Portal 2 and Majoras Mask are bombas
Asking people to donate 5mil of an arbitrary point system seemed like a big ask to begin with.
~6 hours to find 200k for Portal though... can't wait to see what happens there.
Asking people to donate 5mil of an arbitrary point system seemed like a big ask to begin with.
~6 hours to find 200k for Portal though... can't wait to see what happens there.
Asking people to donate 5mil of an arbitrary point system seemed like a big ask to begin with.
~6 hours to find 200k for Portal though... can't wait to see what happens there.
Am I right in thinking that the 5,000,000 bits is about $70,000 ($50,000 to GDQ)? Goes to show what a disincentive it is. That's not a huge donation amount in real terms. Definitely something the community would have got into, but having such a big number not move... that's a little dissuading.
Twitch gives 1 cent per bit to the streamer, so they'd get $50,000. How much Twitch gets depends on how people are buying bits, though. The larger the pack, the greater the discount.
If 200 people bought the 25,000 bit pack for $308 each one, they'd get 5,000,000 bits, but raise "only" $61,600. But, of course, this is a best-case scenario. I think most people would go for the $7 and $20 options. The next pack is $65. Kinda steep.
I have no issue with GDQ using bits as an alternative form of donations... I just don't want Twitch getting a cut of those donations. I just don't think it goes with the spirit of the marathon.
I have no issue with GDQ using bits as an alternative form of donations... I just don't want Twitch getting a cut of those donations. I just don't think it goes with the spirit of the marathon.
Is this still going on? Twitch is making a donation based on bits.
Twitch is also donating $5 for every Twitch prime sub used on the channel up to another $50,000.
Is this still going on? Twitch is making a donation based on bits.
Twitch is also donating $5 for every Twitch prime sub used on the channel up to another $50,000.
What are the highlights this year?
What are the highlights this year?
Someone earlier said the swordless Link to the Past run was crazy.
Ah, I didn't know that. I'm not trying to perpetuate anything.
Still, you need to buy the bits in the first place, right? Is Twitch also giving the standard rate of 1 cent per bit to GDQ? Because if they only donate based on the total amount of bits, then that $2,500 donation is waaaay lower than what they got in bits.
What are the highlights this year?
BotW still needs to happen.
Is there any sort of update on how the donation incentive is going for that?
Is this still going on? Twitch is making a donation based on bits.
Twitch is also donating $5 for every Twitch prime sub used on the channel up to another $50,000.
Phantoon is problem in all categories AFAIK, so the race is more to ensure that someone finishes the game for the save/kill donations and there are plenty of tense moments and strict tech that I still enjoy it. The only real problem is that since it been such a staple that everyone assumes everyone watching knows what happens so the commentary becomes barely related to the game.
Eh, at AGDQ 2017 they did a relatively safe 100% race and it was pretty dull aside from Waluigi and Shuttle Buses. I prefer the riskier races, even if it may mean a total party kill.
The Majora fight blindfolded is already dumb because the run itself is all masks. Fierce Deity makes the last fight trivial.
Yeah, I was wondering about that (if it was all masks or not). Really disappointed.
not to continue raining on parades, but the BOTW run is also preeeeeeeeeetty boring imo
DoDe is an absolute beast - if you want more he closed out the Super Dram World run last marathon (and Dram's original Kaizo run is always worth a watch)Man that Super Panga World run was truly amazing...
Who's reading the donations?