There goes any chance of me ever watching HxH
If it's about spoilers, the one detail I mentioned is borderline insignificant.
I dunno, watching the 2011 HxH Anime dubbed with my wife he doesn't seem to give two shits when people die in the License Exam.
That's true but I'm not sure if those who died were people he actually knew in person, I can't recall who it was at least(IIRC Illumi killed sniper girl who we don't even get properly introduced to).
Coming to terms of death/loss is strongly in relation to someone he knows, while I did mention "no matter how close" I do mean that within the context of people he personally knows at some level. Secondly, in the context of the Chimera ant arc, it was uncalled for, way more than the exam where everyone were aware of what's at stake. I don't particularly find it inconsistent. To reiterate on his attitude on the exam arc, we see a sliver of his rage when he confronts Illumi over making Killua abandon the exam.