Picked up the White Xbox One bundle an hour ago. Just got done setting it up. Now just waiting for the game to install.
Oh awesome! You read Brandon Sanderson? Fucking awesome author. Did a bang up job finishing The Wheel of Time to.
Did anyone else notice the t-shirt with the dinosaur and the word "BELIEVE" on it?
I kind of get a Bully vibe from the characters as well. Probably just the preps though.
Welcome on board to join Xbox family!!!!
It's also 10 AM on the East Coast on a Tuesday.
Check your NAT setting on Xbox One, you may need to set up port forwarding to get matches more easily.
Nice catch, I agree. It's like if Bully's models were updated. By the way, I am required by law to say it, Bully may have the most incredible video game soundtrack of forever.
Are there any cool platforming objectives based on using the traversal mechanics to get to hard to reach high places? I'm thinking of stuff like climbing the Agency Tower in Crackdown.
I accidentally missed the outfit selection opportunity last night, I hit the button and it started leaving me in the janitor outfit. How and when do I get the opportunity to change?
About 2 - 3 missions i you can go to a NPC and change your outfit.I accidentally missed the outfit selection opportunity last night, I hit the button and it started leaving me in the janitor outfit. How and when do I get the opportunity to change?
Are there any cool platforming objectives based on using the traversal mechanics to get to hard to reach high places? I'm thinking of stuff like climbing the Agency Tower in Crackdown.
HUGE fan. Started with Way of Kings, which ended up being my favorite book ever...until Words of Radiance, lol. My fiancee got me the Mistborn trilogy and SO for my birthday today (among a few other things), and I've been wanting to read it for awhile now.
My god, that moment when the traversal plus combat clicks and you just do everything properly... so good.
Also, just to reiterate my question again: how do you fast travel?
My god, that moment when the traversal plus combat clicks and you just do everything properly... so good.
Also, just to reiterate my question again: how do you fast travel?
My god, that moment when the traversal plus combat clicks and you just do everything properly... so good.
Also, just to reiterate my question again: how do you fast travel?
Also, just to reiterate my question again: how do you fast travel?
Gonna be a long wait for the UPS man.
Whenever I get an xbox one this'll be the first game I'll pick up.
Great little piece on checkpoints in the game.
>Ben Kuchera
anyone have the music in their game just end, and not start back up? It sucks when it's completely quiet.
I really wanna play this