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Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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Castlevania 1-4 FIN

Good show.

Sounds edgy aka the greatest. Hope they got it in my region too.

Just T

Little Witch Academia: 3-4

The broom relay race was such a great episode. Akko trying to get her broom to work and just about everything she did in the race was very entertaining, she is one fun character. Sucy with that initial sabotage though, surprised the teachers ain’t notice that and the traps she set but turning the broom into a pogo stick was smart. Thought they would give Akko the win but alas Diana got it. Also, was good to see Amanda and co reintroduced.

The latter wasn’t as entertaining but still good for Lotte to get an episode focused on her. There were some nicely animated moments in it, like the last part.




I started watched Trigun for some reason. dubbed.
I read that the story doesn't really start till episode 13, but I'm digging the 90s charm and the goofy characters so far

Yeah the anime catches up with the third volume of the manga and then goes it's own route since they ran out of material to adapt. Personally preferred the manga but the anime is still true to the manga. Be sure to check out the movie after if you liked the series, just as fun and charming.


Castlevania Episodes 1-4:l

Okay, first thing is fucking first,
where the fuck is Grant DeNasty? I mean, they remembered that the Cycolps was the boss in the actual game that you needed to fight to free Sypha. So why skip over him completely?
That aside, I am reasonably impressed with the production thus far, especially since the atheistic values on display remind me way too much of the Lords of Shadow incarnation. Indeed, this is walking a tight tightrope given the upgrade in seriousness the story has gotten though thankfully also knowing when to inject some levity into the equation. I do hope the plot doesn't go the way of anime tropes because I enjoy the restrained direction. I suppose my biggest problem so far is the subpar sound mixing and/or line reads as sometimes I have really hard time understanding what is being said.

Just T

Konbini Kareshi: 1

This was pretty terrible.

How you going to start the show off with some dramatic ass running and music that last over a minute only for him to be rushing to a convenience store so he can utter the generic "This is where... our story begins" line then stand there like an idiot in real time as a drink is offered to him then lead right into that horrible opening. The rest of the episode was dull, the designs are bland, so is their personalities and the way they are animated makes it seems like it hurts them to walk and open their mouths to talk to the point later they just say fuck it and have a voice over play while random scenes are showed.

The cast is full of some pretty good voices too but that ain't going help much if this how the show gonna be.
Wait castlevania is out? Shit maybe this season won't suck after all.

Edit: only 4 episodes though? What the fuck. That seems like such a specific number. How was the pacing? They really couldn't make a 10 to 13 episode show of the premise?

I guess I should just pretend it's a 2 hour movie. And seeing how it already got picked up for a second season is a good sign I guess.


Wait castlevania is out? Shit maybe this season won't suck after all.

Edit: only 4 episodes though? What the fuck. That seems like such a specific number. How was the pacing? They really couldn't make a 10 to 13 episode show of the premise?

I guess I should just pretend it's a 2 hour movie. And seeing how it already got picked up for a second season is a good sign I guess.

I'll just treat it like that Pokémon Origins special. I think it had 4 episode too.
I'll just treat it like that Pokémon Origins special. I think it had 4 episode too.
Yeah and season 2 is 8 episodes of 30 minutes each, which would mean wed be getting similar episode footage time as 12 20 minute episodes anime. So I guess seeing this as a prequel might work. Will depend on how bad of a cliffhanger it has. Will watch it when I get home.
So whats getting positive buzz this season for someone who's more a fan of action/shonen stuff? Is touken ranbu any good seems like my kind of show.


So whats getting positive buzz this season for someone who's more a fan of action/shonen stuff? Is touken ranbu any good seems like my kind of show.

The new Fate should have some very good action if its intro is any sign. About Touken Ranbu, the buzz is anything but positive here from what I recall.

Just T

Little Witch Academia: 5

So Diana knows the dragon language that none of the other professors knew, alright then. Constanze was the best part of this episode with her gadgets, that look of disappointment when she missed haha.


So whats getting positive buzz this season for someone who's more a fan of action/shonen stuff? Is touken ranbu any good seems like my kind of show.
Continuing MHA? Maybe pick up Fate if you're into that series? I haven't seen any good action stuff this season so far, that includes Touken Ranbu. It's premiere was just very dull to me.


Castlevania S1
Holy fucking shit, this show is damn good, really fucking good.

This is exactly how a Castlevania anime should be. I never thought you can craft a decent story so far with a videogame especially Castlevania but goddamn Warren Ellis did it. Despite no Grant, the show so far kept it sorta faithful to Castlevania 3 in terms of focus.

And wtf, how did they not cast Norio Wakamoto for Dracula in the JP dub, he always voices Dracula for the games.


Scandal in the Vatican #1

Woah, this went very... fast? To the point it started to feel kinda silly. This is a mystery, it should try to build suspense, instead it just catapults the main characters to the other side of the globe in 5 minutes and scenes happen one after another without build-up.


Yeah and season 2 is 8 episodes of 30 minutes each, which would mean wed be getting similar episode footage time as 12 20 minute episodes anime. So I guess seeing this as a prequel might work. Will depend on how bad of a cliffhanger it has. Will watch it when I get home.

Ellis' old script was for three movies and it would have helped everyone's confusion if this had been released like that since each ep picks up right where the last ended.
Made in Abyss - 01

I really enjoyed this. Cool setting with pleasant art. I feel like the character design is 'treacherous' and it'll be some darker thing a la Madoka / Gakkou Gurashi going on. When robot kun stood next to the windmill my mind went to ICO.
Definitely looking forward to more. I could do without the insert songs though. Also, pretty neat classroom style:

The new Fate should have some very good action if its intro is any sign. About Touken Ranbu, the buzz is anything but positive here from what I recall.

Continuing MHA? Maybe pick up Fate if you're into that series? I haven't seen any good action stuff this season so far, that includes Touken Ranbu. It's premiere was just very dull to me.

Um, I guess Fate if you like Fate.

Otherwise Symphogear. Lots of stuff hasn't aired yet.

I'm way to far behind on symphogear. Are there any action shows that haven't aired that seem interesting.

I'm already reading/watching MHA

Fate is on netflix so I'll check it out in November :V


Good read about the recent Berserk show woes from the production side.

loling at this part though
The first teaser trailer for the Berserk anime was completed in August of 2015 and released four months later in December, coinciding with the announcement of the project. But behind the scenes, the staff was finally reaching a compromise with Itagaki on how the show would actually look. The first step was to scrap all the assets they'd made for the teaser trailer and start creating 150 new character models (including battle damage models) from scratch.


I despise the fact that Anime Strike is behind a paywall... And I don't use prime, I'm not into online shopping.

But at least Crunchy picked up some good ones.
Ellis' old script was for three movies and it would have helped everyone's confusion if this had been released like that since each ep picks up right where the last ended.
Good to know then. I guess the question now is why release it as episodes, but maybe there's some business decision for it. Or they really did edit them as tv episodes from the start and didn't feel like putting them together as a film.


Good to know then. I guess the question now is why release it as episodes, but maybe there's some business decision for it. Or they really did edit them as tv episodes from the start and didn't feel like putting them together as a film.

Probably because it fits their "TV" model. I don't even think people talk about Netflix Original Movies outside of having forgotten to watch Beasts of No Nation or to come together in hate over the latest Adam Sandler film.


Castlevania Ep 1

Oh this is good. Gory as hell. Makes me wish Beserk anime wasn't such a disaster. Also I really want to play Symphony of the Night now even though I've never touched it.


So it seems the Twitch showing of Ballroom isn't in their archives, was a pure live broadcast. :/

It was probably better off not watching the live broadcast nor their archives as the sub timing was show up a little too early as it went on due to the fact that they streamed it at the wrong FPS.
Castlevania Ep 1

Oh this is good. Gory as hell. Makes me wish Beserk anime wasn't such a disaster. Also I really want to play Symphony of the Night now even though I've never touched it.
Is it on pc? If so get it.

I played it for the first time on Xbox 360. If I recall correctly this game was the reason Microsoft had to up the maximum file size of arcade games lmao. It's so good.
Welcome to the Ballroom 1

The art is above average, but there is no big flashy sakuga scene for first episode to create interest, and the initial premise is very 'traditional', with the shy guy learning a new sport and just having simple-mindedness, tenacity and a straight forward personality as virtues; so I can understand some people not being especially hyped. No reason for now.
But I think even in the first episode it gives a feeling that it's going to build up slowly but surely into better things.

Already it has shown some slivers of interesting personality in the characters, like Tatara being attracted to the dance world because he sees it at the opposite of his timid, weak, unremarkable self. In dance everyone is outrageously trying to stand out, instead of going unnoticed like himself.
Also it's a nice point how the pros don't receive him with open arms, Shizuku thinks he is another perv wanting to touch girls easily and Sengoku is (inadvertently by the MC) offended because things like this:

Necks thankfully stay at a normal longitude for most of the episode (though they are still in the longer than average range), it seems they will only go to the extra-long mode in the competitive dances.
Just finished Your Lie in April.


I came across Your Lie in April while browsing Netflix. I've been getting into classical music and learning the violin for a couple years now, so when I saw it was about a pianist and violinist, I was intrigued.

Just finished the final episode.


Oh man, this show fucked me up. I'm not a crier, but I had a big lump in my throat throughout many of the scenes, and for pretty much the entirety of the final two episodes. The scene at the end where Kousei is
reading the letter
... that nearly broke me.

What an incredibly touching, bittersweet, and visually/musically beautiful show. This piece of the OST has been playing in my head for a couple days now, and it fills me with emotion. I don't watch a lot of anime, and rarely admit that I watch it at all because the genre is so full of embarrassing, weird, and/or perverted tropes, but this is a show I could recommend to anyone. I have so much to say about it... but the emotional impact is still so raw I'll probably end up rambling. One scene that really continues to stand out, aside from the obvious ones, is the one where Kousei gives Tsubaki a piggyback ride
after her baseball game and she cries on his back, while inside admitting she wishes that moment could go on forever
. Too sweet for words. This show really nailed the emotional messiness of being a 14-year-old.

On a more personal note: I was kind of in a slump with my violin practice. I'm currently working through the end of Suzuki Book 4, and if any of you have learned violin maybe you'll remember - it's a large spike in difficulty from Book 3 and can be very discouraging. My teacher said it's the book where many students realize they don't want to put in the dedication to progress further on the violin. I've managed to get this far, but I'll admit I've been wavering for a while. I took up the violin right around my 26th birthday, mostly out of curiosity and because it was something I'd been wanting to try for years. But Suzuki Book 4 made me realize I'd probably need more than just curiosity to finish this book and progress through the next ones. And as sappy and cliché as it may sound, this show lit a fire under my ass. Like the main character, I'm also pretty bad at expressing my emotions through words. It made me realize that I'd like to become proficient enough at the violin one day so that I may express myself through the music I play, and maybe even move other people with my playing. I'm certainly a long way off from being able to do that, but it's a worthy goal I think, and it fills me with new purpose for putting in those hours of difficult, often frustrating, practice.

All that from a damn cartoon. Pretty goddamn amazing. My hat's off to the creators and animators of this show.

I mean, I think we all wish she did. But the story was better with the ending as it was. In that letter reading scene you learn that this show was about a girl who knew she was dying, and decided to go for broke, live the rest of her life as a free spirit, and went down swinging. Absolutely heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring and beautiful too. That's my take.

Awww YES! Another Your Lie in April fan! Welcome to the club! I agree completely. A really masterful show and
while we all wish for something to happen in a show does not mean the story should do it.
Kaori's death makes the story more meaningful and really drives the point home of living your life to the fullest.
I prefer stories that show the struggles of life and seeing people try to move forward.


I've always liked you

Watched this when I added and started The Moment You Fall In Love and read in the comments that this movie supposedly preceded it.

In the end it was okay-ish, but I'd say the movie probably would've been better if it hadn't given as much screentime to the two side couples, which were grossly underdeveloped and felt like they were just taking up time that could've been devoted to the main one instead. It still had its share of cute and heartwarming moments, but it honestly felt like the meandering narrative resulted in a certain lack of emotion, and thus failed at being all that interesting or impactful.

Still enjoyed it as a romance movie with little to no random comedy out of nowhere and no dumb fanservice either, which made it stand out a bit for me, and I guess I'll be watching the other movie sometime later.


Castlevania Ep 1

As a first episode of an anime series this is alright. Not a great story but doesn't look bad, and interesting enough but not super gripping. likely would be more interesting if I remembered anything about the castlevania storyline at all. I should go back and play them a bit.

but lets ignore that, lets not treat it like anime, let me take a moment to appreciate what it actually is.

It's a western funded cartoon aimed at adults that isn't a comedy.
It also happens to be a cartoon based off a video game series.

As either of those it is stellar. There aren't really any story driven or action driven western cartoons airing right now. You could make arguments for stuff like steven universe or star vs the forces of evil (and technically young justice season 3 is supposed to exist), but in general those are still marketed are more comedies and they are surely not aimed at adults. The other things for adults such as family guy, bobs burgers, archer, bojack are all clearly comedy first (though bojack can dabble with serious drama from time to time still not really story driven or action driven) Getting something like Castlevania, and having it even be decent is a huge win. Here's hoping the viewer numbers are there as well. Either way as an adaption of a video game animated and aimed at adults this really does have the possibility of reshaping western cartoons into the era that I have been hoping they would get to for well over a decade.

I am likely putting to much hope into this, but if it is successful we easily could see more cartoons aimed at adults at least popping up on netflix. As that happens there is a good chance they would start being produced for other places playing catch up as well. While there is zero chance we will ever reach japan's level of adult aimed cartoons, maybe just maybe this will help us get towards 1-2 adult aimed cartoon series a year made for western adults.

tl;dr; while the first episode didn't impress me as an episode in general, the quality for the target audience is great.


Altair: A Record of Battles 1
It looks old, and bad. Not what I was expecting from MAPPA. It's also very dull with quite the disconnect between what most characters look like and what the setting is.
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