Well I polished off the main story in this tonight. It was good, pretty fun but I can see room for improvement for the inevitable sequel in 2 years.
Getting the easy to judge stuff out of the way - the graphics were good, overall artsyle and atmosphere of the game gelled together well. Music suited the game and well, I'll just be blunt - it looked and sounded great and I'm not too sure how much more could be done to make the overall experience much better than what it is that wouldn't have taken another year or 2 of technical wizardry. I expect a sequel will probably look even better just because , more time, etc etc.
The gameplay though, it's honestly a blast. This game is pretty much Jet Set Radio with Ratchet and clanks weapon set and dead risings sense of fun and customization. It actually goes further than any DR title though by letting you customize your character beyond clothing. The minute to minute gameplay that has the player hopping , grinding , flipping and wall running all over while firing off an interesting variety of ever more potent weaponry is just fantastic stuff. The player is constantly rewarded for taking the harder route- staying within a combo to keep the multiplier up which results in more entertaining amps versus doing a giant ground pound that takes out more enemies at once.
To that end the number of missions and overall mission variety is pretty good, nothing feels like it repeats exactly the same way so the campaign doesn't end up feeling padded out BUT , because of this we get to my handful of issues. By the time I'd finished the story mode I couldn't help but feel they could have included 1 more set of missions and perhaps 1 more boss encounter. As well, to give the player a constant stream of rewards for exploring the city there are 5 different collectable items scattered throughout the city. 150 of EACH item = a crap ton of collecting junk. Very little of it is required to finish the game off thankfully but I can't help but feel a bit jipped that only 25% or so of what I assume to be the total playtime should you go back and grab all these items while doing all the trials and buying everything takes. Next time I kind of hope the ratio is closer to 50/50. The boss fights in this game were also very well done , playing to the games strengths quite well but as I said above, I would have liked just 1 more in the middle maybe.
I did not try out the multiplayer yet , those modes usually do little for me but maybe I'll give it a try at some point.
So far the only game I can really compare this to directly is Infamous SS on PS4 and I'd say I had more fun playing this , they are both a similar length and do quite a bit of enjoyable things but Sunset has higher highs and not as many lulls. It comes down even more to how silly an atmosphere you can tolerate though. Sunset Overdrive NEVER takes itself seriously at all. There is a big goofy story with ridiculous characters and the 4th wall might as well not exist , individual appreciation of these elements will vary and I would add that overall enjoyment of the game as a whole can depend directly on your tolerance for this games humor. For me it was a plus.