?
Ugh I love Kannagi's ending song... been the latest anime earworm for me, throwing it on before knocking out each night is the best. ^^'
did a quick google search and this came back from 2015What the hell is this
One of the slides on the Instagram account says "Netflix, September 22"
I was just part of a really eccentric and exciting project that Ezra Koenig, whos the lead singer of Vampire Weekend he wrote and conceived this animated series thats about to start, I believe on Netflix, called Neo Yokyo. I think Jaden Smith is playing this little boy called Kai in it, and Im his butler. Im this kind of huge robot butler called Charles, who is also a rocket ship. And it takes place in a New York that is sort of combined with Tokyo in the future.
did a quick google search and this came back from 2015
Symphogear AXZ 09
"Her skin on mine."
They should drop all the pretense and have the girls make out.
What the hell is this
One of the slides on the Instagram account says "Netflix, September 22"
I think Yamishibai is actually good this season...
I may give it a look. Thanks for the heads up.
what the fuck is this shit
That's Illumi's deal. Pins in heads.
what the fuck is this shit
So they reduced this from him having a mental block to hey there's a pin in his head.
Don't worry Jarmel, Killua's characterization gets only more muddled and worse, as far as I'm concerned.
Don't worry Jarmel, Killua's characterization gets only more muddled and worse, as far as I'm concerned.
That's crazy talk
Lol what?
Did you know that our boy-assassin was a loving brother figure, too?!? You know, when he wasn't trained for killing, assassinated someone or spent his days being tortured.
Absolute nonsense.
It's not the fact that it's Illumi's pin. That's almost completely inconsequential.
The issue is by shoving Killua's fears and upbringing onto a solitary object that can be quickly removed is a disgustingly clean way of resolving the issue while also avoiding putting blame on Killua as an individual. This is why I hate mind control as a plot point.
If I'm not mistaken that plot point felt rather random, too. I mean, did that needle mind control really even manifest in his action beforehand? I didn't seem to recall much of that during the Yorknew City and Greed Island arcs.
I think that was my key issue with HxH.
Characters in that show felt like a collection of abilities first, and people shaped by their upbringing second. I shouldn't have to wait for the characters to feel like characters 1/3 of a way through a 100+ episode show.